Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Mar 1894, p. 11

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the loot.Sboul- eother. ored mn:tlgel - ad tiss 17l, ber to lib11 paper Lnad tlie mord. ira sd the worm pale-11soed yowwq. P 'bat'a a S"o~. -efft*Illy,» repUéd - a gond word, a lut, you se, 1;v îrty, and 1 dlda't ' gel au oduecako if thlups 1 dom.' - ouCg Mau ceaunA tpe and looked a% iîtguued amase- ai, or wom&fI r city wbo does no1 ird me-sus? 1 can- as you are apeakc- se. You mnuet be lered man blusbed oUrse,* he ataus- I knov Wh"ai l now, 1 dldjâ* bave e ta go to ehooL !It, ttfI<tiih, 1 ne aw vsat lit, meanat.. palo-faoed youï -ry patrouiîbig. -1 botter $huas.1o Good day. sir.- ilored mam tutneci thie bail. As tule le-faced Yoiug n 2d sbouted: ejna in bis appearanme > pale-faced young ilctalouary snd get Soin. otaber cbap, lu a mInute.0- La cote. tac cute for an>- à hostau drummer off at tise elbov. Inquired tise boLel tonnolmsur. ra," cout.inued thse Due partîcular vsy, ýame a part of my s uaggeaed tbe t ln Missouri,* mmi 1 gtopped over Bon. ,n vbere one of My a rataber pretty > hile tise t4ne ta go buggy riding Me coaaented t' do we vere aboutt Md a moment aaked- brîgst aide of tise jumping ln. oro?' 1 askeil ra*>bcr àat ase tisougst 1 lth Ihis on. band of I don't know visai li, 'ramYbe you are learu. Get ln ber@ nd l dîld get lu sad 9 Otheva Làke er? nit-«These are de- Best 1 over tasted. It thein?a -'At a social oui ectual Adcvauceasent, are Rave last nigst thse poujr, We bail ter. Tva dollars a nw was danated by 'OU know. IL vWu waysmo a thse Wa y cilrrled away every cake before 1 coulil It, but. I ai bouaut i ao soinetblug, 1 tell nice saclt of aRa». thase oranges and a 1 mnacarooa-s 1 do îactIlkepga. 1)Ooa ber orangre?" go Agric.utu-taaa .ants have gluen un» a great cItent sud L. Attar of rosest 0 10 ta 8i5 for elghsi, - t some tisai 1ul. cculd gîte igolnt& their products to j Lots af the' emteta Aed Statos, vbo cou- amail quantltlea c ion wltb the w"r, g more stteut te thse productioù ot Sic k ail t.he eites turc I market. - Rocb__ ,,of Thom. J.l> gfi astnisd ailier day by lier, pro. iîlologleal, puunti ase, "thone ire i_*. ron't th.efa* s9 *0 latuthe bm el',. ~ ~ ~ ~ c M.opcnaaa od CoeaalpaW m U I,8.v machSki teDl. e.dccat ob M I diget a a e 70er ote yoerMd ae> baciw. _ _ _ _ uiUdo es pasaO- KNOWLEDQ W!Mgaoefot a mprivment sMd Ientoh9 m oaa1 m enjoyrlncae t v ka îtreby meproui1ity the vorilda betatproducta t. the value ta Ci lbofte pure U quid laxative principles enubrace4luihn --; 1 -Pof F*e im1 nct sdue te itg P---'t lu the forusmnet acceptable and'pIeai. &nt to the tante, thse ref reshing and truly beneficiaî properlies of a perfect lax- ative; effecually cleanmuing the system, dispclling caîds, headaches and fevrs sud pevmnntly curiug constipation. 19 hs given satisfaction ta millhion andl met wîth the approval of the medical profession, beauu'e it acts on Uic Kid- n.vs Liter and Envels vithaut weak-. cuiiig tht-m anîd it la periectly frac tram evcry objccti.enatile aubgtaure. Syrup of Fias lao for sale by aIl drug. gicla inU)Sc andi 81 bottles, but it ia man- nfaetured by the Caliiornia Fig Syrup CJo. only, vhase name inspriuted oneve ry package, alo thc nu me, Syrup ofi Figa, and being %wll informed,yjou wviInot accept any subtitute if offed. 