jmr. Allev '.as in (hiica.po durin1g ie eearly part of the week. in Con- ection W,îhth leehiito o-hi> Leav:ng lis mife 'and their ilirce childrcnii M their new homle iii LOS Angeles MNr, AUley sorte imie agt) ,aS 'ent to take a.iîr~Ii colilcctl vll ith tht ý,figting iYarounid Shiang.hai. ýand' he later.,was preseit jiaking just before, the fal of Ille former capital of the Chiiinee rcp1I- Hltvwvot aboard thtc Paniav. r. .-\lle explained, at a tinie wtn h ilavys river boat taking ftws- 1)'ap iper ,represenltati%-es and, ,e:îas.v 0othcials t10 laces of great,,safet.-iand he '.vas aboard dur'ing the 1hominll liv Japanlese aviators. I)uring the bonibardment l1 %va> FI.w to Waghîntop r. llvflew nV î h il air clipper rouî)t itrin. the orient Io SaFrn cico wer h~famnlil mt im. iandt Ithexiprocéeded 'w'ithi îhtni to New York. Later lie w %vnt to \ahig ton T ho 10w Ill iis to officiais oi thtc, tate and inavv.(Ietartilielits. In al. lie' flcw mort 'îlîan 13.(«)> miles in h)rîngînillthet icrs froi -the war arca 1tht ienational-capital. MrsAil'.-and, tlieir three chli- drtn '.verc 10 returu 10 ithieir home onl Thursdav of i ti s wtk r Alle,., followiinghi' trip to New, York. wvas 10 proceed w.esît lolîîct t licem on, the coast. -I Ihope lit neer 1. IZivviI anoîhelir assignutienit likte that ontÇ Mrs.AlIeN declared îlîis .'e YOUNG ARMENI 1551, Sherman Avenue EVANSTON DRASTIC REDUCTIONS IYURING JANUARY Lamps.and Shades.- Glassware Anitiques Mlirors andPicturesý - Furniture Accessories 10e t o 50' ' Reductions CONSTANT EYE- STRAIN Il range