OLIR AfPd': roFR41É QDP. TELL THE TR1/TH IANO M A /JR MONkt>1 Libertyrvllle, Lake County, IlinOis, Friday, February 16. 1894. $1.60, in advar eftnt. h lndepsndent, eooffng Editiofis .. ILLINOIS. le et tb. County aNom 50b mak'ewh-Zau i t ou shaino iumtor bmhate adtvertiNlng tus &U m* ohai-g.for chans,% niai i uinliig by the >car. mot«i uand J.ub Pit-lusnt"ar laI et ~uîh mSnil. I.miu- aring r>u 1-U se 5 e§ te. fi for $l. L P $1e S .50, per Vear.t Oit 1<RENT-.5 r My projeertç ahtlRock- buieslocation'i. op- t e"'iliisiiieias. Kaiýser, PM - ENT I160 Acres rare m bm-otdout, iicely situi- ce Strippig pllrlîtseq. Fora -4.11 on tir add reais M. 1lai- t ~ WamreaaAve-, (Clicagta. (15- 22 '-*OiENT I1raile irtliaof! fils1 statiton on C. M. & r mtailsing abouett 200 acresa tailrge barns andX 111. -ojr C_ IL. Slertauîa, STRETII-Ilave tlîeîîî ixed. outrhosaetoes luit eat 'Aell,Ila botisis thin i aei riven. i »man aIt the1Lake Couiiîty n e cati stoa)h iai îg lia t'ep Great Kusic Offer. ,?ua-tbe names and cddrr-srssraf ait»e' perfonîners on the pataio ~togetisr vit i eliat cnts in t e d e vwlmail %-on one Mpular Musc Monthlv,1 eon tain - (plece, fuhl beet mrasiv. conl- aie populgr gongs, wîtzes, a, ét s~e., amraged foitfi.-leidano Lu ropular music- Motilil', 1 .%iý14 ndianapolis, il. v cwduFar Photos For. fI4 oui lpic-ures ate aii'n la ýýnd4ic deliverv ini teai coiiiete - c ri 6 pictureâ cotnuurisiirg cciil Lf thes wle set cai ho V'Lb1y bhe pajint of oane Dollar araSat.i 'icket Agenit offilae 1 L~ u kee& St. PauaiRail-î ift take your rnoiaey atîdj arder vhiceh viii lie sent ta thae 1 r Il ati ti. ;urtifoii>s o i iilbýe èe1tih free ta! exlîeaise,t Remember TI- thtie Wisconsin Central lias thse unqualiflet eîdorsemeut all bet'bit.4 ise Most popular.hUe tweo4GQ ~ an sd Mlwaukee anti F.U PalgbgZob a ncssd the North-1 'wt. I~psised as thse Pullman1 Lins liîcago and Milwau- keeaf& ~.Duluths auçiLake Thst Y»ewli Central touches tsam toPleIit points lu Wieoon- ginsi'le business ceuters tisau MYÉ red tu anid from tise Tia %bigcar service la unsur- vIll! chertaîl fur- enha sk1, ation that may tL de- îaîred. 1?. dae01 ~tals regardlng Rates, bknWtmle~. lisps, etc., address F v ar pq*t ticket agent, or Jas. C. -u' -0"d,*e. lame. Agent, Milwaukee, 131.! LITYVILLE MARKET. e mebsatsci etî Tiutsday. one y.'ur,oeIJI Ln i4idyji .......i.. MIx maethm.. -asb ln advauxai ........... Tbvmunths.euhIlis dâ&me... ... 5 Une yemr, if nm d vwtilnSmnt s-»$M All stottmet sisttgpeaeMade At the raO Or V.09 p« er a. The editor hopes te atsal time frOUm bis ardueta u" tteo attend the aucnai moeting or the 111111018Press LsMC8iJon, ho be held ini Chicago, next week. lb. 20-U8. Correspond- ente are ro1iqt" to iaend la a large lstaimenta ofiteineeariy neit week Bo' t*at the . Irumirmay be f ull of l4gereLig 1readlig We expec-t toi ýetura okfl of new Ideas to îput lu practreal operation. The woild:tanons iàfldel, Robert ungersol. wai recently aéked if lie "Id oUat perbaps betore lie died ho would say to the. publie that lie be- ileved le lmmortality." He replied: -Ail 1 cao My about immortallty te this: There- was a trne -lien 1 was Dot, after that 1 was, now 1 amn. and It nay bo tbat it le no more wonderfii thâit1 shah ceontinîieforever, now thât I have a etart, than it was thiet I hoîî,tlq begin. Wtle loe. iand tlioSf- v love dlie, andI vs cItzg to the hove, to lie wioh, thot vo May~ meet tigaini. Love was the. tiret dream of ihninrrtÀt- ty and as we !ove we hope. 