Kiparian rioniesite 65x340, ON A HIGE BLUFF WJTII W.ide, fine beach, this beautiful site is> the lowest price on the nortit shore.1 $ 10,750. SMART. & GOLEE, Ilc. 1564 Sherman Ave. wilmnette 2486 PARK DR., KENILWORTH.. FACINQ $345,000 lhom;es. 50 fi., blue book saysx $3,000-only $2.ýË750.' Kenilworth 5540. 151LTN37-trfu I.. R!ESORTP PRiry. 6 ROOM MOD. LOO C(ABuN NEAit Ishpeming, Mich. Cost $4,500. - Exv. cond. Full bath, H. W. héater ' fireplace, hasenient, garage With Ford truck. 200> hf.. shore. Includes membership in e- < hunting, fishing and social club ith 40 rmm mcd. club house, 12,000 acres,.14 priv. lakes. mans' trout streanms. 1luyer subject to appi.oval oft nnimber- shilp, onimittee. Gentiles. A rare bar- gain at $1,950, terinis. n. suit. C. fi. .lnhi--. son, 1Doreter57 4(day or evening). 1357 E. :'.trd St., ('hli'a.go. IUT3 t À0 CIRE[ArgEANDîEstATres Illiniois .Country, Club H H,-Acre Hoaesites B HROLL~ING LAND, SO-ME tracts beautifully wooded priced for îu.ick sale from $1,400 to $2,1750 per' acre, withi water, gas, electricityad paved street. This pi4'perty overlookm the. fiirways of the Illinois (Counttmy iClub..if you ar-e planning on the *Qur'-. chase 0ôf a homnesite to he iimpr'oved this4 sprlng, you should sec this prop-, ety at once. Ope ibeauitiful lhome cn- plèted and. another to ,tart within a t'ew days. 1,E WIS T. DODD Northfield Village Hall Willow at Skokie Winnetka 1111 (reeneaf 2738 1621,TN36-41t NORTHBROOK à ACRES. HEAVILY WOODED, AD- joining Sunset Ridge district iii a e- stricted and i gow,,ing terri-,tory. $850 per acre,. <Sanutel NMcNab Campbell Nýorýthbmiook.170 .162T.TN37-lte .167 EXcHANG-R1EAL ESTATrE WA.N'lEI i -L.OW PRICED 11011H,,E, .V- Sanston i orWilmette. îExchange foi' .>ther suburbai> real esta te or scmtms * Write Hl. F. Redepker, PRn.. 1209, 8 St .»earborn St., Chicago 167LT1N7-ltte WANTEJ> DTO TRADH-5 11M. I$RI('K ;" Q. Xv 111 ti:àf- 111 I . i co4 uches, tables, chair.s, beds, lue!. 4- poster, or. and dom. rugs, armioire, dressers, desks, Steinway gd. pian(, etc.hings, hanglngs, porc. range, Wasli. ina(h., etc. At re-as. prices, priv. pureli. only. Owner at Log House, 1258 Senti., Ave., Winnet1ka. 10-12 Sat. and Suni.i mornings, or *tel.. Rand. 1857 for appt.1 1711,TN35-3t1 172 :WTD. 1TO UUY-HUHLD.,GOODS CASH FOR YOIUR USED FVRXITURTE.1 modern or antique, and other hous- hold articles. W~iîî also accept your furniture, onl côrnslgntnent>basis. CROST FURNITURP STORE Established 1849 .1 1004-4 Emerson St., Evanston, Uni. 01X!. WÉ BUY F'11RNITTITREi RU(S, BRIC-A-BnA("'MENz's & WO1m.- P. -;' lothing. qhoës, etc. Phone Uni- versity 010:3. 923 Chicago Av»e..',, Evans- ton. 17LTN*35-4tp,! 1173 FOR SALE-MIECELLANEOUSý 1fir water heâter and e<Iliii>nwn.It for sale Cali 'Winnetka 2751. IIEASONABLE - BUFFET, 2 l'ORCiI- lafiteris, greeli rollti frch sce-eis', bing pon)Ig table,. kitcheti table and ,Iiill inetal cabinlet. Phone Winnetka 2627. i 7T N 37 - ltp 11ANOVIA ALPINE ULTRA -ývioLET .ray sun lamp., Like Ile'W. 1 Sacrifice at $75. FOR SALE-ICE SKATES STzE -6, $1.0 1928 Pontiac, $2~0 Wilnette 2774. 173LTN37-ltie 1-74 WTO. TQ BUY-MISCELLANEOUS Junk Dealer- Goldnan WILL BUJY YOUR BOOKS4, A - z ines, papers, rags, furniture and pay best market pices. Cal! WRl. 5426 or. i . 4 81. -17~4,TN35-4tiî North Shore Salvage WILL BUY YOUIR PFTR NI1TlJR E, - bric-a-brac',and household articlès: hoooks; 'magazines, 3.5c per 100 'Ibs. 1 -; t $1 pc.r 100 lbs. 1U. Berg, Winnetka 15 22. 7TN5t. Junk Dealer Phil Schuman! WVill buy furniture, -bathi tubý, oid irn, wa.-hing fluhines, an » kindj of' junl< pay hest prces. xvilmnette 744. 1741'I'N*36-4t,,, BOOKSK W'E WIILL BUY VOUIT 101. ALSu( înivate libraries: VilleaJl. I MO1.T~îNSCF-EPRN 1 I __ 4- LA fi Troo mu.H-- OIt.TN LO & 1T-EzsT IT-E WQN- R3 Council 1 GRACIE iYs iliiC l <> >-a/ ( mi eC /h lstairc.ç ~ ,nîîs/i 'uclv. - I)usel iii I -pir. s (i .çI 1;c,, lit ila hi elý,(lto i i.c,' I'î How Fast Can Man Travel to Reach talenMaldin skg mi l tissue, with.' a halter neckline vlny uanlage-if you happen-ocl Dresser. $5.- Phone stand&$2. 6-tube radio, and long panel-like sleeves- which be- lide with another car, or, a ficed ob- $5. Gre. 7594 after 10 A. M. gin at the elbow. The gown has a jeet. 171LTN37- Itp slightly flaring peplum which grad- SPeed is only one Of the many ANTIQ~UE CH ESTS, TABLES, CH-AIRS., uates ot knee-letlgth in, the back. The causes of traffic accidents, the Na- bookeage, lamps, glass, and '.lire dress can do double duty, for ,minus tional Safety council says-but re- screen. Also kitchen cabinet and waih- ingrmachine. Wllmette 2759. 716 10 the panel sleeveés and tie-on pelilum,..member-the higber the, ped. the Lt 171l7ltp it is simply. a sheath Of flaming gold. worse the accident. se ut I t' 1