Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1938, p. 44

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EL * Ï~ÀAtLIK BROTHERS PIJONC K3NILWORTH 3280-820 16liTN31-26,tP FLJRNITURE SPRAYING Aiso wlcker furniture &'refrigerators. We une iacqer-dries hard and faut. Wlnnetka 3186. ISLTN39-4tp Old Floors Made'Like New, NE3W FLORS MADE PERFECTý ArthtrG., Baue lghiand Park 2184 15LTN44ltp Seasoned Fireplace Logs 50 CU. FT. TOý A TON. $7. 128 Cu. FPT. to a cord. $14. Giencoe 858. ISLTNSI1-4tp WANTED: TO GIVE MONTHI.Y service on mets of books. Ail state- ments, tax reports flled. Reasonabie rates. Biackinton 'Wllmette 847: 35 yrs.,experience. Byes.ftted properiy. Broken lenses replaoed, tramets repalred. JOSEPH F. KUSS 004 Eh»p St. Wlnnetlca.3671 15A-LTN35-ttc Wilmette Fix-it Shop WB FIX ANYTHINO. RADIOS, ELEC- trical appliances, door beils, bouse *wlrlng, etc. Pilceà; very reas. Ail work guar. 1830 Centrai, Wiimette 1380. I7LTN4O-4tC au IDILINS ANS SEPAIR FLAGSTONES BeautWfui Stone tor Rock Gardeiim BRICK AND CEMENT WORK TUCIC POINTING> $HARTWELL WINNETKA 2864 21LTN18-tfc KV. HOLDING, CARPENTER Bu$lder. New Homes Remodeing; General R-epair 309 l7tIi Street Wllmette 1408 21LTN38-1 2tp BSA NOMS INSULATION CAPITOL C. W.* ANDERSON IPANTINQ AND IPECORATIN Besgmsbi. prices. WiIette e SSLTN4 I The services listed on du1 s page will assist you in keeping your, house and its furnish- ings in good condition; a, home, to be proud o.f on any occasion. Ré mode.ling & Modernzn PLANNED AND. EXECUTEDI BY 9OMEONE WHO KNOWS HOW Add a. bathroom or recreation room Remodeling ut entire home ýAil under one côntractý By competent designer and builder. F Hl A long or short terme arranged L. T. McGINNIS-20 years remoeil.n9 San~d building on the:North Shore 1843 Ridge Rd. Wllmette 5004 2ý1iTN4I14tp EXPERT DECORATINOT! HIGH GRADE DFICORATING, AND painting dune neat and dlean. Guar- anteed workmanshlp and tnateriai used throughout. Our service lu prompt and courteous. Prices are reasonabie. Noth- lng la too large or âmmmi for us. If you néed decorating> Caîl us f or a free estimate. Joseph Zacèh Wilmette 1925 25LTN41-4tp LOUIS SKOLNIK EXP. IN ANY LINE 0F DEC., OF- fers iowest possible prices this mneth. Beautifi4 wa.ll paper designs of, 1938, on hapd. Appreciate your cail for a.ny anit. of worlc. Carry Insurance. WIL. 3503 WINN. 258 25LTN41-ltp DURKOOP DECORATING SERVICE Giencoe 1807 E. V. Durkoop Sheidrakeé 5132 K. L. Durkoop 25LTN40-tfc DECORATOR REtLIABLE, 1XPERIENCED, EXPERT Reasonable Prices - Kenilworth 5217 25LTN4l1,Otp 0. DTTRKOOP CEs - ng. WE DO WET WASH, ROUGI! DI s. ,familly ftnish ata special price. Curtainsa nd blarikets >.go Phone Wllmette 3687-, tp 53LTN388 Lauendry to Take Home WXLL CAJiLFOR tAND- DEILIV] Ail hanid work. Phone ýWlnnetka1 tp 5L14 8S1ave ýon a Uew wauher. A specl dis- count on 1937- modeis. Authorized servie-and dealer, "EBasy" 'washers. North Shore "EaS y" Shop.. 907 Linden, Hlubbard Woods, Witnn. 908 53A-LTN3 9-tfc MULTICIRAPHING , MMEOGRAPH- lng and Planogahfg Maililng Service. RAYS LETTR SERVICE 720 Eim St, Wlnnetka :274 60 PIANO TUNINS EXPE~RT PIANO TUNING, $3. RE- pair work guaranteed. 