.,Eacli chil d1 receved a favor and Tejno ont r oshdl refreshinents Of cookies and candies, gamesjunith Koeiwrt and Gulee were serNecL The 50, chilren that Their' lineup at the, present consists attended, had a. dandy; time and Of Dick DahI, goalie;-Henty Siarnin, showed it by ëheerinlg the instructors left défense; John Fox, rigbt defense;- and the CommunitY Center., Buddy Wilson, 1eft wing; Bill Fox' UItr vM center.; Barlow Harnilton, right wing; Thewinter program Of the Wilî- .and Bill JaÉobsý,spare. m tte playgroundl and recreation The Cornets', scoring recOrds for board will- be resumed next Weelc. past garnes are: Woody,%Wilson, lead- Thé badminton classes will, openi ing with 18 points to biis cýredit ;Jack. Mondy niht, anury 3,. at 1 thé Blackrnore and John Bail are idwî Howard gym. 'The girls basketball t%%Q poinits each;, while E-d RothschjlId ~~~viIl~~~~ aloasneda ona ihtii1Jot.Bavard have* onteapiece. at the Stoip gym. The "C, D", and "E" league M s n aS iaaI ýnsdy,1 ndThu 1rsay.atStlgSi UMinoned by Death 1 at the usual time. Mrs. Anna Switaia, 77 years old, Tp Dancing passed awav on W'ednesday of last The regular program at the Coin-' week at the horne of her daughter, week %with some added activities. Tap; road, %Vilnmte. dancing classes for children* wili be Shv lhad bcen inl iailing health for giveii free, the day of the week and a year, ever siticc.slie had been 'hurt the iiine ill be announced next ni isi natmb accident. A 1ati* wreek. Those wi shing 10o enter the of (ierrnany 41e had fornerly lived class nay register at the center or'iii Nortlihrook for niany years. cail the recreation office, Wilinettc Fiineral >erviccs were held on Mon- 1 468.i day at the Scott chapel with burial Don't forget to save .Fridav nigit. ai NMettori-.l Park, ceinetery. Besides January 14, for the next social dance1 the datighter. slie is survived by a at the center. Clarence Schnell's Or- son. JoliC M. Hetnricksen, and bv 7-lO<ameNight. TUESDAY 3-4-Tap Dancing, (Tentative). 1-6-W'ooderaft. 4-5-DrtnatieClb Î-10-Squaré Dancing. 7-10-Table Tennis 7-1 0-Leathercraft class-aidnlt. WEDN ESDA y 3-6-ableTennis. 4-6---KTnittiing la. 4-6--Boys' Club, 7-10--Talble Teninis. ~-l--OIrq'Club. SAUCHIS SLUMDER SH'OP' ON OUR New STORE -1806 SN MAN'All% Pterv 8. mv.af.-U.I ~ adn/ ,47 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Thonp- son, 1311 AshLand avenue, Wilrnette wcre calied tu Sarasota, Fia., re-1 centlv. Il- the drath con Thursday of! last iveck of M r. Thonpson's father. Thloinas Clay T'hiorpson. M r. I'honpson unas a resident of Wilncttc for nîany ears. noving here àn 1901. For the Impam 20 years he had inade his homne ini Sarasota. H-e is s.urviv~ed hv his, widow; -.by Mrs. 1 '. J *mn.,, 1spenci thrcecor days at CChristnmas time visiitig Malapd's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. A. Idren il ,l mieet ai loclekj FVounidatiofi hall.