11W Oreatest Medical Discovery of thse Age. k KENNEDYS MEDICAL DISCOVERY. m OfflENEY, of ROXDIRY, MASS, Has discovered in one of our common e stre weedS a remedy that cures every .îd ofHu moi', from the worst Scrafula down toas cammon Pimple. He has tricd it In axer eleven hundred cases, and neyer failed except in two cas"s (bath tiunder huntar>. Hc has now in his psesion ove' 1w a hundred certificates cfl auail wîthin twenty miles of Bos' on. Serd j ostal cari lfor bcok. A benefit is a:wa% s experienced from the first botti , anà a-perfect cure is %%ar. ranted when tire rgit quantity is taken. When the lungs art c,4,rted it Caus"s shooting pins, like needles passing through them; the Farme svith the L iver or Bowels. Pris is caused Ly the ducts bene stoppeJ, and always dsappears in a wee.< after ftkkirîg il. Pead tîk label. If the stomach is foui or bilious it wiil cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever neessary. Eat the best you cari get, and enough afiti. DOse, one tablespoonful in water at bed- lîie. Sold by ail Drugists. Inlthe EOyOmys of cod-liver cil its use was Iim ited to ea:iing -- those far *55.u:r advanced in consumption. Science soon discovered in it the prezention and cure of ConSumption. cf cod-Iiver oil with Hypo- phosphites f im nd soda Imrendredte u Mor v easy (f digestion aa.aata ISLAND'$ BILL.FINALLY GETS THROUGH THE HOUSE. r0ilaeters Ma. Thir atana, bai ta* Defdleek la Brasma.nditlte.111111r §*Wu- loeage Colsage Diu &AsAmena" laIsPessa 167 te 130. Tha MmueasVietories.. The lang struggle in the Hanse aver the Bland bill for the cona,,e of the si: ver teigniorage aisi tho silver bull- ton lu the treamury w.I a ended Thura- day by the puaire of the bill by a vite ai 167 te 13o, a ma*orlîy ln fat-ar ai the billaif 37. The ;pecial order te brlng the bill te a vote was adopted by a bare quorum immelilaîcy a!ter the House conveuied. Thism braka the oppo- sition of the fihîbaters sund they were pnGwei-leasto do auythlng further te place au obetaci3 lu theo way of the bi!1. AUl the amendments ofered te the measure hy Its appeînents we.-a de- fnated, the oue whlch polled Vie Inost votes being Mr. Outhwtites ameud- meut ha strîke ont the second ie 'lion. Tue iallowing lu the vate lu detail au thse final passage of tue bill, the Dem- Ocrats bAug in roman, the Republi- caus lu dtalicti aud populists lu SMALL Abtt. Ruloe.. rgan, AUkL EPes. i osas. Alderson, Fithsan. Murray. Aisader, Formnan, Ne ill. = 0(4 Fun#iou, NEWLANEM, or, a i lya, Pachai, Iet, Paytere, A Aaz Kbes. (loodnigbt Paateron DULL <Colo.> Uorian, Peuseon. »U (Taes). Orsd . Paxta, Ba o regbam, Pendiston (Toit isi(as),. Hall (Uno. Peuitielon blok ([ILi. Ri!an& ou. (W. va.), BDaud. Ume. Piktle-. eatac. Hrfsaen, POaI. lOint, ath. Price oie, iCaL). nad. Ieily Brh iadroNCaa M RdS Ohloi rk"ldge f rL).ffepburn, Bieaadson flr'ridge (Ky, getmtusea Micthu, Brou. s. 1Rchasrdson B r y s . H u t b e i l n . u s s e l ( G a . ) . 3un- . Jones. laere, Czb-l , Kilgore. bileil. Caaet, Erilib. sibiey. Cane )si. hl, sutepeoti, Carutil. Laey odaraae, Cachions. Lon-, Springer, Clark (Mo.). Latine-r. btailinge. Clarke (AI-)>. Larton. mlckdale. Cobb (AIs&>. Le.ter, Stone (Ky.). Cu'ekrell. LixIe. Sirait. Coffeen, Livlngst on, Sva son. Coms. Liap. qS eef Cope FiiMddox. amrl (L C.). Copr dai a ire. Tat*. Cor (Toi&&). Malory. Taylor (lnd.), ci, .ifa,-s. Terry. Crawford, Marsboal Trecer, Culberson. Martin ifud. Turner (Os. Caris (KIRa.C, M'earuplinunTurner (Va.), Davey Mccrsry iy..Turpin, rnvx, cCilci. T ler, De Arond. MeDsnnold. 