Booths and Attrac- tions for Exhibit The various comm ittees- of the clubý activities. committee of the Better Homes exhibit which 4 will take place 'at the Woman's Club of Wilmette -March 8%9 and 10 have been,-. inigs the past week and planning, "something. new" for their iý booths. Beautiful -handwork, gay, breakfast sets, napkins, aprons (the' "kind ýyou ,the door with a grand air,'" says Mrs. Ernest, Freemantù, chair- man of the club activities), towiels, and'crocheted articles are being made by the gift committee of which -Mrs. S. D. McPherron Is chairman. Mrs. Freeman says that she bas seen the articles that are çompleted, ini a spare bedroom at Mrs. VePherron's home, and neyer did she see such lovely aprons I The grab bag comnlittee, under Mrs. W.. J. Chapman, is flot going to bave the usual bit or miss type of ".surprises"-they are planning to make some of theni and to select the other articles with care at the sbops. The grab bag will contain reallv choice things, and baricers in costume will keep the crowds in- formed of this and see that their merchandise keeps moving. The other booths, too, are plainning special "come bither' 4evices-the candv booth under Mrs. Victor La Fave; tbe food booth under Mirs. L. W. Becker, Jr.; the nut booth under Robert Bacon; the white elephant booth undei Mrs. W; . r Baer; the fortuneiteller's shack un- der Mrs. Raymnond W. Hallet, and. the tea-rooin with a gypsy tea leaf reader and a palm reader in charge of Mrs. W. K. Yates. :Irs. Howard E. Ringholm,,chair- man of the ways and means commit- tee which sponsors the Better Homes Two menbers of the Woinan's Club o f 1J inette who arc assumîing a large part of the responsibilitv for the Bef fer Holles e.rhibit which will !ce held at the club on Mlarch 8, 9, and 10 are Mrs. Arthi& J. Dixon (ied t). 706 Laurel avenue, and Mrs. Erpiest H-. Frreemai (right), 601 Laurel qveîîîClft. Mrs. Dixon has been mrade general cisairman of flhc exhibit, and .Ilrs. Fri-- mon is the chairmnan of the club exhib ifs. D ev elo p Pl an s fo0r KeniIworthArdn Shore Dediatin ofNewGroup Sponsors Benefil Country Day Building Plans for the dedication on March 6of the new Lower School building of the. North Shore Country Day school nioved ahead Wednesday with the joint meeting of the program and hospitality committees. Under the direction of Mrs. Byers WVilcox and Mýiss Janet Harvey, details of the prograiil for the entire afternoon were reported upon. This will iii- *Manv Kenilworth women are de-, ,%'oting time to selling tickets for a book review, program~ and tea, m-hich, on Wednesday aft-ernoon of this coni- ing %veek. takes place in the Kenil- worth club at 2 :30 o'clock, for the benefit of Arden Shore -camps. The Kenilworth committee of the Arden Shore association. sponso r of the event, wiIl present "The FIN-inLy Book Rei-iewer," Mrs. Florence Bourke Ellis of Chicago. Have Annual Card Party Next Manday The. annual card pa rty of the YO.ung ý Mother's Club of XVil- mette wviI1 be held Ménday eve- 1ning, February 21, at the home .of Ms Guy Gla dson, 426 Ce n- tral, avenue., John W. Pcý- taja, M.Nrs. John Kamper ,%Mrs., F. MlcWilliarns and Mrs. W7. F. Shcrrill %vill act as ico-hostesses. .Nrs. Ray mond D. Stephens, social chairman, is iný charge of the party. Members set aside onxe eening from their calendar of instructive and ed- ucational activities when they spend' îhe evenîng at cards. This, social gathering enables former become better acquainted. with, new, members. Amoîig the,- new memIbers of the club are Mrs. William H. Alexander, Mrs. Arthur Bennett, Mrs. A. J. Graf, and Mrs. joseph Kaszab, Jr., ail of %ViImette; Mrs. A. J. Witzleben, Jr., and. Mrs. Harold Burke of 'Kenin- wVorth; 1MArs. Ro%> OIson, Mrs. F. V<.. -Nickells, Mirs. Donald Cady, Mrs. John R. Davenport, and MNrs'. Frank' 'r. Herhert, .ail of Winnetka. The organization is composed of. a membership of forty-fiive mothers whose children are of. pre-schoo*i age.. Whlen their yroungest child becomes 0 years old, the mothers. automatjcally gradtiate, makin.g it possible for ail- other niember to take ad\-aitage of the opportunity of hearing- author- ities in their line discuss some of the probienis and dificulties of caring. for and training young chiidren. Mrs. John B. Schneider of \Vinnet- ka is president of the club, aind Mrï.., H. C., lIlium of Winnetka i.s prograni chairinan.. To Incude Song Program A meeting of the Readin ieHots Dramaclub wili be h( ~ CfcIe osies ' ruary 18, atI1 o'clock The Reading circle will haive its Mrs. Walter Hildebra next meeting. Monday, FeIbruary 21, avenue., Mrs. Seymot at the home of Mrs. Arthur Boyn-. in charge of the dis( ton, 6W Ash street, Winnetka, at parison of the plays 1 o'clock. Maugham. ,a com- vard and IIrath will be the occasion. assistant hostesses for Gives Dance Miss Betty Beck, 411 Prairie av- enue, and Miss Peggy Ebbert, 1304 Gregory avenue, were hostesses at a formai dance at the Ridgevieý hotel in Evanston last Friday'night. WILMET TE LIFE