Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Mar 1894, p. 5

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lm NDEPP-NOENT. Ic epADocx,. Drrýox "ID flOlp. «IIIDAY. MARI.16, 1894. Church and Booloty Oractory. M vce.: ieuerai claire. 10 a. aM...Pretcb laO10Ma.m.; S. K.12 nà :. worhLemKiie an. lrochl#.l:.i . n.Prayer ><c.A Pit5BOYTKB1AN -J. F. Maloelii. Pastor. Bervlcc: Preaahlioeg. 1<::343L . an n : U N V mm& Lwr- )r.J. S. 4 antweU . Ch c,,- Ku ' o, erit* 1FInit Sutndi'> emeb Monta.* . B.. 12 w. anaLb Sndtby. nanaa of eaçbo IJOUL. ViêiItiUnirretbren er di,,lîy Weleonîed. . J. .0. Le, W. M. 0. aU. CHIunetiLL». sec. -r 1 SMITII WW'S -la the Plt) tHuy- Ladi«mand Chlidren'a MITTENS, Fancy Work Materiais, STAMPED LINENS. Ladies Neckwear. Ruchlng. etc. SMITH 4& SWIFT. .Ghas. Kaiser, N.1I 19ud ,1eRrLtL $0 kI . 0 ie M51.00 ca 1 c aiac 4.0 WîlI closçe out Mny stock of *BlýANKEI'TS. AND e ROBES* A DISCOU~NT, *epalritig Neatly and Qulokiy Don.. LtiI.IITYVILIX. ILLINO0IS Keep the Best Coffee in town for the money. Tryour 28c grade,it is equai tonost 35ct Coff ee. Il Ibs.S1cA~,.0 4 gal. Be.t, 1.10, 7 uns Gre~n kGoo 1.00, 7 us TâLa t-l- 1 <1.00 10 ans sweet oin, 1.0 0 gal. Snow 0l, O.45 Odr F i,; - LU,"A. flb. Gool Tu, 2 Srnoke L - D;-Clless Cigar, is ýupaÀ the be-st, k?; w h ere, Sh a n CeIse- -Fo .C.'Snlitll &SoR, LIBE RTY VIL LE. !ilsiary Betixxxx Flouai- lI- WUthe bemt, aMt (.i.Slsik vuamos J.i iy A second Mass Meeting of those tnterested luisecîring tVie BelitLine for Libertyvllle was hled at Triggs & Taylor's Hall Saturday, evening Mar. 19),'94. Qulîte a fair sized crowd was lîresent out of curi-osity tehuai- tire .development of the project. Mayor, C. H. Aveil caiied tire meeting te order and lnvited seveýral gentlemen te the rostrum. John Austin as chairman of thre coin- mitte appointeil at tIre previonsa mass meeting reportedl that thre E. J. & E. Ry. were contempiatlng a change o! their liri between Leithton and South Wankegan on account of the hkIlts and curves which make it liard work te haul hoavy trains between those points. That they had made two îîrelinmarv surveys one via Melody, and the ottier via Libertyvilie. That the committ- had attended to meet- ings helîl ut Dr. Knight's offie Mai-cia 2 anîd 3 where, after taikiiîg the matter ever, it was deeided te take active measnîres te induce the Belt Liîre to abandon tircir presient rigurI. of.way anrd bîlld their main Unîe on tire survey crosaing thre O'Piaine river rieur the Libertyville bi-airet bridge anal to ttaat end lai] appointed F. P. Dymoaud, F. B. Lot-cii aui R. J. Proctra .~mlu I. er~JIru 'Irial t) 1). Havena, If. i - Proctor anrd John, Austin Jr., a ctîîmittc on rigit-ot. way. . D. Hurvert reported ihat lae iaa; seen me3toetihe farmeria cver whot5u iaaads the îrolios3ed road wouid pein, nnd tlcy adi made liberad offers H. W. Foiiett would doriate lia,. rght-of-wny on certain oîe . Trlptoe aksa a igli price. Peterson will settie for $500. stratton est must b. condemrneai. B. A. Ellis wiii settle for 05W0. 0. D. Haven willdonate right-of.wy. C. C. Copeiarad wlll take off Iis ceaI aad-beiîu when Ire rettaiais froi tIre West. Edwlia Osborne free right.oLtway. liyndki.ate will i gve rrgIl-of.W&j aînd 11,ou. F. P. Dymeîrd airairman on finance, reiaorted over $1500 already %uai, nciibed. Dr. Kiaiglit meved a vote ut thanka to tilt original committee and that Liiîcy 4bemissed. Bey. àJ. B. MeGtifDn eneouraged tlae project anîd gave timeiy suggestions which showed hlie rd a gond idea ut' how bursines aliouid bie donc. F. P. Drtmond anniwered tlae salient u-sinsand read tire ccnti'aeîtet wlieirtlîey are seliciting tubscrip- tien. r brio(, i-ts condiitions arc. that liiet wîll give tire Ligur Joluiet & î:asîcra ly. Coi., i. fi-e iit-of-witN arr i Q2(1,1iialcas ,i îur ldetI tiit ll. Co., accelîtttle ternis uoftlrecuîrtrnet lie- n ore J kai'.1, '~IA, bihrîll id îîîerate- tueuir mi'in he lirougl Liiîe-ty iii.