Asib MI%%Pup 9' tà4ï.lonary Latter. O Pdfor breaklng te letter cof ýe 4'w,.trivial eud unknovn, lu -~e~a n Englal Kun-boat0 uiyappeares ad titreatene te the townu snlees-tbo prigioter ýlmediate1y #eta free.- The Spen- u 0sue h. *ramest dialîkce fora gu-boete.p nov on our way téa 0W aw1tity "iet up the -Calabar iý Sir Cland McDonaaid's rosi-t « tg ere* 1W. are enterlar OIld WW wUt ioîpoeig alyle. eorted Mr Ïap the river by au Engllah, h.ot ln il bOer fian", an aur tt e misa. The gun- haut il! lire a ýté an Sir laud goes asbore. We n*«ave corne ta Oid Calabar ho-1 bo* to Fernando Po, but thate woreo waltInug for this gun-bomit ta ne frram Lagos. .Saturdua>, J ue 24: >2-tal! &nae>&gain liis eveilng. i'teeak a live ox ou board at Gréuîd ery nd killed !alm a few days ~rJattended the exercseos. andai geréby bangs a tati"l very lonîg and1 !yta, o. bave laAd oxtaili sotîj te~e ~ apent.sixesalfal adg 014 craiabar. It l ~in f ef Mie biêle e ytiîe oA"itainsan ad fi tçvforth laatt lrcee.It ls is ts oBatnni, butlicoml)arastaly Vat- in every otiier respîcet. Mtrs. Mn tf biti 'cn Pic nîeatIy ail the ýyfrôm Llserroci, and ai 'r (lia'id ried ber aand Dr. Laffiîrutai the i#u1-huaase niieriaIe ef t ses-ena! mieat thîir disposai. I I>irecheal t Stinuday at Old CaabAir.. 4"s nlgbt by moan 11g - -, went th river ta Victoria aV o rf Ommaxeroon mountains Leu romPernaudc Il miles. Ia eater!ng ve w An 1 abut amng Mountains the way emibg te Lite vlew juet beforo is àeelog behlid utitl ve acre ail Mpouadead vtth iMountans as "&& beautituil as te Mountains * t3u bou5t Jertasacamura' "hsk, ttaon theHudsonu. F:ýt6othef glar> vas forgotten ~àanlaired just before the- aI8 :UîftOii blit rises 13,7W5 =,@t. he sa and is owua base t hoalt eneriffe seemlig as higli Wobeevns are hiugh ashove the Ob,. 15 le caver.od wlcb ait tracas of dioat faîtage ail greeib>' das>. but qk qpnariioob>'moonight, îlark h eadwY, la more tmprestilv& 1' CI *ýquiet acruer and bat tate -lfi Iht iookln aa et 514emuintaiu ~teod unühangitl throiugti Ssilence, su atroug, 80 great; 1 ngIrrevereneaiî.ortifîi of! lti, 1 off vhitsoever te trate jiet tadi Y Ille and iyeur6 I purntlue, ranchb ike tiis wiadiug up ýer. luit O! turtîlaga Iol t rilbt W4e tthe loft te ian>' e c osîig $M tdalosig lapon trghtest scenceài upn aes o!f fieads. borne d Irom iesuai, t fit anifondest 'a4a no love eau bbluder. liit lam noS lott; for tiieru.. l totliig E enduring li tisworffd thea palt t degd for ne do not forget te qa tbat areanormore. TÂte>' ive lu M*ewuiry o-aigft freisb and tiot "t f.sadaes. Ibo ite stantun tes NMtateegr, te igt t3seonipffent. ,J'reasi t a- itelI-t .iimîi LatiS 0 . uaa sil. OAia sur uf ieulido up imios iha code>' morid. .et 0" tit the t wutleb eddcis uverue xè;*tsliks albutwluvu olotow tihe "tonS. au lreâb te dtus alit aaeu tom-.. 'WeIi1yuî0i'5 sBugn etrige bUt. the iv Wlieys opbens thougia iL seom OWa before us-opens If macmove Adgrogner belgbte lie yt and iS t last a glorluus hieigNt vitere ve shail 500 again basa disapplaed for a whi'lio yau l vo ught icet. Mt.g.,Tueeday, Jatte il: entved ber* two veeksaega tu- ga"O 75.) IlmUBnov l0,000 miles - 1 O asloo lTh.e nasalouarles ty bats 1et ust S itte kindeet »9»'" hm mnadae us tee ut SAi ith e t. They are Mr. NIa. Omuit, Mr. andI lrs. 1f 44 r. enid ire. Oood andl iibd MIm-Se Ntau. W. .