FOR RENT 119 OLENCOE., 5 0011. w.lI furnished, heated apartuent.3 liotitha. .% block l tra nsportat ion. Phone, Glenco. 119. Mris. D. McArthur, 706 Glencoe road. 129LTN34-ltp à 110011FULRNISIUCD APARTMENT. Ewitli Rockefeller McVormlck Build- ing. 4612 Grove St., Niles Venter. Sée janitor or oeil Nules Conter 510. 129LTN3-Itp 15% ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT MIAR HLM STREET TRANSPOR- TATION FOR JAN., FEB.~. MARCH. Winnetka 596 129L34ltp SPANISH COURT 2% room niely furnlshed apartment. Aleo bedrooni apgrtrnents. Light ànd alry. Harrison 1043. 129LTN34-Itp Sublease Bargain ATTR1ACT1VÉ BRICK COLONIAL. rooni with, fireplace. lwtdsun rooni. 3 bedrôoons ail wlth cross ventilation, 2 baths, 2- car garage. Located ln Deertield, near schols and transportation. See tht. at once. McGUIRE &,ORR, Inc. 630 Davis Street, Evanston Wi. 228 328 Park Avenue, (llencoe (Olu'neoe 13 421 Rlchmond d FIVE YVEAR NE A R LAKE.:G baths, large siu,. slp. H. W. oUl, 2 cars, on bef $125 mo., or sei. WinnE 5 roorn cottl -4 0.1 D'tu. Sun âMU servants# quarterSé. game rm. Priced to tenee ai >ionay SEUtrxet. 5ACturmor 0in- terior at Our: office. You may have plenty 0fo tinie-but the. EARLY BIRD gets this one. Brick Colonial only 10 yrs. old, on 100 CL t. IL6 b.d., 3%* b., den, pcb. and brkfst. rm. A Rift. S e. SEARS REAL ESTATE 421 Richmond Road lCenilworth 5288 147LTN3'4-lte Owvner Moving ANvav Fcb.i miuet seil bis attractive, clap- board Dutch Colonialborne ln Willaette. Six rooms,, modern tii. bath, screened porch. newly decorated Inside. An ideal lIo- cation for agchools and trains.. Asking $10,500.- Let us' show You thfs bargain today. 1- . le ,U 584 Lisnroin Ae 'n.177 VerY desirable Cape Cod Jot- *aà n h ,.,. rzà *.. r v - -- t ýorth 5288 - ~TN3-Uc I~~ifL~~d fI~ 178 WTO. I$E! ,ris i'î01>PERTY lIAS REAL CASI FOR OMS. 1 possibilities in the rernodeling oif mdr pei pe( he nid house,.111(j the inprove- hldarticle '<led acre. Ililt ofIl'#'e adJiinng Nvacant. Wl i i3. hei; boluglitwitb 1.00cash, ~ 0 ýTN34-ltù balance on monthly paiyments. OI CaîîMr. Francê 1004-6 Eme SHORE.-TOwx\\'S REAL\TY ___ RESOLVE: TO INVEST IM R1PAL estate. Start by oiwnln orown home wiere» there willl b a definite lncentive to Improve youýr living con- dition-or for InvesiMent, buy acre- age. farm or country estate. 1 will be glad to discuss any plana you bave ln mmnd and If possible, work Out sometbing that will fit Into) your budget. Sanitiel iMcINab. Camupbel REAL ESTATE N*Zrihbrook 170, c pou PO SLg-NOIUmHotm ooDUm DINING TABLE OVAL, MAHOOANY. PPEDESTAL. ý; leaves. Winnetka 60l. 1711LT2\34-ItUp 3 PC. WALNUT BEDROOAI SET; 8 pc. walnut din. rooni set; could be lused 'a wM.zesooImbe an 11nfrfot 12 pr. of flew curtlihns; love seat; other items. Cali Olenco. 124, l71L34-ltlb * 5 Pair MONK'S CLOTH DRAPERIEs Natural with green fringe. Wllhette 3655;. 1711LTN14-Iti, lIVI'Nfq RM. RUC., 12x17,JRSJE table, dlning rin. tale and hi, 2 pr. velvet nortierés. , mav ýi' 's. o aecepb yÔur furniture on eminent historian and co-chairma'n-ot- the National Conference, of Jews anmi Christians; Prof. Joseph P. Charnber- lain of Colimbia universîty ; Dr.1 Frank Kingdon, president of ýthe University ot Newark,; Dr. Jonab B. Wise, rab)bi of thé Centrai Synagogue -of New YQrk; joseph C. Hymn.n, honorary supreme rex of the fraternity; and 'Herbert R. JCaus, chairman of the na- tional executive counicil of the frater- nity.. 1The Pi ýLamb)da Phi medai is awvard1- cd annuaiily to "that Americaniwc duin the'year convinicingiy achieveci rcgihion as one who has, contribat- cd to the betterment of.human 'rela- tions and the furthering of ihe, derno- .cratic ideals upon which- our rphi wvas. buit." Past recipients of thec medai- incinde Dr. Leiper, Mayor 1,; Guardia, and ,M1r. MsDonald., h miedal, this year, is to be awarded at the ainuai convention of the iratür- nitv Io. be heid at the Palmer 1iloti,, in C7hicago on Decembfer .30. Pi Lambda Phi fraternitv~ was e tabiished in 1895 as' a non-sectarian intercollegiate. fraternlity, anidîîow lia, clhapters at twenty of the icadiiig u,- versifies in the United Statc, and Canada, dedicated to the iticai oti os- tering goo( wii amnong ai groups 011 MOT-OR TO RELOIT Mir. and Mrs. E. F. Frointn of 13,3<1 Mapile avenue are motoringtal< lo, Xis., Su'lay with thecir' datiglitcer. Jerrinc. who hias bcen home fronii Beloit coliCgc for the Christmas hiou- .1