Bruce Egan Chevrolet GRE. 1718, 4414 u e e 105LTN41-ltc l'on RanTr-ROON 2 FURNISHED :ROOMS WITH PRI- vaté bath - garage. In refined,, cul- tural home-i the most ýbeautifui part of Wfilmette. 2 businesg men or man and wife, 'employed. Excellent, trans- portation., For appointment caîl Wii- mette 2036. 116LTN4-1te Nice Roomfor 1or21 Aleo garage. Call Winnetka. 1408. 116LTN41-ltp SEVERAL WARM AND) LIGHT RMS.- for rent. Two suitable for light bouse- keeplng. Near transportition. 779 Fox- dale avenue, Wlnnetka' 846. 116LTX41)-1tp WELL HEATEIDNEWLY DECOR- ated reom la center of* H. Woods bus- iness district. Ieasonable. Cail after 6 P.M., apt. 1, 946 Lhrden Ave. 116L41-ltp FURNISIIEI)ROOM Protestant couple preferred. Near transportation. Cali Glencoe 976 116L41-ltp ROQM 2 .BLOCKCS PROM HUBBARD Woods station. Prîvate borne. Low prile. Suitable for person employed eévery day. Winnetka 209. 116L41-ltp COMFORTABLE FRONT ROOM, peivate farnily. Convenient to "L"' and North 9hore. Garage avallable. Wilniette 3828. 1IOLTN41-ltp NICELY FURNISliED BM, IN QUIET, 1 dean home. Gentlemian -preferred. 1830 Wilmette Ave.,, Wilmette 1798.. LARGE, COMFORTABLE BOOM. -NEAR AI.L TR.ANSPORTATION. 1117 GRE19NIEAP AVE. - WILMETTE 14. 41it EAST StIDE, 2 LOVEL-Y, CLEAN AND sunny roonms., Near "U." Bath adjoin- Ing. Wllmette 4919.-.602, Maple Ave. - 116LTN41-ltp NICELY'URNISHPED ROOM. LARGE elosets. Also garage, Pleasant loca- tion. Near- restaurants and transporta- tion. Winnetka 2337.- 116LTN41-tp PRIVÂTE HOME, EAST BIDE, NEAR "L." 2 mooins available. Dellous meals, bomne-made pautries and cakes. Wilmette. 4161. 524 Maple Ave. Ito -- vnu mv-Ammu aJTf -2 lrge 4 rooni >mare 2%ron Lfinden Court Bilding. 918 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. Hazel Cr-est Building 373 Hazel Ave., Glencoe Phone lencoe 102, 128LTN41i-4tc AVAILABLE MAY 1ST, POUR ROOM LIGHT,'AIRY APARTMENT, NEAR SCHOOLý AND TRANSPORTATION. SECOND FLOOR. WILMETTE 59 128LTN41-ltfc 4 room -beated a partrnient. Adulte preferred, $45 a montb. 1410 *Gregory Ave.,- Wilmette. Wilimette 4011. 12SLTN41-ltp First floor, 6 rooms, sun parlor, sleépingporch, 2 ba*ths. Near schools and transportation. $45. Kenilworth 5511, 128LTN41-ltp -LINDEN MANOR Hubbard Wds. apt., overlooking res. district. 2 bdrms., tule bath, elect. ref. F. A. Rleid, 970 Linden Ave. Winn. 1300. .128L41-ltp 1 RM. KITCHENETTE APARTMENT In Linden Crest Apt. Building C. H. Marsh 510 th St., Wilmette I2SLTýN4-ltp FURNISHED OR UNFITRNSHEýD. Living room, fireplace, 2 bedrooffis dini-ng room. kitchenette, bath, maid service. Ail or part. Wilmette 2910. 128LTN4-ltp 3 ROOM APT., AN4D KITCHENETTE. 1079 Gage St. Ilubbard Woods. Newly decorated. $45. F. -A. Reid, Winnetka 18m. 12SL41-tp 2 ROOM0% 1A-ND KITCHENETTE APT. with enclosed sleeffing .porcb. Modern. Aduit.s. Reasonable. Telephone Wllmette 3367. . 128LTN41-lte MOjST 'DESIRABLE KITCHENETTE apt. 3 rooms (j bedroom). Humphrey Building. Cal) Winnetka 97,. 2432, or 3887.128LTN41-tfe las MmR UNT-FIJRNIUIqED APT*. 1-2 RM. APT. AND 1-3. RM. APT., '0 ,,eurm. a li. U . , Ui-.,.. e Wilrnett.ê: - -3 bedrms.,- frame, conv. loe. ...... 4 bedrms., trame, East Wtlniette 75 4 bedrins.. trame, West- Wilmette 70 4 bedrrns., 2 bs, fi ne nelghbd..70 4 bedrms., 2 bs, nr. ýSheridan Rd. 110 4 bedrmns., 3%. bs, -nr. CeftralSt. 125 6 bedrms., 2% bs,, good b.- 100 TM 01 &W ei 52Davis St. Hol. ý1855 Gre. 1855 133LTN41-1tc, CURRENT RENTALS. EVANSTON- Near Ol'rington schi., mod. brk., 8 ers,2 baths ............. ý.$125 Charmning white frame, conv. to >ail transp. and, gèh1s., 4 bedris, .2 baths . . . . . . . .. . . .. 1 0 WILMETT-..........