Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1938, p. 55

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1034 Cherry Street, Winnetka. Newly painted white Colonial, 6 rms. plus sun and sleeping porches, oit ht., 2 car garage. $10.00 0. - Hubbard Woods. Frame Colonial, large liv. rm. and master bedr.m., 2 other berIs, seee- - $ N $9,e0r0., cendprhgrg.N. 1'. Sout~h Glencoe-Bric-k Dutch Colonial with 6 large rms.,' 1% tile batbs, oul hit,, garýage. Also for rent. $10.000. ~l~r~& INC.- Open Sun days. 584 Lincoln Avenue Winu. 177 147LTN39,ltc 1028 PAWNEL. ROAD Ind(ian Hilli Estates -East WILMIETTE Open Saturday 2 to .5 Open Sunday.i to 6 NEW- - EARLY AMERICAN RESI- dence, 7 roins, 4 bedroonis, 3% baths, br. rm., rec. rmn., 2-car- att, gar. Auto. heat, humidiflid, 65-foot frontage. --Arehttectu-ually planned and supervised. Decorated lu excellent taste. May also be seen at other tinies by calling Mr. Daily, Uni. 7777î. 14-LTN39-ltc A, BEAUTIFUJ4 LOT 75x176 - WITH: MAINY FINE TRE1S IN' FINE northi east section of Wilmette. An older home remodeled and iu fine con- dition, 4 bedroonis, 2 modern baths.- Price reduced tf $ 12,50.0 for inimediate -sale. SHORE,-TOxvNS -REAI4T"1Y CORPORATION ' 160.1 Chicago Ave., IEvanston, Gre. 2700 Wlilmette 608 Rogers Park 6636 1471,TN39-lte OWNER-BUILT 1"HOUSE BEAUTIFULLY CONSTRUCT- ed white brick residence located. on w ooded lot 65xl7.5 feet in East Highland Park. Concerete first floor air cond, open ser.. pch. off ki. rm.,4 bdrms., 2 tule baths, - lav., 2-car, att. gar. $19 500.00. Owner, transferred anxious te seil. Mrs. Starnes. T 1he BI LLS REALTY,1 me. 529 Davis St., Evanston -reenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 - 147LTN39-lte BRAND NEW MODERN WHITE BRICK R E S I- eence, 7 rooins, 4 bedrrs., 2baths, room,.gas-beat, air coud. 2-car att. gar., 60-foot lot.- Excellent value at $19,750 lu genulnely restrlcted section, of WiI- mette. For appt. caîl exci. agents. FRANKLIN REALTY. CORPORATION University 7777 Evanston 147LTN39-lté 1052 Oak Ridge Drive (SKOKIE RIDGF.) GLENCOE OPEN SUNDAY -2 TO 6 P. M. LOVELY WHITE CéOLONI1AL RESI- dence; 10 rooms, 6 bedrins., 4% baths, dressing rm.,, library, 2-car att. gar., automratic - heat. 90-foot lot' lu highly restricted section.. Price reduced. Be sure to -sce this Sunday or caîl Gre. 7-676 week days. 147LTN39-ltc S. E. WINNeTKA WHITE FRAME COLONIAL, 6 RMS., beautifully decorated, slpý. porch, tule bath, bk. nook, garage. H. W. heat, oil. Near station, New Trier and Greele>y schools- A buy at $12,500. Cal for a1ppt. FRANKLIN REALTY CORPORATION - University 7777. Evanston 147LTN39-ltc MUST BE SOLD MODERN BRICK 5S YRS., OLD, A bdrms., 3% baths,, recreation rm., att. gar., oit ht. Many'ex- tras by owner. Out-of-town owner wants offer - asking- $1750000.Mr. Lott. The BILLS REALTY, Inc. ,529 Davis St., Evanstofi Greeneat 1166 Wilmette 3740 147LTN39-lte $12,000 - CHJOICE LOCATION-S. E. WINNET- ka. 6 roonis, 3 bedrms., bath, H. W. heat, new oil burner, 2-car att. gar. Near schools, station, beach. Phone us.,- FRANKLIN REALTY. CORPORATION University 7777 Evanston 147LTN39-ltc WHY PAY HIGH RENT WHEN À COUPLE 0F THOUJSAND dollars wlll secure for you this new modern 6 room Colonial brick, 21/ tii. baths, lnsulated, air .condltioned gas heat. attached ggraae. 60-ft. lot. 10118 a oeuroomsfl~e ~ z wainsw, 4tae v...n .p¶.s . den and recreation rom; 2 car ga- rage with apartment above-; beautiful trees. Sickness ln famlly forces prie down. Asking $15,000. Want ofer. See this. today ln our Photo Tour. R. B. WHITAKERC. 140 Green BayRoad, Wlnnetka Winnetka 3250., - Rogers Park 7302 147LTN39-ltc WILMETTE GOOD) LOW COST HOMESIN DE- .sirable nelghborhoods; $1,500 cash, bai. $50. per mo. >mc. lut._ 2 bbths, H. W. heat, 3 blks. N. W. sta. Lot 50x200. Or attracti 've 3 bdrm. hse.,' H. W. heat, large garage, in Evanston at $7,2501. $1,000 cash, bal. mo.. Fred, M., Clarke, 931 Oakwood. Wil. 4328. 