ý.o. NoC. 17T. Lake Zurtlvh.jptlo LISERTYVILLSLIU WbCAmter of Lke »IM.their p é» omte pst OUR AIM: TO FEAR GOD, TELL TJ',#ITRUTH AND MAKE iFiL Libertvville, Lake County, llinïs, Friday, February 9, 1894. PRICE, 5 CENTS Pft c $1.50, ln adva *US~lTONTSUSGRAYS LAKE.i i 1101CFUILDING LOTS . ('Si Ccd .(lîte t', Ille e oliveftiotl. %*Tiiil.E ;tire ti.Vrail I.-i ld.et i l o 1 1 ii i, l i. %%saliilthaC.F.tlei a ii tlane...... 5 T~ cuilectrillii t tiTueadîiA. itt1'wti 1 c ,~î I-tl ihe C. Wqureit 1!41 no ,1iut nld ..lthiin 3 îOUths .- $15 < C NI ýiiV îkgaifjs 1 (dti iit li \ýl't . 'îtî ;ILa:t ele ie ] iîîîl. If nuit pidwltbinBanîontb...... 100 tý ri, of lie wt'ek. ,ut$ aiutstoppiage made at the t' i, h sALE ,flRlItENT-4 Ni t, ue tiîi tt îwarîh o ..IdC ~ (is ,itifici î E A ît.Fw ei'. t iluli giiestb i U ~ lie titie to SItteîdiiî ew ia ~tk OIIlît S. ttuI OR y a ln g ta Nrr et% ifh t l e,. I . b uiold i g . M y p ro p e r y a aitalonn ry a tue Iîîd peî- Gî1> joiliulbe. g se cIl d U-k MI Iti s AI. [t F' u ek t. 1t yi ' usîas oi'er L akel * it i li ltt ib idtitî î sîtî îd av .l i p oite id p irt . A tdresit ('tnC Miss I, t ie ide ei-lillîe [looik isited i licagI> , itred . o ctteiiî l t l î ýIî:î t U, t.Lîlîert 'i itte, t., OSe.Ve can print It tientit id red Tisli fiCtldt o itatWtkguTu--iýltg FOR RIENT 1610 AeM à inMr. e.d aIt iit ofMra. Georg e r Tlîompsoq . . *I)ct tfailtotetake iii the itext sucial F. utile froinî Ruadout, na10178a - - ~ neitra. aduk r§(egai ge Ti. il et of os lie I llu [ e in f F Ii iunFckeXs hall Fe. 17. . ated for milk alipping Iurpoji% %v NKF'ttX ti u ent Miss I)elîtiiesd) t.ip & lisi clîîag asîoi rets- rterms, etc apal oi Or aýdtr« . 1ilFFNETadltr W. E. I)olittle and Will GIOese? aojotîrîsl iti I liforitia. . tMi mi eut Sip % Zi8it i itit el fyu rienda tia a New Yeir ki and iub-~j>l»~ e u cîp, (1 ~~ç~ çl~ and e ve embl e A~Prflan. 11. isa»BelleKapple. Of Engtl*saod tbira for aiîy news teinâ tliry Malà ' ~iiIzarnd bride eiitertained bq evableAntPrthflio. Idyt lli on frientis at Gratys Lake T iad us for publicsaticiii. guestàa lt titeir re'.iieuice [aMSt uilday. ARM FOR RENT mâle. Inbufs ii iny nyday. ieter Jçliii5on wiI( krolii returi to Mesdîsnies Il. Seilp altd C. L. Sherrnervil[e statiogi an a, e LFranîk Merkle, Of Oak Pâlik W amu.tdit. l~ ielot Leiefitid by [okeuieer aire reported Ill]itl[(- sick st P, av, oout4ilbing libou& ý f"t.1. IH. Wasuîburn, WW. la jouney to ('aliforuiia. liis disug-iat.' 1 . 