entertained Tue 0 1 anid bridge. evel at *WIde Chol1ce of MoerIait A duance Showing of New pringPatterns CHAIR DAVENPORT 'ith oee cushien wi:h tkree caskions s695 95 Compet'e compete Substarnial Reductions on Ail Floor Sam pies LAMPS * TABLES * CHAIRS DURINO THIS SALE!l ~~~1 DaI uwgamev, a tw 5, to zvaiistoi, iast mth Friiay :iiglit, ini a a furious. gamie. re~- plete with thrills. OnIy after the Treviatîs h a -edthe w h i-p- Iîand for. tih r e e D i c k Reynolds' and John Dea- conWs retiremnt and. i i, McFad- zean's had fal, did the. Wildkits grasp the wi N ew Trier's freshnxan - sopho- more teain also *Iost to Eva'îstoîi in the Iast min,- uîtes of play, 30. to, 29. .A near- record c r.o w d, .conervaelyesti- mia t ed at 2,500 Bitter Pilt Until four fouis caused bis Nvith- drawal, Deacon was having bis best gamie of the year. Ten points ini theý first quarter and three in the second gave a team high of 13. Knapp, oppos- ing forwvard, had the sanie nuinher to Iead Evanstonl. The defeat was a bitter >IIII for New Trier to swallow, corning via a series -of. miishaps as it, did. Evanston, cap- h.able and confident _____ tw..v.v A'JL IIuLcfle IIVuritgCfeIn t needed to tart fists swinging. Good Officlatingj Credit shouid be given to the two officiais Who clid a grand job of holding the gaine together .by qui.ck and in- partial caliing of foules. Many pei-sons voiced differences of oiion o ý ttaiI rdecisions but the Messrs. Sach,- zand Ashley, are two 0 f the most 'eficilent' worket's in the.state. Authorities at both schoôls thhs. w'eek indicated an attitude of' serlous coný centration on forgettinig the, whole. mat- ter, with ail indications pointing tôward a return. game being piayed at the regu- iarly scheduled, time at the Evanston gym, Tuesday, ýFebruary 1, at 4 «lc in the afternoon.,Inde ed, thisI Reem.is theo wi." course, since flothing could be gained by, a rehashing uf the, incident, enniplete account of which no) one couIll give. There is no doubt that most stories concernlng nuMerous fights are coni- pletely faIse, or trernendously ex.mz- gerated. Highland Park Next Anyway, NeNv Trier' dug in 'for a drive on Hiighland Park, Fr-iday.%. They wili meet the northerners at Highland Park where they w1Ii attenîpt to .start. another winning streak. The iocais are flot figuring on nearly as tough a garne from Evanstn. next tinie as a.kPairk. may giWe theili nc- week-s hence. Oak Park has deveioped power w1th each iicùeeding gamei, .hidl- ding fah to magke it a the-wy4rîîg- gie for suburban supremacy. Mar( Ca re Deac Jorgi MOM Borr *Lingý -New Trier B.F.P. rnolds, f -' 14 mYpson, f 0 0. 0 chini, f 1 5 3 'y, f 1 1 ,on,C 4 5 4 ensoni, c O 0 o adz'îî, g 1 O 1 re, g 90 0 ,le, g 2 03 Van Pettell, tf4 1 l Simons, f 2 » l . Meédzw.4ki,v. O O 4 Welki, c 2 1 M KelLy, g - iI 1 Nordlund, g o 1 0 Crego ry, gK it * Webb, g 4 I Elms, Maple, llorse-Chestnut, Hackberry and large Evergreens Stoker * ng, 15 to 11, at t h e e n1 d of the first framne. They were in- credulotus at thc half w henuiin- formied New Trier's 23 1 e f t two points for the visitors to shoot at. But it becamie Devotees of Natlin After three years of developmlent, work, Pike's Pak lias beconie Anweri-. ca's neweSt winter pIav.ground.(l For acentury the famous mountain lias been the' hub of summer to rist at-. tiactions, and now ski cou rses anîd toboggan sIides "on top of tle world" are the region's response to the vwinl- ter sports craze that has gripped the nation. Thle 1U. S..forest service ,and Pike's is to bianie, and loyal1 abOve ýeI the sarne way to- moffnt -maybe even more s0, to the t the gaine. be y eni:rged upofl, have b's 18 wJteàsýq.Tirofactn1 wri otby! ount de Pret. Tt sInthe Iýongest in. the I Mrs. Hilesi uif ormmhp * *Estimnates.Withont Obligatin DAVIS FURNUITUR.E CRAFTSMEN 121________________EVANSTON Uivrsf 7210 s BARNITZ STUDIOS, mc. 1718 Sherman Ave. Evanston Gre. 5050 WILME, COAL & M ATERIAL YARD, 13 01 Lake Ave.. Wilmette 4200 as tre