PO SALE BY OWNER: 5OX245 FT. lot on 18th St., Wilmette* East front. Ail assessments and taxes paid. Cost $5000, will oei for $2,500. University 8320e151LTN40-4tp 1" WeNT O 7 UU-VACANT WILL PAl CASH FOR SMALL LOT on lake between Kenilworth aànd Lake Forent. Write B-70, Box 60. Wilmette, III. 152LTN40-ltp 160 ltUSiN»UUPROPRIRTY MORTrGA0OR. WI L L SACRIPICE 1umali Winnetka business corner juet taken over on foreclosure. Stores and, eparments ail rented. Income $2.800. rce $17,500. Easy terms. Write. B-77, Box 60, W ýiimette, 111. 16OLTN4-ltc Ion ACoReAGEaND^w,» TArTE BARRINGTON ESTATE MODERN 5 BDRM.,' 3 BATH Col. house bulit ln 1929, H. W. ht., gil, with B, & G system.. Stream through property, well wooded roiling ». acres with*. complete farm improvements. Cost $100,000.00 ln 1929. wili, àel or trade for smaîl home ln Wil. or Win. Big reduction in price. For. appoimt. *4 aee sall Mr. *Serrin, Wil. 3740, Gre. 1166. THE BILLS REALTY, Ie. 529 Davis St.. Evanston Wil. 3740 162LTN40-1tc LIVE IN THE COUNTRY BUY THIS HOMESITEI 0F ALMOST 2 acres with water, gas, electric and paved roade ail for $1,950. A real bar- gain. Aiso larger and smaller acreage. LEWIS T.DODD~S WYATT Wauýkegan Road etrictea to resi- ie Price $ 3,250 & COONS Glenview 7 162LTN440ltp OWNER WILL SELL OR TRADE 7 rai, brick colonial and gar. ini E. Wii. for old lise. and some cash. Address B76, Box 60, Wiimette, 111. 167LTN50-ltp. china eloset, 8 chairs. Very reasonable, Kenilworth 251. 171L~TN40-1te, PICTUIWS, REC0RDa, PRINTS, MISC. .Dining room,. npantry furnishings; also chairs. Cail Winnletka 1236. 171L4-ltp P A 1 N T E D MAHOGANY BEDROOM set. Mattress and springs. Dresser. Chest. , lencoe 1107. 171LT40-lte CASH FOR YOUR IJSEDFURNITURE.ý modern or antique,. and other house- hold articles. Wiii also' accept your furnIture on Consignment basi's.> CROST P'URNITURE STORE Establlshed, 1898 1004-0 Emerson St., Evansto, ,Uni. 0189 172LTN39-tfe M. BERG will pay top prices for youùr used fumi-" ture, bric-a-brac, household- articles, books -and mens clothlig. Wnek 1522. 172LTN39-4tp WE BUY FURI4ITURE RUGS, BRTC-A-BRAC, MEN'S & WOMi- . en's coth4ng~, .boes, etc. Phon.eItni versity 0103. 923 Chicago Ave.. Evans- ton. 172LTN40-4tp 173 FOR SALE-MIUCELlLANEOUS NE W PORTABLE TYPE WRITER. $19.95. Used Underwood portable at big saving. Rlemington addlngmachine. Ail niakes bouglit and sold. Rented. Repaired. Wii. 4545. 173LTN40-ltp SMALL COTTAGE )20x24. T4iree rooins. TPo be nioved. Greenlë,af 0786 Foster Moving. Co, i 73LTP..4f-tn l - WILL BUT TOUR FURNTURE, .bric-a-brao and- hoijsehold articles;, books; magazines, 35e per 100 lbs. 1 rags, $1 per 100 lb.. WInnetka 1522.' 174LTN40-4tp Jtrnk Dealer Goldman WILL BUY TOUR BOOKS, MAGA- zines, paper., rage, furniture and pay' be!et market prices. Calilwil. 5426 or irh ne ;nerence was called uy Wvini,- netka Village President William B. Moulton for the purpose of discus- sing what.measures niay be taken at this time to secure advancement, of the. problemi. Atten'ling were members' of the Winnetka Village. council, Village, Manager Hl. L. WVoolhiqèer, V il1 - lage Attorney Frederick Dickin- son, Robert King- e r y,director of the Chicago Re- gional Planning association;, E u - gene A. Rumm- ler., chairman of t h e,.,Winnetka Plan commisson; represenitatives of the Indian 1H11 and Hubbard F. Dickinson Woods 1mprove- ment association, and members of the grade sepairation committee of Community-House cotincil. Discute Methode The meeting was devoted to a dis- cussion of numerous suggestions which have been made in recent weeks as to the best method of get- ting underway on this projeet, as well as the nature and scope of any plan which migbt be undertaken and the financial problems involved on to tne north imnitsot i gi'wuua or on a basis of a planf which would be liînited to Winnetka atone, divided into progressive' steps of construc- tion. the finalof which wotild bc elim- ination of the crossing at Indian lli, ~. eivtonf rom a point tiorth. of the kenilworth station to- a point south1 of Wiilow roadin i Winnetka. .()Estién of Finance, The questionof financing-the proj- ect was discussed, based on some pre- Iimiinarv estimates submitted by Mr. Kingery. which *take into account the fiinaiiriai inabilîty of. the railroadsto assi ,mne as substanttiai a part -of the cost as lias -heretofore been conteai- plIt(-fd. and. also ftictax ing. power of Winnetka and ofIthe other villages under the one, miii gradle separation t~'-and~'lo t-inoossihiiitv of se- curng state.and rederal funds. The: meeting conciuded with a. statement b y Mr. Moulton.on ,behif of the village council, that .all sug- ges~tionas would re-ceive thbe jinniediate and careful consideration hy that 1body. withi a view of arrivingl at a decision in the near future for defi- nite action. r.Dickinson also made a brie f. report as to progress on the crossig protection case before the lliïnots Commerce commission. stating. that the villagze expects to complete the presentation of its evidence at héar- ings scheduled to start on Februarv O6f SA'1 .P.Nf#4:N 8W RPAC.ES Bo ITý 'Tf4RIL 'LING G(W4EN -NatioealSq.rCmul 8MALL ORIENTAL RUGS:1 1oonlltiMz. Ea8, washhalp ma Wlnuetkit 2952.