[ne tel bit Lscitr wu'l have ire icb in~ th~~ icem la ItI, on tisei aI tbey are ;bach feIIP a if tbeyl » es ,are t à aliTe, Mdi ,bdthd fS ked a b Sa- t-ereS st lÇ -= f faIlUg t~ ,;t tise 16110,k tiser big £0:- -ight la trO l'a' uere lbeUa~ r Ilies%. ere -he ace- lia sor -ut & It begaulO, -widova AMi '- ts'de Suporla- porty, maya bd u.ntll tisé deud - WAVE ,Exte.osiune r1YO 5 iw rfinàacla de-' e reporteatmI~ A oighcIi oathe of dtsm. rai tisai 1%te£ aai.aaleled IlaU- Dean and lau.w îtrY* la csiua' ai tibis revlival îdcced StI. misl w"pper ut St. Ia number cf iUs stales in Mis- ,ArkanmS a"l uSer andi rmflal tise evs.a<l5jf eptenaber. îquiry, althiougb t deeired. 0v-Ii partit frm tise to furnieM 4alW ses, tise object te airied lin lie lu. -b tiow. These aies af tise States I ccanveri*t antd se cherchee. 0f nmifssurin rerort r ,971 additIons ue il flài, 14,247 adtans; 8,5'.4 couve airn i andi 1,345 Iadtilui. Tli inla tise noighOt he States. wblcis have bene- 'ans ai the, me- lawiaiî acemdtcii Bapbtisi, 5I asbyteriasui, 21 Iitions arm Mau Who aew otis are tbatinraly on&ry. - e md-eb exfetve Lulge la. gacti j"f moue salI ths e ,i bM.h I iaisat - Withouî 'er crackn bèýîlIa step@ upOA dmr Wa IgisI. te a yqui i boiul days hg iXlSIt#7ou'1 race ltm6L, - la the idr. la i wlth wi em tDeei fl' luirai l l4 icano 5 -iI &Mli $*@Wsg. Ils numnie lmtslta' leavlairooprebeu*lve Mais- a" a lnesllnisMe bisutus te * b. féoile. a sud e onvsleseat. &sIlmtnl, trouble wvlthebm lidaeis are ameag thebo mre common, sil- &b go&. Tissear e sfetally by tb. Bitters, vhlcb la llkevlaêý sa urative et maalal Ce-ý 4"rp"MpmIs.eonslapallon. sud bIlions- 21 labialai7 preottre of appelie, ileep. go acoquistilonof vmuer. nwisohae taitin his land 'runs" til 49-twortis and make s money. i r ho kaiowe It or nol, b. cm- aclentillc nethad%, and they are uccesaful In tise end. wisen bd b comman scnae. But- he imlyeconomy ais' . If b. in ~tul1eew'lll ot succeed, na matter ~ 2bo isuishe makes. The Kanaka Quneail. VII tb. Qacen i lie Sand vic ia îmde Ugai ilonber tirone? 'lis ,one of lie !u9ssoeIqueîlna nhie publIc alnai. Il 4a7 ispeni estîreit uuaa ier-ieif foroau- ale.«a ivter saya sho ta ainiosta ielp- ItM cripple faisan lumbago. Ilie lutell- seurs tugat lto e couiveyed te ber le a dlp-. ioamUlc ay. liaI thiere Il un remedy on * altb a sunon cure for Il than Et. Jacoba l91.asu il la aima a specîlle for scialîca. e nt'Isa*MIt b.tropica is eau easlly - emitythis altatment by the u». of the5 CASTERBURY CATIIEDRAL va. a »mamifient calisedral at C'aterIluy .l*gIsnd. Il was designed by SIr 3"tlsBurrougis, vas begun lI1174, *Mtflhsbed laitise reign ai Henry V. It iqtaine uhe ;hrin(, af Tiomwaa In former limes a groat resort us W, be yeld vas repoa'fed bZ'ranak MnneIi on twa acres af Marvel Sp r i a_, heat. Speak- lag oi Ibis i wcal, tîtis ew Èxort takea the cake. I Il lie greatest cc.pping sping heut lilis-' orld, Farma.rs vho ted il ltse 1a3t seia n b'l eve .e-aai.ve la un,., bînd-ed bueiels eugravai fr.