1 - e mIitsmll za ~ am'eatk ditr o thePIanflld ay.r, Mire. Pierce will amptuirauî - E dîî,îiiî m p ~godil 1 usé. p1tJ. soi:timofe repiéding l ay, Frtiediî mtietoIlrn -r<,îvI¶jitnl i t *mipy ~i She evîle, i iC.. ohe setices ! hr.Ilerrs»llas pa111 mye: "imes m pk n effrt isbeiii niad to oé. hJiiik elly adnti parti.,ufJit. areu-. rC' took ln thlrty cente, a bal! $fflié t; <e, a ring of home-made &0 Pm ln a -hubbard squmash at i r ptlon. if t keeps on g.io eztmiîsgt5d5xtItif awtl, soon be as llvely jK4wrtomnurantagas be"they wes'e under a reptutlicau adi Maorst "gand Job tua rwmluistraUon." "MM pysai5C. lot of emeia Stb. 5 j* puitW la C. 0. D. &ad Adrvn4Imdoe 2r l auý, t 14t,t l"banin a oenet, c t doîa'tmaie atty differenitithuit u ezt US ia4Cll i noney yt.aî &rotmz'kiaîg or lîutt Single Cestei 5 cent& cac. 26ferIBL sahati'>' ou être ulrAiimg, If >ou go ilîtu - t-reé.. I.... > iii sure" and sutlsciption Prace, $1 .50, Pei- Ye. H. C. PADDOCK, Publisher. Lake CountY Fair. j The Lake CouîttyAgnhritunir[I A*- soclatioti lcîlItg Annual meeting for the electil otf offie-ns for thje enistiig year, Wednesrla) Fetu. 7,.«,14. There was a large tîrn oui aînd $128 was pald intol tht' tneafsuny for memtter- aMjp tieketsè and tie Ipnvlege of v0*lng; 2ii more thlait 1st 'i cr. From the ela.r, t was evîdeit that the [ast edggittrtiogi was fîllv ,ongantzed whèfle the oîpogllloui Iacked tbot], h.d.s!.lp Mid caididates. It was ~ Iup bao abox of monkeys let I~eto s"e the exctemeut. wlsen lise ua(cfir!> b egami. t was lMaly impossible ftor the eluauumnti bo ý,aÎIt.ain order tor condict thîe'[ro- eeedlngsaccorilh:g t li I ,niuar Aiter a [oIt'votest, lit- iliî'îtli *Mbat reeulteci iut Ilî'îuxfol i ii- odocesas folios" plésident, J. T. Maiti, Liit> i ille; lit.Y. Pros. J. C. tue. Higilliid LPark. 2ud ý' J. A. 'NItsiim, lrîîîr i-s-- lqoretary, o. E hticilLilrîrt> ville, Treasarer, LewisH.Slttik HRent>'J. Ca ter Jr, 1,i1- 1.Uit ,,dw'hi P. DeWlVif, NW îuukîglii chis. jM. (orliani, tokefeller. Prsnuk Thorma, Gilmer. 1'.(). M. IR. Bedmonfr RandItt Wths te aboie efficient, exîteri- îeaegt oMSars Tbe Lake ColuutY Fair #III gros' slU more populur and co- Inue on tise rond tOfinalial sueccsa. PInnalIa Exhibit 1or 1893. bath 7 « s illuSt ati. - 1 SPre lumm antid i ut- ~u for nipu't'iX t i i Ilhabce ii Thititr> Sucat34 in1 lt M ittiev II'lI Iu tut'sim(*StaIe- pratmw ilà i ' gîthe ilirtcety s -jNW b"DSotuteitet-buis- the tbeusing >esn. blLtbtis'.th ris>of Fertnttry. 1%4.t 0. E. Ccitui.St! 'The Weekl>' lnter Oceati autI the XNDEPKsDIENT botlî One' >Cîin tanouI> - BUFFALO GROVE Jute Berker presnted ililg sster with j a $400 pia. Good <à(e. lm Katy Sýclmitt, of A p lei,(c ,vuutte Mins Cili Weidîîer Sutd KY. Cjohn (j. Weiner woîld like to MMi- men&e o$Wli ft elar but jacki Froset leepe hlm ini Quirinne Weiduuci #éêI* Ir p ite y. M. P. B. bas pu . ft a m4 iliver plateti b fiat cornet. Oui hoime jockeys Joli', G. Weidii ind John Jrelim are busy calling tthtitlaere anîd gel up." Gea. m3paeeii lias been Iuoking àftter îl brotlter's reabetale and 'naisaeuutt of same aI Stable Cor- tiers. 1rhe youtigng eut s pri'.ate bandtîtiwlll kgve meetings twice a week C. o. F. -i.