Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1938, p. 10

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The minister w111 be ln the pulpit at the il o'clock worship service Sunday mornInif, February 21. The service be- gins wth the musical preparation et 10 :45 o'oloclc, and the Introit Is siing juat before 11, Yeu are Invitcd to:share In the entire service. The special Musie. wili be au foilows: Organ (04) Lro"(Concerto Grosso) . ..,Handel -.è......... ........ Ha.d el ....o Mr...... * . ...Handel Introit: "The Lord lea lu Hie Holy Temple" .......Harringtoii Anthm: ."The Lord le My Ligbt".... ..ë .... 0...........Parker Offertory Solo; «The Peu itent"............ Van de Water Mr. Beverly Burton *Ofan Postlude:, "Finale". (th Sonate).... >.....Mendessohn, The, Church school nieets Sunday mornings at 9 :90.o'clock. New enroli- monts many be made at any time. The Intermed iate Epwort4i league, tuecta Sunday. evenings at 5 o'clock. Al high school students are Invlted t& attend the High Séfbool Epworth league on Sunday ,veigs .at 6 o'lQc., Theta Upsilon Rho, for young people ahove hlgb. achool ege, meets Sunday ovenings et 5:30 o'clock, The following Divisionis are meeting today (Thuredey) at 10 o'ciock, for ail-day meetings:, 8econd-Guild roomn of the cburéh. Thifd-Mrs. Paul Rcnsch, 915 Eiev- enth treet.' Fourtli-Mrs, Thomas Mouldlng,,1004 Greenwood avenue. The choir nicets for rehearsal tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock in the Junior room, under the direction of Miss Marie Briel. New voices are. needod. If you oig, please corne toiiiglit, or contact the dîrecteL - The Fîrst division wIll meet Monday, Fobruary 21, et 10 o'clock, et the home of Mre. Joseph Andreucetti, 1320 Me- pie avenue. A "Food Fashion Revue'.'w11Il be held March .22, 23. and 24, at 9. a.m. lui the First. National Bank building, 1150 Wîlmette avenue. This wiil be spon- eored by the Second and Third divisions. The Frlondly circlo will meet Tues- day, February 22, et 8 o'clock et the home of Mrs. J. D . Cox, 1316 Maple avenue. Hosteses: Mesdames Scarff, Faxon, and Ambuhi. Masoli, the Junior cov oo., 'uw, Frayer for Our Country,- Voris, Ed- irard Otis, soloist; postinde, "Postiude ln DI" iWeber. The Sunday sehool wili meet in ail. departmnents at 9 :30 o'clock. The. Adulit Bible ciass wili nieeta 10 o'clock ln the chapel for the s dy of the Book of Revelation. The children of parents who wiý to attend ite norning. worship service are cared for in our Junior church at Il The Pastor'is lassefor those who wlsh to join the cëhurch at Easter wili xneet at 9 :30 o'ciock Sunday niornlng. The, Boy Scout s will ineet Monday, eveningat the churciè. The Spoke s of the Woman's society ,Wlll meet as foliows: No. 2 wilh Mrs. P, B. Grondai, 85 'High street, Winnet- ka, Tuesday for12 :30 o'ciock luncheon. No. 3 wlth Mrs. C. H. Neai,' 61i. Hin man avenue,' Evanston, Tuesday at 1 o'ciock. No. 4 with Mrs. T. E. Halidor- son, 1720 Central avenue, Tuesday-for al-day meeting. No. 5 with Mrs. Ross, 1218, Forest avenue, Tuesday at. il o'clock. No. 6 with hirs. Rtaymndû Rapp, 1125 Elmwood avenue, Tuesday at 1 o'clock. No. 10 wlth Mrs. M. R. Barker, 730 Central avenue, Wednesý- day at 1 o'clock. Nl'o. 12 witb Mrs. P. J.ý Crowell, 623 Lake avenue, Wédnesday at 12 o'clock, Mrs. G. Iývans, co-lostess._ Spoke No. 4 wlll hold an apron, sale and tea at the home of Mrs. Thomas Gibson, 429 Tentb street, March 1 from ýIto 5 o'ciock. Pieage: note the date., The Girl Scouts wili meet at th e church Wednesday cvenlng. Tuhe midweek service will be held Wednesday evening ln the' chapel at 8 o'clock We will study Mattbew 5 as one of the serica of "Great Chiapters if the Bible."' We Invite you. The choir rehear§es Friday eveiing,; the Junior choir Saturday Ynorning.. Memberships lni the Presbyterian Home Anxlliary may be h-ad durin,- February from Mrs. R. Waiiaece Young. A benefIt: performance of '-Cavnllterin Rusticana" 'and *I Pagliacci" will-ho giveri PFebruary 25 at the Auditorium theater for Brie Neighborhood bousel. The Tuxis club will 'meet Sunday at 5 :30 o'clock ln the chapel. William Dodds will lead the discu~ssion of the tople, «"Can tbe ie ngdom of Co>d Corne'." All the young people are .lnvited. ani four. The Christian Lirecors o study la used. We, invite you to attend our worshlp service next Sunday morning at il o'clock. Thie young people's orgaflizationsi meet on Sunday. afternoon and evenlng, the Junior Luther league at 3 o'iclock and'the Senior Yuther 56:30. The, Lutheran