'uThe Wilwil bill will Ill-reuse cim- porte'. Every dollar's worth of motiey ijieut for forelgu goods detprives Amn- vrican labor thse anmant of money paid for Ils jproductui. If we import semi4,ilUU,IiO more lu goods, ît meals bhat Amerieaît lalior wiil lose just the imouiit of labor nec-ecssary 1.0 pro- dut-e those good8, wiie le judita muu-imoney viii go Ont of thie c-ountry forever. It will go lu gold aise, anîd tecretary C2arlilie viii have te keeji un selling gold bonds to makle up~ the delicit. The Pre-ss c-andldly believes tfiat no mani who wishes tihe good of A ment-a citil f avor f ree trade unIens bis mind l a arped bleyondî au> thiing tiît wt eau -omPrebî-nd(.- IlomeneeIPress. 0euieral Rays, ôt tue .1'ole et e¶dr. lico, -a îîin la rec-ent seechibefore the reîutoii-aii editorial association Ont "the Relation of Paper to Party iand Pasrty to Plaîîer." lie tlîoîglit the uewspaja-r editor h.lould iot lie lin offlice-seeker anîd Iliat lie should Ilevote Ilîm.îelf ratio-r tobuilding iii> ap1owerfîl paper. Tie coliiti'ylieusi- J'aller refleets the sentiment of Ill- preopile auit reprsets th-mintri lieir homte ad lot-alirlîe. He said 11. va. inwortliv of any aîewsl>aý er man 10 take money from a mari tu bell' hlm in his poli tical1aspi rationis No news- 1,)al)e- main should allow himself to Uc boîîglat. A thoroughly Independent lnmris theonly- japer tliat eau Uc made Mdent. #il great que9tions tof the day shotlfil 1e ditac-îssed lu the interest of the whole pîeople and net merely in the- interest or the- 'iîriy whk-h.it represents. That Terrible Blizzard. 'Moiîday, Feb. 12, '94, will long l.e qiîoted as the worst blizzard that lias strîîck titis county for thirty years. It vas quitegeneral thronghout this contînent; Intact nearly encireled the globe, In this section the storm l.e- gau Sunday nigit anidraged with in- r-reaslig fury ail Monday. From eight to twelve juches of snow fell on the level wbich would have made fine sleighlng lied not the wind plled. 11. lu arifts -fromn two to six teet high, leiiug many plac-es bare. The Lib- ertyvill trains madie goodti tme except Monday eveniug they were bicekaded near Rondout about thm. hours and hald to b. shoveied ou%4. A powerf ni locomotive i aimait a« help- leuinl a enow bank as in a mud hole. Most of thi.emat and west hlgbways are Impassable bulng drlfted fulil of snow drifta. We are glad to report no 'casualties. The Local Papot'a Share. It Isanamdlttedfietthatdurig: the recezît flurry In Ilnasîoial affaire, no agency did more potent work to main-, tain confidence among thse people Iu the. monieti Institutions than the country niewspapers They ail swore by their towns sud by their banka- boosted them up as the safeat lu the land, msnaged by the Most able finan- cloe and equal to any emergency. In some towns that we know of, had the local-papers just dropped a hint ofone line that things were flot ezactly isat e, tiser. voult bave bien such ruse ou thse banks that would have "busted 5'em ito stisereena.' It's thse local ipaper tiiât kèrep down excitement la p.rtom, -Ûn", ~tbflw.1cilupon the %regljald.wat«*.ra d ualm ua imen BTOCKAN' Standard Horse aid Stock Book Wa omis jw M M aieuWal a"Mnasomtsult Oanc eta lte CepYlt, et Prft . D. Mape'sp-et t&eau"so#4 auWy mer redurs tl Tm faire WoFI at a PMnmenatIu Lai (iot. A COMPLETE Pictorisi Encytlopedia ôtI*r"ctical Refet-rne for Horse andI Stock Owners. embracing a TreWils. on Horses, Cati le, Sisep. 