For Al Daklng Needs end Speci ais on Sale Januory 20-26, 1938 WINNETKA 718 EIm, Street Wilimeiko si Wl METTE 402 Linden, Ave., WiImel'fe.151 Rog. 01 Vu CH4ICAGO 3959 Broadway Ick. 20W0 TOWN CRIER HORMEL SOUPS LphcW LORA tempting vareiety fo bc CHILI SAUCE Aperfec ali-purpose flour- to choome- Vegetablo Beef, for finer pies, cakes. breacis Pu, Cbicken or Vegetable. WeIl - seasoned > andi baling.of éailkincis. anci full of te. 24-lb O l'FO1~9: meatond 21 l C JFresh Fruits, and Vegetab les Meats Fish- Pou ltry> SELECT hO LEttS. Young. plump, tender andi meaty -Serve with orange sices- L pouind andi a haîf average- 9cJ1 JFRESH SIEF TONGUES. Dliclou cold-Wash in colci water; cover with cold i to boiling point, thon timmer until don- 2 to 31/2-1b. average- .weter andi bring l.23c CHOICÉ SURLOIN STIEAK. Deliieusly fte n di e r andi juicy. Alweys .a treat when broileci and serveci l. 9 with Frnc- fries- I 9 ROUND~ STEAK. For especialiy fine' "hamburgers,.' beef loaf or Swiss steak-1 JONIES PORK SAUSAGE. aven, end serve for breakfast. luncheani or supper- lb. 29c brown in the Meat 32c TASTY LOINS. Choice haddock filletsl- A. real fish delcacy-broiled tosty loins, season and brush with nielted. buttfer., Preheat broiler ta 550-. place fisb (skin sie up) on rack two inches from flame: when wvell browned. harnac brown an ather side-Reduce heat anci cock until don- .IL.39c LARGE SHIRIMP. Oh, how good thèse are when they have been cooked eight minutes in boiling seit w4ter. Watch caokinq time closely as shnlmps toughen if they DELICIOUS APPLES. Crisp, sweet andi juicy- Gooci ta look et as welI as et- COOKING APPLES. For pies, sauce, tanis, puddings or frying-- ROME BEA1JTY APPLES. Best bakers there are- HEAD LETTUCI. Crisp, oid, mecflum Sz: 2. for 5c heZds 2 for 25c 3 îbs. 20c 5Ibm. 25c 4 l.25c FLORIDA ORANGES FOR JUICE. Full of icb jui0- 1/2 caii83 POTATO SALE-.' Colorado Rds- peck- Yeltow Yom Sweet- 3 d.z. 79c 39e 3î~ 9c Idasho Sakrs- Genuine Jersey Swees- CAUIFORNIA ý ORANGES1 Sweet, beedless, juicy - Fine for slcing salads, eating out of hand- Very specia 3 doz. 1.00 Il 0IPb 3 Ibs. FRENCH ENDIVE. So good just as it is or with French 39 Drssg-lb. 3r PINEAPPLES. FPe$éiklý,rge mief 1 CoiN WIU..1Iça 51 WIlmetIe 151. Orders Brou ght to Your Door Ail Alonsg fthe North Shaore Rogers Park 0118 13, JANUARY 20, 1938 STRÂWBERRIES, Large, ripe, weet berrnes priced 4 as lew as they seli in the straw- L& SC berry season- Pint box- Fry or nks 36C Lun 1' Use.