Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Mar 1894, p. 1

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OU/R 41M: TO FEAR GOD. TELL 7W Libert.Ytie, Lake County, day, -March 30, 1894. PRICE, 85GENT9L $150. in. village Clueu-satrdy iaro 31.1 Ail Pooie Day-suadfky Apm l1. ,,, TownMoeeblng-Tueeday ApeUl 3. Village Election-Tuuday April 17. 1 EMOM . Dstrict school Elsetloa Batnrday ,Or»bd CelebtPonVo" of July. MWtem Starirtie b&Ura1lljgl*&me and don't __ inake a a thur of à i lOui.yr. Th flue 55w eISfV4-ntlarge 1fst ethle smm 1hw di the lageabt mmutfbuisniagemsraly happesf S *0 boe n Jaget Uvoanebil $epafrs.__ _ Eriery newfflper tisat dom Its duty IoOaI om bd>~, atbtully and i -falberllhbaseue- udb"-iro. bitter and, uWeleutlu U"'iiOff >euemièg. Every polfl tdser ifatUIiiiu bciefallu lu use bthe paper for the baieadrancemnut or hi, achemes, every- .ui as sa àgon.eb. atteaupte umuuoeWaully 10 lUS 4'Wlaha Rt~weti a malignazat, lttnprous hatrei,. ~~sM -o dua n ,~~ hcnle woa ld have larliet upon lt, bad- It doue hie ta. 5554 ~ dlrty work. We wonildsasy that eery 51 mtbavna fl s paper needa ha enenuls-In -tact; oméec 5rwS every paper wltb the moral courage. , the firmnesa Jonesty sud Indopenti- $1.0, er ur.euce. ILshosîltihave, muet Inovltably CK, Publiiher. make ouemies ofthte clia s e have ___________allinded, t.. A paper wîthout such --- eneules scarcely deàerves t. bavej trientis..l y.BAR] MARE AOGRAI IMONUNI Cemetary i .. i.rjD qwcarmgulpecn Ask You. Gî'ocer 1 Jer t TiTA -". - Boware 5f Suttont A fellow glving bie naine us V. Il. button lins beeri trave ling the cousntry repmnnenting liimnalf as, agont for tIse IxDamENDEMT. île lan nt andi nvor ~ulas beon autisorlzed <o colînet money 188eh for nu'e. Th. pusblieare lbereby ffl, carntioined îot te give hlm anîy credit Words. On in) accunt. Il. C. l>adduck-. le ah. County Seat News. bgoue Court ad'ourned Saturtiay untîl M= ay 21. T o Grand Jury reporteti on the conditien ef the is. They etateti tnnt Lbey foînnd the proseat muarters Inadeîînat.e anti unlnealthy *~adtirecommendedtithat Line hourd et S stipervîsora speedily erect a more te stattble buildting. They extendeti a J utge Uptos. lias gosu to L)usPnge un esints tnt bolti court. The moit Important work of the Grand Jur> cwas lttthe tollowing tases: Csas. Mark wuo nttemîsted to wreck n traini near Benton a tew ceeks ago cas trieti Moaday fer ISTOW malicloîns mischiet. fotati guiity- ati rtsirerot sesitereteeio one' year lis the Inesi- IBLE tentlar>-. Peter Hasbouek cas trieti last NITE Weduesda>- for larcenv. The pinus lE T.on both sities were eloqinent. The juîry- returîneti a verdict of not guiity wonk of There are stiil two iutiictmnents against him. 1 BSpîf. Nine prluotners cere sentenceti iast - Saturtiay morning. James Miller a boy or irîul o ineteen cbarged ctbpetty lareeny cas given tcenty tinys in UKGJ.jsil. He stole $19.27 from bis em- ______ployer to geL lnsek to is former home in Ohio. He hi been lut jail tbree menthe. Axel Carlson intieteti for grand laroeny. He put bis room-mate's * veut on by mistake anti got. trunk; fr he thon disoovereti $90 in it anti cent to Chcago cherelise cas arresteti. He cas seitteneedti t one vear at Joliet. .Chas. Smith cas sentenèed to five years for burgla",. John Green, burglary, flve yearu. Ben Martzecuki, burglary, one year. Je Brases, burglairy. three years. Alvin Doglut Iuglary Olve