vveaaing uay ot H. L. W4illetts D)r. and Mrs. Herbert L. WiI- lett, 319 >RîchulQud (lroa(l. Kenil- ^%%rt , ere,.greete( I bv more thia 1 foutr hundred of theiri trieu(ls at, a recel)tiou a the Kenilw'orthî club, last Surîday afternoion wlîich lîarke(Ithe, cliia x of tbe celebration o( tlilir goI(len i eddiug &.annlivers- ary. Oho, w c.e married in Kentoît, Ohi' ý M s.Willett's- birthiplace, ii,1 Jýa1nuary, 1888,liav*ng met while ini coliege at- Bethaniv.XW. Va. Thieir frst home. >vas ini Davtoni, Ohio. wvhere Dr. \Viliett wvas pastor of-the Christian 11 churcli for six 3years. Fol- 1iowinig graduate studies at Yale., Ber- liiin. aid thé Uiversity of Chicago. thevy settle(l ini Chicago 'where Dr. W\illett was associated with the uni'- versitv utîtil his retirernent as pro- t -essor of Oriental languages and literatures iii 1929. During this period j lihe \vas, successiveiy, minister of thée, Hyde Park.-.Christiaii chutrch, the First Christial,î church, alld 'the \Ie- mo1riai Church of Christ., a lècturer of wide denîiand tfoulitch couît-~- areligious edihor, the author of. a iuinber of books and for five \-cars presiderit of the Clhicago Cliurclh federationi. Mrs. iiett has accoînpanied imi oi] two trips arouind the world anîd o11 a 1îunmber of other trips to Europe and the, Near East. Last suminer thev attended the XVorld coiferetice.,; iiOxford and Edinbur .ghi. Last Friday evening, .rand' MIr". Robert L. WilIett of, Winnitetka eîi*- tertain ed wvith a formnai dinnler fortý, relatives who had assembied to, honor Dr. and Mrs. Willett as they passeti their golden miiestone. Thte services on. Sundav ai the, D-urant P ,hott "I receptiân last Sunday at the Keptilzvorth club, attended by mèore than, f0lir hundred of their friendsiarked the climnax of t/he celebra lion of thle golden 7vedding anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Wilictt of Krkîil-ý 7vorth. T/he hasts and hostesses for, the eve>îî zvere their !hrc<- souis ald t/ii- uqvesç', Mr. and -Ir.ç. Herbert L. WVillett, Jr. oi l'ashînfqîon . ., the' Rolcrî L. Wi1lctf.s of I nnetand, t/hePalid Y:.,4illetus of clwr; WiII Serve as Sfor Winnetka Bride SoeraI Elarties lia ve be til added to10tte Seri(es hotiorîng i\Jiss Mary I [ill of 31)1 Shîeridan1 roa-d. XVinnmetka, precedilih.e r miarriage Pebru.arv 2, to .jles I. urple-,s of XVilmiiett.. Surdyof has *t week Mrs. b)oit- ali folles (\'irgiia:.la aL-eishi) of X\iî~îe kagave a huîtichieoti atid bIridgu. party, at .SkOkie Cotint ry club for Mi ss 1 liii, anîd Fridav wfîis'eek. atiotiier \\itineétkaîî, NM rs. W'alich at lier home, 920 Pie tee t A tea i> to lie gîven Ni <a~-at tliie C. C, Tailliantlbouîse ini(;iI(' ,t heliosit esses be~ i s. Ltlai ie-datîgli - t r-iii-law, NîMrs, Curtis. Tathaî;n ()ji E'a.w sîo u. and liei- da îw l, it er'., Nis. liIeriîert M cJ in i v anid N s \ i 'Litcl, bl>tl oi W lilicttc. l'îl e f ' ýit W n g . thd a \ ' NI . t w r Hilof Itvaistoi uilh ý î'% e a tea okr lier i st ri i w nt îît .ai ia v 30, Nfr. andti Nirs. u- i W j- (ev ( irgi11ia Bix bvj of Vi h w t W ijl i hav e a tua ., I r . \ h iî i - s t l>e on ol i M)! iss Hil ii', b ide-,Ilifi<i Mir. anid M rs. Fralik F.. Ferry, flarc 11t s'f;hbrd(4het wilil101l thle bridai dititier at liicht il iii1 1clli Ie b r uja rv I. ir . l r v V k (J e a in n e( tte H l i h o j . ~ h e sitrsmatron.7of i ro,~ilarrive Ythat daY' iront lehu ilîîtw iMi '111- hîîdgu, \,is Elecfed fa Office in Episcopal Guuild.I,> N r , R a îpfli C . : e u îî s W s e e t t présidenit of the XVolieti's ASScCiat e d guiid of St. Aîîtg11sti]ie' s ico a chtirchi at the anulitai bîsiîiess neet - ing. andi itincileo,î last Fridav. Otther who wiil serve oui the h)oard -N\ithî ier are Mt-s. L .A. Richa~rdofrk, *ili.-- versary ot the and mother, lett, of Ionia, -age of lis ft i anti Marv p)eople on relief. as theminin a closes lier departitre for a ustilîg par- Ita sororitý- at Chiéhgo. FOr-tv ority andi therl The 4otise was a Frenchi sidje- ani ddanciîtg. 32 For Sub-Committee. Mrs. David J. Davýis, 721 Elirnwoôdl avenue, entertainîed the menib ership) subcommittee. of the Wilmette Woman's club at a businless meeting: andi luncheon üon Monday. WIILMETTE LIFE . to .Civen