- before J tnIý 1, '95t, wlntien t-y ar e te b muid orne baU tire eabi bIonus anrd tire r emairiirg lini t ti lie laid wlun tire lorebeitl ini- tînroungli Binidiut in .-iilitunluui-rnnin acnan is tenir anp, ail tof wicl înalibte doaue lietre Oi.t. 1, ".5 Rl. L. 3 arnk are te be ustablisled ai Liliertý tille. 'flic Lituerty.ville CU& lClO' .trîxc 2. agl'cc te gir e în rmnrout iiai tetire total ofrainUl tiel r-uObsr~nr ipt hi n 1to$10<i,090.i \V. L. Darvis Mci.ut ed nd F. B. Lirvell rcoie.Tîrat aî corimîte c1i .ten -ieitri ueiizeiir lie aili qîîte,-dti ura be 5il uni w i tii thae a ofa-acecitheur irieiiir; ,aid cern- Mitteeici repocrt te tine litiance eiîm- ilitee as .-ooni e liae la able ici g uni rarr tee Iris e7ANI Ciari-jeu. W.- E. Davis tiien nomniiritcd the foliowing as menîibuitofuthtie stîlicitiaig eoniniittee: F. P. Dymourd, JounaiAlstinilJr., O. D. Havena, (Î. H. ISetianck, W. J. Seavey, R. J. Proctor, Thos. Corlett, J. E. Triggs, F. B. LoveU, C. W. Minnicli, Warren M. Heathi, John Voolidge, C. F. Wright, F. C- Kaigît, W. E. Davis. The excitement taaviîrg reaclied the boillng point, thre boomers, exuberance began te effervesce. Dr. Kalght aroge aund said hoe was ready te guarantee his $500 subserîptilon rîglit. now. R. J. Proctor, F. P. Dymond, and F. B. Loyeli followed suit, thon John Wooidge piaved a bîgier trump and took thre trick by promlalng te put down $500 without calling on hi. frlends(<> Mayor C. H, Averlll, Ibo' neot a member of the com- mîtte, manitested hie public spirit by an Individual subseription of Sioo. Moved by E- W. Parkhurst and seconded by W. E. Davis, thaI a coin. Mittee of live ladies be appolnted te assist lui soliclting, etc. Carrted. and thre followlng were eieùted Mfedames coGuMln, Knlight, Kelsy. Kimbail and Brng Ii. boomers havlng euhI apokeu hie piece thre progrm ekwe4 wlth au, abrupt adjougnaent. wiil oniy compeusat. us foi- settiiig tIre type. For such as charge ne ad- mission tées, the notices wiii becfi-ee. Please bear these points ln mind. Whlch are you, a business main or a store keeper? À business main fille Iris store wltb desirable goods and lets thre people know through thre mediuîm o! hi& home paper what he bias te ssiI, and Invités patronage. A store keep- or laye ln a stock of goodoi and site around and walts for people te drop ln and ses what h.e bas to elo. Choie Building Lots For Sale. li the C. F. Wright addition te Libertyvilli. Imqiire of F. P. Dymnnd. Farm For Bale. Fifty acres 1 arlles south west o! Libertyville. Termse8$05pu, acre. Onîe Ilird cash, balancoe ou time a1 6 per cent iiîterest. Apply tui. F. P. Dynxond. Ped Mill Notice. I wil do custom grlnding Corn and oob or nlixed gratti's Wedaesdays, and 8tudxys.0. M. Sebaa.k. CAUCUS. The Republican voters of the towii o! Libertyville, Illinois, are requested te meet aIt the Town Hall, on Satur- day afternoon March 171h. 1894 ait 2 o'clock, for the purpose o! piacing ln nomin ilon candidates for thre foilow- ing offices te lie voted for at thle ensulng township election: One Supervisor. On. Town Clerk. One Assessor. One Collecter. One Commîssioner of Higiways. One Sohool Trustes.. SF. C. Knlghta Committe. -i John E. Baiard, (Warren