Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Mar 1894, p. 10

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m Ue sq os t ion sud t beoyalhdeuma ¶eetimid o-os a fly"umug lush. havlng a glori- Kr1hn"Ia" cl hers op$Ing bas cere. for the cor- ý== thie vinter '0~ay âutd" tO mmn the reso»s 6 m amwe o w icyl >b*vor-pmm.t long- :Wtm0 be hia , be le.m710uner wn anmm id tP b. 8 lcsIl la deubt. 1$ devlopuonitich mirivuSceb>' wbch e* ted out m a -6 1momnts coUce in thue sce4in lie bicMl Parti '~th~ quadru semo tb Win more favor than anî other machine of th. samq nature. i la Dot a foulure tuat yl l *cme ~pffIar, and few club3 vu l dulge lu tâ i extrava- gance of on. or more of thea avilI but oumubersome machinesý thoir place la more amag th. freska than aanong the regalar "wheel." In Ibis chasï mav aimo ho mentioned a nov -tralnr," 00 otl~ f a pair f wheeis, ibe-ilo, of wh ]h la Irvided wilh ad- juatible haxudles. You push tiiese vbeelu before Sou sud rua or "akeaY i doscribed. This modcf exorcise said to b.extrem5 ly benefictal. iu strensrthening the lunzs sud securlug great developinent of the cheit. For people ta> whom tais would soem ton violent exorcise, the new room o*gel* offers every advantage. With ikisla Inour cheuiber you can efjoY ail the excitement of a 'run" or race without uny of Ite attendant druw- backs. A gauge in iront Indicates at what a terrible rate ,of speed you ame wMa Meeuias aumnys cat7ied Whou n usin l eau hcmbeovitup vità th miluaVery ssain Poo ae il ltte outr e nbles the hndsalo eotkeg ourf.rî. se it austajus tIr balânce on the le.ide, no mattr hoi 5111f tic breeze way ho. The comforté cf'taie ridera and thee] protection.ugulnst the inolemenoy c the weather have &ca boo ok. aler more than ever. On. manu. facturer propo2es to provide fans cour ncotod vith the runuing gear, wvio vili in ne wav impedo tic speed but cool tie brov of tie rider wearil' pumplng avay on a dusl- rami under4 -w -tn tme .w :aui- golng vbile Yom ar-e standing etfi. Fer scocing sun. Tic sanieman bas neilns f 01 ass00o401&ion &ud 8i0olu contemplation a colotrivanco lic. vieihin lhifr rtuadt one- somewvaulnluthe shape of a buggy top, vi aepsemoo cdthue i-ou cycles vilci viii serve as a protection dur- er bo -Weot epedidoppor- lng thunèder or otier shevers, Boti MWa« ferlas Iovemunt cI bhlihealti tiese inventions yl vien tiey mate- sud Mmue rialîze. ho ialled wth dellgbt by ail P'rp.Umdunma" mmd b l. wheeimeu, vie nov are et tic mecy Ewlilng OuunId ounds a trîfle Of Ill ki-d- Of rou gi eather. ingouius, luiktliuliie a populur Tak1lnç everythbLgnt mb cmidera. »st lextumae. 'Tie oeil>' roaon ion te overa of tLb dclig'itfuh sport li Ila mmhago blovotes dose ucri be- nia>'look for-yard 10 a smes wh ilci camel a piomainest £ewture lane douit wil be Dregnant vithlaa number ef nov- beesueteaecmpamtivoly nov îîlng. fanglcd' idems, bothinl the shape of UoeUim st aum-mersan enterprlalng novel attachmenteasau eli as cuire mu- CililVDl5"hissfety viti salis chines. Tic great &lm of makers oi 0"*,O Ibgrl«t dea Complote viela la Le combine confort sud' dura-. ««oos&.Abu'cd lb. hasb»»tukon bilit>' lu Licir productions. ie vili-., sud jud ggroin the At