Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1938, p. 5

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.Say what you will, Wilmette i5 particular. Whiatever it goeg-aftet must be the best of its kind to hc had. Nothing second class *will bc tolerated. That characteristic extend5 to every' department of 'the village governmient, which, of course,.inciude5 the pôlice' department. And so it was that the boys in the blue uniforms. when they decidedt tc go out andi catch themselves a burg- lar, that hurgiar must b le at the very tip-top of 'the burglinge profès- sion. No novice or second'rater wouic answer. The honor of, the departmfent depended upon it. Meefts Hia Mau Numerous reports baving come froni the section south.of the 'V' terminal to the effect- that homes had been entered ..and valuables removed, thai seemed a likely spot in -which tc seek game. Early, Thursday evening of. last week Officer Joseph Schmidt, trav-ý Clii1g rbeat iii plain, clothes at~ Gregory avenue and Dupee place, met up witli a gentlenianly colored stranger who, because of 'long experience, imme- diately sensed that Officer Schmidt was a policeman. Acting upon his hunch,1 the negro hastily decided te leave that part of town, cboosing' a route between a couple of houses. Officer Schmidt foliowed, flring a shot at the fugitive as he ran. At the back of the lot the man came to a hait, unable to get 'through the dense shrubbery and over a fence. Officer Schmidt' had his man. Totes Gu, ,Crate Opeper Mrs. W. 'A. Clohisy, 121 Dupe e place, hearing the shot, reported to the police departruent, and Sergeant Joseph Steffens and Officer Philip Schneider and Cullen Branscome re- sponded, and the captive was taken to the station. There he gave his njame as Frank E. Robinson, 43, no particular àddress. At the time of his arrest, he had in his possession a crate opener, with hanier on one (Continueci on Page 6) n Mathew Francis Photo Dr. Horace Greeley Smith, .>resi- dé,,, of Garrctt Biblical J"stitute, 'il Prcach jin the Ptlpit of the [jI,,,iette Parish Methodist chu rch y. Siiday ,moritngFeliruary 6, at4 h Il o'clock. Dr. Snith is iweIl kiiowni to thec people of tWihnette as a* tformer 'îni'iister of thec Met hodist schur-ch, anid it is ex pected that a C)large con gregat ion zwil! bc prese,,t to grLet hi,,,. t The minister of the ciiurch, the Rcv., CAïnos Thornburg, wiIi preach at Hend- ericks chapel. Syracuse university,- Syra- cuse, N. Y. Enforée Parking Law to Prevent' Accidents t Chief of Police McGuire has sent ail civic organizations of the village a letter setting forth the reasons for the strict enforcemnent of the ordin- ances prohîbiting the parking of auto- mobiles after dark without head and tail lights, and parking at any timne with'left wheel to the curb. The letter explains that several senious accidents have occurred which' make enforcemernt absolutely necs 'wui be servea at 7 'cloCc. Entertainent will be furnished by Robert Wilson, marimbaphonist, and the principal speaker of the evening will be William A. 'Webster, of Liber- tyville, veteran exëcutive of the Pink- eonDetective, Agency. Tickets for the anniiversary dinner -obtained from Scouts or by callïig Winmette 1330. The, next district. Court of Honor* will be held in the First Presbyterian church Tuesday,'February 15. Details will be anniounced later. LLake, Forest Gets ýGrade Separation Pro ject at thte Sacred Heart ,Crossingi Residents of' the four villages. of New Trier township who have been fighting in vain for many years for separation' of grade crossings along the Chilcago' and N4orth Western steam line and the Chicago, North Shore, and Milwaukee electric route, learned this week that work was to be started on a similar project in Lake Forest. Through funds provideci jointly by the federal and the state govern- ments, a 44-foot wide tunnel will' be buiît at the Sacred Heart crossing tnder the parallel tracks of the two systems. In New Trier township there are oniy three* grade separations' At Hazel -avenue in Glencoe there is an uricerpass for both vehicles and fogt traffic while at, Williow road, Win-' netka, and at' the joseph Sears school, Kenilworth, there is- provision for pedestrians only. NEW RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. C. H. M'orgenstern and their two sons, Roger and Rich- ard, who came to the village recently frorn Detroit, Mich., have taken the Joseph W. Sabin residence at 818 Sixteenth street. The Sabins have moved to their newly built home at Commenting on the' action of 12 miunicipalities of Illinois, including' Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe, to insure the best available supply of milk, the Illinois, Health Messenger, in its'current issue sifys: "Twçlve municipalities of Illinois have decided that the best in the, way of. milk is none,,too 'good' for their inhabitants and' have taken stepe to" makce the best available. Since no mortal can tell by looking at a bottle. of fresh milk,.whethêr it, is good or bad, from a sanitary 'vlewpoint, the city fathers have decreed that ail milk: offered for sale within the boundaries. of 'these several munici-ý paliti;es shall be labelled plainly with ~respect to grade. In short, these cities which incéludie Alton, Chicago, Decatur, Elgin, Kewanee, Waukegan, Lake Bluff, *Lake, Forest, Hlighland Park, Gencoe Winnetka and -Kenil- worth, have adopted what is known as the standard, milk ordinance. "'While 'not lproh*fitifg'voOi grade milk, this ordinance makes it possible for the buyer to know what the saîîî-, tary quality of the milk is. It requires a license from every vendor of mille and it requires that the milk of every vendor be graded once in every. six months by the health officer. This grading must be based upon labora- tory tests for bacteria in the milk and upon an inspection of the dairies and fanms. The more bacteria found, the lower the grade. Permit Several Grade& "Several grades are permitted. These iicl ude certified, Wliich is ex- pensive to produce since it mnust be done under constant médical super- vi sion, grades A, B, C and D ratu milk and grades'-A, B and C pasitur- i.zed niilk. Not oniy 'nust bottles annd other containers show plainly the grade of milk as delivered but restau- rants and other. places where milk is served must display in a prominent place a placard which shows the grade of miik dispensed. If more thani one grade is sold in these places, the pla- (Continued on1 Page 8) William J. y Kenilworth was ber of. the villag appeals and arci last Monday even 'dent Harry P., pointmnet Was iing by V illager Harrison. The "sio Uei Il- thei -Marian Kremer, chairman Note:. Econoniy shop, an enterprise of the Womani's club of Wilmiette, ls, Iocated at 1135,,Grëeenleaf avenue. FOR USED ÇAI Inary, Chicago, wil1 occupy the pulpit R at the .English LWiheran church Sun- day morning,- February 6, at Il o'clock. The Rev. David R. Kabele, Ipastor of the church, who is in the West, will,.return, to the pulpit Sun- day, February 13.

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