F What the well dressed woman will Alpha Phi Dance wear this sprng and early sumner in ron the old theory of afternoon dresses wilI be shown Iore the merrier.." the through the courtesy of N. A. Hanna, Inc., of Wilmette, at the. annual bene- hi ýNorth Shore aluninae fitbig aryadfshion show. to ng. together classmat.es, be held aàt the Country. Club of . v- ienids. and sororitv sis- anston by the,.Friends of LakeBluf Orphanage'on Wednesday, M arch 2. rierus paries atudàv Tiwenîty inidels have- been chosen Febrarv19. lth ghto display the gowns. Four' of' the' twenty are from local' villages and f thé- litie gatherings, include: Mrs>. George R. Blackburn of tesses modesty0,declare.. Wilmette, MNrs. Ernest S. Humphrys,, aren't parti es," t hey Jr., of Kenilworth, Miss Dbrothy .An- dersen and Mrs. Edward Beneke of eless are -"starting-poiflt Winnetka. parties." tor startîng conversa- tion rolling and, forni*ing nuclei of."congenial souls" who plan to 'crowd 'into. cars and go to the Alpha Phi sororitv 's own formiaI supper dance at Shaw- nee Couitr,% club that evenirrg. Among the hosts and hostesses for such unassuining littie affairs are Miss Frances Cutier, of 1001 Lake avenue, Wilmette; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coiville o.f 430 Ninth street, Wilmette, and, in Evariston, enter- taining beforehand are Mr. and M.\rs.' Richard B. Hart, Mr. and MN1r s. Charles M. Hall, who with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Abbot of 'Highland Park will entertain at the, Hall home, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Walsh Bal- win of 1496 Asbu:-y'- avenue, Hub- bard Woods are having twenty din- ner guests at their home before AI' Morey's orchestra starts the first dance scheduled for 9:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Charles of Evans- ton are giving a dinner for eight pre- ceding the dance. The ticket, sale. committee reports great activity and wishes to make 'it clear that, its members are only too glad to seli tickets to any Alpha Phi friends or neighbors who rnay flot have been approached previously. The ticket. cornmittee includes Miss Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Kahn, 1510 Highland avenue, and their daughter, Carol, left Wedncsday for Fort JAuderdale, FI.. They'expect to be away for a mônth.. A book revîiw wi ll be presented for those who do nlot caré to play bridge. Thé speaker, Mrs. James S. Harvey, is to review ."No Hearts to -Break" by Susan .Erti. Planï)s for. the beniefit ivilI be dis-- cussed at a joint meetiig 'of the;boa-rd-- and 'the commnit'tee chairmen of the party to be held next Monday after- noon at 2 o'clock at the home of 'Mrs. Brower MNunroe, 724 -Maclean ave- nue, Kenilworth. Gifts for Baptisi Home Mrs. Charles 0. Main on Friday visited t he Baptist Children's home in Mlaywood, taking each child either a pinafor.e or a sweater, Valentine gifts f romn the women of the Wilmette Baptist. church.. Denoefit Choirmon oesy, eeona#ry. tise aid of thse nient school in .41rs. R. T. S coitt o.f Wiîmfctka is a iiieiinber of the ticket coimmiittec for the formai supper dance flic N.ord, Shiore alumupaè of -Alpha Pi are' having at Shzazu'nic Country club Saturdav cicnipîg of this ck Starltiîig- o iiit Parties and diiii ,urs, zvi1l prerede the eveint. Baptist Anniversary Commttee Tea Gusts Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, 1010 Chestnut avenue, entertained at tea last Sunday the. Silver anniversary commit- tee of the Wihnette- Baptist church. a group consisting of twenty-five men and womnen: >Mr. and M.\rs. Charles E. Thompson of Glenicoe, Mr. Thompson serving. as general chairman; Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Clark of Evanston, Mr.. and Mrs. E. C. Carlson of Winnetka, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott of Chicago, }¶erman C. First Presbyterian te will meét with -pp, 1125 Elmwôod ck luncheon Feb- aveut ruary Going "ithe m Alpha P are call i Close fri ters ifit< for..nurr even îng. some o the hosi neverth( ecentiy to attend theétnter l at Dartmouth college the id of Pebruary 12, and to lends in New, York. Miss; is a :1 ud ent at Mundelein WILMBTTB ýLIFE pi phi Style Show Three Northw%,esterii univer- sity beauty queens, Mrs. Edward M. Torcom, Miss Nancy Powell, and'Miss SaIly Douglas, wvill be amnong the mannequins display- ingnew%% spring fashions atý the annual benefit dessert bridge and style 'show, the North Shore Alumnae club of Pi .Beta Pi will. sponsor Friday afternoon of this week at i1:30 o'clock, at the Evanston Woman 's club). Others acting as models -ývill he' Mrs. Richard D. Cagney,' (the former 'Mary Lynch of Kenilworàth> Mrs. Howard Kerr, Miss, Caroline Faust, .Miss Jane Pool,,Mi ss Virginia Hick ev Miss Jane Mlarqua, and Miss Virgiii Punton. The commiittee -for the evepts includes: \Irs. Charles E. Clifton, Jr., of 'Ev- anston, who is general chairman of the affair. Mrs. Dale S. Suttotilis ticket chairman; Miss Rita. Pool, fashion show chairman; Mrs. Carlton, C. Cumnmins, president of, the Aluxnnae club), is refreshment and properties, chairruan; Mrs. David Hicks, prizc chairman; M-\rs. Joseph- Reed, chair- mnar of the candy sale Ail are resi- dents of Evanston. 11, Wi'lmette, Mrs. B. M. M\arco.i and Mrs. H. B. Taylor are ticket chairmen for their village. In Winnetka, the ticket chairinen are Mrs. Frank M. Awvalt anid Irs. R. H. Irvine. In. Gncoe, Mrs. 1Lvman 'M\. Drake, jr.. is ini charge of tickets. Proceeds from the afternoon 'will be used for the work of' the -Pi Beta Pi settlemnent schooli Gatlinburg. Attends Cornivol *