Motrix Banquet Among the 400 promnjent women invited by the Northwestern uni- ver sitys AMpha Beta chapter of Theta Sigmna Phi to attend its 'annual Matrix banquet held on Tuesday, February 15,' in, the Orrington hotel were Mesdames Lucy Rogers Haw- kins, national editor of the sorority's publication, the "Matrix," MaryKmn- navey Moore, past national presi- dent of ýTheta Sigma Phi, honor- ar y and "'professional sorority for woMen ini journalism; Leon G. ICranz, presidc"nt of. the University* circle; C_ J. Wiegman, president of the Chi- cago .alumnae; Philip Fox,' past preidntof the University circle; Fred C. Windoes,- treasurer of the University guild; Fred. Clark, and, George A. Paddock, wives of Trustee niembers; Earl Dean Howard, Ernest IHahni, w ives of NorthWestern uni- versity faculty, and, Kenneth C. Ol- .son, wife of the new dean of MedilI )School of Journalism. *Misses Marjorie Barrows and Frances Cazanah of ý"Child Lif e" magazine, and Ruth Lozrien, the *Mary Meade of theChicago Tribune, announced, their intention of joining the Matrix table. Mary Jane Ward, author of the "Waxed Apple," wa:. invited. Froni the Evanstoni campus, the members of Mortar Board, Phi Beta var-A1..4i. T e.hda Dlta.3Student Six winners of two contests spon- sored by the. sorority wei-e to be presented with silver loving cups on Tuesday-evening. Four winners were chosen the best news and feature writers in their newspaper's division -circulation f rom 500 to .10,000 and 10,000 to 50,000. 'These Illinois news- paper women .r eporters submnitted. thei stories which were published during the period from January 1, 1937, to january 1, 1938. The second contest concerned so- Mt-s. Patricia Goodhue Bradley is Winnetka ctairm;apt, and as such is a ment.ber of thse general committee, for the beneit dance the Chicago Iiiter- c olegiate Alumnae association of Kappa Kappa Gamma is sponsoring at the' Edgewater Beach hotel Thursday evening, .February 24. Service Councill WiiI Meet Friday for Lunch The Big Sisters of the Service Couiicil for Girls (Protestant Big Sisters) will hold their rnonthly meet- ing Friday, February 18,. at 10:30, in the morning at roorn 1103, 203 North Wabash avenue. Luncheon will be served. Mrs. Albert Held is chair- man of the big sister committee. Mrs.- Roy L. Davis, 2672 Stewart avenue, Evanston, will assist. Mrs. Walter L. Backer, 140 Linderi ave- nue, Gle ncoe, and 'Mrs. Clarke J. Muùnn, 874 Grove street, Glencoe, are active on the board. of directors. K appa Dinner Dance Is'at Edqewater Beach Tht- Chicago Intercollegiate Aluni- nae association of Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity wvfll ententain the Kappas of Chicago and vicinity witit a dinner dance. The pJarty is to be- given at the Edgewater Beach hotel Thursday, February 24. Mrs. George Harrison of Chicago; is chairman of the dance, assisted-1by Mns. George Bollenbach of Evanston. who is north side chairman, and Mrs. .,Arthur Vellenga of Chicago., Others on the comniittee are 'Mrs. Stuart Bradley of Winnetka; MIrs. Harry Kerr, WVilmette; Mrs. Leslie G. Committee of club And now cornes the enterpris- ing tours chairman of the Worn- an 's Club) of Wilmnette, Mrs. Paul K. Robert son, with an-, other ëof he r nysterioùs, allur- ing, and. very popular tours. which1 the "general public" has long. wanted to t akebut couldn't -down into the tunnel under- neath Chicago. Because reservationis have to be in a, month ahead of timfe for this unusual tour. which the 'Ways ,alqd means comMittee is, planning for Wednesday, March 23, notice of. the tour is given more than a month in advance. Only the first sixty who inake res- ervations will have the much sought for privilege of going through the tunnel which extends, fifty miles of it,. utnder the main business sectio n of Chicago. The general public has not been permitted to go down into the tunnel for some turne, and it is quite a feather, in the cap of the ways and means committee, of which Mrs. Howvard Ringholm is chairman, that the tour includes a trip through tecelebrated tunnel, theonly tunnel system in the country used exclus- ively for the purpose of transporting nierchandise, coal, and other coin- modities for stores. The guests wvill ride in narrow Those' wlio are not in the first sixty-may stili join the party for 12:30 luncheon at Carson Pirie's, see style'show which, coming the week before Easter, will be a "uiseful as iveli as ornamiental" siglit, and hiear a talk_ on Mýexican ýarts and cra ft s 1)- Ruth W. Lee w-ho 'las traveled. int-o thé, interior of Mexicoý to find trcas- tines -of pottery, hammered silver, fine-ctt. tin, bubble- glass. and textiles in out-of-the-Way villages. She will exhibit her collection of Miexial handicrafts and wili. show several Mexican table sett.ings. nbe r the Day," and "Ohf, ,e Me, the Literary guild's for June, 1937. At present, rancis Horan, as~ she is known North Shore, Writer's guild, nson, I Jones, of Ill'n01 euridge and keno party to be held at St. Scholastica school at 2 o'clock Friday. afternoon, Feb- muary 25. The party is being spon- sored by the mothers of students in the junior year of the hi gh sthool. WI.LMETTE -LJFE