1>eadock, besou. ODesunon, Wheeier IÂis.). oeker. cX,a I, N Whi.ilnt l)enean. ltllmn. Wilianne(Ut>. J)O<,faf le MoNgy. Wulame(Misa ~urter.w ilcRâte. Il'lot(Waah>. t--mud« àeridlth, Wise. Elîs(yl oney, Woodward-Id-. Ourugea>, Montomery. Adames (KY.). G"er, , Page. A ldrch. thar, Pane' Apslrv, , <eicenilalner, kj Aras-s t; S. 4Y.),. (rii., Bebock. Goîdier, Pigti. aker 1N. I.). Oriffin. Qnieg. ares., Oreu,, andIL. ý' ager. Ray. lm Ha. uer. Reed. BLtzhoover. Haines. R.~burus Blir. Has-ner, ùRo rosa. e. [olle, )-arter. Rysa. Dri" ner, Hu gt eberuserborn. us Il sce. &,antiv. lfse, saw. Cadmnas. Heedr.on (I L) Sherenaa. Hilllt Rt. slekles, ~,bl. Hooi-r<N. T.> Bornera. lIH-î,îs (Pai.),Sery 11u-eru . Huck, tevens 1u101.lin)>. Rlon .. MknhMo> .liont (d).Mte, W. A. Ooc..reU. Jifuisîn(NI. tor Comipton. Johoson OlîSras Coobe, W Jîip, sfru 0oopr:Wla). Krf c Taibo(Mii.. Cernîsil. Lapham. Tatce.. Cougtis. Lockwood, Trât @y, Covert, Loud. Vder,, loumnas. Loudesilager, an Voor Ai s(Oi Çw-fi . N. Y.> Lynch,. Wadaworih. pze>. Mynet IlWaJ ter a tue lx, eou ei0r befo est. MeAIe r, Waraer, Meta»l. 14augh,. titrer. McEttîrlck, Wells, ~per, MeNaiz. WPrer. )Je.îl,-jîhn. ler-MfL), Everftt. Meyrr, Ieoxmr, Flelder, Iintcerr. WieliMasàaj, F'leer. (.V.ll,-u Fru.1.- OutLwiate. The bill as j a *ecd wsu lu the nature ai a sub itote f or the original toxt ai the meaure. The changes do flot affet the Mat -rial featu! as of the bill, vhich provide for the coinageofa the sili-er aclgniaage in 3aTî easnry, the issue oficlive r certîlicates Lheu-e n if need bc, lu the disereti, n ai the Secretary ai the Tre îcury, ini advauee of the Gaintigo, and thoea'ier- the coinag3 of the remainder oi the bullion as faut as praclîcable, aud the ltat e ni silvar cart ficates tlitreon ta take the place of the Treasury nctas isu d îînde.' the Sherman unt. whlch are te lte ne- tired and cauceied as e.rpldly aï the coînaze takes place. Tii. changea made intee suhoti tut,3s! mply make spe- cific the fact that the Wegniar 1 elet be c,.iuad. and ihat thia bill ehamInotsai.- iect the redew.ptiou r-f the treasnry not.esunder exL-uting law. An anal ysi the vote by which the bill pas shows Ihat 141 Dem<arats,. 19Rpbllcans, sud 7 Populiste (total 167) votedl for il, and 10 Republicans sud 50 Democrat,8 (total 130) vatod againât it. Parsonai rarhe THE afficiai announcemeut Je Made ai the 1 etrothal ofuPrincesa Josephine ai FMauders te Prince Charaes af Hahen- sollern., THE late W. B. F. Fort, ai Wayne C ntNorth Carolina. was born sud ?csdo'n propei'ty faranted te hies an- oestars by George IIL THE Czar, Of Rusais reeently ad, that hie hlghest ambition lu thus lufe va. te treat hii subjecin that hlstory WOU!d sPeak af1hMM as the Peasant Monareli. TO.E Duke ai Cambridge la the only member of Britishi royalty who dcci. net pay postage ou hie lettons; bise c'tien as Comuunder-ln-chief of tre army exempts hlm. JrBsra TALMAGE SMITHE, Dr. Tal- mage'e eldoat daugliter, le not ýd amang lier aina'ntaties for her outopoken oioè"ns. Sli la wltliout hobeesuad Je fond ci home duties. Tiruthc Ring of Sa" hu.a a pal- I The pathette aide of Waasngtou- 11* itepiIo.