years. coKarui Skoitiouski, burgiaryw ti8tate ]Reformotory. Herman Moyer cas lacti $50 for illegal lîquor sellng. Chas. Englebrecht fOued $7r) for PDR.lilegalI lquor BOllng. Ecoutomy la a virtue; but-it la poor economy to economize n in ewspaper. I Speadt o or three o tlar@ leue on somttling you ean betten do cititeut. Tb. INDePENDx»T, Weekly Inter Oceaîts, Farm Jouurnaul anti Cosmo- politiun Magaizine, torm a combisustiosi et readiag mattèr covering tne grouint - of news, politics, and it ii.tlu-l fî1Uiv. * Theo four pnriotlicals cl be sent'a y6ànr for $8.50. Vactnation matiie have ,bocome 64tue falulon lu Parla. Formns beloug.Z a#IDg tolumalonable soiety co-operate $19ssnlg fur & docton andie wte Eugen.e Dadyo hcg, la at ra hom for .a fee nlaya vacation. 1 Pfut" Frank Lumber expects, te go t k WIt Lake clty in the neat funturs, W. K. Riela ,gas4lg bis Mý homnent Titres IIvers' ai".,tbi mi" EmumThomss, A b. O reY~ teacer, aleitr7 MCto I to unday. 4 Il~ â movtng anti buiding are 1>0139luêsved conuiderable by the aïlou W Imumule amain in , ur J uffld4jh*s mort riait m'iw iParent. ,2.a Mue. Ouue. Doyle went, to e u kes ,, mbouday e sh me wIil work ut the ' éGelo emn Who bau Innvlal tlg lia grancpatents rslqrnm ed . at liomeinla eo o odsy. 1. ]IL.Brown; W. K. Blee4)At.4k CbiegaoMionday onbusineas., leftr Snzndal evenlng for a two eekm'gei visit eltn bis parents ln Sebrua. Tii meut waglon of Gray & N&'Iura la sen on theroad îîearlyereryzda&y bmt diatrlbutinig meut tit their Sony Rg cusitomers. Tite unemployeti of our vluge l will fot joîn Oxey aroey but Mnay r- make a local demonîstrution in theèlit inear future. iel There was no preaching aervice gt1 Idt the claurcb Sunday evenîng the paster Seffl bing omfi et t.returi to, Chîmp gO W in he ftrnom. bone f Pedeatnian-4cati 1Dow go. frm nt . e btialf est to thse west aide on dry "ska o during basl weatber. The aldewaika Lodin ame a decideti intprovement tu toe Lb. $ho*. village. -sepI On. account of the abseince of Prof'. PSU P llosie the ainging clkm awil ilnot meet t!Mp tiuis week, but will ment nt week aà s - usiai. The tinte of tueetitîg bas been changedto W7*45. Physlitis say that the diphit'wtria :@s frequneîtly causeti y eatu.g apple8 that have beeji ttored in a celar a J mzIn long tite: tiîey sbouiil e wmhled or peeleti before eatisîg. Antirew Strang la kept lusy ut th jcne- warelune. We- have rn.ion nbel prountiof a man with tihe enîergyant ablityci ii.St.utg4t)ctu sl [t ta reporteti that a sommer normal for teachers anti advancedi utudenta cili b. conted etibre Ua)toutsix weeks ýià June and Juiy. We trust the rumor lu well foutideti. Wiiy îot ùave iL liere? Gurnee is lwtoonning. While about town lu searci for sieca lat week our "reporter*" tiouglit bue would drop in at tihe Rigi. achool. It beiing Friday lie Inaruedti îat the Gz. P. S. L. S. woulti give its lii- weekly entertinment bence lie cous- cludeti to romain andi "write 'em up; At tb. Y. P. S. C. E. Meeting last Thursday eveniug the foli- lowing <ufficerit cere electuti for the comisîg ix menths, J. B. Clark, Pres. Chas. Chase, Vice Pres; May Me- Cullougb, Itecording Secy; Alice [de, ,Trous. Tlîey ciilho isîstalled next Sumnday eveiiing. Tise winter tern of achool closes Frid uy andi will t. follo'ved by a weeàu's vacation.LbTheapmnîng terni will opeun Monday, April 9Lb. An entertalument .anti couundrum nupper cillilho given by tbe