one tIne tiere vas a ratier pro. reporte ltlmrnb.groat Ir. Mr. White nou nced prej udie aaint womn uuglag the bicycle, but that ha@ long mIncu gîven va 10 a moot entiuaîastlo sp- -. proval 0f ita use anong bie faîr-er-er. - IF'ssilos, vilci deorees inost every- thinin th Le feminine wvend. basn doubt iad conalderubie 10 do viti tie yheol pepular viti vomen. - Tiore ia a couatautly grovulg depland /7/ for "mmohiies"sinong ldes sud young gins aaid froinmnu vietake te the wiocl inOrel>'for ite ioaltbfuhexercite. Tricycles are at a doclded disadvan- luge nevsdays aud are rited ver'muci Ves.Evon tie ittie flUri oupon beso anllqualed affaira viti contempt, aud almoàt rallier go vitiout riding if et Ou Bersrino.. la. peubaps, fatier et ithe soemor He Mess c tes-footumut muid auclgbt-Ifoeboor. &M lamiens tie xMmilusàhesd block. This block mnut M e hoastencd te tbe imadis bsn, but Musl te bohied te tie joint bhoovthe elbow, as ibis sows tie f ree use et the bsuiée te direct the yhe.l's cour"e. Tbe ot et the viol, Ouils, îuclriding ac n il.ssiougbb cnet1te exoend M.O I eurabut ver-y litle p rutee. te bicore asexpert [n wU.~iàgthe icsli, m0d iii favoabe vlnd lie specd engittelobu about ihiri>' miles an heur. Au a matice of mourese, u'eut cure muai bu $-a&enta ,a hung slouîg lie ceunir- rouis.Wile seuddiug under a îli ici »sdVoeA - ibo r%4ez~u~ybrlng Or h atm Boom VUL4rCIPE1> u OB ouEmTEaIima bis>' caunot bave a mulet>'. Itlai sur- prisa ng 1cosec tie nunaber of bols, par' tieuisiiy lttie girls, vie are expert rIdera.- The>' seem to ho a great dccl qulcker in ieurning boy 10 ride tIbm tic boys cf thcesaie &go, sud bandhe hhoir dmntve machines viii ail tic assurance cf veterana. 'Misa Hjcvvîaws. asked me 10 c""i" mid CbcflY, vîti a dlgbted grfin. :M)1 ah.?" suid bîs unkind ta n. "iebldm elru i ORs dom ub eycrfl1 w ïZ ua t4 ka e bol b t és. 1OMS e4'ucWIïJP7th'b. ~ bs 1b.uieles udtheit r 1 draoesdered are the average euelrgy a f pr met t he "funetio'0fst oitY. uiOtnaon vIedMIlieau produoe in k -But they are often sadiy porploxed sa conjunetion vith etorage batteries, Li te bow their husbinde should b. ut- 1 lhe Installation mot suitabie, the ne t.ired. Beyond knowing tbat men cool Der horse-power bour, and the Le sbould not wear evening, clotiies be- ecououty of the systein on a large gI fore ô o'clock, their ldeas on mascu- soule. Irlace gai-b are vague. Ad, as they oel Hawn et. of trcquently have to decide tho ques- FoeidlmOnDth bd tion of whut their lords and masteris James Bockvourth, the 'famous u. shall weur, Il would be vise for them scout, who became a war chiot under zà t read, mark. learn and lnwarcily the Dame of Medicine Caîf among )h digest thie bcîhcvîug fauts: the. Craea, bas reiated 10 the North - At 2 o'clock weddiugs, known as Amerlcan Review, an extraordinary uiornlng weddings, whicb are about teal of letilation whlch a great ver the ouly arly festivitles to vhich a chief of the. Crow Indiens performed man eau b. drngged, the bridegrotom la bis preseuce on the eve of leadlng veut. dark-striped trousers, double- bis warriors to battle. The. chief breaosted lrock cost, uudressed pmlvu san aged mnuasd profesaed 10 gray gloVes, white