îm a ne ame',, and are gosgel lis a ir--d fIr 191. At Illc d heat p.ay * at :ic a bushel. Sàl the large-ah ga-awer oi egata- bIe an a-m -e'l in tisa ,ord, If Z.. I t aitnt ii aid SMmd i with cpo'-e r- < -Pur Beed*Co, La (ces-e, WlIs., -au %vi e froe tiseir nammao-h -lira ai package of aito a0,rpiiii. %% linut. WililamIliceker. a atronz mann(i .Auzues aC.. (an in %û a froiglit car wîth his teeth. tatim ubicla laduc"scoi1ind~î reIleved by uýe of O a,,*e In,, 2rchu.*bold oniy lI - TREc Rusian auLtL'îrities have for- btdden the pihication cf muareilage offers li the t ew spapcrs.* I'CEA . La aa-a voderful niedi- et.fr dyhlaou. o - cvou,tit-orier. soebana BcSheadach- eC : i-l RMPONSIBILITY cdUcats. Wend &l PhilIlip&____ __ Fils «Cochester, Spadins finad. la A LIST of reano why yan abould in- " u apn bmvtng Dr. l'ieroeo PImmsnt Pellets. and notling Bocaus tbey ro the malleat, the pleasantesfta talai. Becaae thie ' r eieM, la tiair way& gio tuaanSnoD -iWtaaD afteward. Tbir et- fecta lai. -t bsl'My abclutel dperma- aaIm tiy ecr B uL ous es indi- geldm, ConaiMpag±on, Sick Head- ache, and Saur Stamnach. The. M ~common Camue aiPile la com"ipation. fly runaving tb. caue a cure ta affected& Monaiqoera,.Orti<.mCo,. . r D&. Piuscu iMar Sir - 1 inffered untold villaulleedin pilis.1Icauld4fet no à *loda&.aaatiJ I comne ulesai Fourie»M=teLet&».and now for two yffs or mon. e, bvenae taon troubfledwi"l the -. r Ifmy bowels r In a onated = tlf om ia adame c Dr. Plerve'imPless- arilt& a" thetrouble te.11 dlapafle jSWUPIROOTCURES MEL IMTNSE PAIN IN THE KIDNEYS AND DACK. ]aravla. N. Y. sept 7 leua Dr. KHlmer OoC., Binglaston, N. Y. ealma-leit i Wner 1I astliken i wth severe paina through me Illithe aelon of my kldneym lthe palis were so a evee 1 cauld harýy endure IL My face aand oyes were us red as blond; the genet etoad tu get draps a&U aver me. I wus 9» eol4 ne lea and vwu tu terrible pain whgls vid- lar1.m@ pqmàmdone bote at Dr. KlI2rtvuasusp alz lo one baIlle Of hW 1s* LiudQnitnent.. TheY Gave me immediate relief. I beawte i.Aaiataaant tin witl a aflat-lraD. lIYour4lIfho pla.is haial dlsaPPear- 0& 1I h"nka waieUo.t on of the gret- *utMlm@clnmmever offered tg suffealg ugh- jsD11. Aaa7 oue wbslaig ta wite x-. -7 do swa&M 1 viiigiadly auswer. . Touai truly, Frank B. Ueynold5. A!t bauz&4[0tm, 0 cent emilà #t.00 Si.. "IaviIWs K1IIa' f m iwà ftie& r HtOW YOUR UttOLE. Au non- ROWS MONEY. AIR About lb.e eecat Fifty-3tflhieaDeliar LOsa- The Nevw Ies e orTvo Kt4ad5 CMouenmd Rsgltsrd-oreat Fortunes Iaveuted. Odd Thon"s Da Soeesritis. Wrbiugtono«rrespoudeuee: Tise new 5 per cent, bonda vill oon b. soattered &Il o er the Unted Sti, es.L Tisey are but a drup le the buckct v:th v-bat Uncle Sain bas barrowed'since ho began buiine-oe a littie more thon anc bnndred years aga. Thse total amount ai bondisosld by the Governonent lram the beglnnIng aiflise Union d-,wn to thse &er 0 w) as ton billion six huai- drý,ed udnety millaon do 1lir3, a sîla which makes thse mind dizzy, and whlch would buy up a doan of tise s maIl mon- archies of Europe. Thisi4 ast sum Includes the bond isu.s of tise l'nitedl Staies top tauIhust lime. Many ai theon wre made t)i iunÙ piovbaus 1'ana, but iluerestvas pad on evcrË ane ai J- sacasTAur AuLasLa theedollaru, andi tis gald vich has benenn la Iiâ way by Uncle Sain vauld glld the r aI deparînients ai -Wa'h ingti - ad leuve encugista muke a saDli-1 gId statut4.