jadel ett lItuiyiiiae wu eaKuny. o»et tà$ debutantes of s o ies Zh le ar fiJA~ MARacl #. 189. tI.atnddto kmeep tut theoir........r.l..... To know bow a borns hala, Imnn how terof "Brave Phil Kena.y." ddughStearrt Uer w u a atm vrycf ttte4b Cs on d tor aee p it ofte tm ~ 1 Our Clubblng List. ' ouwould hel inte ame condition. My. Pierre hswoiIard. Jr, InawayinPari weu&le ba oly18er s a aUold.' ' ' Cntatdfra et~o h P«Fo thre aecomwnodittioii of snch of iIf more judgment were used. our ColoOr lànd 1 1mre tnainy Lber me n de a r~ th 4n ots. Amela E. arr the novesles-~LA G S A O B S me p mEPyiNQ ribelserasdesire tl try roaeda o legratly improved with. Womiafl who stîlrtis 1hm ollC-et a ltwrbdlg"nî iesl Ibte! oy lotîter publication for the eu. out any additlonaa expanse. tiofla. ~~~sots are &Il flunliled anmd a grave in weIi ngyear, with thet INDgI'ENDE)N',I a From theage of 234yeara well bred colt, M. Annie S utn h el lce earned." -'*NIIEDn.i'.s in fllwig reprprly bandied, sroid do enotmgb work mayor of Pleauantomi, Kan., ta descrîbed as It ln alteged that William Waldorl Asn- o i ' î n t izÎus. ulimre iiisPoe Breeti fur bruîms as weli as apeeti, as It 1.,t; l mit" ette, Budget and MagazIue for the firat i- deeredho.me tfllimtiiieorhatiato be amoney wlnmer. i A. Frost of the Orhodox ckurclmalt Little- 1 'T. B. Hardy. the artiat. recntly made a n. .-t P r tfo iob s.... IWeeXtra Onles cal' lie ilsttet-tll "le"' b3 Wlîîipng Imakes corifirmet aitera, be- ton slm te lIrst wonan preaciier of the Con- îlketch ln charcosi of the pool below Lonr- -., . . deductiîîiË l..50 fiî.iu'Ille Idices iranle'! eau ýîw le orse Connecta the pain wlth the gr4g.iional cburcb lu Massachusetts. (ton bridge, witb the ahips, the tower, the \Vhichell W ti3 ti't'L(I('1'rs lu it hUIDIR te Sru club rates: object oa itbs fear-aud la more afrali oi it IMms. 1ancy Gliman of Ncr lintIî,l"ire, water, and the aky la lu. ail in 10 minutes.,- l'ttrmr'Or t~itherealter. wbo lm iit ber ulnetieth 3'eitr ..iî.i.11r Mme. Blattc la credîted i wth telling an 'Sl.selipiol i Palid iii i v nefor 4>8fliaam. .........t 2 W 31 50 l pi asbyirrg or irglitenh ors 100 signatures to a woniar.'qs .ir a.' peti1- Interviewer recentiy that Bret HarLe la, of _________________ * ~~a'oIiiterOt'can ie 2 2 ±, seneless and cruel. Pain does not relievetontlmpeetdtieuiîuiii'. alheAecnutrso btmte1 GE 1 S A B O In eeki. () 20 frght, bu ateasriîîg voice of a kînti Mm . yrat Holmes, a yaiig % im oifa most liopilar in France. andt hat Howelis1 C N S AB O ut,." e'i iiIio4 IlivrIdoa1.Plymoumth,. Mass., anti a rnia' i' uit tfi-- iria ittu geîrerilly liketi by the Frencli. 40iliao Nerr4 al. ii.. ......m "] 4 w . aatcai n ttu ut htîiut.PiiGibr aetnviaatrt'OF 16 PA ES EACH wc'ki......e 2 , I Anre are oîany trottera tnraucan'ttoliRtcai n f h aetme I"t Pii iletHmrowot r rt lieai.> dul, etis ~ ' îe 'i#1Ia adit ulaamimeo true thit, tbere are mny auccessfui recrutus Lu eiocutionarr ,iui.'. Ingg ave Pc etit îoany wcrk toles truggltng , , T ms, ee'ki3. 