Members of the seventh grade at the school have organized an or- chestra, and wil1 present a short pro-. grami of Gernian folk tunes before and during the play, using bottles 'and jügs as instruments. Each act of the three-act play, wvill, be humor- ous13 announced by three boys froni the eighth grade, who WilI be costumed as comic laborers. he play' tells the story,, known to- every child, of a magnificent Austriani stove, namned Hirschivogel, in which a littie. boy shuts hiniseif up and is carried first to an, antique shop where al the hric-a-brac cornes, to life, and fillly to thie palace of the king. Tickets for1 "The Nuremberg Aiînemarie, Wir.- Baike andRi Stove" ,and for 'the other. two. chli- etanists, of 40 Ieerc -Park. Sort!l,,Ji dren's plays of the series, "Th e Cap- Jrom se4e rai vewars of st udi v Ztjî L Ûie Maid of OId Carlisle" on Marc h EuroPcan iasters,'both in, - 1aris aimE 3, and "Daddy Long-Legs" on April titeir Ainerica)i debut Sîindai',ajfai»a 7,, can be obtained by calling thle of the Illedinah club, 505 North î1i Demonstration school ofce at the wider the direct* in f .l111e, Mathilîde .National College of Education. Tiiis 'prograni wili &é dedicated t<i Skokie Valley CCC Boys Isidor Piip a director of the Col)- to Sing at Sunday Club the teacher and friend of Mr. and Mrs. A group of colored boys frotu te Baîke. Sirice Nfrs. Baîke is a native of CCC - Skokie Valley. camp will siîîg Switzerland, the country of lier. hirth spirituials and gospel songs dur11ing the wilI be honored and the guleýsts- of hionotr religious service to bc given by hie ill include Hon. Ullrichi Beusch, C()n- corps under the leadershiip of Capt. sul of Sivitzerlaîîd. Roland R.' Bachi at the Chicago -Sun- MNr. and Mrs. Baîke %vill ptav: day lEývenin g club in Orchestra hall I' Tanurv 2. Fie hudre boy areý9eénd OganConcerto JS ah coan in 3. Friehurmte bo ae Pnf comiîg n lrris from-th SkkieAndante and Variations,. Valley camp to participate in this Op.. 46 2...... TtP. Sclurnan meeting. E ln e orIl Cad 8At. the main service beginning' at EI'ltt tNIV~Cadete 8teChicago Sutiday Evening club S '~dSuite for choir, under the direction of Edgar Two Pianos, Op..17,...S. Rachnîinjnoff Nelson, will sing Gounod's "Unfold Ye Portais" from the "Redemption,"A nuc aiain' Schnecker's "Art Thou Wear, West's "Sing a Song of Praise" and Officers and Directors, Woodman's "A Song' in the Night." Ralph B. Mitchell of Zion.. was Mark Love'and Mary Ainn Kau-fman elected vice-president of the.-BirCh- are to be soloists. wood Park sanitarium, Howardl street Stanley Martin will ýplay "Three and:Westerni avenue, Ch icago, at the Impromptus" by Coleridge -Taylor anitalImeeting of the board of di- during the organ recital begin-ning at rectors Thursdav, Januarv 13. He 7:50. Robert Yale Smith is piano succeeds Arthîur T. Meeker, Chicago. accompanist. ,AIl other officers and directors were Admissmion to the club services is re -elected. free. ___________ fficers. and directors are: Edigar wil provie wii -be awardecl throuigh the Automnotive Sa-fèty Foundation to policemnen from cities an.d states wini- iig the National Safety couticil'*s 1937-traffic safety contest. The fund is part of -a %$5,O00 contribution- hy Mr., Slôan in. the' interest of trafc safetv. In addition to the fellowslîips *for police training at Northwesterîî uni,- versity, eight fcllowship.s wiill.bc a ý%aar<Ild to traffic, engineers f or trainîing at the H-arvard universit%, Bureau for Strect Trafflc Researchî. Thie fellowships carry cash awards of $1,000 plus the cost of a full year':i Itui-tion at the two institutions.. Recipients of the 20 felloNvships w'IlI be cho-seii froni the six'cics a' oqe Rl/.<' diçtnqushd olinq lt four states' wliclî %vin .the National I iyhland iPark, à-ho 1hù c jui tt ud Safety Couincil a,.Nrds. Cities art, .çul ior JIilipp. un.d 'lir '!the' .<" aI <ivided ixto six Population groups, d1 <>1/er it'rtopeauîi capitals, ac itakinýg and states into four' geograpl1îical »Y 23 ai 1 p.m. at thi, e lau.rAi,. Salon groups. In each of these grotîps the wlîqa avnu, ii /t foma looîe. countlcil awards a plaque, to thte city or _______ ChIicagio In<IPr stale which hasmade the -beqt traffic The 1937 contest -.endedl Decemnber -Christian Science 1ai-winining cities and states wvill a e aiinouinced lu April. '..i&wrc&es 1'1 urpoe ofthecontribution,. as stated by Nfr., Sloan, is to foster "Life" wvas the suibjeci of thew les-l)rogrcss niithë safeý and. efficient tise son-sermnon in aIl Churiclies of Chr ist, of streets andhiwa' in the fol- Scien tis t, on Swndav, Januar-v 16. loivilig four. ways The golden text wvas. "Inl It t I. By encouraging states and r itlfes ln the 11-e of scieèntifle mIietho{ls ne traffic ginniing was the Word, and the Word controj and -accident prevefition. was with God, and the Word xvas 1 2. . Mbphasizing the Importance (>)f God. ..- I-iirn was hf e,. and the 'îsjng ion trahned in tafeegne (JO ng and (enforceement. life *was the ight, of mens',-(J111, By ,stniulating the trainlpig of men I-n 1 :1, 4)~-.- tbe." en,<ýw and ql)ecialize( prof'essions. 4. By recognizing conrniunity auhiieve- 'Among the citations whichi coin- mennt , n traffic-safetvý and efficle, cv by prised the lesson-sersnon \va, the provikfing tlles yeduratioui for following from the Bible: "I-ow ex- heiîg ce lIent is thy loving kîndniess, 0 God! therefore the children of men' put Jewish Ethical W ~ilIs their trust tinder the shadow of thY * wînigs. They shall be- abuindanitl3"î ..onregation Serinon satisfied. with1 the fatness> of thy l I his sermon on SuindaV mxorning, bouse, and thou shaît make tlîei Jantuary 23, Rabbi Charles E. Shul- drink of the river of thy pleasures. ,iian of thLI North Shore Congrega> For with thee is the foutitain of lUfe. tioîî Israeî, Glencoe, will discuss the- in t hv light shah wc s ec ~ liglît" j1ewish Ethical Wills, product of the (Psalmns 36:7-9). Middle Ages -when itwscutmr The.i ~ 1 . -* ~ -. i a Utmr idan road, Wilmette. Mrs. -Nu-sa Scientist,i Matthisen of Chicago is to bé the ing, janua speaker. Sunday morning classes in the edif for children meet ah il o'clock in Sundays Foundation hall,o'clock., 1003. C..entral av convenes.,-at ý, ori - ucMMGaed 1. Peratîon sPeciait, hoPatciae yer t.S. Forest Service' $3O a lnuseumPrincipal Plant piiysioIoglstý the Muemyear, Bureau of PlantIdat $5 600 a reservatbons May Pull informationn madty ota' ,e. There is no froni the secretarv of the U. S. civil i to the Museum Service Board of Ex ietour. local post office. -aMiners,ah the 1 on :