that he 15 *~ffec(il ilote tto round out the ca t T v are Paul Il«ve(rton*, who distinguisheà tionatelY regarded liil l"rvrc by ant attractive hmetu Tvrc.' The.Great, youlig lady. -He (;-arrick' ant *ThcV't' ol't Fre, an(I Aid IulnetOff, ,lasi ti tries to repulse MfeX ad"aytime."e i.I lier by acting cad- (?ÔdtiX nd osac ent m ihly' find 1Olivia tha n ma t t e r DeHaviIIad BinAente cast of -NMerriIv tat hn oies-she stili loves it. tC Ii" to date comprises Aa -MowbraY. Billie Bulrk, Atin Dvorak. Th . Last Gangster. (MGM witî. h Bîita Granv~ille. Tom Brown, Clar- Edward G. Robinson, Rose Stradiier, ('lice I<oll, Phillip Rýecd, PatsvKll James Stewart. L~ouise, Beavers. Iin Marjorie Rallnhean, Theodore Van Ehz. arjo il ae aid the twvo new the season 's tieldranatic bit, Rob-i> z.Najoi Ïinson Little Caesar. himnsclf) takes1 additions. ,.I'.vcrtoni and Kitziietzoff. his' greatest role. Thée grand cas* Normian Nfc.eod is directitîg .fromn inClUdç?% Miss Stiradter, the llç%v star 1lt, ceeîpaylI)vddie Mloraît and discovery Who (protides thrilling, ro- îtJÇIC mantc tfOIiiiitSereen Star Learns Her -The Life of Emile Zola.(arirR ls pPQ hFrt Brt4rs ý With Pa44 Muii and oe.nP ls rt *J~e>tschildkralut. 111 One of the 1.3 da Roburti liaslier :oti peciuliar \veair*s ortliest pictures, the Wrermto <studving Elles ,*hlî. h vtoi,oed as pioncers in iny vo? î'îiur Thouglistepak th~ ~,reeîs uccs~fI vntue~,.agio <Mr Iatignage, fltuentlv andcari hold conibiner fascinating biographvy wirt nîteîîig(.Ilt Coi versa t iQn iii hialf a doi- draia ad enertitinent Mun, o c ili more. the actflcss thiliks best Mn of the greatest actors of our day, 'er ativc Pôlishl and translatts git.a tlcri> ) prittrinatce as Zola, thigh, tito tliat language wileît suc wtho risks ,carcer, repuitation. and i ll ' ll ttIeirzint" l'er l;e~ l1fr. Ii li-,figltto irce Caý,in iiDrey- . 'irct iling ,,in Colutniia's iO, iiiiiii ti ide 9pcInluhacci," tuo Deveits oc A taîored *fti at of black, - hlacl< accessories and a singe %white car- nation for thle laPel Of the jacket "I shlouki complete such aal', -aè- cording t Mis Dietrich. STAR lIAS PHOBIA Isa 'Miranda, glamorous star who niakes her American debut ini "Lady, ini the Tropics," suffers from stra-1 nierophobia, fear of strangers. Thef word, whîch she introduced to.Hôlly-i wvood, is compounded of the Italiany word straniero, meaning stranger. and the Grteek, phobia, meaning fear or .dread. W. ruer Date-o.. Bemmi Late Featur. èew Year's Ev.-.-11 :15 $un." Mon., Tues, Jau. 234 DoIglas Pairbsmksh &. Extra- cormont in Ig George VI-ANI la TeebU.<im.y Wed., Thurs, Jan. à-6 The. Perfect Specim.i Errol Flyx"-bM Bidi NO ADIVANCB IN ADMISSION -Stt., -Supi., Mon., Dec. Zi-Jan. 1-2-3 waru z t r 1îr orton. Allait j cîiti, 1. Delinn. \loore.. Otie of the thîng"s tIis iascillatttîg picture îwovc: i> Ithat Errol 1-IN.1t11 it pst as good ini ithe gh coi iedv i ,,h *as lit is as a svo)rd- gitîî gt " hre. "lis »tiîte liv's t 11( heui to a ,rcat fortuite whlo lias beut kuptt'olte from ,tlueworli wil IdetCI, Cl Cfl11 t alotIl i r ,ut ar<t îir. 1, ne» t u act re> >e.epIain ed, *wl 1hàt t -a Y ; lire. i t ir st savto tit '~h Iolii. i'ien 1 nevaiii for-4 bel~ t nOPciued hisiioliti tit îî'tt. 1I du ---antd said 114 4hîim.' - - ..~ut uUsiness. LADY 18 VERSATIE s i eutfrna, Fis Miranda, Italy's " Of the vacationî. George Raft %%ill takecooieC Films, 'vho has just been brouglit the rote of a swashibtckhîîîg pirate to HollywOn.,d by Paramount, de- J fow l)te.ishiermian in Paramott's 'Spawiî sigu he o~v~ cothe. :of the North." Midighi Show New SEVem-ý Leu a# 12