RivitqW Jfi,$oe I1SC O LS pPIIES A $PECIAL Y va. - fbisbb hot, lie 4.li e iap1y ulot VLL DiUlei aue qwte sick M a fflraUit of oitias» teb. cti aforil to aLIBERTY ROC%5F~~~LL5R, ~~~ï~att~~. - ~ton cent Cgae FoulaCrfltCopnd.LBRT ILE ' fo ay Thé Conte "f 1loinI oltO-l. ri'.'laiuii- îflLîl've yot moIaý#i 1 .I, WATID-A t-5ljef'trk bRY Colt las~ xteud d i WcaIra i'D.udgêik,,n, îieyu îayfve yeurs id àabo4t lande 1>gi i ugstoýre. 8tuîre, Piti t ( bitcgo T~nlgfflWîîîbter wîl sooi l be goünie.sqliait lai apîpeante .o n 44" A.la ÔtéWho Ou ts to get S 15uI;0té oliai fitiiiy anid sterllio Q 0 fme iteuf itdi lasp.uîîîuer linos. J Chrietio Character, sud he peîlple t'OM 1 ltî OtF ,Viid ijMnm. Geri. O. iruiaîîand fanîiy "lfenta iM lie e<,nÎes are to bce<VI- carried honte. iloanekL< is to ifttie returned tu Matitmkela, 1 la. gra9isalnt in-flitir choira ofil a Iilauc for ill. aniater., illaisidld Ett"rpise,. Geore C. iliatie e Siýaya IVIS. m D,île sure yota tell 7pur ltestgirl tia1t>lace. ~4 By ipaiai*-rangemnt 'aitla t atxiut 0fIt lÀt>tlitif 10N1a Or 7Y.IU inlaies liegail,. of Iiami;igtin. w.aï SSurqsov). greratet Amîneu iëesl*hirwe Aie lie ubligçdil? go Ure weldjiag, alont l is lîgOafîani ir eety (>ai u aur sdid. '9k.14ýdw*e eabld tclubtheINDCMIl)INT.Foi..SALi-DI l' . S1aaaîulite *1 1uIm ffwmOI4t«> ' Daât4 iter alenu. botta kmOr fer 105.0 A deadly faiud iaefflu ý,ýbe.exîstinsg P. shuetier wasgo m . u,.tdoubule ~ '1 toS.ti.m. eîeou3'1uier oa ob1Yerfr beî,weeu sevetal thàmilUîef tit splaces. i~~~~ ia tsacac Air no . -We al, ahur Save y)uaizmole01,aa ay Wiay lut bon>the lbatchet and mil;àsin>akî r-ial. tsachne o ~-..~--------------- rtiier puloatiooi.- Write a piostal forît llîgs pleaà§ijttr for ail touôerltl? nl.e w etioite P~ V/INO, ~ -~ ci~te~j ~a~.~~'ra ~Offered veéry offtrt, but -The uaxtTeThecseetI' teading rce BUFFALO QROVE. week. - ht ii e ld Satturday, Feli. Mr. Keutaia Il er il Fratale[]!ata of thils place wiil sai - ,niiag ii ack for Ilituiburg 011 the 2tl hst, Ilis 24. be tAiow,îgprogaut as ben llis inbremkiugi la is coit. frieandslob inhhl a suejuraney.0 r I8te ucntiven in stuuly and good cou- Ait orchestra band will lie started Jlobai Frauda masa a Chiicago viâiton I iE dubt.,4s»6 Kittio Fsmnbam; Proper lberasoo*là joud W eta a miY I»iaaniv, K. Allard; A*teacher's bMr. Sieffen ai s reîittd Il. Wwb('hi offen la vug ý i d iil - rqîîbsitee for good goveraunt, 'litauar. ait. t.i~ erected. Holds it open to you for a short time dur- à,ý»f 'sqW. EDavis, ThomlasiHughes. M. IV. J.G. Veder, J.;is goûts;tOu lil 7ETTN h cniune o t -Mgtr.N-1. Daniel Pierce Thompsona, A. a iew itl'use liâs prii!g. LElH fl n h cniu ne o t ~ ~çl>trent. tH. CM. Witthl 2. l, ls theIl tllilt la lk t flier homne W.I. resîdoaît * t c.M i,~pr,>1-aeView. Chaia sasoîi 1. 8SEM-AN UA fatW. E.fia.SEMIAWeîîtab Vi ~ LvjUSMTM ecfrta~ faten Lt a lxi<WJUg b~r.takeai lier tplace utl Mr. Milisi. ~~~~ AWOt.~ iss Eî iiiegier, frito etlîk1îP>l ,'-* Ch:as. itterlleld lias ti J61) -o n4s *m»* gwop. IVANKIOE. ited liem-î.ureals last week.1-ilt wngheWIfote .sv rn *~ * aortiaeiublizzard staflck tîiiaplace Jutt'ob GIitiialias gui oar vu~ ibit h is, -s alraia UcWiiî ii u 1e t 8~iLIO Mndai. tutlltdtt]w ai Giaigei % iss lu;& KmtacKmaaîlias ecOvera'd *U~14 aiLutstrta $katllaag parties aetaac tta . G eidae.ld blyi Ve4eý -11, f ierrîceat'laisau asllie uie lad io(,m 111dýLyi anaig tie yolinag peuple. oîcî lu a larty front 1Niles fu 11 ,. tuaattend scioagîiig.iiiasîseFrankit t ~~ 11ouae~~. 