season the Noôrth Shiore Writ- ersp guild is'planning. its annual 'iid-terni party, for husbands* and friends Of the' members Sunday evening, Januiary 2, at the Evanistoh Country club. Supper at 7 wilI open the fes- tivities, and the program ivili offer a cross-section of the, work being accomiplished this year by members unsder the- tutelage of Prof. James Weber Linn of the Universityof Clii- cago, Who, directs the gui1d's senii-monthly ivriting class. Outstanding manuscripts have been chosen by Professor Linn and a coin- mittee headed by Mrs. Albion S. Wlebbe. lirs. W. G. Olsen wilI bc bostcss" for the meetinig',at ber home,. 525 Kenilworth avenue,, at7 10:30 o'clock. On january 11, at the regular, afternoon meeting at 2:30 o'clock. janice Porter, youthful soprano, wil present "An Afternoon of Music." St. Josephs Mothers club will liold a be 'nefit card party in the school basement at 8 o'clock Friday evening., January 7. The proceeds of the party will benefit the school. The chairmnan of the alTair is Mrs. Charles Roubilc, and the. co-chairmian is Mrs. George Steiner. Thev first mieeting of the îv ycar of the Wonîian's Cluh of *'linitte wlIIbe beld 0o1 Ian- uarv 5. :In the niorninig. theh>i and education- departilnent. M rs. 1- C. Torjrey, chair nian. iIi sp1ýtonsor an ekl.ihit of ra re Ori- entai rugs by ANram K. Mest- jian, of Wilnmette. Mr., Mestjianli .U111 bring a. speaker Who ivili giv e 'Interesting Facts Abot Oriental Rugs," and tell Soinc of the traditions which niake4 ti.eni interesting. At 11:45, Dr. W. J. MOnilaW. V\- pert in color pbiotography, %tlI 11o his Wisconsin pictures. Dr.,oia hias had. a boys' camp on Ph:m Iaikv sand n er- To hevl. Play chairmian of * In( rize-stUy1p-jet- magazine; an- Moonl," by Miss and poems by' lte Womnan's Club of "Behbd the Social ani scell es iniWashtigtoki,' il litre before tihe club Il ai lernooui, Jaititary 5. uers auq friends.' unique w the artist candie b sonal car mnatrati ýansparent snowbails s and showed the id toucb of the assoc . Harry E. Simoot er. Hec shows varving ;consin at sunitris, at 't. He calls lii,' pro- il Wisconisin>7 nclbcon interval, tiierc ure by Mrs. Franice, es, tvell-knowii auîlior in Wasnington wJhere she is wideli known in~ social and political circles. She bas recently heein made editor of the D. A. R. Magazine, The subject of Mrs. Key-es' lectitre wiIl be:- "Behind the Social and Po0- litical Scencs in 1,Nasington7. Mrs. , Keyes aiso lias a book 01 i WILMETTE LIFE