FIGUTRES DÔ NOT LIE - wont, you agree that 1. A 7 5' wooded lot in East Wilmnette near paroëhial and grade sehool *s, lake and trans- portation is worth $ 6,000.00? 2. A well constructed home with Oive bedrooms, mod. tile bath, showér, powder room, break- fast' oolal, screened .porch, new, oih burneèr, 3 car gar. is a gift at $8,000.00? 3.* À combination of the house: and lot lis the perfect buy-, at $ 14,000.00? ONLY $9,000.00 SIX ROOM Colonial - ne ar schools and transportation, lake. N e w Iy p4inted-nice yard, garden. MODERN,5 BEDROOM, three.and one-half bathhome -near schools, trausportation, Iake-breakfast nook, recrea- tion rooni, screened porch- owner leaving town--must sel].- 725. HUNTE'R ROAD, GLEI!- Ayr-A 5 room mmodem .Eng- lis4i brick insulated house' in the country with city transpor- tation facilities 3%k blocks away. An extra lot for gardening, f1repiace, lIovely tiled bath with sjiower, gas heat, Wilniette sêhools and water. OMen Ayr station, Skokie Electric. Al for $10,750. Owner n-ovi'ng South, wants immediate sale. ORRINGTON SCHOOL 1,DIS- trict - A charming Colonial housé-5 bedrooms-2 bath-ý large screened porchi-recrea,,- tion room-n-H W auto. heat- prired under $20,000. W. G. RUGGLES~ & CO.~ 51.7 Davis St., Evanston Uni. 6886. Hol. 6886 WiI. 1660 SOUND VALUES So. East Winn.; 7 rms.; 2 b's.; HW oul; wooded,, landsC. lot 83lxl90; sound eonst.; real value............ $14,750 Sa. East Winnetka: 8 r-nis.; 21h b'e.; I1W. oil; Ig. wooded lot. 2 car gar.; only......... 1.............$12,750ý Hubbard Woods: 7- rns.; 1 b.:- HW. ohl; wooded landscaped lotý 75x1-60; 2 car gar. ; a littie more than ground value; only ..................... $8,500 Bungalow: 6 rnis.; FJWH.;»,lg. lot; (foreclosed); sound construction; olily .... ................... $5.700 SELECT LIST OP' 3 AND 4 BEDROOM homnes frorn $7,500 to $20,000. Con- suit us for complete Ilsts. 795 Em Streetý Winnetka 715 Winne'tka, I11.. Rogers Park 2321 147LTN41-1te Reductions &New .Listinhgs NEAR SCHIOOL AND MAIN STATIONS 6 bdrms.,. 3 baths, lot 100x20, $15,500 5 bdrms.,e 3 baths, lot 140X210, $22,500 3 bdrms., 2'k baths, lot 75x!82, $16.000 4 bdrms.,ý 2 baths, blk. to lakte, $20.000 AIsQ several 5 room bungalows, $4,500. to $7.000.,Small down payment, balance like ent GRACE E., GRANT 366 Park Ave. :Glencoe 844- 147LTN41-ltp 1940 SHERIDAN ROADý HIGHLAND PARK JUST COMPLETED 7-room brick residence. 75x155 corner. lot. 1 tiled baths. Linowaîî kitcheil. Living:roomn and bcdroom 26xl4 each. Large game rooni. 011 heat, air condi- tfrww.d. 2-ar garage'. open Sunday or by appointment M. E. Herzog. Randolph 1187 147LTN4-1tr Skokie Ridge-Glencoe BEAUTTIFUL BRICK AND PRAME Colonial residence, 10 rooms, 6 bed- roonis, 4!/ý baths, dressing' room, Il- brary, 2-car' att. gar. Auto. heat. 90-ft. wooded lot. Lovely restricted location. ('ail us for appt. FRANKLIN REALTY CORPORATION University 7777 Evanston 14A7LT'rM1 .1t quarters. Woods, vegerable and formnal gardens. Owner has over $90,000 invest-' ed. WiII seli for $60,000. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 74,6 El Street 'Winnetka Winnetka 3603 Universitv 7444 147LTNý41-ltc Hlere's An, Opportunity! 'RED BRICK COLO-NIAL, SLATE roof, 5 bedrms., 3 baths, den, open 1pn-reh, recreationi room with fireplace, 'oi heat.. laraLe lot-Ail thiq for $24,000. Qu & nR'Tyzon *overlooking garden. Open Sunday 2 to 5:3S0 Southeast Corner Grove & Madi- son. - Dignifled white Frenchi home. overlooking the Skokie Golf Club. '6 bedroome, 3 baths, large rooms, beautifully decorat- ed. 100 foot high, woodêd lot. These locations are unusual and worthy of investigation. F.' A. COO-PER' Exclusive Agents 1505 Chicago Ave., Evanston 'Gre. 3030 GLEN VIE W 5' room face-brick bungalow-.