The engagemnent of.. theiir aaidii- ter, Pra:,ces Barbara, to Alleni B., Neis has beec» annoiencéd by' Mr.. anid Mrs. Williams J. 'Schnteider 911 Vernon avenue, Glencoe. Miss Sýchneider': fiancé is the son of Mr. aid Mrs. A. C. Hahil, 1232 SImp- soit streetYRvansloj'. The wedding wil ake place Jyne 13. Betty Renn Engaged Vernon Welsh., Mrs. -Geêorge*Shiîp- mian, regent, is theý delegate. For the National Congress in April the following were elected alternates: Mrs. Nabors,'. Mrse. Whetston, Mr,. Hodgk.ins, afid Mrs.. Randolph Buck.* The, regent , -Mrs. Shipmanl, ap, Pointed Mrs. Mitchell' and Mrs. Ruth as mienibers of a ýnominatinig coin- mnittee toselect a slate for 'the next election of officers. K'enftians te:Grive AnnuaI Sonefitl Party. 'Next Monday, at 1 :30 o'clock,' at the Evanston Woman's club, the, an-, nuat benefit caïd party of the Ken- tucky Society of Evanston and the *North Sho re takes place., Dessert will be served before the program of b ridge, or a book review,,begins. Stock comppany in Boston, and taught in a number of schools and colleges in the middle W-eat. Miss Canterbury wilI read "Love Is a Challenge," by Mrs. Florence Guy Seabury. Followink -the programn, tea will1 be' served, with Mrs. William£E.. Brossart and Mrs. Charles Allen pouring. Thrfen Years OId ,.Donna Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -C. W. Barnes, 227 Ninth st r eet, celebrated b ler tbirte enth, birthday'at an evening party held,at ber home last Friday. 1", this paper each week. (Copyright) Money can buy everything but lost health and happiness. Happi- ness returtis when it is possible to restore health. Physicians, are, guardians of health; skilled in the art of healing. Trheirs ïs the. advice that should, be followed in the- treatment t* restore health' and as to the meth- od to avoid sickness: SIt is vita.lly imnportant that their prescriptions should:be compound- cd by'athorougbly trainied and ex-. perienced pbarmacist. This Is3 the'forty-sixth of a serteis of Editorlal .Advertlsements appearing village end FIm Scheel Wanda Greinelsen VILLAGE SCHOOL 717 Gr.enwood Ave., GIeIwoe CbUdren 8.6 YTarsof Âge FAIM SCHOOL Sander's, Rd, Nortbbrook, 111 Clldren 5.12 Years of Age For Inforationa Toi. rGUm8oe 928 Tu yy eu. James zýewara Table 'prizes willbe given, and as Annunemet s'ýan added inducement, cake and Ann LeounEllewthimaenby Mr.124dcookies prepared according to south- Mrs.I.eoy Fllsort Ren of124ern recipes will be made by members Robsart road, Kenilworth,' that the of the Society to be served with tea marriage of their daughiter, Bettv, to and coffee. James Seward, son of Mr. and MNrs. Roy Seuward of' Indianais .I, n î,, Mrs. John P. GreLz oe rf ai-t -ou on a 11-ilie oi rý,l'~ Tlicta .sorprity, and Mr. mnember of 'Phi Kappa -Psi, IIJd Alpha Seward a fraterity. Enigagement Announced' AnnOUTICement is miade of the eni- ga-genîcaît of Miss Do-roth%- Mac F ox,. daughter of' Mrs. Lora May Fox and the.late Orville E. Fox to Maurice R. Baiiey, Jr., of Chicago, son of the . . ChiIdren of the' Kentucky moun- tains. who are pupils of the Hindman Settlement school in Klnott county in the 'Ue grass" state, will be aided, by the party's proceeds. OpentsHome OfTHE EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL. A-nnOiUnCe.. The dintier nounced 'by Ski February 17, is evening, Febrvi Mintz and his music. Dinner opcliock. stra providing t be served at 8: I Mrs. Guy Gladson, 42( M- avenue, will oPen her hon >r annual card party of thi ay Mot/sers' Cieb of Wilt ie Monday evenin g, ebri he Mrs. Raymond D. Steph/e 30 chairmean, and her comila j,, chargé of t/e evcning.ý iary 21. lx, social ittee are 2 J4o, 5A0~~ ve1~ons Suggest.d-LONGIEAC~ . j-