Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Feb 1894, p. 3

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09 o!"DeM ooth e sbuur- live onarehyl" Augutbe Mmmrciua vitethrovte' bomb tabthe usuel 0! hie rme 4*nt avsaed D y tto o- ( cors ai 0oCIO*clia lte morning aud 1011 belote the Anise dedird Ihat ihough ilt*lm l br imn,itvas impoSsble la let vawu riy n~yéon feair w0eve.1 oetode the pio their hea"a nthli I~bdarme. Vaillant ai- lAt sprisanithesprang for- te hnabuteih %lo tis bourgeoisie;* long lire beau0 cuâlomary for the execu- asela*tnt tepuai ithe con- -Pr1ulolaagoînat tie plauk, rifoo eaches itil busprang .eéplacosi ilmteU ogainst 1t. *Eoped snd Valllan*@ ck *.,@r lte gistening balte. o&" aMM in position Doîbier Msprtn .The revwas aflash V*U,.»agv rEAi-iNinC DSSSTo TU5 thIl beavy knite descendus!, and an- the ime et Valliats arn- vu» ilk guillooneialte cllug o! tcontianig bsremaiS more tlit wenby seconds Ds.iblor, the exent nr, Who I niy lettens ltroateulur beM If heeeud al aMi vi at One tlime wisios! lu re- r - - tion ratier lion te put tic io desfb,i 'peresi poer snd rVoau titanvaillant. Withhl 00«tébtS mter lie kulffeeici)Vaii bciy vas taken bu tieItry cria- 16pLACED BY A WOMAN. %~O.lad_ *Aiuot 5u-ee.dstu lquebang 5rank lii. wJHol, bbe negro vho asasaultesi -~at Lub!ton. lut., issi a «Cpo Irmai1> r ciniz.The er'succeedesi ln suî'rring pus- of hlm long enousi htu gel a àtou bsenis neck, bcfore the offli- sbacemW lndragging the prisener lbeourtraomL . i-eri-ffTronhmsn r *11Hall bock lu Le banon ftrom 1In- "ripisfor a ituaing. As suon as Il liaI Hall vas lu tie qb msob lus! by farinera trom the wyviere the ossauit vos con- tgilikesi the jail, but vere ce- cd b the Sheriff snd hi-I mal I5rseulr rDutci mountesi the -- stp. andi beggcd ofthebumob bu tMl elav lu take ils course. Be - U i lbtIb. vouils v1gurously prose- lte egro. About 1 ociocki usige t oieresi Sherif 'Proîrîman lu ) tiDisoner ibuote ecourt. The and p ors!pse came onut the fiont. @4 thle :oal snd do-nr the stops lu nasM.AI e 'sansi ber triond, e. Ratlue Taylor, met Ihea., dl>~S assistes! bythe nott' furi- us ia ob, Mrs Tsviiw r lar-esibbc tope aronni Balla neck. Bevolver andi kalves ver. drawu, but citizens came ir e lisaerif's tescue ansi sfter a tvcuby minutes' truggle, i-rwvilch suturai persuns pere EW but wah as drsggud lmb lie ,,urtroomf. Jusige Neai urderusi tie >beri4f If necceary, tu dirpuiize a iotUn.d man, Quet bu iug restonus! the IîrlbrwuasTvsordures! tu stand up andi abreillng voice bu picad- C I gulýiw ansi vas sentences! te lwenhy- rire earis-luNortberu States 9prison. s-rcnted by 100l deputies, Shrit 'It-ciaanmade a rusi viti lic pris- e ur or lite Big Four de pot. and thc j tOiWvsplacesi aboard tic train. A,,eIbpMiiei iy twentlv Of! eI-c .et- '! abciO50, the negro lion stsi-ted toi- ihga Clty. M5aiOrder a fig 5trike. CÎUM dvioes from tic chiets of oie f'ederteà Norlieru PacIiea m- play" aI Sut. Paul indicate Ibat a trike w-ill b. odred iIf Ibere change lu rlie sitgalt o On. Nte. of Carrent EVeats. t. JAJO ESsu TmFry, negrees, ,are l dspeatey. v.unded ln a 1'>TI.LING]i,&T, a Toedo rvl lnu anistricken viii paralysie ou ai Lima, 0hio. - ' tar uf var t in ing unt. te ola n ngr bs3rbed --brougit againal ex-COUuly -CaalUI*êst (rsebey Ca- for #18,000, bi-le.a'eged tii ouila ti as 25 per e«& eU&Utaxes! in tbmatu,- drmd Ot*11slave Slateo ooe*, lb. ~ ~ ~ v $oo ts caaon 890000 It Bren th. stistk =,an Tesai 010000,000 Of rvryla ltse asnm ef ber tm- 5,ý h.o4uuM.Alabama. uhid Iu- eltudse ltb éat of 'the Back B&It, 4M»41U t~812,%»,000 oftaxable prop- e'lato Dr. P. A. Wbitea prom- limet ~gls o!NovYok, Ie9t La 1. 