socleties at public schiool building Friday oveninig admis- sion 25 ceints for benefit of achool library. Teacliers andi pupils are workiîg liard fur Lthe library; heup the gooti work alenne. Wnecati justly be pronti of our scîsools. Thle program was of gooti longili. The nuatbere core Weil rentiereti anti slnoweti carful preparation. Lt inn- presseti your scribe a teisig among the Most important wcen ofthe sobool andi cas certainly conductot i n a Mont Llsoronngh and- business 11ke manner. The quesi-n, ýResolvuud that Hawaii should nîot 4o anntexed toe nUl. $.11 was debateti; affirmative, Juy Farrell anti Ralph Dady; negativo Arthur, Gullage andi Wm. Campbe». Tbe president appointed i Msa Straug anti 'Meaurs. Wooley andti Suitb as jutiges. The debatlng was close anti spiriteti, but resuitet inlutie negative gaining theo victory by a few points. A very gootipaper reviewiiig the current scolnews of theo week was read by Lin Wooley. It addteti mici tetuthe vturîety of tite programi. A I-int te Farmers. Ail excianigo gives Lihe following hint to fumers: W. cere a little' sur- priseti a few tiays ugo to finti $60 l- the roati beside the odeie ut tIno cor. nr of a proMnînnt f anner's ont anti the moreslo t A" t bnaIst b"oUin tbhrn auoa uaIhd nsras* t IAY19 LAICE. bd bas neturneti from o!ie f Elgini, ais ln iraio et L. eek. doSehoitz, of Cnlagop la ilimther il. J. Wbeelock. jr servim's a tii. churcb ~nserstnglaninmorsing ~at tihe baIl ut Wiiton's nuinbehr -attendoti the ures of the Graya Lake ay. IMp an sd family buve jynnuth , '111 We al @peon was quit. aick early At pnresest erltlng lie ucb hoUer. ~u uaa sleMardi alat yfarm nortb of (maya ~tyh bu rocently moreti. LufleDrec bas gone tu cO1loseil Tneaday biter soueeful work. The [ido ceil bx engage Mr.1 bnotîner tersa.1 Ivennng April 6, thtere cill be at ilattershalils Hall. or benlitof tb.n sidewaik.9 ;47 ents. Everybody la in-1 Ze Wbuildings are te bu le pritig. Grays Lake lu it surnly growintg. [t ia'te W bousm citios, brut it lu'f ullI b nut tise Rme. the reti tag ojUr paper.t e dat to W tursub» e palti. Irf "Ie, Pere. Ice IiluyU a bet- Lt requin ý ieyau ceD to prod4ice> a good mahm. Xolî Rockiasefelle. gh hin a large truste '4ked bore. - tJng 10 bis3 p.js ituabie9to nuel rai 'a sêWuay'bpgldth jgea escapea in*ptauce S ifnl th of Lb.eciteels. Morsl: Nolver Isuts 0ou vtmb big a j -g. Th'ie emtertainneist by te Avons Ceintes sciool ast Fritiay eveiig cuis quite s succeasis alnd eficted credint upo thtie pupiis anti teachuer Mies Nettie Dew. About eighst dollars whiels as Lalienin ii as consitierale as lte atimiustee cas onytoit ceints. E-sza r pnvje citzen shoulti have his naine anti atdresu printeti on the paper and!esvlopes chlch ho uses, us il savos Many mlstakos; ant iIf ho gets a reasonablo numbor printeti, ho cau get papen, printing andi ail at tho L&" Coum x Ice i»ku'r office, L!shertyvmUe, us choap asehoue aabu) Ibo blank peier. Tsuestiay ovening while at thne bau bJer aboîi Jutige Plielps mistakiîg lte sotire ot au abuse receiveti thîstîtaind Lisene beg^n tb mete out supiountijs- ice nistue barber wlio, beiutg ininocenst and not untieratuniding tise cause of tht asbkiult retalilatet at onsce by ejectisng bis asseailant cino hy tite cay cennt titrouigî a glass paînel doorThe ouly haiîtge or lbse belîîg twe tempersauand onne gliaspanel ah utfcisicin cere 500h restorethe In parties shlook bande, becasue fast friennus anti resolveti to f<îlow the olti moral: "I.otnk before youn leap." - Kolit & Micddhton'a Dime Museums. Mesrs. Kohli & Midd4toeuaie tIse westermn pioneers'ot permamnenLly bo- cuteu lieap, cholosome anti emirseitly peasingpopulai eutertaiiîment. Tlsey have a chaint of couibineti bannie 41nîseums anti Famliy Theatres, in- cluding tco in Chicago, ont ofot duel lu locateti t 150 Clark st., andtihte ether-Theflobe at State anti Vau Buren te. Botb control a very largo patronage, and.