6041 DRY B ton. Green m Hl AND MAPLig. DA; Ix o 4177 4 8-tfe PUÉR il r. 1URNITURE SPRAYING AIso wicker furniture & 'refrigerator*. We use iacquer-dries bard and fast. Wlnnetka 3185. __________________15LTN33-4tp TEAMINcI AND TRUCKING SLEIGHS- FOR HIRE Phone John 'Ipegen, Wlmette 1659 listed below will assure Y( fort tbroughout' the 'year. 3. HOME MADE FOOD PS&ODUCTS CATERING. LUNCHEONS: TEAS; Sunda dinners; open fae(ed sand- wichés a. speciaity. Decorated blrthday cakes, roues. Mrs. Baker, Wilmiette 4151. 3!OLTN36-Itp 53 LAIJNDRY WRITEr EXP.- LAUXDRESS. DO laundry at home. No icherniciiis losed, Best N. S. references. Cali for. 15-A OPTOMETISYS lver. Phone C OPTOMErRIST 3e yrs. experience. Eyes fttted properly. ____L .Broken ienses replaced, frames repaired. MULTIGflAp. JOSEPH F. KUSS ing1n 1an 804 Éli At.WIinielËii267 -20 Elan St. S 5LTN3-tfc: Mi UILDING ANDREPAIR ___ FLAGSTONES EXPERT Pli I3eautifilStone for Rock Gardeus' pair wvor4< g SBRICK AND CEMENT WOlU, tory, exiperiencq TIJCK POINTING lu 1nibia Ave. P1ý IH. IARTWELL WINNE TKA 286 ________ 2ILTN18-tfe- PIANO TUN] 23-A HOM0E INSW..ATION Thomias Lockei ---W - - -- --t -_ 1 iî A7 ITUNER. WILI ileco 55.531LTN36-tp L ER SERVICE com- *SREPAIRING AND lREFINISHINOr The Village Wood Shop OPP. WilMette POStoffice, Wiimette 3484 Cuetomn-buiit furniture. Expert furnIture repairing and reflnis4hi,îg. Anti1quee a speclalty. Cftnlng, rushlng. 69LTN316-4tp 71 DRAàPgRIES AND SLIpCOVERS SLIP OVERSAN» DRAPEl IS, Ail types of -fabricu Is ay be had. Satis- factory wvork and reasonable prices. BIlaaît UhiteigCo, 75 la ge W i. 3543, 7ILTRidge' $3. years' .5, 206 MAC HINEB table with SewN se, $3 9.50. 5 year LI St', FEva listont. 73A-LTN35'-tp Lost: Tuesday aft 'erùôoon, North p)ond Chari LBracelet Plider pieuse eaull 1, I313. àL36-lti LOST. Wlire haireil fox trir 411wrs - itne of230 __ _ 3lj36-ltlp J..NUND: CATI OLI C ilItAyEI ,l [B 0K. CAL.(;ErE:i: LOST-D<;, hST i0NIAY, 4 Ms jang ew 1reilý(i;tiai a)ro&t<il ii cOlhtactis withi 1 ielig ena alu I ts w1p ktainlQr, or wit h ili~Jter ctd r~a rd;i IrOMbStjo.Write foi. ap- Ipoanttmeîîri. tiox 171, Winetka, 111. > W%_()m.AN Wi$UE$TO flUE T() FLjof- S ida, -w ith î>eople w%%-il. ar t! 1eavi lj.g around the Iast wee(k ii, jitlu.ily f,, first week in Februar..References ùx- challged. (7a11 inti<t-ka 257 1 7 ANTIQUES iiiiAXARYS.AjlE 01.'VEJLY it old pieeces: Nf>w kiste [ltlîiit1, luit E. W.' Painting, Paperhang Work done reas.1 PHONE WII 'ms waslied, LeS 6l up. Equip. ry iiis. Jefs. ____ Minretka 258 25LTN36-Ilp Decoi ating-I & Eixteraor. P. '>41ý No Pages in this book AO IRDS AND TROPICAL FISH T M.0'ICAL IqSu.II Il)(- ['1. AIU;E1ST s4u piIes. M4dfiiF, 1504(pi iaa dre. 883:2. 1 H1 TNjý6-1 t1) .11 ýDO»s AND cATU,