Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 23 Feb 1894, p. 7

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Ï11, -..iidho W i1W' *e lk, Aid'W tu'I lS "itqlâ tIo arftb i t hé, t etorbe sarf' An& isa , ana Fin ta wwi honsbol lias. ently the doctor Came out, an foi. table went t ugh mrn msents iliit ech dawnIne<"Y. lowed Ide guide ta thie aluins. Up a as though ho were loading It. Then, g ii.dr lua" rickety stair he paa.ed ta find a man wthout returning ta the mate, ho carne a. iP. 0f tbe sun on hWh' tosaing on a miserabie b.d. and be- to the bedaide, laid the piatol lhe won .ed, Lgether a gong we ift aide hlm a woman. whose rage b.tok- carrylng where the other bal been, *9aiWays bine ln the apper sky. ened her poverty. and got into lied. Biy wated a few tâms ame bard, but the ciidren play, The. patient complained of Intense minutes, went ta the ae, took the q A~dwe nckthenundertecvre pain, and by the light of a tiny cani- sovereigna and hurried troim the bs wu reacb the end of eaeh struggltflg die the doctor came acrosa traces of a room. - d". wound Just above the hlp. 1Ho b.d taken the precaution ta AM thie r.amliti hea'vea for iamnpe f--e "How ddyou get this?" ecure the keys of both doors. Whien Mt. The muan's answer came reàdily lie was chalienged ho presianted the 1bac, Love, we look ln @&ch otber's eye enough. pistai, but before hie couid fire, h. And the kindlinglgbt of triiumph see H. hal ben handllng an oid pistai, hoard a report, and toit himeifbit. -Chf what does It matter that trnes âr and it hâd gone off and woundod hlm, He was able te get out and lock the b ard * and, althouglihohe bot a deai of blood door, and mo escaped. Vben I have yoiî, Love, and you bave at firit, the. wound hallheaied and hoe What reafly happened whist James, me? i res wa« able ta get about. Soon, how- Carlton wua handiing the. pistai can -<Elxabeth Chishoim, lnHa-r' a over, h.e toit Intense pain whenevor lierîneyer b. exactiy known, but It ls cer- tried te move, and now was mnortai tain that h.e thon put the. rubles Into - -bai. the pistai, and when John Carlton pi The doctor's practised fingers soon' fired. h.e fired them into the body of RUBnMEOB sR" found a uwoilng on the man's back I Wlliam Bly. and putting togethocr what lehe cd e *d i board and what hoe learnt froni bis It was uselesa for the ushers te almlic manipulation, ho camne ta the con- 1'Silence!,' when the verdict of "NoL 1c On the ngit of thie 31 of November, clusion that undor that swelling lay guilty" was given, and, penhaps, only IL 189-, James Carlton brought fram th. charge that the piste]ihaad con. one man ln ail tlîat crowd went home f IPris twb magîheent rubles that ho talne. witb a beavy heurt. I 3id plcked up at a sale, and which, Ho hurried home, and bringing Frank Casteli wiil remember Aima'$ a 'cosidrin thir lstrywere back a pocket case und chloroform, irisa on the mornig of lher mariae 'dr ha tthepieh pi o explained ta the wife that lie could until time shall no longer b.e uglits Tey ii eog. eteufr soon relleve lier liusband. ta blm.-[Tlt Bits.b Tlie hadbeiogedto te unor- It wasliowever, a longer task tlîan_________ tunate Marie Antainette, and balhoblil b a nticipated. and when at boen old by a mistake, of wbich lnt i forceps closed on tb. for- A STRANGC PEOPLE. e .ehrewd dealer had been quick ta legngtbyis _______of____ail ti It was too late wlat ho rehaha ebd ta enlarge the priînary The Queer Race.