îrlhoI uterlor nons Monday, ýXrIqOodd rMW'LaMafilaal LAd *bougb I1 have b eeu hec. but 'tro "ekii. 1 tpa0t with authorlty and not as & alribe. for I have known *no"ug t h...two veeke to maire onme woader wbetbe« this piace ho not tînder the providence of the devIl. The traders of West Africa Incinde a eônaiderable numbor of the. woret moen In the world roasrlu lionm aho afngt b. descrlbed lni our Enlish ont would' bave to go to the French whlch le eronger ln the langtaage of Iadeonxoy 'and vilenes. The natives in peaslg the tradln bouses muet unocover thqltr heabàs.ý If a native ehould ho e, en wlth bis bat on while pasng, the bat, le taken from inl, andl he, jerbaps flogged unmifully. -Our ochristlan natives are saubjeeted te dits. À few dayo ago a trader ehasod.several natives for sorne such offence. He tollowed them lOito their owaî house but the>' escap)ed. L'Iîe a nisait luvalid lying trere Iaow- ever, a wilu wise bodîy w1L swoiieiil and sore front iioad to feot; lie as tias binii. The trader dragged hat (aît anad logged hîlui frigiatfully leaviiîgnaiii ugly woà'iid lipin aisi lusinai tq i li swîallen body ail eut anîd lleaadiig. Otîter tasatea ftraugli hiw naibibrouglit hlmt fo Mir. Galdvliiiî wit wloîikit1 aiu t.yillg. I Saw lie WaiSaYl3ig; lie rollasd lais siglitiend eayea abouitgoiiygu>'Sacli as ie IlitAi [lotseml before. Buat Mr. Uu)ddviîiiîplat lm 111taa oiat saie took lonabt me Goveior olgbt iiii!. e 2away. TIlere acrle six oiller a*i.auges about as bi made agaiiettItis traîttat Mni etîîojii. Fur ail zseat rins'a wus fiieaatilnrty illars. mit at- rt Guvertur4 lefore aii- Preselit, ctiî îîot baye fiued tite traîder ait ail. Tiioy iiave atiquittealtI tlc>for wuiaie. Mit tlîey hiaiveseiiteîîcedtit heiatives f0 te 1eaviest penalties w'tthort hcrrng tlîoi. Tiiose traiders tare ajot îloatly giioraîît tmen. Maiîîy (oftlea'arc Weil oattaeated a few ai-e respecialc; tu Belzoubla a sauint eupaîral %nitît munie of thien. Thtis part itoîder Germéni radie. Thie presciat Govertior is weNN liked the.~ native say "Ilirii jssdge Iite Bible." Laust WVediieadav _we dib Juve corne Ititel>', wot wîthi Mir. Goddvlîn W opay ont'rfespet to, the tiaîeb .atatiî W.coud not ..ok ofpuretoss rold ucr Lroaierti, we wore Ctubae OotI.eaIli ,bu f ar au we worÇ îj.ýy anîd broliglît saivera latives là cSIYr urbeait suites lait§ aimai tu Cairy us ovtir severtil ticeptlt streisuas »Il ' i. 011Oi Iliuee te a tu .ugbt witii us and begaia4 Ou r u ai! %Ar. (loddvibn foîiad tata is sehtueg Veali al aites but altugetile 'dlt- feaciat aial butl fur lte saie' foot îiîileovemr. IL baippenrd l lowever that 1 tiaai îrouglit a second pair thlikiaig . ýmiglut ileed thom car thie way su lie <tbvre tîteni aitbuýugh tliey cir il ifiufst mialit iaud we cahled i pu-a L1 "'tverior maklnp si luilao8i ng ap- illaiaee. NVe