- a. largo as tisaluir tise ( d .1us liAorty wh;lht.,d,' thse t Cra! i datai'. Fifi'y v ar-alieaIl a serciary if a.c T ea-itri, isaimadeo tlÀes tem-nt liat in hlai a centiiry tise United -l&*es wouad bo borrowini, va 'a' * ..gaent ho wvi- I- have msan. but the :'elx no -.-euritvir LC. word liter t a Y t han Ila' vf k-nuee Sam. andis i a beliriicj hersi lIaI a 2 por ci-rt. bondl coa.ld1le fi atalo. Eva-ry în" vent- tisea eau) They feledtiat iLteir iiias ls &t>e a-id thaI Iis lAa- Sil l5,41 K) li bonds i - - iian safe de- îioit t.a'(kiig 'a ,1,-cthlae'ra'te-aa flave %ouaie.er a. i<îîvtrrnment bond? ilt i - tonaly - - of aipaper, but It i-aufla-n w. rit aI- igjt ilaidiamands, 'The iandi.a- ft:e l Wt~s~i sue arc lai an! Iiél.,ta The b6aidsanrea et tne a..- ' .and tise difierenca' is sh.tîia l' - 'figures on ilair facci. Tic- ' rn rai -- tn yearra and lthe' i r.. ' îec )nt. litre t. Thisa,asbondit asua oitira kinds. OIre elaa.a in oi re:lI red bondsuand tise othe c-eoaaîn bond . Tiso coupon Wbnds are 1 a-.aisîcta bearer anid th tisam a ea fastemie i a number ai detacisable cou- i es a otaithe iie t of au ùid Il"-cent viiripia-I&-r. Thse Inter-est li payable qiiLrterl * . an I1c-% ery th irceamantha vovi clip aift liseccu;caa s anrd ca- ih theru at hie Treasury oaithlisetnit - d Stale', er ut tis a rnIs. Any iinkin tisa' cunrY knovs ju-î ssii:t tht-v ai-t- 'rtis ad isilli 'jaa -ctLIeit--i cia on them. Yr v cari i vsý e ric ,aio.ajlish-' bnds li biui'n"ýs. deals an-d liei - v aluie i, sa ael i b iso lat lis-ai c tli a in-sI ia-a asi muaaey' . "e chie! diaerjsla tan irtehtiliriation wilI b' asked at tise isnk by tise mari vio prescrit; il. A» I-i fise registeraŽd.b-înds, tise-e ai-e Aa wsaimevisat diffo -ent nature. Tlsey has e no couipons and ar-e'pisyhble la tise p'rsonwvisssemime aLa wrlt'ea vintise lxail ai. a tise aliceo' tise registertrf lise trea-ury at Wast ivgaan tiscre is ai record kept cf tisa mon isa bord thesa bonds, and about an <dg, rai Iuaovf ledgers and journal-aere devoted te tis purpafe aI ,n-. A-at-nOn as al bond la salai an aceount ia opened as-ith lise pertrai whn bviys it loîveen bm and tise governmaaît, ali-h this le statel lise amaunt hoe pucd for lise hoaid -anlishe rate ai Interest. E cr % tisa-o majnihate clerks go t!îroigb tise baoks and make cul a set of! ac'eeianîa. lisey n,)tify tise Tacsucer aiflise1 United Stalt lay al! tho inter'tt due ta 1 Itri er. uns vise Iacd tisese bordex, and Ibis an ney laa o-sardod ta tisem in tise shape ai a trea-ury dlraft. As socai as lisebond la 1 edeeared tisa accouatit hclasad. The e i'eizistered b' nls are tisesaietua a Irnts kanivr tç the Unitedi St- te 'r a i rici me-n put li&ge suis oi mon, y :iti tisca. Van- der'bilt inco awned 145r','LJWofaithe - ogistereul bonds. Th 3 largest