40maumuel business of 02Ob. Ir, aligtu «A = D. ai t4irIty or !otjy cSli wwM w à 6own,0000. 'In BaIUias lier.aisnioteen vWh arn ues lsé 10 ob. Woth *i,omm00 also, bl thOlby et Brotberly Love JIoua.VoKa. le a "ý tg-bwa tour-bain- dru homses s&Bd otb1sptopsty, Worth la ail 050%O0O. IsolaitCL Wsateoe lte mamscity, bue acorfortable lank aecsunt., ond basfor the poil twémty lests bougit a bouse eacii year. Richard Grant ad Mm. Jobhn Joues, of Chicage., are each vorti 070.000. Thèe are al ludivîduai gfoîtan ucr mulh abundant evl- doanne te certity lihe progreii of thQ roceS iucseniancipation. 1 n the Savh10.Bank at Charleston,S. C., thors a oetlitsecredIt ef coloresi de- posltier.aient $125,000. Twe coler- e0 aka lu Washington, D. C., have beenabale to stand tbrougi thle laie laaac1a1lk At Fine Bluff, Arî-, te sireet rairoad aystern la ovucé by a aigre la Utryille, Cal., twolve colores! cit1zens evu rancies vaiued mi10,- 000, besldes ovning lte signature whici controis cumfortible bank ac- count In aion Francisco, a colores! womas owna elght ionoMa!saanelà ocam Sou Mfateo and 800.000 Iu gorerament bx nde. Twenty-seren colered itisena et Missouri have ae- cumu*ates! a fortune of 01,000,000, la arats rantilug frorn 0O.000 lu $500,000. By retrlevlog sucerai suture finauclal lusses A. G. White, of St. Loiis. a sotes! purreoer, bas acquires! a capital eof03,00- I te rmer hoted ecf larery, Kentucky, negrosa ovu 200,000 acres of ]and, 8,000 tovai lots sud 52,000 beas! uf stock, the viiole valued at 04,000,000. Nor han lte acquIrement ef vealti by negros beon confinei toe lita siaveholdlsg Etate..Iu elgil coun- tiea of Iova, lbey ovo property esti- mates! toe bu orthb 7àÎ0,000, a per capita eof0200as ogainst $164 la the fermer slave States. MRS. GADAOOUT. A Wowa.uWho» . a e. t.Iak. iîtiv.- ly Cala. Mma Gadabeet la a type o!fventaa vio bas Ilttlein tedo berset andi vbose oatm appears tn bu lu prerent otitera trom accornpiaing auj more. Cails at unaeemly boums are ber pet hobby. If aie can only catch a roon or a person lu confusion, tben sic la happy, for Il furnilaies ber vitit a racy tapie o!f ctveratlon vien site visita other homes. -lI a country lovu site pretends great frlcuduhlp, andi trading ou titi intimacy, generally cornes lai at the bock door just aI ltte lime viten a stranger's preseuce la Iat appreci- ated. If a cake la a fallure, site la sure to bu on baud liaI day for tea; If the ritehen le lu particular con- fusion, ber face oorne np ili e door- Way, and auj family trouble liatItI la te iearîfeit dere lu keep blddeu la sure 10 be pouncSd upon by ber durlug oeeoe ber ili-tlmed vlsit&s lu country sud city alîke she sur- prises lte vite lu tears, lie busbans! lu a temaper, sud vitit a pooriy cou- ceaied deligitî cudeavors ho console the one or te other, al lb.h tinte worrnlng out of lient vords vhlcb viii souns! rery dlfferently viten ru- Deated by ber aI lite neit bous. If auyone ver. ta accuse ber of be- iug a gosap, sic voulsi deny It muaI empiatlcaliy. Site la only aioue fer company, tiaI la ail. Hers la a gregarlous uature, anu Itf aie bappens lu aI ltte vrcug lime It lê ber mis- fortune ater titan ber Int.ention. But it la not a maisfonlune aI ail; il la ber stock lu trade. 