-eetiig isIantidthird Saturday of The young matn Who i a%*&a" tnplgSund ýa 4dq enfier, ougt à» peopie'o sture telhe (leaerehliît '-ho'w lardt iiI ies are." On (tie otiier hal aiut i '.î Il fu tut mugrçlailh( (i (telltitO cistîîmer tînil he &-iIever saw tiei a luaad tiwt (tu get uioney before." IPlUltIis way 'it>tî mu tisally encourage prl otiier ttuiake the ([nues liarder. It la ailso qiie ap-ý propriâte, for mewtlbiltersta k'el, "oIl iaoutiuag ,lardïc titiles.7 Il ttle ever>laody (Melliberal. The Chicago lnter Oceaiîl hit jui.t made ait annouuncelit whiteh for lib- eralit Ili utot likely t) lic dnjfli'ated scion. Tii maikes il -ossible for everyoue t'O begînn mo'. uid bectine the cuitire se-rieâ of that w(tdeiftil set o! World's Fuir pictures everybôciv lu talkaug &îou iAti5wlthout the C3ouponî CerttT! ?,.turret0forS tîsecl. A newsuscsiîlrer lias ta Puy hnit(re thluam a regtîlar reader antI Lttîitlî' gts t helie erly ail utaunlie. How- evcr tiiere lu, 100 nticli letiail lu exîrlill lier,-, bitiihe s', dem i.,ur aitxu goot tîtie for ievrubutcrilieus. %.liel'.11011Pipecctt[.utti iilpe aspititug îuitg mîei. t i-.ihîttou iti e- ti îstm i. il ha-t ii i ;.1tel> ltccrtie alrttelt hlttI.uaIl> litses lui'.e ulft t'e,tLbatîli( taIIthe tlvulitM IF uir( Liiitf.ç(îîi t hiaiv e atl,) oit i-S sa id. S.Iuvtr1 a;Iglteil h)omsriii settce.MitY %We ual exî*te i' (<i se e lcn illeou ait full sets tif false teetil, upper amnI low@r? [t s a cpiaîas fact (tt races of aîtiialciwlai0(i ScabittC witiu miai cemtury after century grsdnallY tHke oit lusà disexses. Ilop aud chickeiii have lilera, eows lave ecos tiiuI anti horees are verY Often afflhcted s'îtli rlieuia4tiîmn. We Itîuy SOM1 expetia See horme ches' tobaccoaind driuk wliskey. Thoni they *Ill ilunost bit lîtimuai. Tîiey mnay evemu uiSPîre tO j ;sdit [calprtiîence. Titen itlwilhi be VIck aF17ra-1:1 os,1894. t eontlîns§ deseriptionis tîtat des- itte, fa no uilesti; illtttieffl tethatI inutruc'l, not exaggerate. This >(tLI. Il cornes ho uselil Sat, ofgolti. Pninleot la ight dîffereut eolors be- sîdes black. Coored flates o! Chrysankthemunis- Poples sud Vege- tables. on thse front covef la a ver> exquite bunch of Vlck's Nes' Whte Branchlng Aster anti un tise back Is a uew Double Anemone, 112 pages fillel s'lth many nos' noveltie. t 1 aluie a@ s'ehl'« uq thlIe ONd varletiea of flos'ersl and, vegetables. We advleo our friends who tuteud doing alaythlug la the gardon t#hs year ta cousait Vhck before êtarting operations. Bond 10 oests to James Vick's 8gS&mâehe- ter, y. y., for Vick's Guide, Il costa nothlug, -ao you eau. deduct Use 10 centl fltGU ymur irstordor. It .er- taly s'ilPÈY yod, so Wfiîi%Far V.wsFrea. pouie. Slitben hl ag pseemont '- (y, Ilfty mèIW Pléiannuai. l'Faria and Fîreeide" L*,Opage paper corn!ng ts'ice a nionîb th C dMnts Per nnotai. We wll @Mnd I boh kpès'ône year antd fifty photographie 'W , i of the World's Fair. ta nes w ijàQ berB oniy, ail for idfty e.aits- Sampw é8iof Ô!the Poultry -Keepp, s'Itlî partieuii~fe Bend fise coute for elljier of 91e long bak numbers equal taî 2 oentbouz Pouttylouse, J lylI , bua 60 vIes'*;»Moderm d Imsubaww's. ,&Iqut-1682 sud !AsiÈnat 1801. Ad,, .