22 years' tac- tory experience. H. C. Thomas, 206,C.o- lumbla. Ave. Park Ridge 1477. 6OLTN39-4tp PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. Ail Work Guaranteed. Thomas Lockerble Wilmette 822 TUNER, WILMETTE PUB. SCHOOLS 6OLTN40-4tp ait RADIO SERVICE FOR $1.50 You Can 1Have an Expert RADIO ENGINEEIR CHECK YOIYR set and antenlia. Perfect reçeptlon de- mnsa weIl kept set and an occasion- ai check up by an expert wili prOve inexpensive and Ineure thc beat servie from your radio. Lee S., Fetcher Winn. 2 454 68LTN38-4tp Se REPAIRINS ANO REFINISNINS T he ViUgî Wo Shop Ôpp. Wilmette PoBtoflice, Wlimette 3484* Custom-built furnlture. Expert furniture repalring and reflnlshlng. Antiques a speclty. Canlur, rushlng. 69LTN4-4tp = Pearl, Dog-Shaped Pin -Y R.eward. University 4106. RY, 3LTN41-lte LOST-PAIR 0F DUBONItET SUEDE. O. G. pumps. Loat Wednesday of last ;-4tp week in Wlnnetka, store. Reward. Win- - netka 267. SLTN41-l:tp LOT-SPEiCTACLES IN CASE, EMiR. cither at Teatiro or Fuller, lane and $69.1 Wlntnetka avenue. If found please cali -I4te Winnetka :1591. 3LT41-îtp LOS T-LGE. RED-BROWN COCKER spaniel, freckIes on nose. .Lîcense No. 273. Answers to name of "Moses." Ken- Ilworth 5607. 3L'1N41-1t, LOST-SOLID GOLD CIIARM I3RACE- jet. Name "'Phyllil5» engraved on one charm. Reward. Please phonle Winnetka 1623. 3LTN41-1tc 7 ANIOUE REMO VAL SALE 4-poster bed and others. 8-plece dinrnng roorn set, $30. 9-plece dlnlng room set, $50. Two uprlght pianos, $5 and .$15. Cherry 'dressera. Grandfather's cdock wlth solid mahogafly cave and three sets of'chimes. Wonderfu 1 old pine cor- lier cabinet. Westinghouse electric stovû .with time doSck, selis for-$150 new-$100 for quick sale. 264 E. Deerpath. Lake' Forest 13. .7LTN41I-lte Il DOU AND CATU REG. ENGLIffH SP'RINGER SPANIEL puppies. Field trial and show bred stock. Out of Rod!s -Faithfui Lady by Dash of Marbern, owned bY B.. O-,eia- ty. Willi accept reservations. now, for 5 out of 10 ln litter. Now 5, weeks oid. Greenleaf 7816 for appolntment -to se this fine litter. 1L1N4-t Ped. Mexican Chihuaia FEMALE, 4 YRS. OLD: YQUNG maie, 3 mus. old. Very reas. 'Edw. Toogood, 1004 Spruce St., Wlnnetka 1571. 1IL41-Itp GOLDEN FAWN AND BRINDLE Great Dane pupples, Dachshund pup- pLINDENHOF KENNÉLS Waukegafl Rd., Gienvlew. Glenview 2î0 lLTN3 8-4tp Police Dog Puppies 4 female, 1 male. Cali Wilmette 3344. IILTN41-itp TIUTORING IN FRENCE- FOR TRAV- el, conversation, sohool. Current French literature. Group or individual lessons. Blanche Mason Tellas. Win- netka 82 3. 44LTN404tp, 47 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION PIAOnaLE ratS. Il NOVrthHOE. tow-ns.ArthuratW.,HAlieNor2h54hPraie Avew., . Artur . Hieni254 Priri - 47LTN-41-ltp Piano instruction for young c) 18 years' study. with -Columbj N. S. Country oay ýSchool of Rates reas. 675 Biaekthorni Rd., net1ca 623. 47LTD 131 j View at og huuse, 1258 Scott Ave., Win- netka, St. and Sun. morning, 1-12, or tel. Rand. 1857 for appt. 59LTN41-tfe WANTED - USED GRAND PIANO for cash. Phne Shedrake 5797. 99LTN41-4tP STE11NWAY GRANDý PIANO, MUST, sit,$195 cash. 6512 N. Clark'St. 59LTN41-4tP 1 1 i ý 1 . 1 n

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