-afe among thie most succesfafl pleabure resortt in tIno clty. Bach oe einnludes severai spacions Curlo Halls, webereint are cOrîtiinuonsiy eihibiteti ovory procunable oxtraodi- nary livinsg condor, of every kinitiaind rare andl costly collectionts ot the 'trangost and mont iiterestisîg ýtliiigs front eversy clioie. -Euclnorne ulso nîalntains tw(t seltunate tîneatres, fur the- prodiuctiosn of varloti and amushsng stage performances, ine] iiing <nagleal, musical, storeosoopic audt gymnaAlt iehlbitnons, rst-Cl4,sarcsse anti ounedy nepreseutatlons 'anti bright and dlean apoclulbles by tihe !M. -l rw-! enn4vUi -stht, .u SUusCnipTrioN TEiWms: 1 3hx îîwuîhé, euh 1u ,dvanoe .............t7 Three naonha, euh lun udvanee......... n One yean,.Ir fDot p.Id wltbin 3 .ot... IL7& Oine yeu,, it Dot pald vithini athaýj.... M AI' etileuna atoppage WaS. ast e raua of S.uO per y., WAUCONDA. £aster cime and went in tihe coid. Our aclool closes this week FrÉday *$or a week's racatioli. (>rton 1Hubbard 'returneti to bis school daLle, ut Evanaton, WedneS day. Mms. IL. F lughs bas been serlis ly iliIbut la reportedto bbe .on Lthe gain. Quit. a number of our youag peopie attesideti the dunce. ut bclfenry, Mon- day nuht. Thne band bovs are Jubilant Fred WynkooP bus no far recovered os to b. out aMOnng Lhenâ once morir mm,..Olive Davis tla.quit. iii>-r. -Daes o sl- raften(tm nsd-uayt - la doingnwely fo.r au Mc i lady. ut her residence lu" out of town; but la quite comfortable ut this wrlting., Eti. IIaânm and elfe nu Gruc Davis are eîitertalning Mtr. ilaoio tather, miother andi sister, of Harmony, fil. Albnert Nullen. uneo f Wanconda enterprlsting young men, la now pro- pmetor of the l.AIder. we wiah im isuccesa in bis liée venture. 1 IL wili 8so11 be town eloction, next in order wiii ho vllaége election, andi 5011001 director. The ladies wiiilibelli la the latter us they tidIti atyear. Lors IHarrison, wlia bs been ut- teadunig achuol lit Evainston lias aliih- eti ber schoollnngwand' corne home to lita>. Sle purpoosto teach mugsie. birs. H. B. Durritt Whno took a fa» ut lier bomne sk couple weeks ago cas net -o badly injiured As wu& sfeareti. Site la alen to hoarouoîtiagain. Ernukin o;"ý..' ltas renteti the twé*~ do' 1liottt andi Li tlttiing it up in trt chusa style for na boardnang, Inis.. Tbis large I Otel cwu erected three yeasr agu andtiabs isever been oceij)iéi before. N. B. Duers was calleti tu Ring- wssod last -Neek by tise nsieus ilkue. of Ibis siiter Mms. Ie Andrus. -Ske is " «ou~sthNnilhu*â :éftuit e Il. Mnaran, wnre and <vo clUdrehn took tînein departur -laut Friduy for Culer Rapids, la. chero tiney cilU upaîi a couple ceeks ciLîn Ilermau Maimaîn andti Ars. M'a parents Mr. anti Airs. W. Geesier. Tlies remainsa of M rs. E. Grace wor. brought ters lat Wednesday for li.