wîerV)to souer otit- aide fth" grqiaus hibîwever tîtait we droppo<! itîto lite nativte'ai itituse agauat touk off ail respectable elothiatg aintd ttrted htouue li bare feet thiseLie wltilotif Shirts. Ilitt iahieExuellency Met lts a few miuites aitter leaviiîg t lis htou%@ lie ni iglît have passed iota kiiawig tttlie liatai cr accu ais before. Aud l ow 1 matit close I feel soit>' for te poor friraida wbo have tat read tail! titis. Lt.. will ho asure clive for !i tsornîtia if amiy of youa, aile so t rîîîîl!eî 9asîtl iin tl(fwai îaîy îrove reieslia ii g taflor ah!. e My iîoxt bItter îîîay toit rc.illa Lfaîraaymtotlite. ild Ia i [ i' tconist o after a!itis c ritiig liii sa Poor barral stock. 1Iiaitiit mcatîit fo regîowtia. Or f aay Saiy fa'-l il! stauven and ihiorai like the priet litaiilie '«Iloise Tuait Jaack Biilt." My love tan you ail R. IH. M itligaiii-Alaleis li-tautiigaî, iVeaifAfrica. Our Ciubbing List. For lte aueonurnodation of! ielach ot aar PFiEPÂYINo &sui bers au desire tut take atiy otiier publlication for theo ela .uitîg y ear, vlth thie INI'NDEN't, lit atOnicEîD lATEI. 'The follawiîg tire a fema of the umor'. popular itéaspapers sait tuagaltlna. W'heiuimrethat icie le dmisld, Site amouut te ho paid for tbé extra oame au ho maertahuaod hi dednctiug 8.50' iru thLIe prices uaaned in ou>' lub ratelc Pbfle:'OrCu Pricse. prloni. AdvafnCio........ 450 8510 Ch"..le k. o ky.... ..e1 W SIS Chicago Oceau, veekia.... 100 2 fi dally fi u'sa de~5 Cb"uo New, Sii>'..8 ..e 400 - weely ..... 1OU 80 Clluolerid. daity.6days .... 0&Où 44 S100 280 Ubcm tu 3% a Ch nev sul'a 3214%) Se ffurpm'Welc v. . ............. 400 47 . Daseat.... .... .....4 Co 478 Natioal Tilbune. WahD. C .100 9 NevYoobYoce .... ....1 n) . ........ .... 300 40 .. . 225 tbdotun mork ..... . a... 3 W 410 ak» 1sia. W Cr.U.. 1 50 274 176 ais .bsav .e.......... 200 2Sas uam* nt........... 206>*tu fls*'d vi......... 211 8 VEME M i sPirest.....1)00 286 su -so.u ' *The. bast dreued m n.iauwmela héh ,eputationofu inlama boley 0etLis- DImirtet AztorneyJohn MILOsinas of Lazeneacouty. Pu., sfluently thbe Polsh it Ihmt.anmuiad Sisevbogue. The baspitalir Senator Brice dispenseus froin the onid Cororan bouse in Waablng. tmoi wtet 0a.)" cihm $15Q.0»0as rer. The ouly âupreine court justices of the Romouta Catholle faitb have bain Rager S. Tâman ad th new mouaber, mqatIes White. Ssuator Butler la tb. youugeat prenidlng ofthuer of Lbe Massachusettsa miti.that bütly bas blid for tnany gears.H. la ouly sa peas aid. Artiur Baiotir, the IirILInbpolitîcal leader. om'cpiieu hls lelenro ewitb Invoatiga- Lion. of iîyptaotlsin aud other aubjecte of payrbîri reséarcli. Congressmaaa Cockrell of Texan. asbroth- or of the seuator from MLesouri, la tbe big- gen a mIn lte boume. RHavotes la about au big as bis phyieque. Repremttiel Wilson of West Virgia and Cllftou 1IL Br'eklnrtdge of Arkansas resen ale each other no close!