four-lu-baud, tait have a premonîtion of deati. For bat and big boutonniere. Tho ushers manlli'Pons hle had lad the Crowa are simitlarily attired, qnd the case- succesîfulY aguinsi their boredltary giulpe eddixig guesta vho atm to be foes, the Blackicet. Il vas flot bill correctWear clothes of the saule heurt tuit fliled hlm nov, but bis eerlfamblon, hhougi, of course mqdIlole Pa4 hpst WIprotency. the style of their, Lies, «loves anâ la the dusk 0f tle i-ay hubroing boutonuleres la not prescrlbed by ho led his braves out en an open lem. At ail fashionable mornlng prairie, and, setting bis lihield on affaire thii unltorm, with jome in. elge Eonjç fifteep or tweçty in dividual variations, ia correct. frO-;ît Of hlm, polnted to l vitb bis In the svenlng, of course, evening lance. As tbe eyes of tie flghing clothes are necessary. This acagorimon rested upon thcenmbossed sur- prescribes a three-button, plain shirt face of the buckler It appeared to front, -a stralgit, stand-up coller, risc lowly troin tbe grouad untilIL etier a black ciotb vaîstcoat or iL reachd a height oorresponding to double-breatted, four-buttoned wite' the heed of the chief; It then, by tic one. No Jeweiry la vorn, and pearl- Isame Invisible means, passed througlo *gray gloves, stitched viti black, are the air unlil It obscured bfi; face and -consldered lu beslt teste, as are patent lbid It frein bis varriors. leatier shoes.-New York World. A thrili of horror pervaded tbe aFsemblae but no v rd was spoken. Thauks Co the Bear. IL vas taken as an embiena of iii Almost a buagi Te years ago two approsechinie eclîpse. bis lianîsément Young mon vho I ivod ln a Kentucky fi-ou tbi4 vorld, -bis lourney to the fort venlt Out to look for a strajgod land of thbe 'rcat Spirit,. 10 vbch all borse. They 'wandered lbither and Indiens. good and buLl alw.*' th-!ter thr- I»bc -, qls&unil, t10- vftbiIuflesialbng . yard evening, lbey found themnacîves èbief vas killed that morning. ln a wild valîey six or aeven miles froua home. Here the younger of The Wise Men or Gothaun. tbeiom-anrsc s oving by -acn e, As King John was pas8lng tbrougb fancled tbat be beard the snuppîng the village of Gotharn, on bis way ta of twigs bebind thein. bore Indiana Notingham, be pr.)poeed 10, maire a wcre dogglng their footatepe, ho be- shirt cut across the Lueadovs. The Ileved. Bis companion, Yatee, treat- villairers, thinklng l.hat viatever ed Lie mater as a lest, and offered road a king Look thonceforward be- 10 Insure D)ownlng'ls scalp for six- carne a public road, obectei. mucb pence. 10 Join'a a'nvance. DOWn1211W aS not satlsflcd, and Sbortly aftervsrd he sent saine tInally, as he contlnued 10 heur the messengers froru bis court ta learn suspielous noises, he fell bebind the cause of tie vlllagere' rudeneas.1 Yates soulo tventy or lhirty puces, Hearing of the comling of the king's1 and at a favorable spot aprang sud- servante, bhe viliagers hi. upon tbe i dealy aside and dropped Into a thick foilowing plan of turning ailde the putcb of bucklebcrry bushes. Yates, monarclis vrath:E who vas singlng, contlnued bis When the messengiers arrived. tiey t course, and vas soon out of sWL r. ound sonle of the