1Ill i 2.31, trainers tiiat caut train anti many drivera Mrs. Mary Wriry of Fairhuîry, Vis'., cete- aiter theie ntelecîrmal lite. la a bg, broat i (j\'eî ud t, 'ofîc- '%) ul- îs Requl .. 8 .. la that clui'... - drive. ibrated lber one iunidrt'd auisecondîti irth- mluiire'.i Eiglisiiuînan wbose 30 years res-iý ---.-.-- tiazari trth'tiui.aîiarrehlisravîr.d . 4 M)gia".ts aiand piutis nticlitilîte piecing al. Pétio&]î iir qlits. ludBiay uto !"ol'g AND BUCOEEOING NUMBERS EVERY FRIOAY TI.EAA'Ui JurOi a i-mttn i eral excellent popet.Mrs-c;orge W.Chitta.viîiow oi ue late Biiekviard." is 44 y cars oni. He was btirn Krii arnri, . 'an anti horse ar-e wonuerfuiiy alike. GeorgeV. Cilili'.î, wii.hber uii',la at théeat t'iicolwee FaII4, s'as uducated iut Lmioni UUrd New Vurker i ii t7.1',Whiîîever .istresses ane wotid disiresthe 1101 ati lBouseu, N,1rv York. Itlm lui iroired coliege andi admitusi to tht'. bar au(i't1ring- @oL-mitlicAmriu....a . -i t, 411other. Gai leigneul bem to liethe betof thiat is 'tiiilt.s ildecide ta ive pernî ' fildit, Maes. iris notet work lia'. heent ran»- Uio Ign ai, W. t(K. t' 42- *, iend, arndlta abuse alhorme la iean anti nenuiy lit ubat City. tledin rto atruomt evcry iartgutge. Westerniralot........ ... , t 2 x' coaaruity 1to te lat tdegrés. Miss Nara Kave ai Mercer caunt V. Ky.. s George Sailli uie 'aild tiat so long as e Tout '& .impiiiii,,n, n- 1 idto 10uha eairiifui. 2'2 yamu dan ia rd w a re , lun w a riM A ëerican Triter ..'... . N) i -i let a horme tlbat corîld I rti a 240)gait on furai pIrfett y 53 nitncîrhrýu. Site lamarîty carne to nie an the day 1I uistcimy awrî Bredt!"zter" . ...re2 llo 2'15 rthe roai tlbat tii'l tot need biouts tthaniore teet t0it cehigh atd r4eiglis 56 i ulndâ. wingA." t-orge Stid wa'urenar.,abte pam iedad ,j 5wic ildg t h at f1 seconda te Hertauther là a farmer. arorg Freimbwournnfor' buving thelicreat- H ouse Furnishing Coods, MiiNTHt Y.i the tile fater, but whuath haltu hab ariiiei.l Nfrs. M*illianiletts, the nes' woiiaiî uep- et otinrî andthie'lialecstifeet andnolfidsof Americ.an Àgmi'-ltruraîîu-' 1 -, 2,61 ita tI points like anaitod tinte warrior.- outy UriediStates fiaursliai aut Ciriciiiti, is any af tblnt 'era amt...___ 1ii 11_ITurf, Filid anti Farna. te seconti wonian uo receive ait au)Iîaiîrt- W~licu .Jtoseph Kepplrrevisttetliena Iati ohy....... .. 4 ut, * 4 sr, aent of -the kind, the fitlrsu iirg now tn is native City, a few years ago. an editor' a5xi i A e> X ai FOOT LICHT FLIOKERS. service ti Oklahomia territory. ulîcre offereti him a aalary o! 5O'O inarks A, ~igiki Ie'Poua, uiuii y 4 -] II Enrsa E. Sickeii,one oftheu-Chicago woiit- year for fils servtres-im amolit deemetiR c S '.0Ua'MIii >...4 It] 4 K, John C. ltice will appear ln farie comletiy en wlio foun.ied the actiotrifor îrîdiu'ati auoa, neti'ne,.Tiarit,~ti l g a~ ~ .± a'z le H ne u-e iî 2 t h wibCliarI'-.. Ho y n xt seaon. m Pine }idge, fbas ret rneti to C icago to i vCira l &L u s l .ler rrm arlued ulat lie was , 'èLaazinoeSizîe _iii.... Cliarlt'sCogllan bugins bis ntarring tour' aiter traveling ail over the r'.ilîlest pr.a tSil aksaJa uNe oa~ 8erlnor,........ ie Il a sacity comedy entitteti "Diacagageti." the rret ainne on horsmeback. 'le Initiac - ~ imtttàig '0- ',>r.t', Al nvt,.wJe"e)ýtm lways treated ber well. Ao( , S -A.YENGER. .Ir~ gin thi4ô.i ,g.-,, t, .,duW,.iThé nai-ne uf %.iier"o Vampttau .t.i... ... Yorkthe laonMifs. Héoruy Ôlleslîiit J__ l Heny Gy Crleon nd Olie My f Nw Yrk a mnonmou vrthevirytliîtg Ifthle P'îrls)-.oiir hroxirg stall continue If vnudir ire an>' pertu t cl-il o Lien- John Iryi'y Coman eton anti Olive ChM - itof harSIe bu eltwes at the present rate, tlite mniv'liomariage%% tloned ini te auir-t bet, cill iiion r ad-'îCao ma oy cmanidlu(i ident ai thee citAaide relief fitr<iîuiedatiuo tht'gurluOilire aitihandi' have tinte to remt Libe -yv vile,-TIl Aresus, asir e cau give y'utm spt'i i ve lrl le ly "h le fdévote% a grett dccl of tlier fiie to thlinl- beurreen cenira-'hlîilhaCali. A.lFrJV .', L rates on aliy pb a ii itleiriit. Ar lîy bnmet'a w-0 itha v, "'fieoralere-o! urebutf the training sclioots. Erery evul ereti vagabondlsho hurie a _____________ Aric,"lia mt wtha vryfavrut1l r- iss Fay Fuileroft'tacunta, a (hall glter of boîa b au aneiody dtring thue nexu IQ y'.ai- 0,4M. & St. P. Ry Time Table. Kitty itanchturd ttaikitt iasm "i aeltoo Lact, eeiuyMm.upiiidaii onreuu a n i Iiit's ave1 11u ,P a d S heetiron 'Job W o rý the perlous test of clirnuiîg Nlourlt laco- gérasuant uthîe txpenîse Oif ahuet>-'u Go, t;. 'iiîNORH John Drew's Companty, tus acditg one to u Anierica'aniost dilticuit peak. lullm a burit Dispateli. u nt aIn-. r'ni. pni l.rii ta amiy party, for lier daugliter la Sidtney , -14Hi hg, 'ieiu !M~atattt oa ea D rw 10 wfe«grni ld ourt, owrin 14444fee hgh, Thefat ofM.wailth dNeatneesst D neandhNeDispaadtch.ach Chiegun, esvt':III Ili() 2M> 2 s> tiAi s- Dejsw,.w-ithglaciers extendîng ifar tp tus base. Lave a déterrentinfuluence on M. Breton. à1emmervitte S$11>1 4" 2a iCe _> Boston la Lo bave a prnductinn ai the A brave wonmanm la Sister Margareu Lerme, But if M. Breto~n shouldtomeas ii. eat il; ______________________________________ .leerfield 1.u1t' 42 1;31t4n :L> "Passion Play," but t lt ta given by the ai whout spécil mention isartmadei ail the ntight bave a restraiiing influentce on sorte « Evaset S42 ]il 511s3'l I 21 :uIF prppets af the Italian Marionetue theate reprsuo h eetrvl uteCi-oeem.Ayo twudrsri nouoli Mp 1 ýr : U- Il35 e, nd orchaity 1eroonia. Sister Ma'rgnret, revolver lu bandi, Brei.,o.-Nt-w York Advertiser. War'rsntOn Sr 17 writing for John Drew la an Anieritaît 50- ing te> tend tie wounodeti, wliomilsie baud- affecteti by the bioody 'xaiple di*pLayulEd h u d-v - Gweile 4 Ki i ciety coniedy. ant itm provisionai titie le ageti anrit a perfect bail of bull-,ta, on tie guillotinme but a shoirt time ago. NUsiau-iv'",OIl' 14 Henîry J. Lelie witl pu-duce ttext season speut n u.iisemankoult antiuiiilly onm tortety wbic.l uite sure cotuat-uuence o! a.