-hunterm, vit Is e tarv- &ged, w!0,l&y by dey o0,e d go ln vain et the daeori f Ze departmnentaé, for the audience fta teer latecoule- lu 8omethinq 10 touch a hoart of atonée. You feés old mon going about the atreots, mumbllng to thems.lves, and fusnbllng-uackages of papere lin their overcoat pocketa; yen sme feeblo, de- crepît wamen, wuho ought to be lu nome ahe toring h me, dragglng thowelves 51mle. lY boeand there. waiting the Pieaur.ofa thooe busy mon, Who will use Iheir callers me day. Thera la another ciaE. of valters and watchers lu Waahiugton Who never give uPhope. Year alter year for ten, twenty- yjý, fllty -vear, ihey have bee Ilturning up, in aipeetatlan ai the aettletment of dlaim. by Congregs-and there là as small a chance of ever see- lng thoim disposcd of t iday am theres was Yeu-a agae, when they were first fled! Som ireo these men are to te iouud ln the- adjacent towns, whlther they have be2u driven ln search of cheair or igings. (jîhers live iu Wash- ington, under th, ver y shadaw of the damo oi the g reat build ing whence they one day expect victory. A WID)OWER'-sScltjon bau been formed lu Dresden. No man eau jolu unlese bIsis îfe le dead, and if ho mar- ri2a again ho becomes au honorary membor merely. One ai ths chiai pur- Po os of tle association in ta holp nowly made widowers by looklng alter their wivem' funerals and caring for their children. Lire or I>esthy It la cf vitall importance th"at I abomld ha understocéd by persans séiée.. kidasys ama in- active, that thi, condition orf tbisl ié fsniy Inductive of a e"@ f the orgafa wbersl Me bance lu the balance. friogsdiueaf a. Mg, bales. albusiinur.saaeail dissaaeofal&a uy obatinât. charaeter in their mature ~ and ail, bave a fatal tendency. Tbey mts bse the muet Pràctioed n.edlca khlU and the o.t aPproved remedien of malartia edica. Bat - - » ;, -- - tuic -Z ben the. kî,ib-e begin ta dbachafge theirft tise. InactlvelY-vitl. Hoatettere Etiomsch Bitter, the danserons tendeuey la cbecked. V«7 sec- ful, &IBO. ln tis honaehold medicine for those alimente 0f commun occurrence-constipatton. bIliounnes. dysnepsand ueryoaeners. It 1. IL Bfegnard againet maârla sud averti claronle rbeumnati am. CROTrON aqueduet i4 fort y miles long. Sonsebody'e Good. niae ,iur own trGubles the menus of belplng th. troubles of others fi a noble effort for gornd- A Well-lloustrted Instance Of liiit kii.d'y ayrnpatby Ia hown ia a lot- ter fîem lMr. Eno, h L ilanscon,. ýchool Acent Marsblleld. lie . au old Union sol lier.le Baye: -IL niay do ïeoniebody ameé good I0 stte. 1 amn a nan of 6) asd tabou 40 b.d a haîd knee and rhenmati.m set lm. 1 vast lame tbree years aud very bad tuaitt the.tintie. 1 got Et JaSobs 011 and put it en three Limnes and it made a cure. 1 am o novlgood healtÉt" THE tur nip came irominRome. A Co.sSTàNT Cocon, slvE FMZL&no STitEma, a. and Wantion of Fieelé, are symp- ion., denotlng Poitnooarr organe moare or les. eerlously asfe-ted. You vii end ,safe ren.edy for ait Lang or Tliroat-alla bDr. Dl. immne's Expectorant THiEBEi are sheet ion visitlng carde. ITUE TH ROAT -alure ru) a 2'>vchea" act dlrectly un the ni-gans of the volce- They bave an extîa,,rdlniary elTect in ai l dirders Of the throat- THiE peach camue from Pc-r.ia six TONS OF HAT FEa ACH& That 18 seldomrn iached, but whon Sal arao