pe to relax ln the blh-gMf Loe es,"~ HASIIS & Co. port UadeTdau, ris. Clearance Sale of. Fitted Cases $ 20-0oO$ 3 500 cases Reduced to $15.00 9TRACY TAYLO~R (JAJJLII U M> 1I G Natxuge~a %.ff Tra ve1,Fi" 1m s Start Feb. 16 Burton H-olmes returns to Or- tchestra hall on.Februir 16, 18, 19 to open ýhis series of five travelogues with an ail new production ".A Motor iTouir in Brightest South Africa." 1%"ih his. car. and cameras '.%r. Holmes 1 ent to South, Africa last 'suinmer -toc onquer for his 'screen a new world' of. wonders, a white' man's Af rica. Never hefore has South Africa been presegited in a. travelogue. Stories of dangerous adveriture and scientific exploration have held the lecture stage for mangy years. The wild animais and the black natives have been pictured frequently. But. the .white man's, splendid cities and the amazing 1 works of: the empire builders,- who have civilized a con- tinental wilderness, have nieyer before been shown. The super highways, railaysscenic glories, delightful resorts, skyscrapers, modemn office Henry Clay Gipson Photo1 buildings, picture palaces, splendid The caddying business lias yont' o the dogsinm Bermuda. Miss Poli ecead ainlpÎ's eevd Trot! of Bermuda is pictiired above on tige course of the Belmont Mvapor anii l th eir first treatrnent by the cameras. Golf club u4êth ekrle r*--,iiiigGetDnatn scdy of 'Burton Holmies, and for the first Chcker, er rie-uiningGrat iae, ctflgascady. time he offers a travel adventure about this land of the sun-bathed Cruise to West Indies Curacao Favorite Ilie veldt, where wild animaI.s roam un- andvacuonm out Ne Cuis Rotemolested in their sanctuaries. And Mr. arldE Siney 97As- urcofl bto olad etn where modern cities rub shoulders Mrs.Harld . Spnne, 97 As- Craco, a"bi ofHollnd"resig with the primitive buts* of native land avenue, Wilmette, accompanied in the turquoise waters of the Carib- tribes, and wbere travel is one in- byber daughter, Miss Jane Spinney, bean h ecome very Dopular with cessant round of pleasure and inter- 01 NL ~ mr .Jai""l-J . * Dis-. .. York, February. 5, for an eighteen- of the Grace line's new weeklY cruises day West Indies cruise. FolloNirig to the Caribbean, South America and I the cruise they 'will ineet Mr. Spin- Nassau. t is the lamgest and niost, ney in Hollywood, Fia., and remnain important island of the sextet known>. there for somne time befome rettirrilg as the N"etherlands West Indies, tbreel to the north shore. of .%hich-Cujracao, Aruba and Bon- _______________aire- belong to the Lee,.%amd Islands Leave This Week for and the emainder to the Windwamd Vacaion n Suthlnd hain. Vac an ions.A.nb. utlr, 9 cDespite the fact that Curacao bas .\Ir. and w;Irs . L ulre , 915ngmade greaz progmess since it became On February 23, 25, 26 M. Ijolmes presents for the second of his series '.Italy and the new Roman Empire." Returning from South Africa last fait via the east coast through the Med- itermanean, M. Hoîrnes toumed Italy extensively. This time witbhlis car,-. also a fligbt to Tripoli for a visit Iwith Genemal Balbo. This new screen stomy will show the marveloustrans- formations' affected dumiing the past years. The third lecture on Marcb 2. 4, 5, ~De5IM land those desiri j must register. M liii ~ Ma Dhý~Ina be fflde by 1LÔ~DA 's no charge on. r lives, in Wednesday, "Tke Story of Coa1 and LEAVE FOR SOUTH The tour Oul"; Thursday, a genemai tour of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Latham of Ev- it is nec-. anthropological, botanical, geological anston, formerly of Wilmette, and of parties, and zoological exhibits; and Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Judson F. Stone, 1234 mmodated, "Indians of tbe Southwest." These Asbland avenue, Wilmette, lef t this participate tours, conducted b>' staff lecturers, week for.Sebring, FIa. Tbey are going servatiofls are open to all museum visitors. Par- by tram aând will ship their cars. Mr. je. There ties assemble inside the north ,en- 'and Mrs.. Stonewill'away ,er lot trance.. about six weeks. LI LO R UD