denamluatirnIs ai banda àow o-ilstanding are tise aof 0(aO Tise frtnate posslessor ni ane ai tbce draws$*,500 inerest*ever,- r a nd hi-a ariginul livesîmneat i bs iceaeý,l li valua about $7,00(k Thsis doaoiiina- oi bond la heidyti rstcomaisiand milliainairos, Tiereuare a gr-catmonar bonds outstanding ofthtie denoinati n1 -of $10,00.'Tise hoîd ira aiflisee dm *100 nterest every three months upon a-1 rsB OND IVaISatN- bise mbney li ever-aian alIl -vus, Tise fi rsis naae vot anytis ng lire a bovnd fer lia an irivealment c.c airrel in 1785, lîien the goverriment reg tiated visaI %%ere tison callesI loaioffilce certificales. It isaa in fblhowever, that the irai isace vof irans 10 amy cennaicerable ox- k1tava.s madie. Ilt was 'aDun1 tisen tisai the luadlobedriess itai': od sy lise wair ai tise revalution was a afatter tif gras-r imaporlavaee. Tise lndebte-dness itain Alexander Hamiltavi incasalatise fiaith sa planr 'abi, sitea long a-id Fleatefi debite li Con- gî'a-sa, wsadoptc-d. Il suas deelded la fend tise revoutkinarý- debt by mearîs ai a bond ir sue. 1'he bonds ravi ira thtreo socles, tise bvlk tif theru druw- ing 1; per cent. irier-esîr lise trAi ià vie umourting to about 3$64.0 e O(K). Tise scseaise proî - ed to Sbc a aucta s, and Hamilton lved e- --AW to triumph avec thase wvisa baiop- I \ tise Gaveranient viýs again compel- - led ltoîaorrv Mavicy. Tis t lme AXsiADRa AilmuýTONa ban ai $11,0 0.- ,OO vasiegotinted, stcck Seing isvied ta tise amnsialbor- roveai, anid tise revenues oi tisa ;Gvs- crtiment p!odged fa' ils paymerit. Otiser bans fallcwcd aI intercalaSeh- tweati tiIme and tisa Seginnirig of tisa civil var. I wa. in l'l tisaI tise Gaveraiment madie tise largeA tlaan la itls hi, tory vip t-a tisai tins-a. In conideraiuiniftise duiftcultt'-as svrr.vnding tisa situation and tise crilioal conditions ai tise limes, tisat yegotiatîon may bSe cîased as-one of lise signa feats in aise tlnanelal lis- tory ai Inlù nite States. Unc'e Sain bhirroveul it150,( ,0a on Ibis deal. Froan lime Ia lme siaire tise var tise Gavernîuenl bas made Ican» to reovi- perate i1 cash balance or ta tend prae- vious lemas. Tise interest-bearing d bt ai tise Governaneait on Jan. 1, 1891, e'a- clusive of tise Pacifie Hailroad de 51, vas 55333. LTNDERTAKER JIfDSON, wba sold carpEes of Mlwaukee ravpers. thona am-ore ho burled tbiso,wilîl Se prose- cuted for licrivi-: IN a quai-ael ati ittsburg Cispalat ME s-ner, 21 oasr rit(id, a illlysisalbis stepanother oandlisaiskilled ismmil PITTOinc, om a., la exctedover mu- qor, m 61n iia voàta., They hasd falle due mil Unele a vasnot prepared to meet thse obige> -tieon with ready cesh, su b ho d wUA tr ould try to do Il your note l Ditksbould fait due and you baiu onyto take il up-you woult i gl ntieýr noie ln ils place. This vas a very popular loan, drawing 4 per cent. luierest, and was negotiated wltiiàut- trouble. Au Eue-mass Som. Tiere are Iota (f lnteroting thinga asbout tlise.valuable bits aft paper Unele Sam iseuea. If any reador 09 th le paper cauld have tise bIggesi bond given out by the Troeury