-- 1juiN', '"ii lu -a mu.sic draina cait 1'rcalleoth Le claritica o! cvury descriptiort. MisAlta lhorrible Crimue. Hearnoni aill Dot reaClit.'i anui îuîî a i n.p ~. Iibok ui wbichlm s iy Aluphonse Datuet and H ockefetler suiportsandsud p1erit-ntd'.a theni, Exuerlnilltillm glasucietys ouly ulieel ,e Biî/et. i auitpris-att' tospiî.al etif-ter uuwn for eli- rtiueliY.-WVahiittor tr.' W"asworlh t4 '1'1 t7pm ' l'eutd 1tiinîestut' a r o tue revîvedil ai cte r'.om'.nî, au s-hichihile fias- iiurtaiit- lu la .tificult to anaiyzthie cfiurrcter o!f Ourmiet m is14 theStar then-aier, Nu-w Yorki, for a ratirexi nitît,givei eu-t-y week tauiitve,th te lu-a îii~iar'ke Vaillanît, te Pari'. bonibtlitos", Warenmaon - r ' Ils'.-a'on ntttr the engagemenutni-is ut N'. Il. vatidut. er. or that, uthre on iit '. oeuglit to lRnedout Uiveru ~Iwt.arrise. St'NDVîliti" 4 *.ULet i l)leki in. A r. Vî , ii :lI- i t Iff. RODdnst9:d a ni. Ari«.li, ril.I'- i Siiî.m la',lt'n-lr tle2 ' ,pini Ari-, Voix mit i lit 1i11, Je. koraotd'i15 p. ni. Ani,jt lx, t n i ine ttO . M p ) ni.4 tlmn~î tir Iil I. u'.ni. C", 45l' 45in) 4 , s1 i ..Ic 0.1.1.isthat (1.&)ii",'lia tligin, Joliet& Easteri TIME TABLE. NORTHi. STATIONS. t50'NC Ligni ar an iî tiikguti lu-'ilt .:43 pui.....Iiîuiti.îiiuil.uuli 2.» li . . . . Uêîti irîrr'ti . . . . - pui. ib pin, ,il -y1~,in. i, '4t i vi ....i. nl ......t 1:6 lttt n ..... Sjairutli11 -.... 4140 mm ......'.'îJoliet......r S-y-dne-yBouilth,'.tua1' l ii b g tiru' w rit', i bat le, t' ut t-cui ittN <t of kAtr Aîlr ni uru N r ir r, r. hli r t ii,' e t A trrtll- it'nNi uf -i.ruIle-G inuita"kit the' protince tu eus'upera, ' -, It i ora,' book tuy Ailot f PliillIi p aîuutAIt Nun uîîn anîd nic tby LI,i rg KE'ng uiu-r. 000 FACTS ABOUT AMERîCA, St-vert 'ut ie.,' tIo wt I ara '.t.i-ig î' birutiuaya. i tguI hiiaiit AU tue iuuier', uittuei-i-araiîit of lu- dt'pelidt-clbil uo l IIi r, TIelîcal ut a a ith t in snt açpeur lu anîy Coin of the Limiiuîu, i t-rii. Se'. cîtst rte-,]ltuernoituu.ttoes-'- rouXN'. flarrpsitre., Nexw tris ,SiNrthi Uroliurm oblo, 1rîti taî i'i."i uidTu-xa. Siatisticin. du-tiare thai the Iiuian pop. niatn i s neaurir-as. large itsliy uai t s'i' te thîie nofuColiubiu;uîî'.i1i-itvtht Nonrt h ie îl- îîii niani r. ut 'utrulîlih ing rare. "The Dimnri %a umuîu ui nior a .'.amip lit att; ititbet - i i inîmat andui iibiLîtiluv. luis o beut rifill st i o cltireur ma t er anud tit LiraIt hivm pli e-oit t i ie itcict tcuntuleiit, sanie peuple uinuttaint. "Niuuihuai' 1not ttlhtiiala fmp of Nerw'Yuork liutu, huitt',ait r, ru iv t ruxeaý'o to a Stianîi'.uî rgitial-mita., 'dniuken. nu-s.:" ituti duis. tiuitî. iioala ittries, -'the pist iai true '.- -' Ntaiuluî ii.uî la hi the Inî(iîa î fui tni i i '.iti1he nr Ixn ler- THE SWELL COTERIE. t'eittcs iî itac'luio ii,-iirbi mu, uîil iin i,lî- >4 iil] louiîglhileetirilfit mer, ttiii'uiiuîit-itîur~f-,r u;ur:rugiu'es lut liti -i5uht ii ix i ami iitîri-t taley aRveîuge lits du-arhl Inthtle lu -m. ticate. Se>- Cit i-t lias oui)riikltnnofai lrtecttliig ieif lignit u ittiieti- Ibeuath tua.', rîîmtefi îrs for i uitu xîr,îtr-.r>- i.l:al .xctii.î,ii aggr tà uic, t lie uati git n iî (Ir ii' eu,tu l ti M.Il i ti B li, o.a Fzrench-Ii aurtist r'.lia ti.rý-i'. a lioliti ti,, t -iafi, iîthiîht.