Swans Dowlnc Cake'Flour pkl 'i 3 Quick-Ffr. Pop, Cor.f Pops in no. time et al-So good to have on, hand for betwen-mal'Snacks- I -LB3. 2 Gebhordf ', The l're'l" chli-deiciously seasonïd--To b. served pip- 3 fer 43c Uaeda lokers fig Newtons SoclilTa soth poar end fovorite cookies-Serve .with peaches. as affernoon fou wafers or ONUE0F1AH Red PiIed-Ceeries Seive es a desserti With Fig *Newtons-; in "acis, pies. cobbleor tris-No. 2 fin 3 Ifor z55c Commodore Mople. Sap 100% pur.e .p--no Sugar -added-Mak.es hot cakes or waffl.s .quatly moret.ompling- Qmr79ic- '1m43C Univeriy Mauple Synip Maypefrt isdlcous syrup t. the pur. maple Sap-Serve with griddl. cae se fitais or waffieS-4"woss- Qua-45 ICI Aunt Jemimai Pancake Flour . ..P~.lic 100% Filled liard Condie ielbet ees Rmm and botter Tofe. -. Co... do brand -Jumbo peach L. small bridge mix. black walnut 9C * dessert. or when served as a re-Relrmav ndog1L squares and large filI.d cani,-A Yf butter-y! 3 S - 3-b. fin- freshing salad-2 9 3 for 85e No. 21/ tins- Fresh fruits and Vegetables AVOCADO PMARS. Ripe and reecly to, serve on the haif shell or wifh seleçtid fruits 2 for25 TUAS ii#rn.iSS GRAPIEFRUIT., Th~e seedtpns variety are so easy to prpare- OOZ59C 5 for 29C RHUBARS8. The strawberry end lu so colorfu- Full of rich, juicy neca- variel fy thaeed -FORJUICI.' ROME BUEAUTY APPLES. Tii. best baker- is no peeling Ibs., 25e 5 Ibs~ Meut -Fish RIB ROAST of BEEF Wond.rfully' fonder, juicy, .ged 6.ef. "Aged bê.f" is aIw.ys fuil M rîWlýflëvor. 6*oand 7th ribs. IL.26c Smal l1b. 31c CHOICE POT ROAST. Fine for an "oves, meal"-rown ina butter, add enions, se.soning. some water; cover and roast tintil; tender, adding pofatoes and vegetebles three-uarters of. en hour befoe serving- lb.L c JONES PONK SAUSAGE. b.C30 Fry or bake with apple sices- Link-I . cMea-4b.30 PRESH SPARI IIUS. S. o oo when roasted or boiled and 3bun. 51Rm FERRUARY 17Y 1938 1 POTATOIS Finesl Quality Rd- 15-lb. per 3 3 c NEW POTATES Very special prie- 1Oibs. 49c. 511»'.I9c