25 cents a line. Advertlsernents run lnalal tbre papota, ffates- miriimum CARGU ONU DOLLA»., Averag e ofIve word@ to the lino. No blaoktace type use..»% diseolut on ail cash advertb.e- inents when brought to our offce at 1232 Central Ave., Wilwette; 684 Unooln Ave., Winetka., or 341 Park Ave., Glenco.. 19% diseoant on ali advert4sementa rua four conlecutve issues. Dead ne or IserHo>: Clsslledadvertisteets wviii be c"- cepted Upto, Tuesdcy 9 P. -M. for WFILMETTE LITE or.ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. I&. for wINTKA TA.x. and! Thursday 5&IL-X.tQr GLENCOE NErWS.Teléphones:- Wilmette 4800. Winaetka 2M0 (WInnetka .500 after 6 P. M.), Greenleat 4300> or Obeldrake 1218-1217. 80WERN PA L LAPIN FUR COAT SIZÉE 16-18TGOOD CONDI. $12. 851 SPRUC T. wINEKA 2976 80LTN41-lýtp .80A WANTreD TO. UY-CLOTHIN0 Martin's Clothing Store. WTLL BUY MEN'S USED SUITS Nhoes, overcoats; aiso fur coats. Oest prices. Prompt service. 742 Custer, Evanston University 2220 80A-LTN41-2tc Al TASrLOANS MORTGAGE MONEY AS DIRECT INSURANCE COMPANY representatives ve make lbans ln Chicago an.! suburbs at the lowest pr- vailing rates - frequently WITHOUT COMMISSION. Ia other cases we charge such reasonable commissions ab may be agreed upon. For loans of sati ,sfactory amounts and ternis at lowest Interest (4% and up) telephone .Davis 2233 (Hollycourt 4220 in Chica- goor write George T. Coonley, 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston. 87LTN4Otfe Fr'jLEDERAL HOME LOANS LOANS- ON NORTH SHORE HOMES. Boiow up to 60% of value. Conven- lent monthly repayment plan over 5 to 15 years. Deal wlth a local Institution Full details by lnquiry at FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 0F WILMETITE Mr. Clifton, Secretary 1126 Central Avenue Wiimette 1623 87LTN356-tfç REAL ESTATE LOANS WE ARE. IN THIE MAR~KET FOR First Mortgage boans on -North Shore property. Interest 4%% to 5%. joseph C. Cormack & Co. 1569 Sherman, Evanston Uni. 8353 87LTN-tfr qTED - WORK irsing, cooking, se lry or plain sewij andi teas a speci go anywhere. Gle: et SITUATION WANTUDc-FEmALEI A-i1 Domestic Hel* Pâiuline' s Empi. Agency, WILMETTE 2171, 94LTN41-ltp WHITE WOMAN WITH 15 YRS. .Iaundryr experience wishes to take lu washIng. Curtains washed and! stretclzed. Cail for and deliver. Greenleaf 7869. 94LTN41-ltp EXPER. WHITE WOMAN WANTS. DAY WORK-CLEANING REFERENCES. CALL WIINN. 1628 94LTr41-tp DAY WORK, PART LAUNDRY, AND TAKE CHARGE 0F DINNFERS. AL- 80 ç4ERVING. N. S. REY'ERENCES. WINNETKA 2686, ASK FOR ELSIE HiEY. 94LTN41-ltp,, LAUNDREISS-GCERMAN-WELL EX- perienced, wants famlly wash at home. First class work. Cali andi deliver. J3est North Shore references. Wilmette 3839. 94LTN41-ltpý CALL WINNETKA 3012 Foi, competent domestic heip. SHORLINE EMPL. AGENCY 746 Elm St,, Winnetka 94L.TN41-ltc LIGHT COLORE» GIRL WISIHIE »iornlng work until 1 p. nm. Cleaning or cooking. Also, sister wishes part or full t ixe work. Exp. Good rWefs. Cal Friday. Wllmette 1782.