DUuzuthte years we have serv-ed this community, you our mnany clients,, have been the judge and jury deciding upon our fitness to serve in time of need. The way our patronage is growing is proof that pour -verdict bas been highly favorable. We thank yout for this sign of trust -a nd- satisfaction,; we 'pledge, our, constant efforts to. deserve cônitinued cofdnce in h years to corne. WILMETTE 11118, GREENLEAF AVENUE. fl.oue Wilmette 654 LADY ASSISTANT DE, LUXE AMBULANCE SERVICE 30 YEARS O)N THE NORTH SHORE WINNETKA 554 CENTER STREET Phone Winnetka 404, for winter cous fort Uise ~d~- ~ ~ 812 OAK S.T.. WINNETKA, WINNETKA 3901 WILMETTU 831 NELON 1%I~i ~ 1'210 9<1- l< ' le, ~'î WlLMETE 1000 GREENLEAF .218 0 GLENCOE10 r' 4'. 4 t- 100