>' that on in ofteun mistalten fur the other. -Generali Neal bow, although 0< years ouI. stil! ises dauiiy at a. m. snd take4 a three Mile waik ecry moraiiug "to ke.p alan blooti o! yoeth oia bis checks,." John Drsw, the seLon, leasald to bave a yearaing for society. Heilaneyersio happa' as wlîenIn itthe taîdst of a coterie of asintir- lng wonn et au afteruoon tee.- Giovanni P. MorlsIui. LelateJaty Gorld'a partîler, aithougia a mîliionaire, neitieur drinks inr niokes anid liv.s asregutar a lite ae a bus> mana consstently cau do. Mr.- Herbert H. Fay of DelCalb, Ills. has mseà fad lot coiiectlng fanions mensq pou'- t raits ad aow bas 50,000 cf thini. Mati> oa! thcmn canas oclamter a long searcb, John Y. Xane o e2j. J~aie bis tatherar>'veaswIth bina lisa scuaiîuîy 19i years ago, aud Ian plnaded tisat haN va-s au alleu to esctape the draft diirinzthen w4r. Stnator Wtiadburn. wbca Iisenitutid- bate. its w) low down on bis spine (th:FI banal ;' taeow te ibock o Lits eheir, aîîd if lis la attentive bis bauda are clssped acrti bis heit. John Roberts, the championa biltiArdiat of Englatid, la 47 yeaa'e of ao and Ioi te, mal itrity' f hiepowsrs. li the souof a former chamiton of England and ile very Wei tc do. Presildeut Carnot dos not carestmucla for the fusR of offitial lite Tbey buit a seps- rate entrahace ta hi. box ai the Titeater Francls so ha slotld uci b. joUaied by tLhe ornin ocrowd, but b. refnsed to use IL. George D. BecIt, a on o! tbe laie Ken- tucky seuator, for years a residetat of Wyo- ming, je à yonng 'mut of uanual good looks and spieîadld physical proportions. He osa f the leading Deniorrats t0fW>'- Academiclan. senator. duat>, miniter snd beat kuown jonaintof Panais soute ufth Li. itesof tJuies imon,. wbo vsivbrated bla elgbtletit birtbday rocently.'.Henhmn llved -u inh amre apartutentInl'f ais for 45 yeare. and bis one. great Passion lanaustc. MARRIAGE MAXIMS. Botter wat han sever. it'@ never tua ate to wed. Rule by appenring to sîabrit. A hunKra' hîtuibanuiis liard tia coax. Let a busbaud locs., lu a feuiced ileud. The sborter theo bill te sweeter mte tare. A husbatada mratît spoils toe bisat broh. (itaTeru yoursstf, and you wili goveru sacla otlter. Onue kind thouglat pketa la Worth tva ausaid. . A sullen silence woiks moreisciefthaan s royal row. Then proof of tIte telaper is lnut thounex- pected gunat. Tt Inn't evera' wifpeacu ti ugli at ber buai- baud'. Jolies. XI's a cross graiard wtt., that ailtcolditu a new ~bonnet. Âiways reiaembi±r that yata have eyeids As Weil s ite et. It takus a niai tti talk eoiomy-s vain- ain to praietice Irl. Beaier marra' a praying aluner titan a prnacliug salue. If you've plcked i a crooked stick, do'lt tell evera' une so. Man je the bea of the bougen, but wornan mie neck thiat (urne il. Aitoutece of tohiaciancolinai more troubled waters than a tan ot oit. A sensible husbaud lit baud la vorth aa duzen berces it dreamîlaud. If you feel like a pair ot sciasors, dot't choase a penknitte ta liv. wit.-New York Adm'etiaier. CROWN AND SCEPTER. The king of Siani la slow!>' dinking blut- "elf inlo Lb. grave. Tb@emstpree of China bansenut lAveladies te Lb. courte!f Berit ahaorder La learn Ga,' es» maîniersansd etîquette. The. pope, ulways of delcat. physique,5ih n»v ao fragile "th b.amUstabave ouir' moouh body loft tu bouse bis soul. The. psoock tInette cf Shah Jeba. va nslmd aetUOAO.000. hie oeown et 81%000.