8h. la ihappy vien site stumbîe ou liaI otiter Bd. tiat la net gcuera4 ,r hovu, and just ao long os Idie vernen exist, juil ge long wili ber type flouilh on lie mrevelollons liai come 10 1gh blt liose moments viten une tiuks tie sieurs arc leekes! and! huarts barresi aganst lie mIssion of stagers. -Phlladelphla Mimes. Pernion (larpets. People lu Europe vie buy Pemalan carpeta litilhlnk oethie ceormous labor tiati as been *xpended oh lbe vearlng. rl la deue.excluavlrey iy bond, ans! every eilc Inlathe. carpets la mode sepateiy, belig aftervard clîppe i viiithe sctsuors and! buaten dovu. Sento idesa!flte vork ioay be formmosi ven il la kuovu liaitI a goos! carpet lter. are len Ibousansi An Ineaess Uammowyof tha Ufes . - 3IsskS Db*g et Our XNome-. Guorai 1«». Nota.. WnwIII.omer oo Tbe Davis Jtuiction war broke out lu a »W 0spt le . t er ngt. The JiI TrbrssClboablb , rd turl rlgbt tou e the onl pubiiehain . town for a year u1idr a loa, deapi.e the opposition of the truse. vite a .lecte epe0 aiybsec tbat no danc- i ng wva i d!e. aone n1.i gi rot eiitly t hoee vo. as,»t*or dance. I t tarteut ilai right, but the anti.dancers bal pro- pared for it. A hol bail baen <ut in tbe Ooor and a pire rmn up f ront tlk lote the toz Wben the revoir(.as at Its helght lb. anti-dancers blow blew a cha go of sulpbur imb ibe stâve. . Preuently there vu@ no dance. The dacers vers compel;ed t fle e. te the nitreet te ceor tbeir lungo mced Mr' caverthe!rbre-ah. After avhtI.OW venturcd back 10 the scenq of acl!oM. and th: ew th.e tove out of door&i Tho the room vai alr,-d andi the dance vent b avely on. Wrore.d to sga tot... M. L. Knapp atraIlingmal. en- tae où he off. c etDr. W . B ea Etockford. and at the point of a re- volver c >meledthe phbvéiIcan te aigu n ,icsaggregating &3,INN'. Keepingt; e physician in the ront. Knapp sakm monsd a meseenger and sent lue of the' notes to the hank, where it vs M- fnaed pament. 1-ia arre-t quIckly fol- loved, aud ho vent lu -ail in dlutiof 011,1.00 bonds. The aait has crea"es a sensat.ion. D.. Fitch saye itlelasiu- ply à case of biackmail. Knapp msssais thttepbyslcia-i owcd hum that amoant, and he tiloi that melhod te get it. Knap?'ls wife, who died a ev manthlleago vos; employed by D. Fitch sevemul years. EI.upm. t fN.tlones osuri. Il bam bendecided lu boid on en- campmenlt of the 111 nois Nationa Guard at Camp Lincoln Ibis year. Ne Oicui4pment w vi--24a@t year ce -s- coûzt of tbe World's Fair. This ear' viii ho a regimentai cncampmetnRire, the last une. In an order iosucd Adjt. Gen. Orendorif directs the several reg- imenta lu report al Camp Lincoln for their annual tour of instruction nasfoi- lows: Firbt'Intsntry andi Battery D, Chicago, Juiy 10 lu 16; Second Infantry, Juiy 17 te 23; Seveuth Infautryrband Troop A, Chlcaz,, July 24 td3th ird Infantry snd Tvoup 1B, Juiy 31 to Aug 6; Stith Infantry, Aag. lut 13. Fourth Infatry, Aug. 14 lu 2o; Fift t Infantry and Battery A, Aug. 21 lu 27. 