%n.wn as the OneI. 1te to tketem to t hoetyadho, opening. Then when lie hbll drawn in Japon. lidme toe, la thempre techi, d ie it out. and laid it on the table, hoe The word Ainu la a generic terni, téohnCrintn, de.hed îîofmbin1 foîînd to bis surprise thiat at the bot-1 and sig-nilieâ hairy mon"---a naome -J h at toon, d Lited tnorr *i a;tomut fthe wound iay anotîtor hard apidL te crou epýb datethrtstoo in he rner " sî: ostafice. This timo lié had lutt, a-fleinseivos, says the St. Jazme b.drom.dificulty in hii. extraction. Taking1 Budget. The Japanese estîmate the Over the mantelpieco ln Ibis room up) what bie upposed t bo tiue ftit- 1umb rou the Ainti ut 16,000, but hun tw nI bose-istlsand tak tned ballets, ho dlppod tîem into '.%r. Landor, after deducting the half- naghîidonthbeorîngthrlatut ailomre water, but wheîi lie took theîii castes, reckons that they do fnot ex- 6»,lauhinlyobsrvig hatut llout they wero still red. ceed liait that nuinher. Pleamure und ents the report wouid aiarm the 11He dipped Oîien agan, and rubbing rest iere the Iwo clîlef objects, we neighborbood. îîîem welî. brouglt themi close ho the are toid, wliicli induced Mr. Landor About two ociock in the morning r candie. Tlhe blaze of lighit thiit t, visit.Lhe&e isies, but iL appears ta lie wasawakened by the. sound of tire1 flaslied et lm alinost took cway lis, have boernfls fate te meet with armé, tollowed by the Flainming of a l sensos. Tbey were jeweis, and, evennehr.H lndd tHkot, door. Ho reaclied out for the pistol 1te bis ieprecdee eyvl-nete.H adda aoae that hoe lad placed on the chair besgide al.iepreee yvr au and utter one day's rest set forth La hlmandfoud iLgon. îe ,hard e He alinost reeei as te trulili surve>y the isiand and interview the him ad ftid i grte le har isuddenly camne te flim! Witli trem-! inhabitants. Ho traveied soie. someone rush aro'u the hlli and t ybling fingers ho dressed the wouiîd. 14.2W miles, of wbicli, 18,800 were the. front door; Ilion lie lieard foot and elling the woman ie îouuid cal! traversed on horseback on a rough steps on te tairs, und flus sont rîshed giuredhn. Into the room with one of the pistolsJaaibredbre pack saddie, and, like the hero of tAhbmsiiand. Long bie sat and stared ut the glit- Sctt's baliad, "hoe rude ail un- Thtesng stor a htlehdaeinatos. armed and lie rode al alerte. " reThessonietoryand thabt o ada Tiiy were rubies, und frein the de- "I at down in the tea-house an o'elcktiesa igli.rnehL bttone ciption givon by the ider Carlton, the soit mats, and my Benta-Jape4n- o doc ho hurd mrne novirig were the very jewels that hll disap-'r oe lunchi-wus served te me en a about very quietly in bls fathiers peared on the niglit ofthte âl ft Nov- tiny table. Thils was water soup; reoi. which roorn con nected wit filus ember. thr I eweteewsabw by a swing door. Pushing this door How had they corne whee ho bliaitriewandseaweethhe wasa bew opnlemby teight o tenight- iummcem ii llfans.-was in a diminutive tamp, a ma lntbe art of closing the. Wus Jack Carltan's @tory of the dîsh, andiabc s covered by ai -»Jae. and before lhe bcd recovered ma iti the.roeim true' beafthd Ls acli wasdovr hé from lus surprise the fellow lpe Did libold the cille that. if fol ieot lt.OnL.ia quiely ut f tu rurn.Catclîing lowed up, might prove hlm rivai lunel- placed severai neatly eut pieces of up the pistol thiat lay on the chair by cnmwfeh bc c paetybe Ida tathers bedside,.lhe toiîowed down Should bo follow iL np? removed froni the back ofthie undor- > ,*stararosa the hlai ait-I towardq the TViei egan Lb. fiercest flght with 1 lyiag animal.1 kitehen. the door of whiclî 't flus conscience thnt Frank bil ever "As 1 b.d long b.en ueccstorned te opn.foîzgbî. Japanese food of this kind, 1 ate teomy Wbeahle chlilenged, t ie maoi wlom Lot hlm lîold bis peace, and Carlton heart's content, ivben. te mv liorror,m ho ouspected of lîaving stolen the would b. lest £u so,-ety for yours, the funia, whiclî ]îad been staring ut rubles turned and prt'senh*'d a pistol, perhaps. Thon, -ma ,rne weat by. me with its round eyes, relieved of -an yong artonlird.IL as niglit noit bis devot ion ho rewarded? the weight iliat bad passed fromn 11 very clear. moonilight n)iglb>r, and hoe Would that proud girl unite herseîf! back te niy digestive organs. leaped distlnctly saw te thief stazger. The te a man wiiu)lied becn pîiblicly up, leu! and ail frein, the dish, and next montent te kito'hi'îi door branded as a tîtief, and wouid she feil on the mat. Ail the vital parts alammod lu. and wlioi lic reached it aIete h herseît a dî..honored nmiame? bcd beon carefully loft in the fisli,1 ho found it lockel. Ie Ilion ralu Little by little the tempter's wlîîs- and the wretclîed creature wcs stibi tiie front dooir and foîund il ao pers grew louder, uni il thbey swelled alive.1 iocked cnd te l-y gone.. urrying lirtonles that wcre likciy lu drown "Hiorrible! - 1 cried, violent1]ypueli- u~ a bs ft i,-r rom.liedîsoveedfor ever Lbhe 'still, sial voiceof o!n'O- ing away the table and walking out hînu eîttîng up in bcd as already de- science," disgusted, ta the great surprise of the' mcrbe. H tirw n te bdrom And se the struggle swuyed on ai people present. wlîo cxpccted me to window. whiclî loul d upon te street, tbrouglîithe long niglit, ulil ut ast 1 revel in tbedeliciousness of the Jisli." and called alce' nd l ien an aobility of soul trillmnphed, and in! Thiese hairy people have long beardm office. camn e hotfund the back door humble imation of limi whîo cd and inusteehes, wbich, once having locked and eflccted anl outrance by a onice b.en su sorely lcmiphed and l'ad attcined theelcge of uanbood, llîey window. stw~dsoc e o gloriousiy conquered, Frank Cas- Iailow ta grow and nover touchi. The On examinai ion itwsu cvee tl ast Satan behind liim! And thie oinnebigfardyate that the keys of thie safe wero lu the firal rcys of Gods suit sione atbwar ioninfob.iren tsoedeb atei sat. door, taI thte ruhies lîad dîsap- thie room and restil teîîderly on Ibus male up for Lb. deficiency by tairtoo-1 peared, uaîd withî thiîc a iuibr of bent bond, while frein eacli of the in', a long mustache on their lips and 'uovereigns. jewels Llat luy on tîhe table there chteeks. When 01(1 Carlton went Lu bed tîtat flaslied up an ansîverng ray us it TeAn rcs ftîuigi .ight. lie remeibred pertectly well wore of Iiuiiîîhî. painful une. The lattoo umarks tire that lho bad put lus keys under bis uulydn ihtepito piliow. The inist rigorous searcb * * * iusull ne wi b ath e oint uta tailed lu furnisi, any prou! thiat Lhe The court-bouse was crowded. Thei te uifo, not witb taoignisionsase Onouebthbenpistolas io ssimins djury bcdl retired Lu consider their ver- cut nearly parailel tlu cdiother. *ùeo h itl a isna diet. aud none doubted whiat thut These are thon filleil willittle-fishil -aisen rlt eo se o ordt overdict wouid bo. black. Borneimes smoke-black iixed ba u ie jewt entalisorw prtuorsthe Husb! Here tlîey cone!witb the blood troîxu the incisions is .Ios o th jeelstehistwoparries, "Genirlemen o! the jury,"lther cerk used instead. On thie lips tlie opena- -te younger of theit unliesitatingly was beginning, wheii there was a tion lises panfttl that it lias Lu ho 'declered tht John Carlton, tho son, sudden bustle ut the door ufthte duettehy iastallme,îts. Itlai begun wu tLle ibief,ad, refusing lu cccept court Thon voices were lieard and a with a srnaI serni-circle on te upper theosenos a ho Iookourtô a rrn man was seen pusîiing flus way Lu the lup when the girl is unly two or thire ýZod te lsslieloo ou a arrntfront. t wus Casteil. A rutiler years ut ugo, and a tew Incisions are at once. wenl round that unexpected evidence added evory year tliisueilu niarried, Evidence was adduced te show that liad turned