~oKl7 K"s>r Co. of thle cliurch. JoliqilJefferst tik auîuther car Ilogli tî Chilcago Moiiday utiglit Jut Mius ,. . . Iil> visited Inl Wiaukpg;ti sut!Wttnitl edy Lit wcek emlii îîîg. Tiestia> Wîliibr &Ne'lc ia e receritly d boule latige liiiiei ibills to [çistka %Iali)uIa tua ige lii i t iie a distasic. voinculiis i ti ule ilite aiie r deiji- Etigeliel e liniiiesit is %aork at F. D). ltatterblitiil's t-rc titis weeki, Gen)e is %gery piwtiir ;&4a clerk .ad well iiked by ail. lie de,.erves an- otîter tirst cIa.sa1.it' i toin. Sîili k , liii-3lîîîîîg out bit Slitigle at his îîelileÀ . Fietl lis alore, iti is [urepal ed lu do ail kiwi~s *of i e[îairilig jewelery itill 11ils lîramiche. [f viii ileei aliltliîîg ini titis lhue from diatataîui aettitig, of whiil I make a sioeciali'NI. as meil as lte filiet Cduo- iointer, tir iii îmîg peutr e> e- witia t-. latest, înî1irîred spectacles and *ey glasitea. I wîli gqtasîtee titi te 03 '.îr. (14 17) . .W. lluîhteralîl. t GmasL.ake (tîtigteg.ît tu ii urcb, alit etilitig Fiiday ee'. iîig Fei I 6. .eýSbftl iin iîîttgling lthe .Iîîiclîtil recetiti'. le-litliere. >[eci.iltti miil ie pia t tî teiiiiiiei . I..i. effort iliieu ma.de ta nitike tii. cent tule [test eiý el d!ini titisseit ý1 o! tige cottiiti> . Tîtîtioti tt convnioni i 10..Prices ltfor cei Ichilîlfeulà b 'eit-5. wecmdaid etîteiltîied Ilc ciange. A il a'ici]i are eti rii(esi i 'lei qîtested UN Seuil tteir tiatles aitiince to t ()ltnliltteitn trdiiethtu1,1-- evisioii mlayIte nimagie ifoi. I le i ir ccI- niodatioti. Ittiss Atiiy Mîs CURNEE Sent iniiyotîr itemns carliet ititce.I Mrs. <lmstead jisitet i Ms-" [ Siaitît [ast Sutîday. leuiry Marsît, Jr ,si, u lutiicl Joadt o! hay tItis aeek. Lis ora Welsli,Of huît.'îuî'I lIpèirpiitc, over Stîîduy. E.Iiri- visited i(I îtîlîy Miss Cantie bldýaC.4enof e' .îîstîîî, s'as iatteuadautce ut Iii concert.- Gunuee uiîght seluaol îg .dobg giit s'ork s'itli C. E. Preslio as p~iial The butter factory la recM1iik about 4,000 pouinds of milk per tilt> Ilarley Chase and wfe. of Chicago, are vls'ting relatives antd eurliig 01m1 nce [ast Ttbaikgiving bas 00 fair î-ereîl as ti te able ta get arounti lie biouse. Ilis nany frieaids aire ms.itttg tii welcuînie [int artotg thent île'.FEtoni%%as taltkeii stddemîly ili % is us tlîtit atilite Ba~tiitt c[iurch la-stýI) Stlitc'Il iîg. lie r'.as re- fteti i Li WcII-r ulItie where 41eiiahl id %%I,2îieIu,>l ii rnîl (oH lis &:j, ~.iii.ull p (liit). t î [toped we Ti'iiue- mîiv, iteuid hlir îg ieruetery a-trk dîue inite sîtriiig cal, as'. moite)>b) 1laitt ttlg lir ut ters titisso titîmetciiiîg eiti Uc tite riîg te dutil wesoi. 