George R, Prankland, 510 Sher- idan rad, Winnetka, wýill be given a testimonial dinnér,,Prida31 ight, Feray11, at thc Merchants a d Ifaeilfacturers club, Chicaego., in honior of his sçilver jubttlee with the organization, it wsas annofinced by W. H. Fogarit an- ageër of the firrn's Power Products andIsd.iigrtiaI departntent, Chi- cayo district. On. behaif of the cornpany, Mr. Fogarty wiII present Mr. Frankland withi a gold watch, inscribed .with the record of lis service, and with a~ testimonial letter from Lewis H. Brown of New York, president of Johns-Maiwille, eulogizing his serv-% ie. As' part of the ceremony honor- ing. Mr. Frankland's lengthy service, he will be inducted into the Quarter Century club, honor organization composed of mien who have serveci more than twenty-five years with the' jôhins-Manville organization. Mr. FrankIand's irst position was as salesman ini New York. Since 1933 lie has been located ini Chicago as: assistant manager of the Power Products' and Industrial departnient., DoetsehsLudovice Wedding on Feb. 12 The marriage of Miss. Bertha Doetsch, dughter of Mrs. Leo Doetsch of Nules .*nter formierly of luw saIjuucea r eently. -dZUVV--7~w Two general sessions will be. held. The first is to be addressed by Co n- gressman Samiuel B. Pettengili of dFamSc. Indiana, who will speak on "The In- 'Village adFrnSho dividual ini a Free Society," -and the Lettie L. Johnson second wiIl be devoted to "The Re- Wanda Greinelsen suit of- the Caries Investigation" in which récient research findings wilI 'VILLAGE ýSCI400L be explained. 7 Geno Ave., Gleuico. Clinics and, exhibits will be includ- Chlldrcn 845 Years ofAére ed,, the bulletin of the society an- ilouniced last week. Social events FARM SCI400L wil include a boxing and wrestling Sne' irh f shoaprra of stars> fromn van-R. ok ous fields of- entertainment, a supper, Chridfrm1en oi.18 Yen 0f9A 8 dance,. and a women's. luncheon ..and oIaauf.TLGI..fS bridge party.___________________________________ WOMEN' Who 't! FLORIDA TRIP Mrs. J. C. Murray of 4343 Cuminor road, Kenilworth,. who has been va- cationing in M aine, will go. to Flor- ida soon for a r:ix weeks' stay before returning home. STJBURflAN PHONES ENTerprise 5500. (NO TOLL CHARGE)