Up, and the ruinor wus the mustacie thon reacbing noîuly the yourig matn Oas leavily in debt, urned iro certaiaty when a tew to Lb. ocrs, wbere et iLs cumpletirtit ho a wnd i -atr ete pov intminutes iter tiie docter wcs soon It ends li a point. ho ndbi tahe wro h.ony per- standing in the witness-box. Thils Both lips are surrouuded by il; sons w-ho kaew the secret ut the sule, was bis evidonce: FirsL of ail, hoe but noe, ail womon are Lluus niarked. :ho was nt once comnniited for trial, gave an acecot ut how ie hcd tound Sone have no more tItan a senti- * C C C C * the jewols, and two peuple la tint circula,' tuttuo on the upper lip; Dr. Custoil saL lu lus snug study, court bang upon is iords. Aima lothers have an additioni serni-circle smoking wlîat ought lu have been the Tabot ad James Carlton bad nover under the lover lup, and many get pipe0f peaco, but lbe roubled look believed Lie prisonerguiity. Breath- tired cf Lb. painful process wlbeuithe -on his paie, hadsume facebetokened ie8ssy tiiey iistened as the. alory went tattoo ls bcrdiy largo enough lu sur- an unqulot mind. He wua thinkiag on. In ac dear, steady voice that round their iips. Tiie tather of the -of Aima Talbot, who just une rnontb could b.e heard by tie farthost listener girl la generally the operatur, but oc- befare baid refused bim, ad that, Lau, la tint euger crowd, the witness taid caionally it lu the motlier who '"dec- î, or li' ,My a", feo *0u Fat est- bat luo 'î Fay tuba 't )e thaLt 1 myaides. >01Y au a - in asl t tory WW't i thb~e anld ' ter. - clou àmý the great 1 ta ho e the ta is'tu Gevas for Utile Girl&. ew eff ABIES mnd buds 1ay Wear dowa-to- heels gowa.but about theiilxii arIittlo Mis sdncamuos into ~j ( Awsy go long -'guwns, hot ta be - worn aguan until 4 abe lf; a shy debu- hante. Fnli la and trivolities ln daiaty toîiowing o! mcm' nias@own ir av adora ber wear now, and the i.skir'a wili b. distinctiy short- as shont, iadeed, as the frettiness o! 'rom a6quInt, se- f lous littie retcb- on crouture, the girl aI 5 on (l tsud- denly becornea a lignt-footed butterfly or a fluîff -kirted lalry. .luîr now, ho look over the cidren s outfiLa for aide o! about tus amgo. one wouid fancy tiat jitile Mis a iden did aoth- ln la Lb. word but go to dancing cohou! an4 ta paltie. Thsisqi probabiy bocauBle Lb. short droees ]end them- selves so d.uiicionaly ta party effavlts, and ibis lead a mya a mothon la keep bar daughtpr nnuoh skints alter muai women-.lfi.eIaly uhoee vha haven't d h voel- d Init uontheir ý.hldgen. An oxiyl f t la plotuared inle b. m ai-& dIfmfl o tfoatrlimmed IlberalIi~vti la iaoertion and rlbbon, and gy lbt For ybulng ladies of from 6tol0-- if a cI t a dozea years in a youag . Iy 7le nlia achiltI ut l-muhln, gzaze, tQIie and chiffon aven mlk cslips se«a te b.the gn eral thiag.Skfrt ad bodbce are sU une, th'.aI.kea slip belng umuaily iow-acked and short- hb"ed, viti a skfrt ihat tIares viti Lb. regizilation nia. gores as aftn as 1h inad ll ite more mbmp13 round skirt vay. mhe inulin affair Liai goes aven thus la a mass of trilla, 1h cames hL&h ta Lie tinoat andI dovn te Lie wrusts ugualiy. and an il la exponded a deai of!tLb. must exoiite aeediewonk. Real hic, ot the simpier putterns la used la uarrîw widtha andtinainsertion, baby nlbboa ruas îhrough baud-but- toahabled circlea in the. dalziy f nits, revers, bentias, and Ilounces sproad uver Lie puffsa ahtho sîceves, bita o! boys are everywherm3 antI ulhing seena lau daintiiy elabonate. Gowaa ut very rit-i gocdsareno Iso mado-, satina, for instance. that viii stand alune, la very delicate shades. crean. plnk antI bIne. Thome are made more simnply, c couple of tiny tnibîs ut siik muahun about the. edge of the kint, and a sufticientIyflIul'ly