'he ma tges aire lîw uand thienth e juh Ill bl l eaîhy tt set in t1ue sprilîg,ýj'Fr li-st lassAo"îrk give 3(titt ut ti to F tel Itai rstît a tiike- gal. 3f1 NaîgZuti isitatiaceuttIitî ii thie-g oi tutech i: tuw Eg> ptom.ler ofateiî mi Erimi te ineî otfî. egyt e usidle gel blueriiit) iailItei,tiC. e rihîr luol gel thxc i îl idhlc-c ouIrofu i ut rt do.te W'mae d Olic îolg o;das uJ - i lii art. ýil ti. iethrond aou Il îoCýtt to 1cr ittua"lI ie s Ii ta )Ol 1 Irtbuliiis a[t tie le wsîinvev at Iiaisîi tîîrMithe. silice t ttdsrkes' Zîîmtîut a itîle ,,iil te i ti hl selc h 1 a 21ttiîd '.'.ul I ll'.e tus ut hute lituitiiti hue iîle. Ne tc dritig Soul ie llet a ut k Iît'e uîtîlil,> 11<1 tliaîk Ilîcie i., ,stic I, surît tsfitîl liere, tasCa ftîr u.gelli ig thIlid tlt' ti:cnem tucî VOLO. Stusiie for t hîlE~i 'e îl '.u il>N Mn-s. (;;leîll (.tîîNui Mi (icV o i hietmacll spientit tîuit Sllda.uiîi:i ii Cictigu '.îaitilit lîcîr tuiothuet excavatimîg a ceilaîr andti dggung. a dra in lurfo r n . ll illàii o ni lmai nl Street. Chias e b~'ib, tif IVilkîgaui, asa liere iat aeek and ictîîtiaed witlu Mdr. Clark fr siiie <il Zurichi cot- geaileil'A aIl. Zuxili lijis c l ié> Ad ai l ie fleased fotirîitke .uii *iuuaiiutile alîttilî l îl ci ittte lit, :- icî. T ue Z îîî cli l ti. c ice 1' îtsit 'aI , filled a tIi Ilie eut -iti lis wek as waa aI, thle zurich aîld(lic Queutiln Cormîâc reaiîîeu îe,,i ce liiiue. Th'le de-put aili, plce i is eiîtered by burgiaiers ti. 29. C. %V. Kolîl (lie aget t ati nma dl t iIe ' ét ulruis tt hie Iluditor tif the iti Niiihi s .ety littIe ca %i5 iSs ecîi' Blinuimgtci îmitîliti,,aIloIcil paperi l'tl. 1I>v-1, éI.titue IJîriîîglîui News canie crut îonî Lie '4 tlI tilt., .1. Il. Cuy- kemîtal [s [ta edîiti. Il is a tîright anud breez> site-rt jil tui l ' ' ies ta t et witli suceeris. T h'l e q tic aîe st % ia dot'. Il î îî l o lt ing a s to do oic tlig 111t îY stlrrbimug for thte lNU)EE IDE& ia ntîl tiemu ge it reguiarly each w-eîtîî teri c olaiuiIi ail Ihlî oc i ne wsait i lii It isre fr o ntî aturcati, ciii! ' $1 51[ ler etir iii tditi -iice. I.n rc.w riIter4n*Î tietuur) tuf E ît m r 'u-u 'n , u Niuutt w c p r i trI s itti 1 11h E ttît l ? Ilie hilintheiicolul dut-tujidli, Ci, hu l flo îîîr lii r Eiýi i, i lir 'i otult tt i tite utiliJi'-,. 1h w c t c 'l tur- ltte d ui x,t Aslie drift4:l to ie ..iuiurt Anti wilie iil gmuet hM it . s- A.. J. h> inloilstuteiCi1it tlo.-a 1uraaîIîg. Monîla> uiotliii g tii rue.I is blii l luet 'tre tigcia gentlty tuok 1,1 tic $teplleti ahi ii i-ctr>,.