8wine, Pouitry, Dogai. Boas. Bîrds, .ogrevh and careof Fruit Trees. Insecte injurionîs te Fruits. Graftiug, etc. The Oecrets of Tamirig. Controlling and Eilcating Utibrokea and Vicions BRorne&, with thse details of breakiisg np ml %ad Habits to whicis Herses are, subject. Tise Abuseof Blindera. Feodiug. 8ta&bltg. Care the l Teeth. lustruce- bious on Shoeing. embodying New and RelkdMe Cures for Contraction. Weak Foot; Quarter Breaks, Cr:etc.. Alsoe a llest tssatinent in Siekus, Injurie& and L4minssu. inelaling many va1uxIae reMapt is hlertc kept ms grest secrets. Cspramg over 12484 pau md 1,ffl tluartIa; The raesulli ot eighteea vearse f prac" y 1xeiqe tzrotL S>. Magne. Tise sistior et this wonk is #ldî.ly kuseva .t 17 iaeaoc *»Khomb, lu thse Artof Tauning andl Edgea ing Horâs Jetbe uSlAdmcstrou public. Hie je endorsed by bise mo t nent au tLorities anti owviirr as abaoIuWey tritltou a peer lu this spot-lielbd. lu tise dopartmeut of the work alevoted ta bise Herse, as weli as that re- lating ta thse care, of Stock iu geîicral, the author bas had tise assistanceof thlie mont emlnent veterunary authorities in tise country, sud no pains or empenne has been spared to makze thse wvan tioroughly reliabie. ]ROBERT BOMIE, ESQ., PROPRIETOR OF TEE 46 NW YORK LED4*ER,» BAS TRIS T0 SIY OF TEE BOOK: I cau conscientiouîsly say that it s lîy f artise boit vans of tise kind that, o far as 1 kusov, bas evor been, issued f rom tise preou. Every lacrsescen in te land sîgUto have a Spy tof t. 110W YOU M11Y OBTAIN TRIS V11LUIIBLE WORK. Tise entireSonioa viii be coinçiietetu 13 parts. issued weekly. On recoipt ai 10 conta we wiii mail you Part t. Parts 2 to 13 inclusive may beobtained lu like manner, craon receipt of $1.25 ws vili send yenou tiseore Seriea ast as thse parts ame issued. One part la Us issuedt each veek, befinaiug bthe firat week in January. pCopy or cuit Luis out andI mail to Lake County Independent, Libertyville, 111. Edîhor Indeperideiit. t herebr>- clo.ai. ou 10 a.cintifor 1' arr t *1 ag -' Sr-ti dan rai I sud riat-k Boouk (Gr 5.25 tait lVoiai. nr, S-t .r o la rt S unaisre. il kiir-%e.- Ssti to me a, telievi NîîîaiiA..... .. ... th........... TisI Off« @leenly gOd ýlot Subeoriceru who he PaId Iin Atlvanc*. TeLake County Indepen4ený Isbound to keep up with the times and lias Isntace for a Series of the........ LAR4GEST A NO SEST World's, Fair Ab.....Art Portfolios.. Wlîicll will be soId to u-adî-rs ot the INDEPENPENTr *hs Su~.,îbsc.iio is Paid in Advance, tor orij 10 COiNTS A 'BOOK op 16 PAGES EAOH--Mu. Dolivired our one-onsRlon e Lred. GRAYS LAKE. Thle muLsical convention, a silCes8.1 Ice meni are (-erv bqnsy now. Miss Ikckwitlî and bMiss I>îkts, of lvaîlîoe, are attexîdiîg thie Coîiveîitio;]., Eligenlle V4e, haviaaglii.islîedl lis 'I rk at Bitttersiali'allture, lias gi>iîe tu h1icago. Misa May Gilimo(re is apending t1 week witlî Miss Lois iturge and Mima matie jefferJ witilaMiss Ollîvette Prof. St>afftrd 