14"oiiota lu.orporat. Rofuord. Secretary of State Ilinricbsen te- coiveà froml F. M. ('hariton, a Chicazo lawyer, a lettur eaying somne of bis cPý- ente conhemplate the orizauizallun of a company lnsuring tbhe uumarriod against marr)leg. issuing a poliey 0Freing te psy thre assu ed the aura o1O SI00 hould bu nisrry auy limne sitar ene yuar from the lime the plicy la takren out, and asking for a 1licens te incorporate. The Sezretary re- tused, aytng liat while the iaw in il- lent an to the rIghi lu organ4zectilo corporations, ho belioves il contrary 10 gcol murais and public polity. Poio C16 s.,st. by R.t.. The inquest in the c-tsc 0f the pois- nuinnthe tamlly uof(Charles Bey- man, %t Baràltw, resull*ng ini the deatb of levmLa. n.nd the su ri, us illns ot hie wite and ohhld, bas developed the fact liaitih canned gl!apeli. wbieih caused the trouble, ird been kept ti a cellar in whlch puis- n badl been dep,,s- ited for rate, and in ex&lamiüin 4t tic packaoee conlalnlng the cannýýd fruit shows that t e roti baj eaten int il, indicâ that oc ison bcd been communicated tu tbe ruit by ti c rats aller they had taken il. Joalousmy causedi an encoenter et BI ue Ridge between Tht mas Loyd and Frank Stuckcr, two farm bonds, which resuled In the dlealh of the latter. Mii Ruse Hanelire was the cau.e o! tbe fatal figit, '-ho îeceived Lods attentions for a time, but transfer cd ber affections tui Stucker. Tht' bad blot d Ihui aaueud cuiminated w heu the rivais m _t. L<.yd was lodgcd in :aii. iRi-ord .1 the tVeek. E. I_ MCDONALiDdid et Jacks ri ville. He had been a Stalle Senatorý MRQ. PowEiis, of Peoria, murdered ber adoptaitdaughter and thon kiieJ herseif. HIRAM BAHNEY, 5' traveling titan, cummittesi îuicide et the Park lIutl, Decatur. CHAIRLitS B. TAYLOR wa8 shtt and iustantiy kiliesi by Thomaî Gailaglie at Gifford. AT Waterloo, a State bank is aiuthotr h2ed lu hgin business with a (al ital aI ck o! $25,000. FRANiK WATKI<NS, the miesing Hy de Park undertaker, is known toebat e liad money, and foui play ins uspected. COaioAao West Division 111gb School g iris baving approprlated ail the clas onors, the male seniors Itoaten to boit, B, F. Sc-orT, a Peoria printer, lias myàtrirîusly disappeared and his ait sence ie causing bis relatives great IN Chcago Justi e Bradwuil wai as- soulled b ytwo tootra ls. Bepommeied them and iben kicked them Into the sireet. ENGLEWOOD'S Chut-eh Union is sa;d to bave prompted arrests of druggists MU Bv. *WonAuil,, et OiIoça bussu cllai to boine the pester et Woetiinster Cl. reh ai ]Rook& C. P. JOBNSON, of S~rnglfId, as alecird Frealden t lbtheAmer cnPo tetiv'. Association at the Biocmlngton convention. A SUVCcEsarULit ree days con ven- tion for the training of Chribtiau werk- ors wau belà in the Cbatàwcrtb Bap- l Cburch. .ALL SeULS CitUncm ia endeavemlng tos-elluve the diteýs in the Chicago sock yards district, whe: e 12,COt men are out of work. PassîDaIPtT. GRPEEHIY, Of Peorla, nid te whisky tust would rai e the pricef Ils prciluct te make up for the lif uite lax. Tz State Board or Agriculture