I sizean.o. jar. ou OURMuCE uaiE au0 0ON 114 MAiIEETs lmS, * Foucy florMd bee25C ORANGES.Fancy Florida RIIUDARS. F.ncy Hothouse .... GRAPEFRUIT. Large Texas Seedlss (54's). PEA5.Sweef and tender weiI filIed pods. .. CAULIFLOWER. Fancy SnowbalII BROCCOLI. Fancy California .. La rge GREEN TUA. SILYSU 01W CRAIMEAT. a a e e e e e e * e e e e e O ** * 2 doz. 49c 2Ibs. 29c 4 for 25c 2 tbs. 29c head 19c e bunch 1Sc. e '~.e S 4 o.ph,. *~2 t i 0,29C rn~ * Good.Coolks 11,5siston TOWN CRIER F.' 24.1b. Bag 8,7c More and more Evans- ton and North Shore homemakers are using this fine flour,, recom- mended to themn by thèirCenfrella"grocers. ueWe, Recommend Town Crie Flou?' Cd knma 75 ~a4L Each one a delicious CUfP Uf~Àù2qk4 IIGebhortrsSpiced BSoms 3 conps29c "Pride of Doiry Stofsy SWEET CREAMERY BUTTER end "PrigI. of Lake Shoreur FINE TABLE BUTTR Particular 1bOmemak- ers -approfS' et theffe butters lF oeklng aud.table usé beeaunse they're SWEET <Ne SOur) cream, butter. Order a poui JonthoYu OU* MEATS,,ARE GRADÉ A-ýU. S. 1PRIMIE BIEF GENUINIE CALVES- SMOE"ED IUTTS COTITAGE HAMS., TASTY - &A RIS LAMB CHO F .P --. eILb29c ., . INSPUCTED e b53c lb. 379c PURE PORK SAUSACE MEAT. IL.28ti SILVER CII? CENTR£LLA GREEN TUA. OLD MONK COLOSSAL& RIPE OLIVES .,., CENTRELLA PUAS & CAR ROTS s e e e e e e e e e e a 0. e a ao.P4g TOUI Plat cu No. 1con ..39c *~ S 3CI . e S q e ** l5ozjer IL44 46 40 'Tour PhouWllnéue420 Phone WlLmene FElaRUAýRY 10, 1938- Orders placed Friday for Saturday ct.livery will b. greîntly approutd. BUTTER COOKIES oselb WIL M E T1TE LIFB il - 1 149,» lo t' i I CHILI CON .CARNE, * cme 25C* MEXICAN TAMALES Yes, the réal thing the pride of Mexicen cookery. Always keep sev- eral caris on yjour pantry. sheif for quick lunches, unexpected guests, etc. z o.-cos* * e B' Large glu. 15 02. p*. and size. can- lie[ m '14. 37c, the èf»r -