bertia effeet ut muscha about lhe siauilders hein-ail ahiat la required. A somewiat lea oxpenalve utodel comes la (b ina sllk ant Iml the antisî's second uffc'nli'z bore. The sklnt bas tire. nove tif lace about lIa foot, andI abovo tlîern are tvîî, nova ut guipure insertion. Inse-rtion is seen, hoin Lhe aleevos andI thieir enculettes, sud Lb. yuke ut shirred alîk la outliued iy a ruffie ot nici lace. Wash si1k la used, seit.trimmed, and, te tell the lîuth. iakes ulmoot te pretticat niga ut ail. The. cnisp. wile silk, or Ihal trewiL prettily wlth tluy floyers, la tue sort eouea, ad tioee may be ruaninga Oulaide ail there lsa c 11h11 cloak, quit* Il ke mammia*s opera loak. tha le ma Lb ltD 1'iua W* L5U te dauoaî'atd vt ule fet ~ uf tui'e lace. Tih. skirt la garâtahed1 wiii bandsetflace Insertion each tva FTYLI5i StLIrZIGTuZAGS- luchesa wide, and t omos on Lie standing collanand sieeves. Tii. prettu'cos,- turne lacam-)eted byacgrcy tet bat, garnished viii bine feauiiers and vol' voL rîbiion loupa and enda. Daiaty bLtle atteraon gowas are maatly 01 llght challles, delihiate cash- meres sud vooi stuns. Tboy are ai ligit in color and are nowde simply~ tbe vaiSi and akini aIl une at flnit, ;; the. faëteaiu alvaya at Lh. back. Soatetîmnes a littho fr111 la let ln aiung ..w=kit esrt. T"me Ultile govas are mado ta vear with guimpo, and they bave Iohs'-of bretelles andI trilla ontth'e leeves. Tien. are aaynumber o! aIl-aven aptuns ta voar vith Lhes", and the aptuans are so fresb, daity and rottily madIe. otten icoklng almomi Iea muqlila dm'sa ouly for Ithe open- lag in the. bnck . that littho Misa Maideahoouksaus if right out outhle aundryman's b-ýx. l'iose dresses grow a littho longer waiated, a littho amaiber arouad, and a bit longer as tb. years gu by, but the. gutarai stylo stays about Lie sanie. The little misa abowa, wiu wouldn't b. sketcd unies@ doliy vas lacluded, ovon tbougb Lh. latter vas ia alan- ing nogige, dîspicys a mucb-llked carrent fauucy lu th. vandyked pattern of braid un ber skitr. The mnatenlal la brava siniped voolena miii!, te ukirt ls goned. snd Lb. vais bhm a fLtted lilung. It bhouks la bock, -where Lb. staff in tueked lengthwlse tire. or lotir imes andI bides te opering. The tiyk fbrovn veivet la âUle luth =r. .ata in Sallue yt-am guipure lace that forma epauet" ove. te luovsastuli pufs. Thu luve enfle are beGea veivot. W.. "Gol dresses are miai1 et darli wool, bnl gbieued by f ancy brmailng brou sana ied being a favorite cornU nation. A dar litlegoynatqa bl of a bloade vasw serge i6mlued b"B- ;;ottily full sud vasbraided la circu- ]an nova lto te knoe. The badioe b.d adteep bretelle lilng oven 1h. mhïoui- dors out inaag a yoke tiah vas bralded, and deop brauded cuffs reacited lu ithe miaulder puffa. Ah nred serge dresses are muci worn b ute girls tram 12 ho Il. Ties, eho= dresses are al itpimadIe, andtI lungi tiey are daniy rosi, ail suggestlca ut elabo- ration la avoided. Twc amali hume dresses are shown un the hast pîchure. Coru-fluver blue fianel la hea fabrî of the temaller une, and tIole ul la one andI tinisbed viti jacket fronts. The br î-adhs are eut vider tasarti the bot- t h u, so that lie drese Fmll b. full and uowing. The hemn ofthei akirt is ornameilted vltb blacku siik embroidry. whlcb la repeated ah the top lu shape af et plstron. Tie jacket fronts have deuble revers af watered silk, and the bagg.1 aleeve4 have an elastic at the. vnlst. Tic thhor dresa I., for a mid everai yeare older and oaa b. madeofut ay easaa ble rualerlal. The back l amde of two plemes. witi 'In opening In the con- ten whih ifautoni wvîhihuaks and eyos, and Lhe front is male of une plee anc gathered aineck antI waibt. TheBkiîn is side plealed andtIolajolued te the hodla., Lb. teani being bidden b ya foided surah saab ty*in a ababy-bLw witi longend$ linhCe. The sirt 1. made ut t aigu breadtia, ulilned, sud la trimmed viti maid araundtheti bottani. The leeves are very fllU and are beitI up by sdraps liai commeuce ea lie cullan ai shuva. copuyrightl. 