re- scined their action appropriatlng 00, 000 t0 Improve lb. State Pair grounci SMd msie it 03,000 lnstuad. Mus. HARRT T. PLCMI5ER, vite ut a . C inent Elgin mentifacturer, vas Z Kisdiad lante 1. he bai expiresi hing the nigbt of bts,-t disease. ffHN SFABOLD, of iSouth Dauvîlle, 44edIluterrible sgt uy of hydrophobla. *Ho vos bitlen on lie rlght armn by a berse aI Paols, Imd., fl-te years ago. ANDY P. HXbRAN walked out of bis office at f5i) ('ark t Ir et, Chicago, titi joomiug of Dec. 19, 1 -wi, and vaulsited. Since tbea he bas nul been suen at any C£1 bls fanilliar bauni. TM bhody ut a mani pas tcund in lhe Ekcbek River bulow Rockfortd. ItissuBp- = t e buthe remains ot Chtarles M ; who was rep rled tu bave comi-. suicide aumu veeks alto. X4 LIUH'r bas been Ibroan urn lih Uesbry surrounding tb. Mcl Iad tr*gsdy at Salem, and t hougi ovur six- tv itun"o vere examiued by the Oranid Jury, nu indicîiments vore ru- lojnsd. WÈor BOOTHs, ut Swan Cru.k, vas laid t3 the Grand Jury at Momnoutb for throwlng a awltch in front ot o tlht rain on the St. Louis division et ichicago, Burlinglun and Quincy _IY tbe prompt usu t a oueo- - b«Oe*rd a bucket or water a doctor 111 Iusbville mnrtcg d te lbrow a slreom uép t a fe i re thbat th reateued lhe otlirday to destroy is dwuiling. The incident deservem to lite in history as tbo firal of its kind. 1 Ar Peoria Mrs. 1.11e Powers, agesi #.Imrurdered ber -3 car-olJ dahter 1 el andcummitted suicide hys oot- he vas ilie wife of- John R. tr., a@aolounkîel er andi gambien. the tragcdy is tbe culmination o! re- cqent dontestie troubles. A.i'Romq FGNERALf MOLONEY gave us opinion that violation by the in- sursitof!say conditions of a policy will wmki a forfeltru of inurance. Con- fflons, tbc Attorney (.eneral soys, are fb murs mtter of con tract and are not peeblbited by statute. Tnz len Hortîcultural Sociuty bas mad the ktariling discovery IhaÏthl. .qw vv kiUled tie busand deotroyemd aMchances et a pech crop Ibis year tulitaI section of the State. Thc ox- amaion of several hundrod buds et diterwnt vatieltuvamde unde, a micre~o4ie sud revealed bbe f ici liat lmseftlan on-tvenbleth bcd e.capedl lhe froet. THz, Coroner lnvestigated a queur euge.atRent. Suveral young men golug home trom a partyfusvithe supose t bua ea71 man nuor the Ch ceue andi Great Western Ry. brack. He vas carried to the village. Mr. Silar took the supî uiesidus! body Int tbe hotme frontbbcebaru. He waa grestly urJ risecilt Fee signa ut lite. ledicoisa vas calediaud Il-e mou re-viveod onough te spcak and thon dicd frein tseeffects of =311osre. Be gave the na.e ot ArcblaldGillanders aud on bis body was found n ticket trom -,an Franctaco le New York snd a 91, amer ticket for Scotland, al.,o $700K iino ony Is lbeljeved Ibat bo feul or ws kckes f rom tbe eastbound Grest Western train. SE>CRB]TARY MINIER, of the State lioard of Public Charitiesl, bas gî-en out bis report for tie quarter ending Ike. 31, 1813, Thc average attend- an-,ýe and cosh et copsita for mainten- ait-- lsshown bythe tullowlug figures. Averaaie number Cost per lnma. oapit Nocîberu..._.............. 8 s 7 Fsner..............t,. 7 1M entrai .. ...1. . . ... .197.30 .73 35 sout hem....S ......... 37.6 36 31 Ina&neorjiminoa............ log. 9 69 Ki , e-f &" udDmb.............. 473.30 61a 50 PluO C............ ..........293 71 60) Feeble-mlinded ............ , 5.-,0 3425 .oder~Opia.Ho-r..e ý 09 , i 61 lIVt. snd EX Iira .... t..1 ta). e cO oldilers and Sator o me1,'.4 4 11 8 049.32 AT. 139 73 This iii tbe numYrer nov on bend at tihe close of tierent year. Tbe Vo- ta 1 average atlendance for 1892 was ..l, boiug o few short ofthIe attend- azen n I9. The average ceaI per capits for 18912 was *10.37,, being larget then for 1893 with ils lerger numnbur of nictes. AT the annual meeting of tho3 Statu Il, ard of Heeltb, Dr. William- E. Quiune, uf Chticago, was i e-olected I'rtoident; D)r. J.W. SecIl, of Speing- fied, Secrelary: and Dr. B. M. Grif- fith, aise of Spi ingiiels, Treasurer. It w e- decîdesi te tecogni: e the dl1 lomas of thu Toledo Medîcal College tl was a4) .odecidesi le cxhend the varcinatica order of the board su sasho make lb in- c tide al chilsiren ofthhe irch. el age in ititi State, snd Ibis heachers as vel a I l1touse ail the power cfthlie boua toc the enforcemeut o!the order. Tic treesurer's report shows that $16,- 252.043vas expendesi for the fiscal ycar etrdiug Sept. 30, 1893. 0f Ibis $9,- HOa mDoue maiy et ti 5t" .s-sra tion. Publicsentlmati watice mT. e 1h» w Goi o&cunt 9w» hAbrhama. Mary> andsNeille, on lb. a INTfflOUCTORY. Sept. 5 lsst., Bis set vau am Abi-am changusi ho Abraham. A nea lie resanit e! trouble la lto name. The sire ef uobiilty (bgb fa- the divisicu et thb. esSie l ther-ý becomes the sire of many natimn" Hart, 1ieo eiber efth*lie o I lather ut multitutn-vl.M iSame e a' commîltes! suicide Ivo y a goosi one betome, il becomes a gi-ester iug inuci îaluabi'o çvrty oue nov, u Inte Orient cames were ily consitae! ofellafm , Ivo !requentiy tus changai ho smignalizsi sume greot eveutlnluthe lite. .iusl At thie uime, vien su rnany ors Puttiug on Christ lu baptisma.nsd comiug or-t opeuly ntocovenaut relalicus alti Gi, e ibis lussn on Abrabaa.'à n3w nom. le muai opportune. Th.e word .multitudes" la Abraham*@ cme rnu ou lioraUly dn. Putting bis cor te lie ground. ho ceudbyfaili ira- tie Iread o! tie boita ut the fait b- fui. Was Det thc souinsiof vour te.4 tiere leu? Shall nul the Sundsy achecols of to-day bolp 10 swe 1 that b'casud tramp of pllgrim [cet entici- patesi lu Ahi saor new name - POINcIS IN THEELESSCrN. EI-Sissidai. Ccd Alnulg bt.-, i. eû the [Codi ut infinîte stre, glh, lie ist!force, f rom whici ail gracions s reamsofroti- fluencu flow. Bow ilcsed 10 b> co-o nuctesi vithi fofunutain bcd "Wak." In the nainu of the G do 'Slveuglb-walk. l vasa similai- urdeJUý BR tiaI spo l litheimpotent man ansid ____~<h' 15 saisi, 'Take up thy busi ansi u-ek."ter@ an4 aix sous. John, vie vas ltse niy Cos coulli ay l:; oniy C;odsi id odeat b ry. waritcd lie estate divIsisl il. Faiihti la b hiai calletil 3011 whi'e the mtier oui slal wbu also pili do it." voulsi rot consent lu break tup " My covenant." Ccd sais. It la bu lie bomesteol. up telte lIme liaI hinda himiel!. Th' ritorle 1 fthticdouble mur t l. uqu( frea. Jehovai birnsuif. He vents 10oof Mrs. Hart andi ber iausihe4 bleusus, ansi ail liaI ite asks of usin lvoaied,"ani tic tamilylie!lgft lte conditions la tic r