Depart- ment lie would b. rlcis beyond the drssams of ava-Ic. Thi bond la nov i tise Eegiser's office aiflb. Trois- ury at Wa-hingt-,n. It bas been ru- deemed and canceleti by the Govcrn- mont. It l. theo ooy cale ofitlb.kind ever L-sved and it was caigroesd by band. It repr sent. Iboencýraou3s sal of 81i,o i and it vas giveai out whcn tise Genei-a award compeîled Gr. at Brilain ta lay Ibis (auaitry $15,Wiii000 an whal wa3 lu wn as tise Alabama dlaIts. Theicmviney was paid te Hamiltait Hsh, tien Seret tryni State. CoaffreUsad made nowprovuslan for the disbaarsement of Ibis suan, and pendlng leglalatkan upoas tise subject k!eeretarvr Fis h invested the money i Governaueût 5 per cents, iueieving anc bond of the face value Of hie lnivestnîant. "he oidest bDnd nov extant la aise li the paases.ion aiflise Taea.ury. It le a laded dîcunient about tise size ai a *5 bill, dated Feb. tl7, by whlch tise Gôvemaimelat ao- knuw-17ledges tise receipt oi $W) froiD John Bontleld, wbich It agrees to repajy on Feb. tP, 1180, witi 4 ler ceut. inter- est. A cancellaion mark on the ftce shows tisat Uncle Samn redecaneieI promIse ta Mr. Banfielti. Uncle Siam has. however. had bis mcn'-y troubles lin limea aL I. is credit was once quite 10w, andi jusi bo- fnre and dit ring tise war the moncy lenders vwerenIt sa greaady for thea gaverairre .a cnis. , - T e first bund-i "5 tisai sseie sent ouit - wei-e sold sciai, sonmeOifficulty anI the linant-lal sk:ea loakoddark.Mav- of the banîsab8 d litt'e faiih lin the N' future ai tireg>- ernmnvt tai d the sAluesa'P. ciiAie treasury huai te eall iiiai bankers a capltsll-ts to lii.lp the'n in pîacing their bauds. Il w as the faits whi--h Jai- Cîol c ird i lie gover, nient thal bs rc ! iîne.loy Ucraoke & ~~'*~~ tyier'rr4e he e-Or dsd a j'o. - -- 1t nit daitacs treas- grcat uaItoi tie". -",e,'orifidence ury. The tirm Io e-eoc,.- ni F2ali]non 1'. (luse. wvisai Secai-y vof the T iso-,andi tiey made a great d,-iaIvof rnono3- by taklng tise bonds frin îbthe giiva raîmient lin big hacek-, and dc.alingthlern out bin saaler lots t lv prcriasei-s. v 1,-t Xi.- if 11-d,. TL.c hi-to-v cf lte t'n-d States bands- is inieresting. fis.. liret Icans ever negotianic by Ibis gernmneq.t wore vith forcigri c auie'ii. .France' 1Spain. tteIliuan ad lia la-ad ivirnisbin; Antfama Sanfféers Who bave tu vain trled ei-ery other aeans Af relief aitould ta-y utchiffaiaaun'a Anthyna Cure Nu watiut for resulta, ilsaction Is lmnediate. directand certain, as a si- gle triai proves P end tu Dr. aI. -hiff- na. Et. Paul,. Mini., for a troc, trial package. but asic yoaar drugglst firit. I.N th.rty-six State prisons ln this country solitary confinement Is used as a punlshment. and in tweuaty the pris- crier i handcufTed tdS the wall, Lu-No COaaPAIN-uS. BmO-,CHIiý4gA8TiMAi, &c. are speed, liy rellevedi. anad If laken la ie. pernianentiy cured by Dr. D Jayne's Expectorant. You wiI flnd In il also a certain reiady for Couagiean ad Cald& BE rather bointiful than expensive; do good with what thovi hast, or it willl do thoc nu gcod. -Penn. The