Foreign Mission Con- ference of Amnerfca wiii, hoid.ita annUai mieeting In Chicago; February 20 to 22. On Sunday evening- at 7 :45 cilock there will bie three large meetings and the one scheduled for the North Side area, wili be heid at. Hioly Trlnity Luth- eran church,,Addison and Maple square, Chicago. The speaker Wili be Dr. ,George Drach,- generai. secretary of the Ebard of, Foreign . Missions of the United Lutheran ehurch. Teacher's Training ciass forý teachera in ýthe Lutheran Church schoois, on the north -shre-wfll b- heid' on Monday evening, at. 8 o' cic l a t Immanuel Lutheran church, Sherman avenue at Lake street, Evanston. Fellowship dînner, February 24, :at 6 :36 o'clock for the, members and f rierds of thxe chui'ch. Vesper musicale, February 27, at 4 o'clock Included on the. program wiii be a Bach Chorale, an anthem of praise from the pen of 11,aydn, and an example of the distinctive. Russian- sacre& mnu, sic as well as that of contemporary Anierican writers. Special' features on the program wiil be a solo by Mise Roslyn Renscb, the taiented harpi.qt; and an organ. number by Victoria c-e Leod, ehurch organist. A cordial Invi- tation Is extended to aIl. Kenilworth Union * Dr. Herbert L. iltt iInister Dr. Wlllett's cubjeet for Sunday, Feb- ruary 20, will he "Man-the Atomn and thie Masýtrr." The chuirch service. Is at Ilo'clock. The nu-ic for the church service %wili. be as folloWA: Prelude to *"Suite ln F".....Coelilî *Spirit ......-...Norman Coke-Jephrott Offertory-ljargo e espressivo ý from "Suite" in F'....... .... Corelli Solo-T'he Publican ... . Van der Water (isAnfies) The Womnan's guild will meet Mon- day morning, February 21, at. 10 o'ciock. The work of the gulld is for Maie quartet are vlsitlng artiste., Large groupe of men are enJoying the informai felowship of our Monday eve- ning gatherinigsL Ail, botih older and younger,. are most welcome. The munn are -planning a spécial I'Men's Day" lu the current sere of Jubllee services of the church. -Alfred Heerens bas been promoôtlng thesé, meetings, on behaîf of.the Social comimittée. The Woman's soclety will serve a buffet supper lu the'.ehurch dining hall on Friday evening, February. 25. These are such delightfui occasions that we ail look forward to them. Newcomers ln the congrégation wlli fnd them an op-. portunity to get better acquainted. St. Auagustine's (Épiscopal) Dr. Hubert Carleton, reetor Next Sunday,' February 20, wiil b*ë Sexagesima Sunday. There wilil ha Hoiy Communion at 8, church, scimoni .ut 9;:45, and morning prayer with,,,sermon aet 11 a.m. The vestry will nieet Mondayý, Feb)- ruary,21, at 8, in the chuircii officeQ. X ext Thursday, Februe ry 23, %vil[ be St. Afatthew' s day. There wIll be H-niv Communion at 8 am. On Wesbington's birthday. Februalgy. 22, the young 'men and older boys of the diocese' wiil attend a corporate cel.-. bration of, the Hoiy Communion et 'Si. James' chuch, Chicago, et 8 a.m.,, and wvil1 breakfast together efterward, nt the Lawson Y. M. C. A. efter wicn; there. will be an address by, Bilop. Stewart and Paul Ruscbi of Tokvo, Japan. Pirst Con greg'Éational Rev.. John.G. Hindley, minister SUINDFAy SERVICES' Church echool............9i: . l3eginners and pnimanies ...0:0am .Norninig or ship'.. a.m. .!a-ppa Pi Phi............ .... ':Uîj.ri. T'lhe sermon' theme for the morning worship *wi:ll be "Are -You -Iive-with- abie?" The niusicà for th e 1mornýiing service will be as foliows: Organ Preiude-.Fantasy on *"Italien Hyrnn" Tune ..NcKiley ning a t the m o r- e n svIA * rs c i erenc or> th e Bap - tures. rnere w ill b o a com m u.n ity sinyx at. il o'clock. We Thie Confirmation class wil l met on tist association wIll bo held at Austin of - Id favorites withMr.FW.Ty with U~s. 'Fhursday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock. Baptist church, both afternoon andi ve- lors at the piano. A famous conductor * ning sessions. 'Milss Pearl Rosser will has been lnvited to lead the singlng, Mm arraJied by The Senior choir will rehearse on have charge., Ail teachers and workers and'everybody le èsked te get tic old ogntad iThuruday éeeulu at '17:30 o'clock. with children wflI benefit greatly by toneslîs lu shape., C. E. Jircéiow ,willl ~ wrmip eric' Té unir - ii réease attendiug.. coiduet a tourý of Europe Illustrated by, Tejuirchoir wl r M On récent coiored motion pictures of thé > O~iiui Sturdy ioralng t 10 o'olock. Evroel nteréed h Jubile. trp. Coffe amud sandwiche, wil% be

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