- hot air heat- paved street 1-car garage - lot, 40x132 - con- venient téo transportatlon-$850 cash,,balance long-term inonthly payments. Total price $5,900. On 1 acre of land, modern 5- ropm trame bungalow; hot air heat, electricity, bath, .2-car garage, chicken bouse,. lawn, garden. Price .$5,200. 102 WYATT & CON 106Waukegan Rd. Glenvtew 1 - IN **VUE SPRING: NO 13&UBrT YTiRFA ~NCY TURNS' to thoughts of living In your own home; of having a garden, a shady lawn. and a screened porcli. We car. show you a home t4iat combines these outdoor features with all the conven- lences necessary for comfortable liv-' ing the year round. 4 bedrooms, 9. baths, library, oil heat, attached gar,' - ANN MORELAND 663 Vernon Ave.', Glenc9e Glencoe 30') 147LTN41-1tc 414 ESSEX ROAD_ SMART & GOLEE, Inc. 1564 Sherman Ave. Wilmette 2486 147LTN41-ltc IN EAST WINNETKA We have a moat attractive and unusual smaîl house with flve large rooma, one bath and a beautiful sunrmn. ovclook- ing garden. It hà. aIl the appointments of a mucli larger home. Excellent con- struction, owner built. A real buy at $10,750. BAUMANN-COOK- 553 Lincoln Avenue flnnetka 3450 FULLER & PICKARD Wilmette. 730 147LTN41-1te -DIRASTIC PRICE REDUCTÉIO14 Excellent Wi1nn. location. Tudor brick«& atone, 5 bedrms., M½ batha, oil ht., 2-C. htd. gar. Plate glana windows, roll' screens, lnsulated, and many other spe- cial features because bulit by ownerîfor h11s own home., Les than 8- yrs. old. Perf.. cond.- Full details, price, etc.,'on application. Phone owner, Winn. 229.1 or Dca.' 9793. 14? LTN41-ltpý HUBBARD WOODS EXCMPTIONALLY W E Lt.- B UILT, brick bouse, double Insulation, slate and copper r oof, 6 bedrooma, 3 baths, Ist floor lavatoi-r, -hot waerohat taiched garage.; , l acre grounds; near sehools and transportation. Priced to seli.- Glencoe.361 147LTN41-4tp MUSTBE SOLD 'Modern brick, 4 bdrms., 34~ ba., recrea. rm., att. gar., oil ht., beau. yd., many added éxtras. Out of town owner wants offer -Askipg $17,500. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St., Gre. 1166 Wil. 3740 147LTN41-1te NOT NEW-NOT OLD VERY COMFORTABLlE AND AT- 1tractive, .4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 30 ft. living roomn and den. Hubbà,rd Woods Seh. Dist., Now offered at the bargain. price of $12.500. Sec SEARS REAL ESTATE 421 Richmond Road Kenilworth 5288 5 roonis, slp. pch., H. W. Zheat, 1-car gar., exc. cond. $1 0,750. Cal for appt. FRANK LIN REALTY CORPORATION University 7777 Evanston 147LTN41-ltc BUYS THIS ATTRACT. MODERN 6 rmn. East Wiimette home, sun min.,, slp. pch., gar. HW. lit., near transp. MILTON E. REID & C-0. Wilmette 771 Winnetka 1492, 14LN4ll1te SE V E, R A 1, NE'W LISTINGS AT $1 ,000; brick homes with tule or siate roofs,' 21/2 baths-well built, modern homes. Frances J. ýWinscot t EXCLUSIVE AGENT. 414 Linden:àAve. Winnietka 1267 141LTN41l-ltc UniverSitY 7777 EALTrY Evanston 147LTN41-ltc 1149 SCOTT AVE., .HUBBARD Woods, a beautiful modernized Colon- ial, 5'- bedrooma.i 3 baths, large wooded lot, 2-car gar., ýoh! heat, Ideal location. To inspect, cal Mr. Odh, Wunn. 115. 147LTN41-ltp 1Ave. CHARMING. 6 RM4. BRICK COLONIAL- mette. 2 Att. gar. $10,500; RentaI, $85. lawn, treel Attr. 6 rmii. rame, 2 pelis., gar., $7,500. transp. n Carolyn V. Lang, Wunnetka'1194.- than prea4 147LTN41-ltc Wilmeétte1 !IG location. ' 3 blocks al $12,000, "based on lems rentai value. Cali owner, 147LTN4f1tp'