Past Curant... The *F uture 'he fact that Hoads Sarsaparilla has Cued thouisands of others is certainly rnificient reaison for belief that it will cure you. Il is the gieatest blood purifier, the beet ner"Ve tonjo, and quicle- est etrengttb builder. Remnenber 1 4sgS.lblla Ula îold bu i 11drttggltot PI ms fr il paw.dby C. 1.HNo"d*Ce.. %ruersmineru to lthe bq3l. ibber Boot qeSr lVwa& Mddon, j oton of the Ift *e fone sa moranig to raise thse cakes ot. It baua7 fur the following daja. saéi eatt, but tiam r ug 1 'U kepito W&r, r otsed prompt- other c1tle& bit lu reg"41 moI ly, this atr ea4 excesslvoly la the one me-ber of De l. iss. our ani objectionable. Buckwheat Coaxo:-e with the diUo of the 014 aeea.ms. cakes ratved by this meani âare more1 World, t Augustine wourd be caflel ua olten saur or heavy than llght anid1 young. bit ln thoe'tnited States a clty sweeot If e-iten daily they dli4res. the twhotac uidin mnd monuments con-a stomteh and cause skin eruptins and aoct the Midde Agen vwlth the pres-et. , s iîttin.g. ent t* me May b. eonsilcrzidta have a AcluE mm >VlO Instead of the )Id-fa8h[oned way wueI gooa lcialm ta b. called amclent. Fer lfisimee abetiier 84 « have been mailing bui-kwhoat cakes Aller vlelting soma of aur great êmUaNA. î' . et ibis winter witiî Royal Baklng Pawder toit n a where the Doibe and bus:le ai urOasad the Lherrieariay *@ mWzig thoefritter f reaah daily, wid flax tiafcý the fire and din ai manufact- 0141 o- asa,.jmai the resuit* wa îderfully satisfactory. ure3,l he lon g lus aofbu*ldlngis ienu tmaer àfew diiasetw.ta ne They ac unlfoîanly light and sWeAt1 streÏching ouit laio.eery d:reetion, with nq'rgmALir. more palstablo an 1 wholesonic, ai.d iaIl theoather evidericei af active eiter- A tesiuaaiilia haatuuabler of oai bc eaien coatinuotîsly without the IpA-se, proclaim t=se cities creatures o a "i uu Uý atat .a lsrhtest digestive Inconvenaeni:c. Pc- the pa'esant day and lhaur, it la aefreth- Darraceii cie,.Pltae sld _s they are mxed an 1 bakelinb a iaîg and realful t)>go down ta quiet St. WUt C.ape otsua mýmnont. re ýuialng ni litre to ri e. Auju-tine, where cate may ga A imb DB. t. EDW;ýA C.Nwe Foliowing is the 'reccîipt u'ed Ilhe dry Moat af a tort af medieval, Otsfaului Two cîap.eoflpure- biie'awhcat Havir a: chitcettîre, walk over its draw- 'or Ila <n tprepare'l" or mi:xed one cup of bcg 31 p as onde:'j1preliad W TD h wbeat fleur-, tva -otablispx)nîi 1oR alg * down it ittdugeons: and where S RU R M R Daking Powdî-r, ii I1 ne hall teaspoon-1 in solit sean-tropical air tho vi-itor May fui Of sait. ail sirted well togaýthor. Mlx wander ihtnugh narrow Ftreetî r.- wlth mI ,liatio a1 hin b«t:cr and bake ueanbing lhave ai Spain and ItaIy, atao.' n a bei gidile. Onceproper. wiîoreahe hoices aon eacb side leait Iy testid from this rocolpt, naother nier tc ward one aiiother so that neigh. bucawheat will ind iti way ta your bîr-s i ght a!1mast shako hand3 froni H ~ tablo.-I)omestic Cookory. their upLor windaws,. and are. sur- round d by orange graves and rose- J U L E 'S V E R N E *S ID E A S . g ard ns w h ich b lassoan aIl th e y e a r.