îck. '.thie angriit% te Io tuiku ui, I ltiti bglit p til 1e lfat'- Mary Raymuond a liuM a tîs;tiiît oe Ai thsIgtt tic suw etormllui o'.er Ilumday reluraîed to t- ci Sil i ntitit tîrgtî i ti 1kip îiu '1 t E l gii r M o m la y M u1it ît t t îa, uiti tte iru it Ic i t vi t. J(ljihUi hiri %%rs olials bhul eu r3 1' ers te itte citdrtthrtîig, L ifting uai thutir Ltte t ut-r-. sick aillu pue u i iei ttt s iiilino'. ij i u~ ~ t tlc E taitu tlis t t 'e i g . under tlie-treatuelt <f 1),i. Orule. of , u5A NA5 M ellery. F etI \'oîker s eutert.hutîl tig relîtive & 1Ie [ce Ili Fituhi Like is of excelletît frota (tue cit3' qtnality cleir aîtd cleanu; to.tarit )and LusKepe srcve-igf d aitiage or se'.'ers t îîuîaitîg it o L hi e lt i K eperi ii r tu t ig fc Now [sillinte une lthiete ltottsc. lsreeî las. Ve lIteM ' thte tîttZi g jpe opjle tof ¾>Ilo u mow i t i Ii t l s b c lî i ic iIl a i I are waking aniuiigtileuti for a F temli tuo ulu hrr restaurant social uext TiirhtlalY eei' F. Gîeske ami Lîois Keller tocuk a iaag Eeb. 15, at (lie residemîce o! Y., sîoser taitIi last Fridlay. Rchardso. Tlîey hienci Wo lia Il' ui îeaty Miller Imteiis8tii ere-ct a esuoyable lime ail s'îlIlbe elcoune. dwelliîug lose iext sirihig. lb.e chiltireti are qitite ititerested A lhîuue fellos' lRisCore to make in f«Mulng te, siag se [tope more of luis hsome wi(h IL. Welirciiberg. theun *NI jointh le cluisa. We expe-ct t» have ai ldi'sas choir iefore lonig. -.lTe patrons5 of ou faetîiry are liusy Renemtier they nueet every Sutîday ptittimîg up Ilueir saspply of hce. aternoon at cie îiclock wlîeri il dci't Qutte a itumber froun hem attendeti déh#n. l'reacbiuig' srvIces aIt wo church atl>alat[afo [ast Sutiday. Soe ! uiyon mn an oO 4lsatlfr Law.sou [ s abolit t, [taie a GILMER. ies' homle builit on lus lot. receiIhy Setiti inei [[lins earlier,ploamu -Va purchaàed 0! McClure. y. P'. 8. C. E. meetintg eîery Sn Martîi Moi&kle-t a vatîitbie liorse uimy ovouingrit 7 o'clock. Jîîuîil u-îî rocently. detavor umet 6I o'clock. L. B. Munt, of tilleryville, s'vais "ia. J. F. IIoshc aHI give al fiee liore firat o! the week. tnqm in vocal musuice Iis kSatîîrday îHarvey Ilagerty, (f 1. titis. ie a - etle Christiani Cbui'li. guetut o! P. Nimsguri. Tie o~t te ,'Mr. i!îsuck J rueof Chicago, lmstîéî&si Tfldhe 0sligîug tn idSu- o bs j e W. Il. More. Cagehi mui eiverboiy*là ' thlà'tA Jacob l3eeesalîl move froua Claîcago iiémlad ver le y farm aI Gilmer Ibis apring. Ttîosv utcart o! ~~'<auiih E. GOOk.tif libet'tyvllle, s'as a ThMediciui f harge. oflWec i>à$li èIpleffllu caller at it (ureTtîesday. Christian U3irswh. Eveu'yont Ila.J 1. Stqf*tmnn and wife are speid- corne out anî'ht hicirhm as lie is aiîW ,> th~e *èek *I%}T their daugbter ait speaker. r~ -',II iroilimus,ùf Waiucondaî vow - m tcas. nt this-statioun, Tuety, Ii;lty and s'oYkuaW cm - g , vs from thîs cheffl factoryJ t4I...1% liiiulw, w sa OfQ,$2n»7ff tale bi iaot iaiddle s'illîboises itoiscO!by thse roatt ide. (ts rat ler rMsy bugine. fai A ww t Aucton Sal». Charlei llîpg liavlag wat«Udl» or a terani uf yeuir, whiU."et041 AutîtIto 0lthe prenFbes là*MO« îest (isg.cs Corner-. Md4 Mulet< we-t t>f t illage of Liluertyvlile,-Wefi 'eîiî> 14. 