Extra Grass Mixtures are sown this is rtosible. Over fifty kinds oi gàransd clcver e )ta. Lareet graw- ers of farm seedi in the wor!d. Alsi1ce Clover Li the ha diest; Crim-u t( Juter la the quickest growi.g: Airai -a C1iter la the heet lertilîzinz cdover. whi!o Saizerso Extra Gragés Mixtures ma;ki the b 'st meadows lin the world. Ir Va« %% lui ut Thél.DutOu. d henI t Wih1c.p stage ta the John A. SalUî: SeedC.,a Cros'e3, Wtt., y-ou wilIl r- ceirae eeven packages grass and c1ot er arta ard hii mamm 1 h iarm seed cata- logue; full ai goud lhtug-. for the larm- e -, the gardener and the citizen. C TaU= la more Catarrh in Ibis section of trio ontrtan &Il noer disesee, put together, mdtrL tnh let lat e yre vs. enppoeed Lo bs incurable. For a trat maniy yesrs doctore pro- nuueed il Boai diamm, sud î.rss r> b.d local rumedie. andi by eonstantly frailt bcr vith local troalmeant, prououneed lncrle Science bas pruen catarril10te bca onattu. thaIdlesemd thardrforetimqe cou titu- ,fata Sment. Hall'@ Calarrh Curae mana- Watsusd hy F. . .cbsney & ce.. Toledît, blu, le ishe &las iéeté ltnn- OnoulmarteL IL ti«APOOnful. It acts dlrotli' upon t. i.. od antImueons eurf&ees f the seémé. They offer eue hundreti dollars for kny cae iLt flla La cur. ilend for circuls,, and testitoonlal.. Ad- tzeeeï. y. J. CIIENEY & Ca., Toîrdio, 0. M-Soid liy Dgn«aîs. 75é, Hosi's Sarsaparille PURIFIES The Bl'ood Tt Ongbt ta Batiafy lier. Mr. Wlckwro-I dont kuow whether I ouglit ttoul you, but 1 wan $200 iram Br'igs last night playiug poker. r. Wlekwîre-Ol, how nice. Naw you cau &'Tord ta get me that nov drisse Mr. Wlckwire-What an unreasan- abi. womau you are. i ehail do noth'. lng ai the k i d. It ought la be satis- faction eetaugh to you to know that Mrs. Briggs wont ho able to haveaa new dncs.-Jizitanapoliis Jourun1. Wozderf'aliy Flue Wlt-s. Platlnum and silver can aach ha drawn luto wire many tImes fiuer than hum.un hair. The former has beau dIrawn inito wiro; set fiue Ihat tan of tham could h. twisted together intoa hollow of a bai. ELEt-nun- amb lancea a: e ta b-e lu- trodîicd tîy the city authorities oi St. Loulz, the varicui street railways of the vity having consented t) ahlow them the f ree use oi their tniek,. $4 to Califosla. This le ont sleeping car rate on tbe Phîl.. lips-tRock lcland Touriet Ex-ureiens fren Chitcago ila Las Angeles or Eau Francisco, via the acaeule route and Ozden. Yon cau go vitli t'hiiips. the best o!filIexcursior managers, for lie bai eacli Party accon,- pauleJl by a spec:l a aent Who goe* Lb.e es tire trip WiLb patron& Thec e prsonaliy conductel excursion§ icave Chicago tole a weet. Tuesday and Thiu raday. We have aseo a dally lourlat car service. via ureSouthecu routa.thbrongli the beau-. tif ul Indîsu Terrttory and Fort Worth to Los Angeletsud Ean Francisco. iIbo tour- lst car rate via this route, lthe smre. Ap- pI, at Rock Islaud ticket office, l0i Clark atreet. John Sobastan. CL P. A,. . LL à P. Sy.. Chicago. whlch Willl Yot De? A farta renter or a farm owuer? Tl rilst vIth Four 0etL Blay uhere Fou are and y, u lb. a renter aIl Four lifa Nove to N(ebraska. where good land in cheap aud cheap land le gocd, and you eanonsai lY ho- coca nu sneor. Write to J. Fraudia, G. P, aud '. A.. llurlingtun Route, Omahai. ?teh. fer descr1ptive panîphlet. Tt'@ free. auj sa Postal lliibrinq it in yen. Aauc tof .novy vhuleeei;necil pure se alsb.