-iiutro iiuutîltr, '.ar's t tat t mnkeui niadi lt extnt'to boi.lt-i tr lie udies,'.uîe-i a o iliu.tilua 1uru t' ix iiiniîî .i.t'au, ni -r 'r iîurtie- 1r'.. I ti-v ini(jttef r. iiîri itrcîir y i)rîimutlî- txçllî-dtilk-î,f îurimîi, kîrts are staii 1i mýou ,rtc, uIwsot rer r( AI.l-tî , fIii iii'.jluuisirt,,u-mi out'linyc u..la"IuteYtutC.ity ii i.r rtu'ur iiisiiiiîit i a it-ý,. xxlul,- ,iinsurui's are wîxen inuri oc widtr. led iagonrit .,CURtOUS C>JLLINGS. 11ricik aiilii l ace r îuseit ionîls of ecury na'. tiese iriuuhiiig-w l bt biihilt) î. ru-ii.;rî-i lu pt"') t Ii.ct-n tfor ii, ruule in vorem in i(ii tîii'. fi omne ru,' .,i.rus'i ic-te'. tl ugtteii a31 Preti y hoi, -trri'tai-e n, '- ti'.pthîî *dî 'Aenîcrn 9tngiiit ..itri'..-i ilt' StaLara niadte ut silit. pliriIlie sahtinru iirab'. a'eiiet l lstrt I i tr ifliu- '.a"Iiail î,urth,,ii out t - i-iitcii.r r îi lir ,ui r t hnurecotr.tirk aaid, iaklng a sort id glu'. wtuie c,luir\ xii ol i, -lu ucr'.i ci petuitiiii., etc. A noig the A ouii tri bu-.i n J apiti. a lîeardt J. Patter , 'it'kt-tirtas ruoiîîrg a bit utof eni'iirnu- o nueu-s-au-y tu, Leauny that the ciitr,t.iiu umlrru-kirt, o%ýr utne-s m tice uuiointattioi Surir t.ic.-stunD'aie Up boui Iuu4huI '.iuii îîîtitupu-icavnruînîy for uliir kbeardile-'.rucss. uîItîîutu-ui icriivtiur-. ufthe s-sasgoan- 1Iii uluen tintes. tuemayor ai leict'ster, atlg Etiglai, '.r' ttuieeni iy a sîîw. The' Cani- Exhbitonslove lriait ben adeofdateasutMt nfi seitihtincet'. eti toidirig lts 17'lilrtorî lii huni-ily leu- mai abt fuîil!fbeaas mLihua i)I, antiie sisse hatuti'niue iinClure- ofiii îiîalks for '.prtttg iee'ul otayor front w itaîcbat the' sos' ut anti rumtmner w eu, tii. tijîni t yfor the tm tontner ui- i'--,,iriug ltindei'sVevenitg color- tngs and elle-ct'. - There are sonne qiteer rignu' abount New' e iThe aiiiininiu-n. ît'au i xstî sos a general Yoîrk, Lunt a si.grt n tîte Boxsery, wienc a -eia aitecrldotnsftel ah kulli8l ii-,cd ho illustrate the .ienthit's art, revlviitu tc r u-îu'i îîtuuns'i nlueoll ari-wuii d Lielin-:t ty ..ifflt ite dutplirate fîîr îou'.-d ît3 ie,îîut of great oIniirvet qmliiy -Iitie iîrîeîdti k l inrory, crean ii jle ogi$atu Vu.B'tlcui 1 tte 'eui and pale yer-clas' ur tanîîculor; aiso dimite.Frn $ L it. . 2 ;li, DON'TS FOR FARMERS. nutrseilîns, enuloni hetforri cot-ti ete.-Nevr - - Tana Yok 1Post. t'n ii Dont try t tu lease youîî%v-il.I imOit Don't appreciate unie thiiig sic idues. - SIMPLE SALVE. 1 2-* pniu Don't beip canefortie ehitrct. 'uaLis Olive oi s Dow% beinig given for st-ute 3ýtinpu wbat yau got lier for.1 - i t> o Dt eer lan ayuerr nl 0 u. thaht Doni, leep in a warm room If you want ______ tak lir teaoyentetaînîcu. .te lie free tram b eadaclieesant bave a gioti DOui't ha sut piacdt u relidi that the mu- coumpexioni. * joity ai Imsane wonmenî are farmers' wivea. %ee-ene aacrj i aIt fpr Dan't get thc bunket ni water troma the »apr ntea s i mani a taoteofa peol cistern wbeu aaked. Anay ane cau pnmp yaur porea ash or etbco co anho ialitr'15. IFor lnflamimatary rbenmmatîam disolve Dan't failta l nviteu