Crib We've namedl it this be- cause it's so easily r olled f rom room to room - convenience you'Ill gretly appreciate. Maple.S.5 Yen nedn't beafrad of inveat in this squat-based, solid back higla chair. Equipped with a hardwood tray that'. easiIy cleaned. bMaple or blond maple. S5.50 STARS IN OUR SPECUAL LAYETTE SELLING 3-Piece, Knifl'ed WooI Hospitol Set $2.95 A bit in baby fashions at'a very special price.. Each garment hand-sewn, and trimrned with white angora yarn - with delicate bows of matching satin ribbon on bootees and bonnet. Both pink Mcatchinsg Ensemble-Wropper, Sacqe,.Hospital Set You'iI find loveineas at smalI price in these, dainty pure silk garments-each garnished witla tiaay rosebnds and featherstitching; edged with petal-like ornbroidery; and lined with sof test gauze-Iike silk. Both pink ansd bine. PIoySW'Play Pç. Hidden hinges iud round.d' cornerst pins a thr.e-nlm .1-tho-foor rai,t.gar baby .front f cor drafta, unake dais play Pen a tom. Colorful play beeds oune«eh ssde of Pen. SS Gay Play Pe. Pods Pen pads, and bigla chair padi, too, witla resovabi. covers ofgay, conventiouêt- ly-patteraed prints. Utility plus decoration!1 Play Pen Peds, $3.750 Higla Chair Pads, (mntching) SUS7 . ......... IARSHAL'L FUELDS i.VANSTON STOREj FEBRUARY 109.193>8 (Not Shsown)