11.J). Weils al;aufitir ,coveureii &ait lPeter Weidniit' l aakliigtlits 2:471 Evsma .1 wilu Wîc:d u hai lute ala o g abaît lis om Mii- ate fr te cimuigCowty aki. ieut> ltast week. Ask lina laat lie ýI1 È lIoi. day. Ihope îîacrewiiî lie some weailigs Iinuîiglit honte witîîin). BME'I A »I BOYS" C rThea Weekly Inter Oceaiat arnd the aftei- leit-weli boys, gar reaudy lfor i. Alla ita 11lm o i i sick liât. -~ ~I~çDPE>.atz hot one>'em fo utiy Msdams Baner amai htttcstVO LeGrande Fiagier weit tua Watike- - *t.2P. ~ited Jui Weidur ad ttui> latgal a 1bîbisiaetitillast dot thie wei. -- The ljterary îs.ciety î-i lailsa aeek. à EîILL. sociuty t l#4qut liais Fidaîy evenling Mr.Bit'k, of WNVhîasîîig, lagoig t 11 AIltn'.r su>.U itanev. at IleuanT> eny ti ativmoe ittthie Jac'ob Wtiter' ousel, 1- ..IS M G O Tefriaijala ut Mr. Noto.-f Mr- 1 Mrs. J. .Wil2oii lias basai GOODS.ti -lielifes touutilaG. n Se.ua Maiuues Aislmnaukia aidl tlt-dii às a-ot. BaIcelie md. ut W ltea Ai jtkr.* îUiiao i padn îewua R lal od-E eyAtceo Matait. , lvealîg ittueiualjec u Oan aat t sier was saiiug a ua nacmi' i ' IiD è4ý *D * u n GAL- k1of a ca rd (fio. ol.4)--Ataidsabi aaad lIas countet'. Saand.uiutun o ehe oy9 tatfe Chicvn i Taoare inellia>ig te tteler Rwhich w oo-Eewa r-A ticom 3f Ionso eiti l i a eakaeaa ît tîn niai i' îaitgtainuaea 1W uv-st &Ca., hOrb* je l uutli ie bic f Ourn. Wx soe W eedîer is r wiag like ntauo r ucahtîmgaii le aaaediniaa tiCE va Ewiig o Rekeeler fitîi te m the cogsauoaie.l5ie lu cili uousaaî,wliilrwaga arflii m30 gaaaaag tadunealetlthe 2:80 wiielintue I fosoia e taunîh e f flac otilt alHie aciig Iir inat chias waî 80l Quie aillmkr o th y u eopîle (2uiaîatO faim lai 23%'i e" tit tliiafile joli wiili e relady to met lt P. a~~id ti t ay*aetua msal lIiimeiter a Tîte gts8 of filae clauster's' liuîtut. viiaia <imiers tii Fleil litiit(w Waiike- VI1I teet*3aingtr ie leiidentiîi aifProf. S. M. sînifirarut. Lonîg (hre, landiait escapie. uofIb> gali. 13t he l del- l 1ti1ll om i ayleon Dmn.utAikil.dyiaag up dyniiwet liatue oveik. lTe- - Subsrihe for te xs'tuM expliaoiîîwas ari nutacte accouaiit iîît Wedding Cardti. Temperance Te pl, aukeêan. kUO<~~ fl~L~ aîid~aulat oint ridge fie mIole biotes wouaid go up anid Fr gtto~hfn e pe ~I0V VIJPJ 43. btter writiig anid give lOient more Sciarster 'uould le se ligla np likethie t he Prmo' n in y ______ es.besides maiey eatertaining c uu aaa Ue uona. St'liai trWhaInDe OpaNeNt intiIngface.a anes. 871f. lie ada cpon,muîppose iilîrcal calne)opttotinfnya stre.3t. but Jack says a1o- Weil as piaitn priatiug. We caun f ar- ~~t liatmrggard tu lifftili oaa f partiaem- liayhng(grvdwka Aliilias iaw lrovidefi f fat iinorder ne .M P ad adlugaiolh n a ln ermasve woa relemêe ail partaiers front liablit les brader the came of the band teaàcitr, pchly)o ast mes seaur o ar w a e . na Uaat inay leilauurrei b> lii>ofit îiem Mr. Wagnier, of Ar'Iiagtoat Ileigafs. obtulnad lu Chîcago.H a dre i we, aften adissolution, a