- & = St. Nicholas. me In tise couri caf a conversation with Ha. fautes nedicinally ln keeping with igy EL a. Sherai d an hi. lite anai work,' e- ailier luxurles. A rempdy muemt be pleas- ported in MeCluro's Magaz ne, Juuîs alty acceptable ln foai, p.mtly whole- IM SNl1-- Verne says: "My abject ha. b,3en to de- saen uaompositlon, traily heneficlailni.Ver U ~let the carth, and nottheearth alone, effert andj si:ely free fron eery ob- .~~?m a LItthe uaivarse, for I have soanetimas1 jectionable qualiy. lIfreatlYtIIIh. con- t..ken my coesar away lrom tbe earib, suite a physician; if conitilpated lhe uses * ln thse novol. And 1 have. tried ai the tb gentle 'Iatin:ely laxative, Syru 0 mare ima t) realla a very high ideal Fig. _________ uýtbautyoutst.ylo. It i. aid that ther H,,,w He Wauid Dcfcnd lit. can'I 1,bc any style in a navel of adycri- Captalu Ierby, better known to tua'e, but that nr n t t vie: thaugh 1lad- lame by bis litcrary name, «John mit tini it ii vcry much amure diffiut Ph.9p.aix," perra.etrated a joke (retold in to write sUcth a novel lai a gond litea5rl Ha: pers Weqktyý wnlch i. nofit.ho~ aso a. fo:m than lte studica ai Chaaac&r- eleso aas an.The TheotireW wlalich are -o asauch in vogue. And let cil Jaurnal of the siege prcscribem jumi ue ga3 -"-hero viules %'erne slllibtly what ia ta bc doue in investlng a forti- £fLay Pain raiffed li s broad shoulders v--hat I amr ficatian, with the invariable reult- uatao, ha ve:'v groat adimiiu -of-n the psycha- thearetical, ai couro-that thse workm gjeta logical nvel. se -aled, be,'autse I durit are abligod taei -rendier wlthin a cor-- sce wht a a novel ha ta do with Pey- ta.nu3raidy. Professar lMahan Ets u cholagy, and 1I ai t tsa abtat 1 adins -e -calîcaupon Derbý' ta cxplalnhow, with àUs.U5 tOfTtO the ML;-cal'cd îiyhological naveli-ts. I a -e ubro us n tegh a mn excep, howvcv.D.ude andLie Miu-0f garriseailhe wý,uld deleni a fart. ' p«tan. et D %aupss n-1he ~wouîld mmediatelv evaicuate the fort,TITEOB. the ver,,- high, st admiaration. el then iay iaas toi i, and recapture l b lnus mian afjii gî wroli asi -ucci%ed frein frty-onC days," repriod Derby. heaven thse gift of wtritaang eicr.>thinZ. anid who pro iuc.e, a l :trally andi $4 tsi Calilfrnla. 0& DlY as eanippi c. rec producesap- i~This ix or sleeping car rate cmnhelb. ul- piezM% 'a,.; ilet- aithor hr-jwoîo -'Li, lp-tckm[iruîîexu rionàrom and tIc nys has been, )it-kenu. I dont Cicago te Les Angeles or San Franclmco. knaw mie .l.ha i a iiurdi--d words ai via thei scenlc route and Ogden. Ton rau Engii.b, a-id 'iiihave tý read ithlmin 9go .lh PhlllPs. lia, est Of ai1 excursion trnlto.Bt1de-ila e tu a yu.sir"mnaers, for lie lai aci party acSma- laid liN pan iai by a sPeci.1agenrtuWho go.. the su. Veia ne li is and u. i the tube I liretrip « Iîiapatrons. Thasopersonalir eSa - ta that 1 have a-a ad -the cauductel excursions loave Chicago tIice Wý._.