$0 East and 'South, brk., 3 bedrms., 2 tle baths, ex. lav ............. $125 Mod. white Ibrk. col., 4 bedrms., > 2% bathe, att. gar., oil ht .......$135, ViflNETKÂ- Red brk. col., 4 bedrmis., 2 tule bathe',,slp. pch., 2-car'gar., ohl ht. .$125ý Beau. brk., wded. 'sec-., 5 bedrms.,. 3 battis, 2-car gar., o11 ht. $15a THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St. O--rs. 1166 - Wil. 374flý WINNETKA'S BEST 3 bdrms., 2 bathe, brick, 2 htd. pchg., oil, 2 cars, coniv. loe. ........... $100 4 bdrms., 3% bathe, brick, sun rm., oit, B. & G. Available no-w......... $125 6 bdrms., 3% batbs, slp. pcb.,,oit,,tg. wooded lot, conv, loc .......... $150 OTHFERS $85 TO $300-WVLMETTE, KENILWORTH AND GLENCOE HEINSEN REALTY, Co. 660 Green j3ay Rd. Winnetka 254 147LTN41-ltc FAT THE MARKET 43 KENILWORTII AVE., 6 bdrms., 3 bs. 901 CEhNTRAL, *WIL., 6 hclrns., 3% bs. 1009 ASHLAND, WIL., 3 hdrrns., 1 b. Price and ail additiona-l information about these and 48 other bouses at $75 and up furnished upon application. NORTH SHORE REAL<TY 523 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka Si 147LTN41-lte 3 bedrnis., slp. pch. (htd *), 2% bathe., oit, 2 c. g.----------..$125 4 bedrins., 2%bs, HWH,-oit, 1 c. g., $115 4 bedrms., 2 be, IHWH>, 011, 1 c. g. $100 4 bedrms., 1 Y bs, HVWH, oit, 1 c. g. $85. 3 bedflns.,, HWJI, oil, 1 c. g. (adults only) .... .... . $85 Stucco, 4 bedrmns., slp. pcb., HAll,- 1 c. g.$6 E. S. WISDOM & CO. bouse. 2 baths. A-i conditioni.. NeX- transportation. Feb. 15 to 'May or long~er, Gleflcoe 1170 for particulars. 134L41-ltp 7 RMS UN AND sCRIENED PCH., 3% baths, near sehools and trans. Attractvely furniàhed.. Iminediate pos- ssson. 0I1 heat, 1-car garage., $115 a month. Gencoe 1476. 134ILTN41etCe 136 WANTM TO RenTlHOUýstS REALTORS, I TFHOUGIÎT, TRIED TO. rent.houses. This ad appears for Srd time-no anewers. Wanted: 4 bedrooXn house, Glencoe preferred. Description tirst letter. Write B-82, Box 60, Wilmlette, III. 136LTN41-ltp 8 R.HCOUSE, 2 ]BATHS.WI ET. Kenhilwol'th or WInnetka. About,$100 per month. Hlouse will receive excellent care. Near trans. Rogers. Park 1654. 1S6LTN41-ltp HOUSE WXTH 3-4 BEDROOMS. IN Loake cobnty. 21 to 10, acres. Describe in tirst letter'. Addres B-8i, Box 60, Wilmette, Ili. 136LTN41ltp 5 OR 6 ROOM H017SM BY RELIABLE party. Muet be>.reasonable. Wiimette, îa6TN4-lt 140 FOR OhENT-S«ToRES Bà OpFicE WINNETKA - STORE - Excellent Location Air conditionlng If deeired. 'Ayres Boal, 122 S. Mich., Harrison 1043 140LTN41-4tp WINNET1KA - il new offices just coin- -pleted ln the centel' of Elin Street business district. May be rented as sin- gle units or suites. RentaIs from $20. Winn. 3250. 14OLTN41-1tc WINNETKA - SPACIOUS OFFICE, private lavatory, aiso fine location for Barber shop, exclusive district. Pose. Mtay let, Cali Winnetka 1800. 144 F99 A«LX-AP'T. muiLIuNeu TAICEN' IN TRADE-WILL BE SOLD -at fraction of their value. 2 Wilmette bouses converted into beaut. apts. Best location. Excel. Income. Write B-8. Box 6,w'lmette, 111. 144LTN41-ltp 1447 FOR BAL-HOU998 THE:IPERFECT. HOME. - In tbe most convenient location on the North Shore-lesse ian 3 blocks Mto ioeh sc~honnVgra1m- 177 I FURNISHEl) BM. FOR EMPLOYED COUPLE., KITCHÈN 1FACILITIES. S WILMETPTE 1334. 421 1I9LTN41-ltpý EARS EAL ErAT -,resider I~AR RflAL ~fast roi Ricbmnond Road- Kenliworth 5288 garage. 133LTN41-ltc Lt U Wner atVWil. 2603 or Ure. 5416. Call -147LTN41-ltc -111p 3 ACRES 0F LAND NEAR SCH-OOL [CK and transportation. 7 room bouse, 4 eak- bedrooms, sleeping porch, 2% bath., 011 ý-car heat; garage; $ 16,000. 4. Carolyn- V. 'Lang Winnetka 1194 I-tfc -147LTN41-Itp ental las FOR 1 11