conpanmytW dtntr on Imta a psuai arr-et ail anctamince o! puir'er- Suuduy wtbot ietting ier know so aabe Izeti saltpeter ant iaoromghly ruli the partsa can have a day for reat. affecteti. L a C >,lon't ail tel ask your 'tde if aie seunus Dr. J. E. Iluxley of Madstone, Englaud. l yuta do til the borsework wten ale aska tinka i e bas bait upon tire natural i'emety 09 you ra put allme wood in the îstove. for sîepilem.Iteas ul, in bmici, t curi D b Dnt wondem- that yoîmm food lias a pecul- under tira daubes like a kîtten or put thém rwm= lar fiaior fori an Lis eanedtinblbasted bieati unter tire wlng like a ben. fuve iopes sigla o!disappointmeut, etrtC Any one troubîti nitir pimples airoulti ai ont neglecu asking wliat abs bas daoua avuiti bathig tri coiti nater. Talus plenty itele. iluhaIl the egg anti butter money, for It of bot battaisîtnd gir-e the eruptiaima a chancre fum. nitI more thon aupply tire table, belp pay to canne out aoftthe body, fi tbey nmulot oome 1 tLe irred mian, get the cildrcr batiks and out au ait. Wa8h tlie face lu bau Waater, lties, ete--Stockman. wipiug It vrmy gently. DYSPEPTIC DIGS. ELECTRIC 8PARKS. Soute people are neyer au baume util tirey The aider the electric lump tire more cur- art away from irne. remt la requaîred. Wiren a moasn oreason ta trust hlm- A itystetn ofai gnaiug tram tire caPtain zel!, iru trusta lu luck. of a veasel tire englneer by eiectric blla ,Tire moue a ma MY*tira aitener bire h ra m eem I nvente&. ilable go omtruditt immeaLi Neariy ail of tire eectrcal luvenulonu, ex- Tire tr-oubl4e with gIvng wonten gpetlng ceptlng thse ligbtnlng rot andl the ielgrapir. oaey la tr eyapaulIL.bave conta In use Munee the Centenumial ex- igavty 0 mi onmaMred woman ballevus posilti. kt f wl ts amsteJWalimof ber. jA atciermelat brmcacht uriaim ! a W'i fmtblap et temSrow, but pk7tlug eecttriety ge moiehay rmk -,--»sand urays. Thia te a ds'vlopment of thue 7«ell.e@Min amrlge-4a. irtuibsba émem n muftiv .. Ît. 5 aLmm tu 1V a m .f niaiet ntra by thie iever ending sounds of music piocending tramtlier beart. Medicai experts altao'dclarm uhat mualical tons, lu a bigli pitei, cau habe ard proceedlng front the wouiaa'a beart.f FlN, FEATHER AND PUR. Ants bave a regnular system af sports, In- clndinug racs. Australia barbare ane apecies a! kamigaro no largar uhan a rat. The gtornacit o! a deati ostnicir at the zoo of Clifton, llnglamd, cautalusti a prayer booku, a pencîl caue and two rarndkarciefa. A breed o! ciricluens wlth fur in place of featirera le a ad W lie the reauit of a Jap- nome s centint'a efforts W crostire gulisea wlt tire coninon barnyard fowl. A Georgia uman kîlieti a smapping turtla and ats lu aiter tbrowing tire beau over lato tire bacit yard. A tew tisys alter tire tur- tiels ed cauucht a chlcken and heMlu i un- ti the iowl aqualieti for irelp. 