- 00% sund wbea ho did 9060,00.000te u mr vas toua inluhis e uar'. Thon» the father analbamptor theSI wata l la 8nd, th. etues iafslebas for Viltrase eeons hemuicoapilidto ia- e.Sim» Ut dame. &Wdsubsttut* tueeor 5a quadille. - T" . ake o f i, the eu-aIof et i pdwh e t Wai. thou hoha ateis0081 *#à ae fogt4ms bas ataa I'ad" te.IL. UtoO&la a load tom oocorw"uho p.ur- <ubUseul ms eara go .59010e aer. lspo quoted mailffl a'a SCIENTIFIO SCRAPS. la u a ar eaiM dqegà sond travela 55 148 fut a omd; la vaSer 4.10 test ame:- Tii. let < is suppeSed te bosmp.- pliai bymnSyriasl et mitorie bodlas ltu 1 loi=Î049~ S . Many bad habits of ho rses have been caused from their teetb. that has been discovered by Prof. T. D. Hiîiebaugh, V. S., Pressdent of the vetiraary college at La- fayette, Indiana. Such as siober- ing gnawing mangers, weak eyes, stopping suddcnly, loss otf flerh, driving on one line, ba]king. throwing the bead and bad breath lias been traced to, bad teeth. Many young drivers have becîx nearly spoiled>before the' direct cause was discovered. Rough edges and sharp cdrners laccrate the rnouth, and produce nervous- ne,;- and irritability; d'eaven land clongated molars and incisors prevent the proper mastication of! die food, producing indigestiun ibssse--, Xmsaàgieet. Firtula offthe jaw, etc. TIiese causes shoulil be rmnv-ed. flecayed teeth shî,uld bc extractud, sharp corners and roaîtlh ed-es should be srnoothied down, and elongated molars and iincîssor-s ut off. Tile commun float or file, heretoforc edci-ntu siifficient to accornplish this, wilI not suffice, but, spccial ilistru- ments devised for the purpose asrc necessary. Sorne Vetinary Dcri- tists say it j'. of no use to confine " horse to repair the tceth. tan a dcntist do a good job on your teeth when you arc walkin- around the room? Have your horses teeth fixed. there is a man at the County Farff ho has got a good set of toos andknows how to use thern. C.M. & St. P. Ry Time Table. ee 30ti Deriieil a 34 1ýveitt 8 42 tOtiti Ilil.k Shvrcuran v ii s.M. put. p.. 1000 2101 Ste l 4 C511 a1w 1()ai :aoe i a1a t1ac11 3iU7 Ms3r Il 15 .... ô 5 :1 44 M '1- tJI tA.asm ai twi l 2 TU sA i1 .t l'y . vata t iat 4e Av, .4 r i oui ýi i a . ilar la Itituitisut 9:3U a -uitAr .tiiertyvii le1:4veul a v atiri>vIle 2t5 s u Ar.ttoodiut 3iq; pus, Wisc.Cent.R.R.Tlme Table. Chicaugo .....t...i4L 1,stahaoi . .. - - 1 1 y I 0 raye Lake .. ..... .. w4 5.4p ta t. a -a lu- n 0 a ke . . .... M t>, m lm 2 5 33t 5 m t i0 T34 P'rîarie vot f145 tisWa-i 49 Chilciago ... .......i05, 95 *"""tY exept uday. As. agonis ab3out Suanday traîns;a ie freiitg t b St carry paeeugere. Elgin, Joliet é& Eastern Ry. Ti"U TABML Onu os:.. uaàOua. 001" s u0#! 4:80 pin arrive Waukegai dep'rt 7:00 arn 4:00 pin. de j (ot. ar. 7:80am lobpin....Leittton8... 6Î0 am .:45 pin. ..Dlamond Lakte.,6:57 amn 2.85 Pm ....GlImer ...9:12 amn 2:20 t..*La, e Zurich.. ose~ 1:.40 pmn...BarrInglon... 