± t e limre 4a eek, 'Iuesday and Thursday. v-haleofai ag - n r. -tfer- him Wel aie aima a ciaiiy tonnaIetcar servIce oves'. I cannaI sav tisat 1 vsa ur Sautberrule. thbra Uia sa te all auîaanle-cii-otheo oi sand Vo:t Wols t caaparar-on p-,bile btw-' -n lhe two. 1It 1f . a Bn rancla' hotour- But 1 lave hlmn maenscii-. andin myILO La e el a -ni.ap fortheDumriîg nov. Petit lon 1m-"ply at Rock isinOtek.t OMO%1 the*pr(ofo cf b i, -given and aeknnwl- streot. Johnbe Sba «La P. iA.,CL. bt igop3nt of my d, hii mrade. 1 amn k P. Ry.. Obîcaga aLIsôiand have alwzay l'been a great ait- ,anlr of Cc-Qv or s i r el-a. Tisere are fif- JÂPÂNrSR doctors never priesent t4biofaihete wbch I c_înskaer ian-taille tetheirpaâtients. They awtatthe $os mi! ai a~. patient@ Inclination te pay, and tha tbankfully accept whateer aum in iiswsarO luljet@ fer carh atat affered. m O conita, -'-lreuryi, As aercury Wiin *urely ii..troy the son iaf .neuriitkenî Sitet ierce uv sanelaMd eenapletcly deraaiMa the wbele systent e beii md aiai :lna u»aur - %tan enaerlsigtg I ra- -athe muoouonsuriaras. lasan ae.s yba Seb artices sbould Li.,var b- nuitd exeepitoa Irecrlpli.fronti-e ,uti.ble pbyaiang, ai tii i miIsinasC ni ptUes, cure asao ass v l aîî stoufoid lotie g0 o q vo aur..itri-aire ai-ahi (eanauitia-n. lt a lh. rZi irosmlibly ari etrn rm tiarn. fHauà t lab eauCaa a-.Meul.MieaaaO tu aire aunsar.i ty F. J. (he.e àio.. CaT- i-rai, 0., centane aonircry. irai le taiaa lu- FT-lFlsqieUini.iosi Meiilad acl drectiy .1.rinath. liland E i eieator.r, ?aoiiersfteassa ia- H.1» s ta lrn uaily. aiaai aiirk- t Tii oi i l'y F. J. Cleney & Co0. Teî.liýiainas rai.. tAaSold by i)rugglste. prIis. iper ttie. Olukne wondtheeI in aI the club Olufknewondterel n tninu > 1 club the other nîgisi and dî-ew hi, aiitîr W-. .* close te the fi .-e. I wouldnt ble an Engliaahman for auiyîbing." ho ejaculated. -They ha eo the Most gluttenoa:s appetiier on5 rec-ord." "You cawn t pro.e tisaI, bah lv: Are tell-tale symptoima that your blood is not right-fulI of im- - e Mr. Algeanon Hawkins, who lived urides, caus îng a sluggish and unsghtly complexion. A few oit c-hap and sware by ber Nlaeesty, tîsa .S .-.lrmv i oeguadiRr atr -1 can," ieplîed Blui¶klns, ýwith un- rtlSO .S .wl eoealfrf-adiRr atr ruWied coarpsure, "and bore i-a the cleanse the blood thorougbly and grue a clear and roey com- proof. I wa-3 riding homo in an oîec- plexian. It is Most effectual, and etirely harmlesas. trie lit Inght. Twa Enulishucen sat vtoxt ta me. 'lI ave u-t boùgbt a stave,' Chus. Healon, 78 Laurel St, Phlia.,saju-*iavehad for yeahum.oin raid one. 'Sa are .I said tise other. Miyblood *alcia."sme dreado shav, aa" bols or pbàupluonld be ad, 'But m*ne is tise 4oan eartlie:,cks thos causl'aabavlag lo be aTfflsa aacmws. Men iaklagibm.. bollld* mi- breakfast ilu el! an houa',' said the -msniZ:taE l&ailcluer and emoothanas k ehotld bo-epsdW ilraI, Jove,' raid th3 second, 'atisI - piendld, lep velI Rad fel lis uunslafontoN. c, isaît anything. I (ant eat My aloi nfboutnthh.nu.of S. S.8 fi te minutes,. sa T .âmm Ilasusalh*s W And aven Mr. Algea-non Hawkins a -kaibwledged that tise Englishman d:d have a Pretty soli apouîlte. -Boston Budget. -