E L~ E C T R I C WELDING, BOILER weding, machine shop and automo- tUve parts jobbers. PAVUIK BROTHERS PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 15LTrN3 1-26tp GUARANTEED SERVICE Sewing Machines, Vacuum Cleanersî and Radios. Ail Makes. Free Est. BLISS ELECT RIC SERVICE 64Dempter St. Uni.,6680,,Gre. 7177 S5LTN4 8-ttc FIREPLACE WOOD DRY BIRCU AND MAPLE, $12 PER ton. Oak, $49; -Mixed, wood, $10.50; Green ,wood, $7.. Delivered. e. Haglund, 849 Blin, Winnetka 2108. 1LTN36-4tp Ol0d Floors Made Like New NEW FLOORS MADE PERFECT Arthur *G. Base Highland Park 2184 Seasoned Fireiplace I4ogs 50 CU. FT. TO A TON, $7. 12 '8 CUI. FT. to a cord, $14. Glencoe 858. TEAMING AND TRUClKING SI1EIGHS FOR HIýR14 phone John Flegen, Wilmette 1659 15hTa7-ltp) 15-A O#ETRISTIk OPTOME TRIST 35 yrki. experience. Eyesfitted p)ropeýriy. ~rknlenses replaced, frames repaired. JOSEPJ-I F. KUSS 804 EIni St. Wlnnetka 3671 15ALN3-f ai BUILDING AND REPAIR FLAGSTONES Ieautiful Stone for Rock Gardews BRICK~ AND CEMENT WORK 1UC1C POINTINO. H. HARTWELLJ WINNETKA 2864 ____________ 11LTN 18-ttc PLASTERING Repairs. Have your basenient clearked. Wals iimewashed or centenited. G. A. Thursby Wilmettc 3387 Carpenter - Painting- Pl;tsterlng., Remodeling and additions. Repairs of ail klnds. Nelson B. Place. Wihinette 41$81.. 21LTNý3-41t CAPITOL01 Rock Vool Instulation Estimnates Cheerfuliy Given THE $ITAND41AItD LIME" & STONE Co. Needs constaint atten- tion to keep it comfort- able. Use of the services listed below.will. assure you of -home com- fort throughout the yegr. 25 PAINTINGAND DECORATINQ CUl,ý14. CAI4,C., $2 UPý Room- papered, $4. Rooms, washed, $2i50; bathrm. :enamnel., $6 up.. Equip. for. any - une ofý dec. Carry Ins. Rets. LOUIS, Wilmette 3503. Winnetka 268 25LTN37-Itp E. W. HUCKý Painting,, Paperhanging & Decorating- Work done, reas. Interior &' Exterior.. PHONE WILMETTE 2418> ______________________25L.TN3 5-4tp PAINTING, PAPERIIANGING AND, caleiining. Prices Reasonable. Pbone Winnetka 3669. 25.LTN35-4tp 26-A HUMIDIFIERS ____ VERSKINE ,WILDER 1011 Hubbard Lane, Hubbard Woods Humiudifying la the most Important hranch of air conditiodiing. Home-Office. 26A-LTN37-4tp 27 ROOFINO __ J. J. BURKE ROOFING CO. 4Gravel. Roofing-Asphait Roofing. Oid roofs repaired and recoated. Evansttrn phone Enterprise 7111; Chicago office -3404 N. Ashland Ave. 2'7LTN36-4tc 33 KNJTTING KNITTERS! Do you need help? Cal! W11mette 1917 For.Formai-Angora Mittens-for' Sport 33L4TN37- ltp 39 HOME MADE FOODPRODUCIrS CATEINGLUNCHEONS :T E AS; Sunday dinners; openi faced sand-' wiches A specialty. Decorated birthday cakes, rolls. Mrs. Baker,,Wiimette 4151. 39LTN36-ltp 53 IANPY Latundry To Take Horne- WILL CALL EFOR AND) DELIVER. Ail hand work. Phone Winnetka 859. 53LTN36-3te 53-A WASHING MACHINE & SERVICEý FOR SALE: Reconditioned washers and ironers. Service rendered on al makes otfIiundry equipment. Authorized sales & service, 'Easy' washers and ironers. North Shore "E.asy" Shop 907 Linden. Hlubbard Woïods, Winn 9408 53Â-LTN37-tfc 55 LETIRSERVICE . 