* 94LTN41-ltp GIRL, SWeDISH. EXCEL. COOK, EX- periflced. housework, wishes steady position. Please cail between 2:00 and 4 :00. Glencoe 786. 94L41-ltp DAY WORK, CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, REFERENCE * Cali Winnetka 1029 94L41-ltp EXPER. COOK WISHES LUNCHEONS, dinners, teas. Aiso Monday, Wed., and Sat. open for cleaning. Cali Winn._1468. Ly dia- CLE.A t.rets. ULS, ETC. !UR LTN41-ltp Man, experiellced ln garden or houseworIc wants a. few additional days work per week. References. WvIlmette 4803. * 95L[TN'41-ltp White man wishes day work or odd jobs. Cleanlng, basements, washlnig windows, woodwork,' etc. Cali Thonmas, Kenilworth .2640. HOUSECLNIN..DRI;ViNG ODD JOBSà Wanted by Wnnetka mari wlth good references., Cali Rudoif, Winnetka 3235. 95LTrN40-2tp EX PERIENCED MAN. HOUSE AND window cleaning,.floor waxing, paint- lng, calclmlning. Alo' odd- Jobs by hour, or contract., A-1 N. S. refs. WII. 2088. 95LTN41-Itp CALAI WINNETKA 3012. For experienrced couples, wlth A-i refer- ences . .whte . ..colored. SHORLINE. EMPL. AGENCY 746 lm t., WInnetka. Congenlal, reliable couple Butler; careful chauffeur. Excellent cook; maid., North Shore references. University 0823. 96LTN41-Iltp COUPLE. EXPERT G AR D EN ,R, caretaker, houseman; wlfe good plain cook or second work. Good references. Phone Greenleaf 0537. 96L41-ltp EXPER. WHITE COUPLE WISHES permanent pqsltion. Good houseman andi chauffeur. North Shore references. Wilmette 2283. 96LTN41-ltp 97 HIPWANTUUD-MM8Ah..E POSITIONS OPEIN FOR General $12-$18. Cooka 1-68 Second mali $15. Nursemaid' $15. Beglnners $10. SHORLINE EMP.L. AGBNCY 97LTN41-ýlte Maid-White Second work, ironjng. References. University 6022. 97LTN41-ltc Girl for. founte.in andi lunch counter. 'Must do some cooking. Gooti hours and salary. Willfette 5332, 97LTN41. Route Boys, ' WINNETKA NEWOS 566 Center, Street,1 103 FoRu aLa-Aurtào»i0L - BY ý PUBLIC DEMAND, WE WILL BE OPEN' SUNDAYS WITH New Mokdlis In 'Appearance and Peror aneTheére Is> Little Difference Tllhe ffffeirenice Cone, in.:and Be Corivi nced '37 Cadillac .Nod. 75 Fleetwood formai sedan............. . . $2695 '36 Cadlllac Nlod. 70 Fleetwood sedan ........1545 '36 Cadi lise 60' touring sedan .... 950> '37 Olds touring 5 p. coupe....... 795 '36 LaSalle tour, 5 p. sedan ....... 725 '36 Bulek Mo..61, 5 P. sedan .. .. 650 '35 Cgdilla.c 5 p. beda~n .*...... 9 '36 Packard 120 club sedan ........ 646- '34 Bulck Mo. 9 1 cl. sedan ........ 415, '33 Pierce Arrow 12 cYl. 5 p. sedan 255 '85 Otudebaker 8 oonv. coupe ......39à '33 Nash 7 pass. sedan ............ 365 '35 LaSalle tour, 5 p. sedan ý........-595 '36 *Olds 8 tour. 5 p. sedan.......5SOS '36 Cadillac Mo.!. '60, coupe......95 '36 Cadillac V-12 tour. sedan, ..142S '35 Packard 120 5 P. sedan ..... ... 495 '35 La. Salle Conv. coupe,..........5 1 595 '36 La Salle, Tour. 5 P. sedan*»..-1145 1810 Ridge Ave. W11. 956, Wlnn. 1673 EVANSTON -Wilmette 535 I 3*ton, Ys Liel 4456 Wi Ave., 41-ltp