famii',of.teiS weksoldElfgishSprkîjr Saite, is'Gottschalk Photo Titis.fn / ftn8 ek l gis pi rSaa c uei u'ned by .Ne/ston R odelus, 2628 Ridge r-oad,- EvanIston& (just. across the liste from Wilmette).- The lift er is: ont of Rod's Faith ui Ladj, *(AKC No. A67216) b3' Dos/a of Marbern. (AKC No. A 108517,wi.katown son of Field .Trial Champion iahlidwPtit 7cio.d R p.t .L DJ 111,,AIE. - l7-Jl <,~ 1,1, n. /U peu tral jllvers 'uili rem enui'erthis doq for A IN. U. Cae Show gers, Swimmers Vares This Week, rnts basket bail teain stly refuses to be dis- irst place ini the Big Tenl Rilother stubborn op-. iana at Patten gymna- night, February 19. ,me between the two j iovertinie affair witbh finalIly winuing out, 32 ore at the end of the tying timle was '29-ail. yMike MeMichael and1 by Jake Nagod4- in the >rned the decision for OUILMETTE k. OF C. LEAGUE which Csteadfa. Resuits of February 10: lodged f rom fit Capt. AI Schaefer of Nelson race meets Laundry conquered bis raiiroad coin- plex on aileys 3 and 4 and finished ponentinII hdi the evening with a 587 series. This situm Saturday înclucied a 213 game. Throtug1,the Tefrtg efforts of their captain, Russell Flood, Tefrtg and Joe Rossberger, the Nelson teanis was an Laundry roliers, were able to take the Wiidcats f three gaines froni Bill Connor's to 29' The scq Boosters, thereby gaining. uncisputed regulation pla3 possession. of first place. Other re-Afilgolb suits of the evening: a freeld goa b Braun Bros. Oil won two gaines from n tapeiie the deposed leader, Hicks. Krier. exr eide Ace Motor Sales beat Wilinettelc the Purpie. The~ lowly Evanston. Paint and Glass wiin took thie odd gme from Wilmiette thte- gaine againstV ater. ]27 to 23 iast S Scott's Morticians downed the Btanga- maintained the low Taveren twice. ý.1ý ý> defense despite Schaeter's Tavern swept the series I that threatened ,withi River Inni. Alten's mortuary beat Frank Meier, Northwester, Jr., two gaines.i endeavor to wîrmnette Battery and Electric wQJ1 streak to five st tivo in their series with Shirnonek Serv'-Mntsoaa. .- - i ..stul* -u o pèeav'SUU . P. bis Perfect Performances af local events. Evanston Youth Tumblee Into HarbÔr: Is Rescued James Wear of Evanston was res- cued late Ttiesday afternoon of Iast week when he tumbled off the bank at the Sanitary district's pumping sta- tion underneath Sheridan road bridge at Wiimette barbor, by Don Heaton, also of Evanston. Heaton had es- corted a group of youngsters of -which tbe Wear boy was one to in- spect the station. o lor s S>ring Fqshd<ms Suits - Dresses - Coats Ail made, deslgned and fitted by- 430 Linden , WiImeffe.3240. their sixth Big T en Visconsin by a score of Saurday, the, Wildc.ais eir coiisistentiy stronlg a"set of circurnstanicesý s swimming teain wili stretch its, .innin ;traight wheix its meets Pattet Pool Saturdav EAST creeping up as they have now won five gaines in a row. Mickey Rodenkirk of Wolf and Watt Hardware bowied the higbest gatie of the evening, 172, ELM STREET 80BOWLINGj à