'lp-. comBU iiuig Bt 1fr Iîslrp. lthe fIsOW5nUç PrOW&rt ewi pa.ir lucuîvy lîod imsres weigkt $0 pirr cot4 3 vrn. comding 4 tIreê tillcr's tlorse, colt cotnlng 4 toliawk Ki"tg, colt comlng & y linre. îI)iaek colt 3a'.enr. past dam C isu'l.p ycurliig colt lîy Mille er %. 50 itoli tule loin lt hu. abOût 4 tind lîay part ii hbartutti port (Ml urge 'Iitk oh straw, .tiack 01coM A- airîIlt 80 îtishel erir con lu 'e îi-.rl'-ed torl whitedeit. 280 1 are! tmlit 5bittlqel.4 oritt, ilauotlîy titd loier aeed, tiosîbhé tern> 1165, los".tiNo hor.1e Suk ti, 2 artg dottaîle liartiesi, sud ettis fou numtaeruilta l mention. A1U te 5cer'. cd nt bOOti Ternis ufsale: Aitlius , f* der, a'iî tuer $le a redit e08Q wiil lue gi %en ou good, approYed tîg ilper cent loteret. 2 coutit for caS4h on t-UMAIs«Ver-U property itu hie uaed asifilne W. iilsle l. [ttadug resu«O jint Welaitepubl iitin tW hleaf wile 'tet of iimeris~s NoilifiOeId, 111 11n Aesa.Vb vîttîeîliin< -.Il110 '-,0 lu. îîIsaCp. thu 16 là-vritp iltkk.Cou-". nit trlick k gri .,iic.àI k> ci1tivi t' iîk c,' iii iwrr. dortru'leîtîrrus', U1111 î'.0cr tank, 1ititig-sikiill, liilale, iî . ' . t l lîl ) t ti r a î î i k a n , t » Siit>uingilîg'.rrndatrilu su-i dutiîle 4-ig~I%, ,itIîglr cîlttei',om li.ir>t.5 -It Iit[rke. bay- 'i uîlile piîtîî s, 600 'r1pIîIItftîni B 1ii1>Itel (ti ll tîi-r. liay rack, 4 itrl. vuit oud i% r1klitîititY Oh utr rtik iti J iiui thler arti otrîi'tii itir oit i.tilliS O'.es'- e' venii. 2 pt'r rclit dibotitit for- * (. W. Pettis, Atinu$ >,ji,ac'ritre for the I1rID*I" It %Wl afive ùuag1eat au4 leiti wrUn aîadgive ttiU« alunies. Exscutore Noti. PLIC NOTKIS 1, 41.1" scrbes xect bs re*ay,,. Oorînty court of Iske Oastr. a bolden aIt te Cuu 1oiflH <p sliiC)ouutr. on teI à1 is Ia~ oextl.m"a. when and wheefI pu* qltulme 0gis i sa&alltU quooted to pteseutîttese 50 tt adtulcêl DARBT i ria Ba . Dutur, à À 19-. .'e Pt2sLIC NOTICE 11ebmb ~1~~~"'~' JAMES S. Uou~nau.A Wsuhemn, Jsnuuqy.I0,4. ~ * PuimJc Nosuals ~# APTAKISI1C. Sentinluiyour toms% earler,Plaae M 1 Mri. Wolf lias ftinisheti sos'ing car- s~ga pet rage. Wailtîung's uunctîusl [s utatetifor LIBERTYVILru~ imebruary là. Correelsi by blm sI J. S iîley anti w ife '.lsibeti aI J. IU"er--, ~ei',Deertielti, Tuesclay. mi-@. weiamttisent 10 (àlicago, Mai- b w : day, amat bouglt a îes' sPrig lat. 01 how tIao8e cli lurei yeih.: When tbey see Ilitlthue ballado swel(I Jako GIodi, s'ltlubis futIle bov, hai gobe for an extoîeude viilt tohis faUmter-In.nlsuiWsmt Falrfteld. Mr. An'an, tise eapenter, s'asiat s'ork Ultis s'ek ptitting Up tie se *iu 'éevatot [ia the ies' sareho%15 QIUY-WJ<,li tisat vo1~*0 Il 1 0,04e«. 1 zzt:i