1q:80 :m 12:40 p... Spuldlug .... 11:16 p. 11:Oam ....Turner ...... .5Pm 7:60 am...Pitnldeld.... 8:86Pm 6.4 am ......Joiet........ 4.1bpm 'Sae you a brlond or »Uitive by vian you wonld Hâte to be held in plemmet remmlarsaoe.very wftk foS the oag Kke that pexao *p'çal Ie ~r'auberlption le .Tue Lakeo Couty Inde *Is bound to keep up w ith the time Contracted for a Series of the........ LARGEST AND BEST World's Fair Whlichi wviI1 besold to iucalers Ot ti e*INDEpt %who-se Sihsription i's I>aid ini Advaneêe, le 10 CENTS -A BOOK, oF:16 PAGES EACH-..- Deliveîed at 1 our otUhc--No Coupons Re THE FINST NUMBER WILL BE REAOY FOR DELIVERY. 1919. ANDOSUCOEEDING NUMBERS EVERY FRIOAY THRUMPI AOE ~ào MU lril ketd cf au .ti~s ~et Lre T weiye Pointi gl.owi.acîLti-e!,a"rlrirly d NMaer1 Staadaj iii. bo6k over hqirà .. .îa :tukUo..k e%.r put lishetL lit. It bas twetve ~a.îs .fae -4 be-t 'aerini-i'ytalent in tlisa îu i '.;d,r.,Ad')y practical un-atrý ccd :toekrnn Ivahave had yeurs 49m '..pel ient e. 2,1. It is thb' cr]y w rk r%-,r p.ab:i ta! v ' 0.3 t~ art of taming. ed ;n,,zn ci otrolliig L.rc.. aL traigLit lv Fr,,~f. 1). Magner. 7d. Prof. Ma'aterjs - 'o.ce'vdby h'-rseui en tii hathe most a". cf anl .,. b. fore the Anerrn raalic. I1obert Bo pro!. ia3tar 0f* c ' , r! .. ( sCî, .yLef biitai: 1doubt If tiare 1 tàc glc)bh is equaal iv' kîsowledge ais tui the best anftbod et trantbanff 4th. it gis s ,crcos t.iiic bretolare coulai ouI>' h obotained under Ibm of ,eer(y-y at a grîsît prie whts'h have boe teeted by Pr-of. N[Ag2ea Li twe-îty yuars of successfaal uxperienco in the subjectioti cf ovor 20,000 àd vicious horses. 5th. This work co;ltù.,ns le014 amore Illustrations Ibanamy et&er 1 and Stock Bock ever paillei. 6th. It la the oui>' practical and reliablo work on ehoeing. givinit fumtures entirely iicw. For one secret the United States Goyeru.os $25,000. 7th. IL le theo olv Stock Book, treatlng on dailing, secrets et b maklng, eùouoàuikal f Lcd',iig stock, glving the greatest resuit. viii Ieast expense. %itb. If is a complote stock doctor, treating ona every dlaeaaq toi1 hut si, cattle, slieep, swine, poultry, dogs. etc., aire subjeet. ith. The syttptoins of diseases ame m clearly illustrateai and expIsI»d alay one can unerriug>' tel!l tâci charactor. 101h. Wbýat to do le toid wlth equal cletarressand the reandi.spq sare such that any farmer or stoc'kman can procure and easfly adxnieIe«ý llth. It lis fally up te the timos. An ever present and rellable glving valuable information, and answerlng tbouadsef questhm ~ for every fariner to underetand. 12th. In short, it la the larmer'. Key te Sueesansd maaj pricm beh saved every year by the beaelits.derived froi L. flow YOXiJmiY OBTAiN Tatis ILI 1week in Januaqy. Lake County Independent, Libet' Editor Independent, 1 boreby enclo@e yon 10 cents l'or Part 1 of "itagner'. leawm4 afid stock Booka (or $1.25 for the Cotuplete Serêeç of 13 Nutaber,, sa ISend to me aoi lolleoa: sabe............ .... ... ......... ....... Town........:............. Offmi, la .alvs.i fer m*uieIoq. motte b == 1,