notice setfiaag fortb Tlay plauy flue now,lia aye. Borna of teemsia"tea satisfaction. the tact of dissolution mt bufle pîaibish' girls ara getting uagny uow hacamae ---------- - ed lit a cîuraty paiper faim six $i(*-wbsn tiaey waut to go lu a paity thea fle Fud Casinosod ~ tva eakiu'boys sat, for au excuse, ftfhaa he Rua is I -aakiiug iaercoaupet4tioiatini>10l5adpiy~ li jsr. tuants. Sorta ias eband boysu niglit C.ump pusueted et the e.fine of tihm*& ~~ ~ ~ U ofetlfinimoreways taititii get mariad yet-atter lent. ~r wpo es i ti e_ asA Iko1T5wr te+Wmm gaiandm utmrkets. lier clauspar b» - rm heUst ivgié..baIsw. Ealb kerosaîae liats driventh le Stanidard OiÙ A filae sociable evaning was 51iv ci b> "" b..uatifulty bound ila el" saO filtt j<ajirL "'~~_~ _ Lu., onIt of the ealatara> Msditerraiiaiuth1e Widner boys Sonrau niglit. Ail v t .AA& porte natîî aleaieuawîîy eari> one-a lfoft u at lsm sajuyed a good itime. Sons ilte b.es"et by man,dl.ad t. oferz~ et lifsimmense traitaeIa Jaipai, (China, offilae boys took thaîn girls hotus bv la ~time, X-.iY m-Yb. inta-p*AtaS 1 habits of horses have îIiado>tasun sd uther p laces. cold wuid. i- beiow zero, and tiaay & dade. soanetiiaig la dean> mung wiiî siid f ley got wammad uu> al riglt da i. ruorge EtiJot.I-IIE .IS?.\<II-F 94. from their lteethy ron witirougla fhatsnow. Soma got faksled 'Ln e.. .-I3 MGZ IMe duscovered by Prof, lias pariti> baîeuathIe market valus litoiles straelaf ii tue gates and fiey ndCoitt Mn. ly Walter hgl, V. S.. Pressdent ot liusbsatiiîrudnd wves. A.jr han anud a biai iooking shape oaait irie 1ry7T&Ia. y!Tutl rycleC at La> êwarded a watt S10,000a fom lier' h>îsbaiad hi tindyb atlgo h m adL bertyvMle, fi. W 'ufas siober. kUdoiteIeuslaîarural __________ -iangers, We»ak*es, a-à" a Newttona (Kai.). youuîg m amis AIiCW. A1à .T.v !IA C s m + u n . i 1l, tof fl04b ettaatad at ousta highalat'ce tisat a .ii. ;uuXuIL Iv. C Y, lbar~mntat mmo did airt geL sainiaa oued 'nais is Leaif-hay awuuy flue cic uda p a d e t r p l b W e - -obac6,00damgenfr ra-i itdak. Oqutt -laied aâhd ltIi 81'prom0seRitaarige ualfo her au fdeMrh ieluvsitgie iua'A Ukr oewt eans n.ipth t~bdtCeth. gTennease mtuitbusosubisais Ie for , tié* av be i at. Mas.. EG(saser. ýbw- tbe direct fieraias whit. heury Warat Beacher Did Cupid's darts wouîida m hlearts Rough neai tdacaiiilasbdap St. Vilenite's? 11GB ftct t tqs igbthe reaupaiwnetf. Moailly."t i15Buaiday atpF eslbre'.WE C! unaenWeed wioneu a .wtcked, sud it te flot ~A . L L~ .8a j~jqv- ~ wla aëneu l t.e rit wcked. la itI- M eaesBrsuehad lmbm mess F - matiçtio ofisI itbats 'neancre duamr frtisai guestis otMary lIerchbuer lut Bain- - walkrq.,>wreatitlln or rowtog. Bad d-je ouayuimllionnQu»e yl dances, Certain wise yug men muet have 11.14s> M"e thsaex«esêlea il; », SO oùnd a nustw,t rilgla the east- 51 *al ofth<moalt a greatmet." Tts Mn>ayWtdreto - a. lould b.bup M u~0ly.amme patilit HfISllet &0 fww1il, WI IOUU LLm 1 ranTu»Fam aon1Bu i îwà!Wm-ettb umdeew.atnd tami>, gve'?. Duwuu'e foilm 4 Lie riaie am Wïos anldurrs ai aura 'auu.-Agricultural Implements. Etc. --"' ~ Q otbôeldt wisitelà &k m MW aeZ A We bave a new Stock of the irathi luerleti u eoy lait wook. Bve ooeuMMn - A'9rft. .-l -n- d.t >anki*hM7!