147LTN39- 1W WHITE COLONIAL. 3' BEDROOMS, ige. sun ri. House is luin ice cond. H. W.,oil ht. Nr.. New Trier sehi. $1,60% down. Bal. :$90 a mo., Incl. interest Fuller & Piekared, 407 Linden, Wil. 437 147LTN39-ltc 8ROOM COTTAGE ON LAKE RKatherine near Minocqua., Wisconsin. Write Mrs, B. F. ellack, -9010 Broadway, Columbus, Wls. loi FOR SM J-VACANTr ONE 0F THE BEST BUYS 1N -LINCOLNWOOD HEAVILY WOO D E D LOT, 50x180, in block where new hoiuses have been recently built - owner wants property sold before March lst. Price 43,900.00. -W. G. RU-GGLES & Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 517 Davis St., Evanston Un-i. 6886 Hol. 6886 Wil.. 1660 151LTN39-ltc HIGHLAND PARK NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IN Highland Park before 1rices advance further. We have complete list of Vacant and also houses, including some real buys. MUJRRAY &TER Highland,- Park 69: 151LTN23-tfe Cherry St. Near Berkeley, OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER SAYS SAC- RIFICE THIS BEAUTIFUL LOT FOR $2,900 Heinsen Rlty., Exel. Agts., Winnetka 254 151LTN39-ltc rew Wjys LEWIS T.. DODDS Northfielà Village Hall Skokle Winnetka 1111 Greenleaf 2738 162LTN36-4tc NORT..PHBROOK, EXCELLENT BARGAIN. 5 ACRES, 7, room trame fàrm house. Al linprove- ments ln and. paid for lu fullI. Electric lights, gas, lake water, sto.ri and sani. tary sewers;> % of a mile from stores and transportation. Bus, service tu school on pavedl road. No encumbrances on the property. Price $8,500, terins $51000' cash. Samiuel McNab Campbell Northbrook 170 162LTN39-ite GLENVIEW -NEAR NORTHÙSHORE AND GLEN VIEW CLUBS 4 acres, wooded, Will divide. Private road, sewer-water- electricity. Restricted to resi- dentlIpurposes. Price $3,250. WYATT & CQ0ONS. Waukegan Road, Glenview 7 164 FOft ïSALR-AM J FA1RM-iÀSTA- THAT SHOWS A PROFIT 173-acre farmn near Elgin Fully equipped and stocked wlth a. medern brick, owner's, home, containlng 5 bedrooma. and 2 baths; modern trame tenant house; complete set et târm buildings lu excellent condition; tools, machlnery, etc. 42 head Holstein catie, now produeing over 1,100 pounds of milk dally. Excellent brown sult lain, hlghly fertile, wlth about 15 acres ef tiniber and a sinaîl streain. Monthly lu- conme approxlmateiy $700. Wi1I gross 10% after deducting taxes and- -operating expenses, on the asking prîce et $55.000, which price lncludes land, stock, tools and machineryi For further details cal W-YATT & COONS Waukegan Road Gienvlew 7 164LTN39-lte TO SETTLE ESTATE -Between Antioch and Lake Villa, an 88 acre tarin wlth a set et old farm buildings, at the very low price et $65 an acre. WYATT & CMONS Waukegan Road Glenvlew 164LTN39- -jr I N to Loop University 777.Evanston 147LTN39-ltc IN HUB BARD WOODS YOU CAN BUY A 4 BEDROOM, 2- bath, white Colionial house lu an ex- cellent nelghboirhood for children, and the.price la only $14,000. ANN MORELAND 663 Vernon Avenue- Glencoe 305 147LTN39-ltc 553 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka Winn. 3450 - 147LTN39-ltc' FO1RECLOSURE BARGAIN Less than $7000. Medium - ize bouse, large rooms, sereen porch. Deep lot, wlth valuable trees,, and attractlvely l1andscaped. Wlnnetka 269. - 147LTIN39-ltp zz-/2 NS *frvcaue aKefl .. 28'h (WJII Divide) .. 40 (Private Lake) ...... 20 (Lake Zurich) ....... JHelime L(L<c REALTOR 113 West Main St. -Barrlngton, Chicago Office 5 7000 - .... 6:500).00 6958 SHERIDAN RD.. ...2,500,00 and dlulng rom fl twlu bedroorn set, $25.0 il sole; Florentine mirror ~~fl'Many fine pieces. SheL -WALNUT DINING Trëlephone 87 8 pieces,$ 142.4 Foreetý Franklli 8535 Phone Wllmeti 4146

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