1t9i Fm»hionabie Fadu. Bralda la cli madea uftrhnmmiagm, Surplce valaIs of glace laffet& Point d'esprit lace for faacy vork, tnimnting, jabots, etc. Very pale-blue nuto paper vlih i monogram, oae as eau Ily obtaiaeduuA tb. ather. turned bis 07M, est watcbiing b lIê~ ,Bie J.ail u 4ium1 harr. Opeatai UB ho then "m udnaadd& 1 thut ette. lY4meLer?. It vas a dafly. pertunwo "It la roainalady," caiI. wblle thbat lojok wviblbN tuuud anc dangerou&aacoi woîolgbt aad th. lIgtttpýï ilashed ln hle oye. "It le froUe She ays abo viliI aI* '4"ybody who thiaka 1 vîli * that appoiatment an My 114W strntgen ta Cal. Burr.* Nextu Mornlng thbe lady cmle vas beautîtul; she was teng brougbt flowea and their ' sweeteued the rooni. Silo M talked for an haur; be la t» 1 respectf ai, prottectinif y4t f tii inuer whicb bai- bM*' itude toward th. other »x , lI fe. Woa sho dopantes! 1* wîi thohefloweri ln his aib anie baud bich puil.e. lata the abysa. The gril.d , niage wboelm vas heard di thbe street. Burr eemed t~ their recedimug sonbd. go~ Muet as thoy cosed. m vhich b.d beO Uone 1ag u peace wltb deatb.-Wslul A Qaitto sez. A glgantic boax Vltb,*l rua on record là at làu"~ Lb. Paria# papota .l 1 vetîsement appeareds sa deoeaed Buealan ptioee Ian frnancs ta o egîvoste wbLo would, te A)p.J day la the 1 ttIe chipeq tamb ln Pore la Cbaot, i her body wblcb - le'gJ 'bo wathier @hou d &te o ing the tîme ho or &hoxw0 the chapel, and sov~ , apeak ta tube servant ts- erapboyod ta supply ther Candidate. vere poltWi, Lu commuaicate vitb tubeU dent cf the c.metery. 1a tunate tunetioaary sau b selfr deluged wlth lettr ln ail part&.o etL.wg, one journalist bohongag -16A mcated Preasof VICh clared humazlt ry.ta sa It eemed fat r' W *kiiling wok of a n~ Paragrapha begau ta o S papera mtting tb », watchers bas m61ad task ubèsle she had a dIa b. tiag out of bet glm s ing iabout In bot a wag or vage talsol t million vmus the aIm ahroub -tbe vltb 1 oaedvoius 1p tortuinate aupe1 1 let tuhomatram vomen. Wu lova ln thre Unîittua ý- ada vas ably reprsoul iJ mauy mon of iettera ubo o to thi8siWcndraus pli..It 14 too bito cliptheowlgqo back canard that 1iev matn long. But It bau turua td tinte tesavq tuhe super!u* Pore la Cbaide tram80109, lhe Russîaprln îm, tbel caIll, andI the elM«étý1 nover exlsted, a1i LbuIl wbicb vassupptue4 ooS4 terestlug andI restiees rerail belong te a French familyb« Beauujour. -NovwYork Su., Wben the Edlnburgb ill cuiied togothe oam Ub Lalketb, their Colonel, b Buccbeucb, Iaspectea i[ t by ma. Whiist so elga tentlun vas partîcularly 1 a rav recraît, veiliknovoirgl parts outhLe Scattlmb cîW4 bcd uppnrontly tehfnqutsbed I lug ut 'Coal!" to carry a tlfMU "l'm vei'y much aftiad iM do," mid bis gre .to lt *canant Imagine boy tbey s "Wbat fer?" asked ib». Son oft Mars "Why, because, as I ci have quite lest your front tàs tyou wil not be abe to bit$t "Wuli I no?" quenles tube t oalman, vho vas unavaitf vas addresajagthbe Duke.ý yern lugnlaMay mouili, ait îune kea vhether I1eu bl k IL la hardîy neceaaary to i bis grade dîid net pu the1 etest ta the proot. ý4 Theinag Meeta lité~ 0 iHenri Quatre vas a 10v4 bon mots* as via t - files." Haltlng a a vli- lu iret some dînnet, b. g thnt wboever wau reut4 d greatest vit. hou Samuse hlm durîag bIsq.j e the appearance af tub i abch commaad¶d hlm . thLb other aide attictabê 'What ta your rnju King. 71 "Sire, my naine la Gatlu ma -M

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