's conîcerts aîre ai vaya a sticcesa. Tht-se wlao miss the onie Fridseenîîig, will have smetuiîig t(> regret. A large mîaaner tof peoîle iii this1 Ivicility- liretaking the INDEI<frDENT, wlich is fast asumilig ils risce éas thie le:ding tiewipaper of Lake Ctausty. VOLO. Aira E. ,lînson bas h.eeia mi tlhe sic-k liât the past weel, vitt a liard c Ol.i IVe larî e sR. R. Miiiite-ai "(lt - i 0i4o:-is bltzz>erd chili their eau la itii.tli . P1ttila w it liîîît M i , lt-a, j ueait. a'-lra. C. G. Illi.soili siiila-ra i reut dciii a jtiî lier frnit. Thle avs three ars ahicii d sellarge eonsiderabie Ualaà(aiD Uttter. Wî- bicarit vilii1)ç a long Uiae tacîrure lit- Cali tise it IlilYComptoi>, tif Elgian, viâited lis Voit) friei.dls a few tIns thepat week. lie brouglat thae ieus atiie.t la..is brotlaer Drwit Comptiona, l s rMIed to a girl wholse falier gaive lierla laotise andt lot.- Pie are glad i t bear lie lias got meltled. Steîlieili lavnaîiaaîl dieil NWednlesday FeU., 7. A. J. It;iylîaoal a rî-ived at lis lrotlers inIiowa, 'tarse iours liefore lae tireatbod i ls liat. lie Mais strich-kja itii par-tplysis thae niglit liefore and eass nncoaiscitiu!s util fis deatha. A. J li; io,-îdm returned Set- urday witi thîe remaille wvhicli were iibteraîed at Me lileîry cemetery by thie sieof their oniy cbild. Oit se- coait of business, Mr. Isyniti lilid t a aii to owa week. Fraik ErhIait is wlstling wltilîa lame bac-k. ,lîlaîSiiiiiirtt and vife are tîtdor thae toir'scare. S&îmoralIDils. No. I1la h, bave i» exhîiihionî Saturday eveiiu, Feb. 24. Diaolls. No. 1, lias a vac-atiaoa tf ramue week, on accoiuat of scariet lever. Thae frîeaîds and comraîleia, o!flenrîy Noîîloîarer, vili ho glad tir learithat lie lias recieved bis penision. C. 1'. Thiomas' clilîdren ]lave liai thme Scîrlet fever, buat villa lr. Daw- sonalî8 belli aae cbIe lia take thieir rationsr-. WAUCONDA. l.iitouis ii tliiy as Othîselrs cdby aîi sitar Fraank Wyîakooîî is lîeljîiag Mrs. Fe:ine ini the drog store. The Ladies' Relief Corps visited at Mrs. Gilbrt'm Tiiesday a fteriioa ii d sI.ayed tai teni. Tite hast lieus friani îîostmaster Jolamroia-as taafavorable. lie. vil? aot cronae botaie imruediately. The Epwotth Lengue viii give a coin cert andMIIsîg servici at thue M. E, elîtîrla mîlext sablicth eveitmng. Free to aill. (tr c-îitieslxoitteîit nmust ho gettimsg tireal. Wake up. I)ot't lot tîtowvî go ti a leev-Ed.) CIlBA. 1). Mtirray la stili uiîder tlhe veatiior. John Diiys chlidreiî are on the Sick lt T. V. Siocini cailed omn f indas$un- day evemisg, Mrs. Giveris retuîried tram lier trip ho the clty ant veek. Miss Carnie Toaton made a iylng trip OrsL of the veek. Ilas auyoue ssu Martiiss pompa- dour. Itlai -outt uofalgit.", Hlenry Courtuey, Jr.', la eutertaining reliotives froni the clty this veok. Wmu. Doubar and wvue vers gous -of .1. 