M. Heathi. Democratlc Caucus. TIre Demnacratic votera o! the tewn of Iàbertyvflils. M., aun requested te que at Lthe TowniHlltSaturday Maroli 17 '94 MI 8 p. mD. for thre pur. poISu o mnatlng candidates !or the foliowlug oMmco te lie voted for at the ensulng townshilp electioiî: One Supelwvîo. Libertyville, - - Ce R. -HERUAMÂIq is the place to buy your WATOEB, OLOCK89 JEWELUY, BILVERWrARIE, The above is the ver- dict of ail who have tried him, and is'sure to be of ail who may bu of hmm in the future. CALL AND SEE Ris STOcUIý taming. edi 'y ethet I -ff to l - ~ ~. A Judiolous Adverti.Ing PERSONAL. creates mny a new busI*ýesa. Enlarges many an old buisness. John Lock reshingled hi. Iiloîe Revives many a duil buslnen. this week. Remcues many aot buaInmg. lHon. and Ilrs. A. B. Cook were Iinao Savon maiya failng lrainas Chicago, Tuesday. Freserves many a large buelnna. e. P.- DYmond anad Isaîac Hatth are Beavey & Waldrond are selljg Grand Jurors at Watikegan. home tried lard for il cents. Ir Adeibert Hoyt la home from Wide awake merchanta say t.bat Kendali, Co., for a short visit. Âdvertlaing pays. j~ The WeekIy Inter Oceu and the Who wanta a nice 'pony to ride or' PE ItFSTbthl one year for oîiy drive? CJ.A. Appiey hias one to oei $1.911. cheap. Mrs. WilrtcIomii, of Atvinisou, Ill., Home cired Hamsanard Bacon'#1Id ~visitilig ut theî home ot 0. E. centa. At Seavey & Waldrond's Cash hrhil Market. A civîh îarty tvas given 31r. and Tire ladies of the M. E. churcb held Cîs eo. Ellis, iuesday levenifrg.I a social tea aititre parâonage Thurs- An eitrn fine tinie was liad. day eveanxg. Chai-lie Woolrdge liras ci)menc.ed We bielieve In recrprociy and work on fls new house, by ex'vutiug practlce it by trading with those wbo for a eeliar, digging drains, etc. U ! _ o h trade with us. Frank Deltz, of Fremoiit Cuirter, W k p o t Consiiderable hunting la belng in- tiick oeeof Chas. Kaiser's finle adouble_________ duiged ln by our local sprouiibut j arness home with hlm Toiesdla%. littIe gamne e iseen thougli. Mris. Fishieus 8unduy seliroul ça.. h t te "Lt Red 01chooI & Do not tai to heur the eharmîng gav- lier a îîiuasant surprise at liu rha te- itl eioeutlonist nt tir e Union church lion),- ednta aternoon ..AXver Shoes 'I are the best. They are agi EaserS:dayWllev:rprae oit hi' rXyofte otng frienris of ther and sewed with silk. One. pair iy observed ut the Fresbyteralak ise race Mlalcolm gave lier a veryouw a 'I Çkud chiireh, hy the young people, MarVh 31. îîIea-zant surî î.arty, 'Monda v tw ar tw o t e coflflofl i'df Usaaally a Republican nomination eltirn thle selling.eig ie it is efitlvaler.t tean election; but sîrcli linim r.i, restl wiUi pruuîably iîot lie the case tiiis 1 While et irk grandfather'sSiii\ 2Ib.C a ltdS g rfr$ O tIe ,.gpaL. i u nvet toî.jwZt;ing it to 30 Ibs. Kansas Beet Sugar îîxcee <'a Itt.xiIndd tairei"Herr.ri9. p r IL - ark I Lusk how 1ilek vie sold his liaitrd'r'. ir i(lIy. W ieF sîtan of Mules. M ike Wirtz, Jr., Iras bliiit t h. lhteFih7 Fifty tonrs of good Tc.rtic Huy for' lrrge, liii onitire oui Wrighit itiati Sardines, per box sale clrcap; ,juiivered on short notice. nd~uaîg~~~~îaaovt Il l'os. Sticed PAppies ipiy to H. W. Follett, two milea s cot ai .hooe. ri-i,1 17 ls aionI rn s10 ý irli of Libertx ville. 