ecessarY ste' s on tb,, farm. vitici prosiperes! u. te the precutement o! the hiessings the manigenulo!flte biys. Theâtay proffercd. Th igfî i issd , tbe sa- if tictragesit-Jr buns aýai home aine. rifice ut tic cut enaut lh Grdil . What j iti bis mother endi i tera. Dutg li ou"s? Simply t> sra nigb tu Ced te onu ,,,Mms. Hart loftIthe ittua and ecele bs prmise grce. nIYfor a short linte. Il asa during ber abi te cornai beart bold8 us tbdCk. To crpe th iaIart atookesi lhe be irs tha reàevesi mini bis ways are «waYs 1<111 ng Matry iu-tauîlyandouis-,al I ' e! pleaeauluess" ansi ail bis opatis are jnring Nullie. She ldthle folcieo peace." Tic propur oîilrîdè of lie ay, nt mede an aute-mortua. aboIs- chili ut sncb providence la thal of ment fixing the cri-la. upon bee--'ý Abraa. vhen, lu confession of bs hum- brother, Juin Bai-I. bie depondence ansi gratitude, hbe ll Bart'a crime wss rm at del iberateonÀ upon hle face," not tu ste', in buch an findsi. No eoner hiait M rd. Hat loft attitude, hovever, except lu spirit. He- the hou ec han ho cai'ed Nelle tla iI arcs. la accordance wîtb tiod saiN H- barn ansi iniuced ber 10 go vîLit biàà mand ansivaikesi buture bis face. Thai lu lie bae,ment, vbere ho 1usD!> vas Air&Wns ptt Ansi Cuda t-,art- poundusi the litne ouut fber ans! lbe "As for mu, ZutoI my ccenarint la compuliei ber in, di lk a nixturu of vîti tiee." ItlaI enougb. Lot us go prisgrecu. Net aatlsfiudltaI tiol>- Ccd e voy.Jens ho bcd inflîctesi veudpreoc. HIfTUS AND ILLUSTICATIONS. - st, Hart completesi bis murioerou DuesnGood keep eu-tenant? Dues in athack vith Ivo pistol abota.ý 1 ps esev os? Are Cod'sacounte Leaving the dilu girl lu tho bars tralgt? vJudglug trom the voy lte themurioer r ent te tie front =_- ý velnotseia luard tie grual Soverelgu andi attackci Mary. Tic girl vus47 o! the universe, one a.ight su p"uaemosi t srn.s e rte tiai ho vers eiher untrue or uni. made &osdsrgas igtber bter 110w stands lbe record? Aak aime une el .11 l. bson of b!etory. Let Borne ene Insance prophecy tulfilci Coul up experiene ot a personol surt as lu Gsid's promises tries! oui pro-tcd. Per- hope sennteYoung mmo or youg wlit la goin_«cff te cnllçge. On w itl dosa@ k*Sîebate expociotlon ef suceaà? -- le lb nai the oonvenant-kceping Ccd? go &Ibo vîithlie -me onterng upon honorable buatsibelatons u Gd we trust» Trust bite likevise lu tic lxigiter, spiritual maltera. Ahbi ab am va. Lot. Tic lUVe needs tu Ta.s URDoasa(Ilae. bu guardcs inluils teudenciei. "As the,-- - twîg inclines the Ire. le bout."- . Tic perch ahere sic bcd been mitiflg Tu proveo taI cuilivotion i at-s the wai staînesi vithblbod, saidlte su- , ardenur bol only to point to a atraw- roundinga show 'i liot o terrihe w3rrybus i compar, d wllb a patcb ut atruggle hmd taken place, lbite ela we d. On. bai icen kept sud culil- of the muidei or was succcssf uUjy -tatesi, lic other alio*ed 10 go il-. <tan cutesi. for lie loft bis siA3r dylng ufflý vsy. tie grams. Separation mearra abstinence from As Mia. Hart vas returning t«,- somethig: il meaus aLsu dedicabion tarmbousu sicc amy loin galop unlu seore bing. Tiat vas a n ttc o! the barnyard gae aou an vorisi c nquust vben n tIl-c sys o! thcelhorse. Near the porcb se. as apoaties the Holy Spi il csld: "Separ- fled lu finsithebu d iisy of aie unto me Be rnai as andsi Sul toi- lb-t The aiarm was gît-en, as a searel work wbereunluo I bave caliesi iber." Nelle led hg the discvcrvof hersons. As Lo)t pitcebs ltentastowrtad Sdom, 1Des body underlichotuar. She WUP no le-.s trulyit-d Abraham pitcb bits cea d fuot sud cvery effort maie tomu tut rt tevrd the glorioua .le-usalem lue!