0'Neil amad tamiiy, at week.' Mirai Aina Cuisway, tif Chicago, lta the gupofta ler bi-otiier, Joli1 COism vavt. miles F. Lairiey, ofNlsrriaîgîonl, called 011frlens.i titis viainitty iast Tiiurstlty. Misa ROMa Cotartney, et Chiap,who bas been vlutg relativesan reà ln tis avlcbluy, zturue t tthe oftjy Bof tb ttoweok. Thie papIe vho ut~ e4 tlag&a dam aiutCubo lhIIo 11 uýî LAKY. ZURIGH. Ftah ag;ein--The cwstens. Did ion get a vaieutitie? Trhe lishîîug law will 50011exire. Wiho aie the Ie«adiîîg citlzenj lu- towIc Franîk bwîIz ~s a helper in hua iiWtuîcoiidaiiisdriftiingfoward Zuîicfr-. (railroad.) Ed. Besley, of Wilukegan, waâ oa E. A. Ficke atteuded buairmàa la Chilcago Tuemday. Johnt Diekireports the arrivai et (nie more at bis housie. Miss Minnie Knckuk is at work la the Ilok'eneyer fanîily. Hlenry Pospper, Jr., lias received th* liamber for bis iiets fîum. Christ Shinaker, of Palatine wllf move tapon bis farm again. Wilbur londuto, of Waukegsia, va.- ini tovu oisbusiness Lis W*)L Peter Niuîskey anid fawiyeuta.- tained a gilest fions S,1pdiigtielti. The riaugil roada malte it mvaria o- Al. IL Fwke luis traded- dvA lùittibler bitccle for a youmglis ole Ouir tax collectai, Pied Fofflet8 sa> a taxes lire caniig ini rallier 00kw.. Win. Selalààgel arcompanied s -4ister Eraaa, left fior-ET Paso, xa,*1 c<> sweek. IL is reli<îrtej Iliat Jacoab Jileta ( Chic-ago, vilI mios-sback 01a bis tr~i If the liard tinies keep iîîî, sa14 e feliow thje raller dii>, Iailhave te . e ta> work. Clark il(Co., ice desiers, ane ku busy- ullliiig ordiers, thîe le harveat lIo gond nuae. Partiles froni CORI City vire * anti contracted witli otr dealems* 3(10tonsof ice. Charle Nikoley departed fer > ' sas. Tne*iay, where lie expeUte t reain sonietime. Gilier cari slow t.4lk wîth tl*> out- lis place l'a mw 15 Thinitisal orclet ls bert whit revermied siiegiJg,, elsîiher* Isae t1uoj.aýgM ra Thînse viso bave lImen on ttie a~~ iist and reported nînich bettet i Meslanies Seili, llokeaîeyer antdJka, Wni. Ilillimtan lins pnircletimi sianjîtîrip otf land id f Mrs. J. C. Newe fpayilig abiont 50 ent!§ per squlare oê Lfiou sane. Thîe Ipeople oifIlaiitgtxtae, will UOi bothier t1leîiselved about gettlaîg "h new ine of Rl. R. Tliey claim, k. wotald lai nu0benetit te theni. Foar amîy paaer or magazine subllgl0- et] lithae vural, eave your order fd*a AI. Ficke thilsasavîaîg -tsi IM* trouble, riat aand expense of sen4rid money yourseif. Bismarck and IL. I.eLker got ii. a serlous dhdlceulty the otier nlgmI..~ The ister k4i more or lems diacoloýp- about thie e>'es, owing to thie extended ists of the former. Pîeople aWho arte oatiiusally caa- plaîiing of liard times kuow tbewo-- Kels-es titat it is oaily s habit of bise". but keep it up thie sanie as tbey ii their tbree solid mneula a day. Zurnich iiews cati be fouîsd in <-DU,, Bobchtor" a weekly. Ail our GerMML f riendtleshould male tItiapap«et veloeoi -sitoî- eseliweek essly *$» per 7041 ina atvasace bave yjet aie scriptiori vitli AI. at Th4 Zurich.- Robcrtomai & Pattoîx havQg 1opm-a'-î ed up. a acre subdivlala, n~ of Palatine and vîli build, iiu*e b. paiti for by tise buye 19- paymomts, glving tise Dme ma achance to ivei bis ove ' This-site la ou bhe propSeod of ailroad. Tisat fellow wvieIre vas u two weeka ago. vs undembo paper of bis ove. Thie 1 meoms te bave:axnesta bis i tontion wuva da Muwfertl by a reader cofbbthé Imlx sent Inî witli tii spondence hum tble Ispa6O# Noseo-oiahWd0ld ieun"aà 50 many nntruitlaf ams-i! mua abouit aur $s&tbe wvs viii Hie wisc nodoubt tblin#i IX 4 teo lotý," that he IM ai al Ïa penionce sud 8ai bbc tu possessed byisu vouid atoWÂ ing abave erowlng tit 1ACIVIW wlodont ay, la-l 10 "-g1 of abillty. - Thefe- tac- ibé aur ocribe ha.bue us OW, kmt abbliq