1Tire shar ithie tstent fimmur of the flair tribe ovr long diatances anmd hotu mno dîlflulty lu keeplng op wlti tire awitteut vesails, swlnmntng anti playlug round tirent, anti evar an the lookont for morsels, amail or large. ________ TREES. On the plaina of Mamre tire la on oak uner which, legend maya, Abrahamn reated. Tram pleutinir on thes strene of Orisado, FI&., la encouraget byr a bounty of 5W centa Tire tallow tree, wilcir producea a klnd of fat, la ana of tire umoe"usoinil trae la China. À thousamul acre orcirard ai, Tremont, Kmn., teiouging to Jude Welbpuse, lunlie. ilevaul te be thé Imigs.-tuthe wed&u I fil t.. i- : haptors (1(-% t.i tit)..' slixck l).'jrtnill n i.. lttcr s >la Ildat Iliî.re ail 1 'tt, ik i-il- t:.k.i y11)Il ,i v ..f îalie¾, l1a i1îryilg, n fed q j v. ai a i iî'unlr of hr11,rat'ion oîf 1i,-'iil*î, tii-1 id> lf * tI.'.'Iiîfl<U t f t a1_1 i:; i t i oitL.'r ï,Ii.r.'e i a, 'r-Lit te farrner. * h;, 1 1 e .1 f u t'm i lin o r ' mi r o 1,i as it t,.'ort' be'în -Iît .q.. r ..l. l1 rti .tnîîut Lax e ;iu~'i.î i ofe&ýioiu.d1 r , . O [.z, i r i. r, . %%wlioi tLa%'.". i îîr r t, ' e.;.'.î.ly iiablte. Tla soi4,dopâai t : i. !oiie on dairying and iea iscf ril le Mpli ses t ' '204) pagPe , iiithii3041) illi ut ra tiiîi IVilixiu Lalrrahl'e, Ex-G.oern'r (<fr iy a, sriy 'i -1 harvt'exainined i wlt iiii, I unre11' i.Sitandîaid Hors,' ail st t ... .. l. ",iî' o ax'ýLnowledg9 îlîy h:apl i<'il 4 fiti niel is :s :î gri': W F!, il,,uii vf or the benefit of ow,îýi'4 uftihat ci,", ,f jrîîîcrr' întfi r 1. iu, ,' i nialmil V Il, slli he in- rat,îaitc tir thoiiie, iîîîd ;il ,hlor.,c, i îî ,a d i rrili every perbon fi i lI% a iw ho ow'ns cither, cui,:,ldLa% , th boo.k atitîiai.ifor ei~.tto Tite Leadlng Agrl ullu" I Paper in te tsays:--Thotugh cousltnl- tionîally oppoise 1 to îî,r.îuaillvI:u. booîg u.iksii'or ttîîs.et ' 'e Standard Ilorste andl Stock IHook" is a rr'ork of stit h rare i"iîIlls îhili lis entltIed te an excop. ion. 1 inritate flot to gix e it my fuîll andt lie iry iudorseulienL ft 19 it a nui'ssof unconsiderod trilles, hutitUedtiogtthî'r it) make a cheap auiboetIwol 1.o on tk, but is a r urk of TRUE MERI'r, EVERY ITEM being prcpare<t. andl befoît' publication, e\pertiy ex\anined, .'riticiftd, anad co ly twelve practicai vl-teriîîar'y surge'ons. No sîrch work, embodylng no rellaiie antd valîralîle information, aund so elaborately einbeilisbed, bue forebeen pîîblished hby any one. Prof. D. Magner ha spenithe mout %ralimalle lite in stiding andi managing horses. ati on titis subjectthi4àwe': inestimalilè tco stock owners andi raisers of ail riasqem' As suc±h, 1 he"e' cAllumenît. C. F. CLÂRISON, 21gieiultural Editor Iowa "lStato RegWfý, fiOW YOU MAIY OBIIIN TR1IS VILUIWLE WOR 'l'le enitir'e Sertes wiul be complee in 13 prts lssued weekly. nnrm 10 cents we will mail you Part 1. Paris 2 to 13 inclusive maY b. o like mnier, or on rt'ceipt of $1.25 we wiii seni you the entiroe JIoa the parts are jsteti. One part o be issiied each week, beginning tefiN in Janiu:iry. Lake County Independent, LibertyviIeIJ,4ý Editor Independezit, 1~ i ereby enclose you 10 eentb for l'art 1 o! .JNiagter'b" Standard  and Stock Book (or $1.25 for the (Jomplete Sei--@ 01 13 Nîiîuber., 03 jSend to me a@ followp: N Name ....... ........ . 1 41 S i 10 45' -30 .iit -( 1ii r ;i -7tI