-- ite. Ther was nu hoke, bovevew" Ibel waa 10 bu, suni tic more gloriorîs atol Attorney B. G. McE voy, a pot.e Jeri -elem that la yet tu be. net' of St tle's Attorney Arthur 19L Tiie rainbow lsas preacher o! rigbî- Frost.,-lie made ber statement. coîrsneas, continulng lte proclamation ansi t remise mode te Noab. The stars Mdinor Aeftno. alto ste an innumerabie compen3- >rf FINAL test 0fetbe Takomîne vliessusaorsi rigni ho tic covenrant Aif-bsky fermentation islub made witi Abraham. When wO look ai o Peoria distillery. up m tich migbty Leavens lbink o!f AHM !îiokyvss~ tie time vien Godi brought Abrahamn ..K AHN OBrolnwus# oui nuder- Ibese saine skies ans i asien-es!luesayear lu lie punitentWlar for bis solace andi ours, "Luook euo 10: înaking coutrilreit coin. ward beseen, ansi telich stars, if thon THOMAS S.NELt, walkiug aioug th-' bu abole lu numbur thea.; andi b,'salid Btiitngton trucks near Burvyn, vs - unto hlm, su shah hbhy suesibe." An-I of struck b y a train ansi killesi. - - this simple, artleas chilsiof t tri - SAry.'Fst la preyailing douce, heuce rlgbtiy calissi tbs fiisnd Pdsell. Tic scourge oxiab it O-e o! Ccd," il nais-ely odd , "ansi ho be- femilies, end ue deti boa ensuci. lieves inlutle Lord, ans itil as countesi1 Iy e pr miniluoeexplosion lunlte owl 10 iim for rigibooîrsness." Look rniî lnrin ie ai Breoî'e, (Cege and WiiIta, faith, and coint for aomelbiîîg ourr- i-.inn, m:net-s, were !a îly injures!. soit. Abraham fluug hlmseif fili leiiî,th Att il'R F. BULL la uimiter aroat urpen Cod. Il was nul bai! i'arted ( onsa cbo-g uf aiductlagt-ena fesîhy; it vas viole îuyaîîy andi sepei- Doiley suad holding ber for anient. douce. Tic Abraiamnic spirit bias MAYOR .1. S. BARRIS, ot Champat been the truc spirit o! progress lu ail esntondedi bet ot Police Palnlckq 1 lie worWds bielury. Nota litîle of the ieant-y and talAt. Charlici B. Young. Abrabamic faithi varlu those alrnrdy ALBSERT Sciitt-r.Tz, oftAuroma, bila torefth'ers who put bbc rea butwe Inhh b a onsig, dd ludigi we them ansi home and si ayaes the ruglZcd bis premiëe in the heigng i i.y icealities o! bbe new vori -a woi-ld bu- ILof lic Wc:b Diviala ur a sense, by Atralbsm. lu- School ('b irago. deftul the$, se dcci. Il e-an ithe A brsbamlc tuinsi tiotlIn tizing ai' lie cias oons trou - Ibrust (Columbus out. A pîclure loy boys. DluMeusi la now buing stuiesi iy tic public, Columbrus cxiibillng bis hart ('IIIrA(tO tactory in-ipoct orâ iw " of lie world betoe tic council o!Sla inuie tir prusecute v,'olalurà, despits manca. Tic reselule, conlident face orgsnizatiun turmes i0fgilt he o! tieo greal mariner, sut ovor egaînst litv. the iily coucaici murriment snd lu- THE minstrel eit<tsaitneût credullby of tie prcests, la mist stik- charlty git-cu byltb buUc.of K -

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