Inhabitunt6 en- II Almost ut the saine moment two gager] ln rylna to drown an eeoinl a t Indians pushed aside bbe stalks of a pond; others vero busy roilngcbees canebrake, and looked caublouali- la down a bill. sa thut bhey milit rua the direction 1h51 Yabes had taken. to Nottinghami for sale, white a third j( Poor Downing, fearing that bis own sel vere cmployed ln placing a hedge moyementa bad been obstrved, deber- round a bush on wbich a cuckoo had h mined 10 lire upou ibe savages, but perched, la order that tbey migbt la bis nervotanes-bhe vas burdiy enjai perpetual spring. alors tia a boy-be let off bis gun 'n'e kiug's servants tbought thcy ithout taklng atm. bad corne amang a village 0f foots. Tien he sbartcd tu run. Very and, havlng reported wiat they bad 0 poou hog met Yates, who hsd hcard accu, Jolin formed theesaie opinion* the report, and ]Rad bastened buck Loo and troubled bimself no more about see wiat vas the rnatter. The enenji- hat bog cousiderod their Incivility to1P vas nomlaIW Il viev, and theL two hlm. Honce people have talked about 1 vite men ra fer iheir lIves. Yates, the "vise mnen.* or "tic bools," 01lai who vas tie Isater et the tvo, would Gothali. Y( neot leave Downing in the lurci. Thero vas much wlsoualu thelrL Tho Indiens gainer] upon thein follY, hovever. There Is 10-day, s0 stoadlly, LIII IlheY came ta a deep Itlà is sd. a bush growing en the site el guliy. Yalescieared kt essily-enough. of tic one vhereun thec ookoo Y( but Downing, being prett- veil ex- pe rcb'ell. h hausted, 1.11 short, and sfbev atrikîng l tbe fartber bank, droppcd t10 the bob- Verbal 'Dncke antidrae T tom,. The ladians umcanime ,ee Some men -miake ducks and drakes tuossng the gully a litie farther w Itb shillings," obiers witi vords. L dôva, and seoing Yates making of An Iriebwan, whi) ha.d begun wibh ri abead, they took cbaýe aller hlm. an old junk-cart. having by bis tin- ) Downing crept aiung thc bcd of the dusbry and knowiedge or his busines gully bUIhit became Loo shaiiow 10 con- become pro*-perous, tbouuht he vouid ceai hlm; snd tbbn, iooking up, sav bang lîwo or biree pîctures on bjs oneof the Indians returning, evideLgt, Parior Watts-.W iy to look for bum. Again heok to o h no (oungiser,» sald ho te) a we bis heels, and tihe Indien folioved. dealer in picbures, "but 1 knov a wl Ail hope 0f escape vas dying out f good ttbing wben 1 sec IL" Il bbc Young fellow's heart viien har 'You ean contiolseur, doubtiesa," wi came to an uverturued popiar-treo. inbcrrupbcd bbhe dealer. r He took one side of lb and bbc lu- "Maybe I do, and maybc I dont," N, dian Look the other. .lust thon bbc ho replied. ladian yelied. A hbe-be-ar, î it a Juel, Lhcn a wel-know vouithi- bu peared, vas suckling ber cuis in a moercbu.b stxrped od look ut tbc ea- er hed viicb aile had maLle near bbc gravligs displayed ia bbe roots of tbe brcc. bbc greeted thc 'Tbab rulan's a millenary," esclaim- Indien vibh a bug, and lDovning did cd thc lunk-dcaicr.y flot larry to sec how tbc Interview "MI)Iionaire, you meama'" retorbcd lt ternilnutcd. Nev hope put ne tiéîle .pleture dealer. b ig lnto bis legs, and he reacbed bbc fort "Weii! :Ou rnay ca bri as yoîî en ln salety, vhero