Miss Genevieve Birauf, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Birlauf .of 913 Thirteenth street,. Wihuette, who is sepnding a year in Europe, writes front the Black Forest, where she is staying for the winter sports, th at she bas been accorded the, honor of LO fi club are rom 3ermany, witi i t Çex ception of eight ýmembers who are from other countries. Besides Miss Birauf, there are four menibers from France, one fromn Denmark, one from, Holiand, and one from Switzerland. Grac UneInstais Emergency Speakers Emergency speaker, systems have been installed on ail Grace uine coin- bination passeniýer anid cargo ships. connecting the bridge with' any _part of the ship, in two-waycommunica- tion at a cost of approximately $100,- 000. "In case> of eme rgency,", said Safe- ty Engineer John, Allen, of Grace bile, . 'the. captain uwill be' able to speak to bis officers or giire orders to membr fthe crew in any part of the ship, above- or below deck. Hel cari' speak to sections of the -hip. one particular section;, ore the whole ship at on ce.l1 "The emergency speaker systemi was devised as the best method tol avert. confusio n, among passengersl and to enable the captain to, be in constant communication with officers] and crew in time of accident regard-_ less of what part of the slip they, might be in. These speaker systems ican flag slhips which have ifebôats more than 100 feet from the bridge." CHAMPIONSHIP SKI RACES Stowe ' Vermont-Biggest thing in skiing in 1938 will be the United States National races to be run 'March 5 and1 6 on thre easterly.slope of MountMans- field, near Stowe. The program will ini- clude the National Down-Mountain and Slalom championship races for men. The 1938 Ladies' Down-Mountain and- Slalom races are to be held on the same terrain April 9 and 10. It,is anticipated that these national events, will attract a record gathering of skiers and the. outstanding experts at this pastime. *Stowe, Vermont, is conveniently r.eached fronm the west .and central' states through Chicago by the services of the G~rand Triink and Central Vermont Charles Bickcll of 202 Golf fer-> race recrnth l' noy-ed a wet'ek-end( z viSiît with his graindson, David Gri'ffis (al)o-ve) of Lilia, Pei-i, 7,11M he had not seez for- nearly twty3 vecars. Mfr. Griffi s is sec retary f0 flic vicc-/'residcnit of thc Wf'. R. *Grace Steamiship 'coifainy and j*ç statl»ied at Sanî'iago, ChiUe. Il'h:lte here .11r. Griffis also visitcd othiei relatives in ltiJ,>ette anid E7vaiston.i *and his paternali granidfather lil Ouk Park. EASTER VACATION Chicago-Victor E. Eke, passenger traffic manager of the Canadian Na-1 tional Steaniships, visiting Chicago on a business trip, said that traffic to thei West Indies has been maintained at highý 1level on these all-year servicel vessels. ýMr. Eke esaid that more trav- elers fromf the western and central staties are leaàrning the. pleasures of these cruise voyages, which operate. through the port of Boston. Already many ndi- viduals are booking for a three-weeks PiFreproot, modemn, 125 <islM s !WSUs aull* Wh, mIsanthat, elevaton' Àg#"eil cttot cuisie amd dia%& "«" melau ln, wsaly rat«s frm 8MP Binet s0 u N& W*Ia Sfo. .ý per working. Travel to Churci 11 be in ,modemt train equiputent w necessary comforts. 71e Md. Sf. *v..sf~ UNI. 4fSS J I dkâht - #*~ 'w- 0 ', -1 W -Ib"1923=91 . . -- - il A big hegira of winter sports en-, thusiasts to the resorts in the North Woods regions over the Washington Birthday holidays is indicated by ad- vance reservations corning into the Chicago and North Western winter. sports department. Thé skiers, skat- ers and snlo*-shoers started leaving Chicago Thursday evening on trains. beaded 'for. the siope.s in northern Wisconsgin and Peninsular Michigan. Others will depart, on Friday and Saturday eveniflgS. A leading magnet for many mill be the, big carnival, at Ishpeming, Mich.. which begins on February1 20, and, culmninates in chamûpionship-ski jumüp-.ý ing on February 22. Other spots preparing, for ivinter sports fans are Eagle River, Phelps. Rhinelander, Ashland, Lac du Flam;- beau and Wausau. Snowv at Ish- peming is 40 inches deep, at Eagle Riverý 32, and Phelps 45. iWisconsin Isues New Fishing Laws Bookiet The 1938 edition of *'Wisconsin Fishinig Laws," a 72-paged illustrate d booklet, is now off the press, with côimpleter information on seasons and on bag, possession, andl size limnits as established for the year by the \Viýs- consin Conservation commlission. A new arran gement oi the material makes for easier understanding of the regulations. The three %vter classi fica- t tns are separated into three tables, for inland waters and bounded Great- Lakes bays, -Minnesota - WVisconsin joint waters, and, Iowa - W\isconsin ,waters, 1Appended to this year's regulations. are twenty -two most-asked question s (such as "How many hooks rnav a fishermian use on a single fine") and the answers ("Two single flues for. casting; one' hook il. every other case.">, In addition, 'nineteen varie- tie >s of Wisconsin gamefish are illüs- trated and described. A chart pictures and names ali the parts of a generic fi sh. T1he bhnnlelpi 1i tswe11 the names