31 --MULTIGRAPHING. MI>%EOGRAPH- DRESMAIG_______ fng and Planographing. Malthg Service. MISS m. BOLAÀND RAY'S LE1TTER, SERVICE Dressmakirtg. Atternoon and Evening 720 Elm St. Winnetka 274 dre.sses and coats. Madle or restyled.. 55LTNf6-4tp J.anuary speciai. Wilmnette 1527 ____________________ 31 TN37-ltp 60 PIANO TrUNING .51,1P COVERS DRAPERIES EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3, RE- Aitype work, satisfactory and reason- pair work guaranteed. 22 years' fac- able. Vour- home.ormine. Ftarnish ma- tory experience. H. C. Thomas, 206 Co- heWimette 4 348. 31LTN37-ltp lumbia Ave. Park. Ridge 1477. IA CLEAÂRING HOUSE FOR TO GIVE YOUTHIE PETENT AND REASOI SERVICE YOU HAVE Lee S. Fetcher :MOST COlu- NABLE RADIO, E EVM RHAD. Winn. 2.454 68LTN3.4- 4tp .,EpAiRiNCiAND EFINISHINQ The Village Wood. Shop Opp. Wiimnette Postoffice, Wilmette 3484 Custom-built furniture. Expert. furniture, repairing and refinishing. Antiques a specialty. Caning, rushing. 69LTN36-4tp 71 DRAPERIES AND SLIP COVERS- SLIP COVERS AND DRAPERIES. Ail types ot tabrics may be had. Satis- tactory work and reasonable, prices. Brandt Upholstering Co. ý 715 Ridge. Wl. 3543. 7ILTI434-4ti 73 UEWING MACHINC *REPASItING $1 - EXPERT GUARÂNTEE AD- justing. Ail makes. Also' repairing- cleaning. Reconidition lng machines. $8. up. Buy & exch. Millen Hardware. Wilmette 3060., 73LTN34-5tp 73-A GSEWING MAÇHINIES DROP-HEAD SINGER, LIKE NEW $18. Electrie portable wtth sew light and carrying case, $39.50. 5 year guarantee. 1114 Davis St.. Evanston. 73A-LTN35-4tp 3 LOST AND FOUND LOST: RED GARAGE JACK (MECH) between Vernon Ave., Glencoe and Deere Park. Possibly on Sheridan or' Park Ave. . S. Aerv. Sta. 660 Vernon Ave. Giencoe 674. 3,37-Itp DOG F0 IND Maie Engiish Bull. Irindle colorn Kenilworth Poliee Deparinient. LOST -.FEMALE AEICNBULL. terrier, lark tan with bla(ck mrarkings on face. Naine 'Scraps.- Child's pet, Rc'war d. ~ikta839I. LS3it LQST: BOY'S .YElLOW (ý1H) RING set with sardonyx? nar Nt-w-Trier 1-Iig'h .Schol. Rewardl., 'ViIrn(te 1284., ITTN3--ltl, 7 ANTI1QUESý JANUARY SL l EYRT' (Old pleces: Now is- thé it* ti to buy- for your. town or c0untry lmîise. A rare set of Drtvsd(en Chinia, solid sijlver tea Set, fiat silver,ç>f all kincls, glasses and C'op)per, pine and inaffle furnitui-e, old prints;, paintings, many pieces of fine china and glass. Any- reasqonable offer- aepe.Sale for 2 WVeéks Only 1 l22 CHICAGO AVE.,:, Evanlston, just N. of The DECORAT( R EýLIA BLEB, EXPERI] pert. SWeiai winter pi worthi 5217. C. W. ANDEIR PAINTING AND D]eC< Reasonabe pricesi WRu, WILMETTE 4300 WINNETKA, 2000 tsetsY N. flapker, Director MllthYear, 48LTN.17-1t<- 4s INSTRUCTrION rEACIHER WILL GIVE PRIVATE. Individualized instruction to deýlinquent grarnmar and hilh sohiool students. Phon.e Wiiinette 5008. 44LTN937-lti à