cm lutiiversity anid the University of Arizona. lie is a. member of Delta Tau 1liaitarternity. Morrled zippered,imatchang skiais in our'College Sbop. Seaaey 45.Teset...$8.95. An 1 cyqol' art y mi Chîristmas dày at t isir home utaç thc occasion taken by Ilr..a;id Ars. P. T. Stein- ela nber of KeniIwortlh b oannotisce thse e/ajm5tof their daugh tée-, Jeailette. to Illalter Lindblad, son Of A r. ansd Wfr .,.È. Lindblad. of Ev. BBBâ Coilege Shop 714 Ch"iw Street o ClIearance SALE * Hacker -o 1752 ffliqhlanid avenue, ,iian cie, Sau rdav, .Vovemzber20 a t 4:30 o'ctock in tihe ai terisoon, ut tit- home of the bride, 637 .11el- rosi, avenuea, Kesslworl/s. A:1 reeep- hion folowed. Tihe bride and b'ride- yroom e tentIob St. Loptis on, thîir- h ianii'ooss jiand are uow ut home at 103<) Liaiden avenu e, Wilmsette. A journey the wedding trip thle bride and bridegroom are taking. Chicago Mils Club Ha. lu Dinnor. and Evening Dresses 2 2and .3 Piece Suifs eSweaters and Skirts * Ev.ning Wraps Skokie CoUntry club is1 annual New Year's eve dii and on New Year's day, a1 will take Place at 4:30 d'cl. Evuuui. io arc .the1