be vas welcomed by pieusle. but 1 cat ilonmiuliienar 'v Yates wbo bad arrived tvo bours bc- repleed tbc unbashed irisajan. fore. . RMa. Le Fan u, . n iaissorles of Irish tec France'» Deadly Rifle. The Mannlcier rifle, ih bas juat, been tesbed In& Europe, la de- clared 10 ho Inferior 10 the French arm. Ifthli e o. oct eva troops vould bave a ratier meager- chance If opposed 10 uni of the crak ariny corpsvf France. Tuis rifle lsasinoke- hoé sn u a arange of tire. miles. An Amorican &avai officer vie bas vrltten an artice upon tic compara- tive Pover of European arms,, aud liat a skilîful marksmau could cro- ate iavoc lu an rmy vili the nov rifle ut a distance of Ivo mile, and tbat ln an uuaettied country It voulil ho Impassible ho te11 tram vilch point thie utbck came. This weuld secin ho Indlcate liat cavary wyul be -i tradition herufler. .Wbeu tic cncmy cau lie lu ambuai and mov down herses and mou Ive miles avay thome wvit iho nemore ai-ring sacec or atoriof etcurrying forte and cther sbîong positions b>' a rash or cavalry. A tve-mlo rushInluthe face of a storin afbutiete coming frei n auun- knovn quarter 'vould bave recuIt.. comparod wvî hi ithei liecarge cf tie Lîgit Brigade seema ike - child'a plu'. -Nel* York SuiL ilcniotfn Po.,. InventSaerasioopefuily soeking ho ceinjel lie vind ho perforni s morej Impfrtant shurs of Une.wpld'a ork., 'Iro encowarmm>thair ààh.rta.- L I~'e Sale ua ne:"A eigbor 0f mime said thal s very fine horse hé b.d bougit a fcv days pmeviously badt gene lame. -What is lie matter viii hlmt' asked a M. T. Ilama Vrem*Iy afrsdldie bas Rot lie ver-a naepl&u-,' sald hie <of course hoe moanty WDer me!' said T., Il nover beard t of &my quadrupcd halving titat dis n emau exepi Balaam's ass'%-Youthm y olTew 1s Sklmmlna getting along lun bis profession?" said one Cicago ti man hoanotier. "Ho la quite suc- a ecssfu, I understund."» -But lie 1id 81 Me lesheu-ay that lie oved sevoral thoands of dollars" "Yes. That b shows boy vehi lre musI have estab- tI llsied is credit" - Detroit Free t. Press. _______ Vîso -"Tommy, I vsi to askp You a feir questions lu grummr." Tomny"Ysi Air " fI gve you h the sentence 'Tic pupil loves hi@ teacior,' vhal la Ibat?" "ýarcasm.- - Texs Sitting. WHILE ail doctors' buis are big w enougi, lie mun vbo bas 10 go t10as Ibroat speolaliet la more than ever h hiable te getl inluthe ncck.-Butfa.u w Courier. te jàg<»N 5aqs bis neighbors daugi- tir 1er', v 4 alurig b ma a iiODiIE TOLD 0Vn g 0F THE 'ES S- Eiaet Wod Arlit t e rOula »W -A Budget of Fu. sprink.m et SpA.. OF course a brigt girl ougb$ tu have a spark of humor. -Lcvchl l og- rler. To TELL a dignlfled citizen to MMl devn bie vent li apt tW rais. bis chgler.-8iftingt Tu% crluialaiSieriff eau manage au oxecutIon as seonas ho. gels tao bang of lie ting.-Picyulle THE fact tiat a veman u Ji hty by no meuns ludicutes that &he la grovlng vingi. -Detroit Tribune. , Somi fdd'ers au play a ljun o one strlng, but il never toakes an>' b-dj vautt b d'ncu.-RaM's Horm Te.Acnu.-Deftne quart& n#hi. man*& son (vbo la ratier alment-' minded)-P.nt sud a hall. -Tid-Bts. Ti .-"Wbat la yotr fa lier going t) guve you vien you gel mnarfiadr LiI -«Hie consent, I stippo5e."