*In observance of the Silver Jubilee of the Wilmette Baptist church the choirs and choruses of the church will pÉesent a Silver Anniversary. concert at the church at ý8 'o'clock Friday * evening, Februar 18. TheApollo quartet will assist and Grace "Parmele will be heard as soloist. The programn is. to be as follows: First Part 'Now ýRejoice, Ye Christians.Bach Jesu. Frlend of Sinhée.......... Grieg Beautifui Saviour ........-Christiansen Senior Choir Swing Along.................. Cook 1 Love a'Lassie........Walt Barcelona...........Anonymous Ap;1ooQuaàrtet Lift Thine Eyes ......... Mendelssohn Musie . ...**. *.............. * *Dickinson The Green 'Cathedrai ........... Hahn Women'a Chorus IV Stand Up and Cer...... Zameenik Sacred Seleetions....... *By Request In an Old Fashloned Town..Squire Apollo Quartet V Pilgrimis Chorus........... Wagner Senior Choir Intermission * Second Part * winter Song ................ Buillard Thpu Art Repose ........Schubert, Men's Choiîr Sacrament ............. 1ea Derid Laugh .............Huntley Who D)14..................Si- Men's Chorus IV A Spirit Flower..Campbeli-Tipton The Little Star ............. LaPorge Miss Parmele V Rornany Song............... Herbert Miss Parmele* and Chorus Realtoar Board. Ovffers forNM. Speakers SGroui treasurer; Marion T. Martin of Lake Forest is prësident.. At a meeting of the association preceding the executive session, pres- ent directors, were re-elected. Appointment by the president, of an executive comminlute composed of one director firomn each ýof tbe nortbh shore 'towns' and cities was author- ized. This'commtittee will meet with- in the next few days to prepare a specific program for the association's attention for 1938. The organization is entering its sixth.year of a com- p!ehensive schedule- of activities 'to preserve, the residential'character of the, north shore. Hold-up Pair Performs Another Wilmette Job Robert W., Powell, 2011 Kenilworth avenue, Wilmeite, reported to the police that he had been heki up in the driveway of his home at 4 o'clock Sitnday mornlng, by two men be-. lieved to be the same pair that bave held up other citizens' recently. The men first, told hlm that they- were police officers and- that he had driven- too fast on Central avenue. Mr. Powell asked thean to show theirî stars, and they complied by exhibiting1 phoney stars. When again asked if1 they were police officers, they- bothi drew guns and commanded hlm to get out of the car. After robbing Carlos Photo George P. Scherser., 2135 Thoru- wýood* avenue, Wilmette, wosÙ elected president --of the Chica go linsu ronce ,Accontant's associtin ai uts regu- lar meéeting on February 10. 'The associatiton - j: sponsored by thse Casuaity Mattagér's cflsb atid the Surety Underwuriters' association of Chsicago. Mr. Scherzer bas been ini the in- surance accomnting and auditing busi- ness for the past seventeen years, and for fourteen years bas been with the United States Fidelity and Guaranty company's Chicago office. He is a. New Trier township justice of the Peace, and a member of the New Trier town- wilcV lie UEt *CIt L42A-J ii&' V& - Building _Ordinance Revision Is Next Civic League Forum Theme Building Commissioner,- Other Expert# tg Speek Feb. 25- The monthly luncheon meeting .af the Wilmette Civic league will be urged that as mnany,,as possible at- -tend. Reservations m iay- be made througb Howard Miller, 1001 Green- leaf avenue, telephone Wilmette 4148. ovra cnsicrabie urne, whmch WilI give the village two new church edifices., The Rev. Martin D. McNamara, pastor -of St. Francis Xavier ýcath- olic.church, announces that work will begin sOOnýonthe razing of -the-- present church home at Lindgrm ave- nue and Ninth street, to imakero for a new building on theý saine.site which is expected to be under con- structio.n in.the 'near future.. St. Joseph's parishi, the oldest Catholic P arish On. the north shore, is preparing to erect its fourth church home, according to the Rev. J. A., Neumann, pastor. The old church building was torm down some mon ths ago. The new structure wili be locatedat the soutbeast corner of Lake avenue and Ridge road, inetead, of on the site of the former build~ing at ft northeast corner oft the saine intersection. Grouhd will be broken in early spring, it is stated. Plans for both buildings are being drawn by McCarthy, Smith and Ep-' pig, Chicago architects. Encounter Delay ini Select: on of ne presenti Uin the W rnnerica Musîc club Artist-Recital concert series next season in New Trier High school auditorium. The artist-recital coin- mittee expresses eagerness toi make a definite announcement, but has several probleins to meet before it, can make a selection. First of ail, several of the inusicians of world-renown the group is con- sidering wiil not be heard with the Center. He was ernployed by M.r. elected secretary of the freshinan Brown, who found him in the build- class at Connecticut college. Miss ing and after remnoving hum to the Harrison wilI not be home for the Illinois road address called for as-' spring vacation as she bas been in- sistance. Captain Brady and Fire- vited by a school friend to be a guest man Ward of the fire department at a bouse party at Palm Beach, responedadnh ictmwas, soon FIa., ,for'the holidays. They plant reývîved. 'leave for Florida about. April 9. CLASSIFIE» SECTION 'I home nere, is spending severai weelcs at the Clear.water Beach hotel, Gear- water, FIa. She left the first o>f February and .will be . way until Easter.