22-123 ,1.OQho. Tacevntet hesesonTI 'Miss Coiok ks said to li u ae 18 I bs. Raisins O Wec'r-eý nng Marci 21st, (lceiilili. Ir a-I b le arica, l.eairtri 6 Cans California Peaches 1.00i ut theI Union nihrrrh. Gleneral ad- the lieoffle xiernilx 6 EggPirn miiston tickets 25-icents children under to tler,- lir it the Union chuireli Ir 12 yeairs, 15 ceuts. Wediie-s,îi~eiinig Mai-eh 21st. 13 Cans of Peas 10 AIl work and nîo play makes Jack a Nx 'î-.iî ellsteft 21 lbs. Oyster Crackers 10 dui boy. Take hlm to hear Miss miai'. -rmall lrlitiîians. The editor Cok the popular lady elocu- 15 nu! iîersoialiy iterestedlin the out- 3g lo so yu tlonist atthie Uuion eliureh Wednes- corne, but lias lent. bis colaîmnas for the 2 pails of Jelly10< day eunin Marh,2lî. .pubîI iiseîis-iiî it he iýssues. We taire no part iii tli (!aalleuses or 1 quart French Mustarci .1 5 We have a large stock o! Granite arptgl3b rso T ie S p.1 and Bîtue andi 'hte Tes Kettes ahet mJr aini. 3 barshof TonumtnSaapmari the foilinîg low prlcea: Nu. 7, 9 MeJ, Bin ir tow tIegapaMd oîu e remaa25 cent Baking Powders -20 No. il8,4 *1.10; Large Size, No. 9,rr akgn aad lrig e- alo sS o ht ~ 4 Moiiav; sirvs their business is ex- 5g lo sS o ht * 4 $s *125. (0. H. sciianck. - tremely good anrd ttiere is no reason Lok tth rdtag on your P«Por, wh t hol not be when evev... UT PAYS TO TRADE W ITH serlpt1on la peid. If yot owe, ploiase thie best work douecin Uis part of the- ip and we wlll furniah 7011 & bot- counitry.- ~erparer.Itreqlrsmoey rn eU What has become of Fair Pi% lay a m lbiadia to produce a godnewsee,*liBgFu ig-ie__________________________ Kiekers, etai? Have they a gone to Visitors to Libertyvilie a 3ar Ileel) and gir-en tnp thre flght? Will hence will liaidiv e alie ictt r,,raîgnize ibey let tire cauvus go i)v uefarilt? tIre place on alcouiit of the. many We laad hoie-d to se a large turnorat vharages for tire better. Bindsomt- andîltire iomniiiees sîele-ateil liiolînlar' new lieuses ar-e goinurîip. ,jIII andi rtle-ueteîiîi ftieîeI. maîrks are bel ag remnovt-til atid i'r j.fla,î- i. . , il.. - i . g.eieral siic.ktiag iii) ail 'roirîil. ~ 01ueînîr i i. ut Suseib fmrrierndifilce, j iîrt jît tita iuit ri,iturs reouive, weekl-, ail tire ti- - i-i- rme 011 a pùee of aper, 'I-l' -rau Vour sîîiro und ing ciutiti-N. AI-rl e imay bli'aie otîrer litlUe iews lu-rn, iii lie INDF.kENVE'NT, <ieAlîdlt 1Ii1dtll and dropa h lorto tire nec. s box, oni kîrow ýoaa ai-eallye anal a iat S ii li-e (i ui-door, aindlyoîr r IIIconier a favor dciuig. -Isthie test local 1h11 t u lis as wei ris vOli- liriglituii-. W e aivertising mediuim in Lrake Co. tîdo ail tee îair to gel lire iiew, itýtl Ara enicitalirmenit wili be gir tir rît il ',ou viii do tii.r, we vN iii lrrîre mir tire Union echui-ch Vedrresdiu e\ -'. imore. inig, Mai-eh 2lst. Alfiist-cýltis.,It j- Whcîiiiiintowir.goîtot1 whi1B-tai- tioaîistIbaýs iieeii jucîi.d fi-inn Chici - rit for i- lun Iich. go, rvio rvil i-reder mai1i5 r irriteýz tll(" -zt, st-llctionr,. wl icli wil i bu utn iti d Prairie CiiG, eHt.i ii - ir-. wlth music iy the iaest r rîî,l i instruimental talenît of tisritv. llîlrrt lIu-ti-inidl.(ra"Nil iliglr. XWhoni, ciitertarimetat t-ilbe the ci eut oftirhieyir-coceti- -tuifr seio.Do Fnot Miss It. Supioi ? Hereatter alobitunry nTown- -, -e îî rrte from usuai deatianotic r'. îîicîî As-tessor? ai-e free,-and ail obitiiary Conit Colleutor? Z- ..Z7 c a rd a f th a n k , s o c le y r s l t i s m , C o m i s a l rri to f V i g eîi rv F O R rsetfer deseased memiiers, and Peiîato iltelcuri ail notices advertiaing locîal courî, B D-E D festivals, parties, te wbleli admis-,ic)i Cek0 ilaeDul Alderman of lat Vard? tees are requred,-that may bcu iîîîn Ju ed la tins îîaîer,-wiIi bat eharged for 3Ird aitliait rates-S cents lier Une. Thins I ACE T H & tý

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