-ter; comllerl,,n liteie b bish o! a vras h, paireîntzed (Renns SuIphar b5aap Cnît.ORs CONScIII TION a (1IB %a old Ou a rnarautee. It cures Inciplent Con.unp. lion. Tt1la the test Cough cure. 20 cents, 60 conte sud Si. 0& Fa Olchester" Spadinq Blota. lu allier eolum. PlT'4-AII Ft.s tiitilas Vre. Or.Kils'..G-et Seveifenl.. et. No Fite .1k-ýr firud.dya»e . lr esoscuis. Trvtia sud 82£0 trial tle i. l. S'il Cam&e, Sed tuDr. Llas. tMI> Amb t. pli là. F. DOUGOLAS 43 SEOE heu .1c fa,29.1-ea wurid. Nsnse and1prc !d on the bousin. P--y ,aci-sted. Tai. se suhet . eSes local papm afecf.11 iecipiuseof ou. mstpIiea lisqs fat atnessd g t= = wie I.luga De._Yen cmges lb esi samdSrMsj Tho Puzzle solvet. Perbapa no local dlseasa bas pnzxled aud baffied tlie medîcal rofeasion mors than nasal catarrli. Wbii not Immedîately fatal It leamon01 the most nauseous sud dlsguatîlus Ibte flaab la heir le. sud the record@ showvrty le.wor no casesof rad 1- cai cnre of cbtrulecatarrItay sel, of the manY modes of treatmeutunutüth laitro- -duction of Ely»* Cream Daim IL fev ysacs a.o, bTheanceesoi , i;prapareationbat been mont grati!yiug aud eurprliug. Fat-naou te.n to Sut. Wilil ali ny veat sud fruit land of 4,800 acres et a bargain. lu tracts to anit, Threa thonsand acreà lu vheat, tood lieuse, and haros and wval) atarad. Splen- did climats, Near the. bsn of Harrlnm.- ton.lln .heBig Beud counutry of Washlug- ton, on Great Nortbere iialivay. Average wheat Yîeid lest Yocr 25 hoahes per acrm Address JAY P. OsLAvus Spokane. Waab. G ROCERS recommend the ROYAL BAKING POWDER because they de- sire to please their custom- ers, and customers are most pleased when they get the best and'the most for their money. ROYAL BAKING POW- DER is absolutely pure, goes further, and makes better food thananyotherleaveriing agent. aewi R LessLensOfi 'Moher and Chndl4 "My Y r uuing MoLuuaOs Fami' passed throod Ihcoreal with littie pain, wus atrougmu aone heur hi a week after tise hirtis of her former iblId. tu -J- J-.-McGOLaaeF, Bcan Station, Tenu. ý -Moitias' FitIax Ilrobbedpab d ia uire, and ahoetened hw 1 bave tIhealthiest chld I 1ove, a &a L à«. Anas, Onabsue, sSt by ep Ila car1 p r 3% OSreoelp21= 11Mo, $&.JOpt oM à*"S by AU DreaI0aSu. Rm"ULUm ci, Especially fon Farmers, Minera, R.PL. Hmîd. -an.! b«e. extendlng dovu ta the beet EXTRA WEAW$N 1 Thousaudt, ai Rubhan Boot *earers testiy Ibis la these.. i Agi Jsur duler fOr tle, sud on't bo permuaded Into anlaf The "LINENE" atheBesan CM oetï Thay aa tl bely geodamade tiat a uaiI-draeaumd smas euas esa la pm Try thein. You will like Ibein ilo e, wesr vel sud fit veL . versible ; bolh sida, alike ; can awnIic as long as any other co When one ida.las oilcd usa thse oller, lisafi Irow ti way sud takea sfreai4 kik lhe Desim ,fer tlim. ld fer ag cts uir àU0« a fS a a or e-Pive Pàk A S.ole Cli.. snd a rsbfCe.nuf -1h sic ýef. A dý i phrs it-g S<a, e (sW.*d inm Sait fhum Broie 014 On Our tile afri'e tbac.Ber hande eiled sud blilters formeti and tiaer brcke open, The Itchingand burning senstion vas terrible. Heede BSaraparlia cqd lier. 51 la ant ber 2«si ftsud smot4ý, v ~ a.s.- w4 6.vsya -Ut.- - hasas-.-laId aasdW f-a ta Iast a b. .rso ttti*:..a îwot- -altdt uh. - lil Issaaiy e,..,. s..y 1%-*

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