...j> Standard. DURE OF SQU àLLBRO-u ii ieye msrry a voman cleverer lia. mysel I.0 Miss Wiirlsfalr-"Ynju'ilhave greab trouble getting suited. "-Vogue. lm olden times th.egy4ptiaus iad a cut cemetery vblci tiey con&ld- ored sacred. We suppase tl*y called lb thelr cattyc*imbs-Rochester Dem. ocrat THE seraphie uplifblng of the soui loiloving. une's tirât shave lu bis dovny period of one,& existence au De. Bocg, of Lelpsie, says: "Boer la brutalJzinw, vine impaààlon%, viii, ky Infàrlatees" le ileflotLbo Bocjk tbe beer le named alter, evidently.- Bost.on Globe. Ta. editor wvb o l aym feeling the puise Of bbe peoPle la not resu>' Interested lu their beart-beata.his la is ova cIrculation that be la look- Ing alter-Ufe. Me. C..rnc-"If that*s 'A fluntiuy !bceue' vby.don'b bbe men bave guns9? Mr. Caustic-"Perbaps tic artiat puinted them no naturallytbatbhey've oue Oltf. -Jcste r. JACK (10 ies ister Etbel>-"Ciolly Dinniplelgi sald ho vas coming round tu prore 1 You to-night. lias bo turned up?" Ethl-"Yes, sud bccuf turnei dova. "Hallo. MAUD--Wby don't yen give young Sewers «ome encouragement if you love hi o? Nell-oh, he oitht tob. able ta pretssbi@ ovn suit; ho,% a bai- lor. -Philadephia Record. FIRST DEACOX <criticisîing minister) -"Weil- If Mr. -11ardtext Jouit very Interesting, be ut leMi doesu'tîmlop Over." Second I)eacon-"Né,; ho le too dry for that. "-Texas biltinga. Tas PoXTri WîI.F-"Tiçy say- Liai psetry lasa drug on tic mulket. " Trio Poet-"«Nonsensc: If You'd ever aeld any poebry and bougit any drugs ou'd kncrw bbc differece2' »Harlem Lire. ELDERI Y NMAiDMN-This lo @0 Un- excted, Mr. Wellalong, that-thi Pru muât Rive me tume. Ehderly Lover-Time MIS Rebecca? Do you tiak thore la mny toa pare?-Chicago Tribhune. "Tiizs baxin' inromnea aia'b Lb. ling to do t4 maire bhc countryt che." said L'ache Suias. 'They'd Duhter tax expenditumes People'd ipend hess'n' save more then-lar- er's Bazar. CFÀoan MERC HÀ"IT-Ye-t sir,I want a nov hook-keepcr, but jeu on't do. Applicant- Mai I agir bhy? Close Merchant-Yoti are sld as s billiard-hal), sir. A man, witt o air to vijie bi@ peu on viii 'mst Out a vbnlc box every vcek... ev York Weckly. WIDOW-"I vant a atone for in, luban4's grave exuethilke the obi- *r One la bbec lot."Agent-"But soit IL a brifle sinali for a man of our huaband's Prominonce?" Widow -"No. sirl If Thomuas iougit a tone like thut vas good enougi foir s first vile, I guo-s lb,. plent- good rougi for Thoinus."--Llfe- M. FARWZST-"I met uay old houimate, Lakeside, 10-day, for the rst lime la an age, and I tbought rn bie vay he acted vben I meni- lmnd you that you and ho muet bave Ld saine romance or oîier before vo iet." Mrs. Farwest-"No romance, bout lb. We vere marrIed fer a 1ev ears, tbat's alL"-NSev York MANAGER-"ThO critice ay bat la eo play 'A Wroagod Wifet yeu do ot exhibit cnougb emotion vien our busbund leaves )eu, nover Io re- ar." Popular Actreua - Oh, 1 On'b, don't I? Well, 1Pro liad li>o tiree busbunds loire, nover 10 re rn, and I guesa I knov as inucl bout boy 10 acb under ihoseetrcuni. Ances as anybody. "-Puck. fr ha, ab 'el 1 yl tus i or .l ab( the gru hin ir t

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