- tennnest. Tht. funerai services cere lield ut the Catinolie cliunch cher. a large conoures o!fueatves andi tnieustis gatitereti to puy tribînte te <lie memnory of the doceuseti. Un. Graee cas fommerly a Miss Kato Murray andi usedt L roshide ore. Site dioti very sutidenhy of heurt disease at -ber resitiosice Te Ilotel Grace lunCChicago. lier famil> Ihave tise symutty of maîsy- friensuls hero,in tîsis tineir heur of 'grief. GILMER. W. F. liail roturneti fro hià trip tut Michtigaus Saturdaty evenlnsg. ILl llwlitt spent a tew days recenit- ly with is u tmiiy liitWaukogan. JoinsMontgomery, ut Pullman, cas thne guest of C. Small over Suiday. The Weekly Inter Ocean andi the INDEPENDISST boti n ee year for ouuiy $L.99. Rev. Monney called uposi niombers of hlit congegation ut titis place huit week. E. Ilnbbarti, ot Nuinda, vlaitedtils daugliter, Mr. W. S. Hnteltusuoa, e- ceintly. Cura Thomas lus spoîstinug a few duys witîs lier granimotîner anditit' in Wnukegan. Mesdames Il. Morse anti J. F. Clark spent part ef last week with filandis lt Waukegan. Sereral car-boads et cinders %vers placeti upon theo R. R. tmack ut Uis place, Moinday. Titore cull bu èlîutcb service at Fainiielt Sunday April 1; condutet by P. C. Mostey. Mrs A. D. Loonils, et !Wnuc iis, casi te gst ot Mrn. R. 1). Cook 1hurt ot lastitweek. IL.1;elnweriii-aiin Sr. tho cas i.jured by falling clîlle ut cork tiîpqjt bis lioni, lis iuspreving. il. Sciîwernnain'ninouso là nearlsg completien and, v;beià flulbed iclii preseunt a ve<7 neat xppearance. Tbifol cho lin hsv WK coetur T.Nîrry Tonàs or gSdatiami 10 Sale ýcineap. App1y tu Foilett Lihortyville. ~OW8-Plve Jet4ol CoeSj por f 11 uk. iEnqui J). «1aven oeeMlle omuliet: ville. PT OIMAPLU TvBEE_ - 1,2j te 14 oceuis tetuf Ritta lire Mil$o wout Of Ulm Addreu at Irnnoe. le2a. buys a good GdutI-I>j tu) Sle Pony, >.log Sm2 cess anad cblldren- t»," - Apply t>, C. A. Apýpi., 11 eOR01 SALE OR -»UNT- j4,building. My rt éteIler. A goodibuUIù gr tins bit botiners té i There Io a Min At the l» Poor Funm who nndesut business. lie eau stopyo cribbing. Ca4rpetR RugW#M' UuSssin.thuti ent j Onndoe.ha Watur for igle lan lm Hive. ÂO ExtP.ram The. Wi'EEL OIfPO F#4T- Nruw, if n'eu are tuunktmng tsi à5-uWr wi or au Moee neparod, 1 am qui* êéî* l"OU.. t! YOU let me dIg dep e Mr PricesAr.: Fer eilaabout four etestu15>diglint., feet 7Tin. nexi te 4100. wt jç 30 le nexi 20 test f.OuI, mxi t l o ,t .5, iqM For Wenls six test lu in mmew'. 8nam, eetc, for Wells esgbt les &«m per toot. Partis, bat nr wok 4éoes aussitci for henn i.crnk for wcolt 0sud t# tî if needed; oint>' on job* *Iib4a - homie, lin 1 w151 board .ibaliau 5I* Wise 1I cli mnaks a dscounnt Olf k S44 home job ibatl1eau go e5t r ore'sv'*0 tohe doeslanagouo4wov*îW îînsnner anti ho sae te ro o" tn ut aw t pueter that if the o ocr canant taew werk, that ho e ntis man of s6001oa-00 go<i',wu n ese that 1tam nig ail -,t" Ste dome, snd thsst ciln bels may rfflttup sattatty him. i have dug anti repaissE 255vMie 10au, Lae sCo-. anti()ut of 49 jo* wt*u npe u home 22 am oe Wells. 4sud I sut bb*îl wese aIlt tankful turthte*suait #=nuw ost tnnm for My time. loua gîve. b0ý oftevery oee1 bave dons ob f«tee N 2() . an4,sd 15 am Wib*va.gotU - a5inoet *ever>' Onu. epselsay »lteu O1 trynlog ny best to ewyure tho. plenty rq Any- one wnsbnng noha.vve il 4iass 10 theo shove. 1 duo ntiSlue S 1îi», mane ainoeoll. Atteniou ik iceto Cali on or sitdresa..t1 JP. WILLIAM& nox 141. Lw~ll LIBERTYVILLE'I l Cornected by tRthehaW tur' P ç .uhe......... Wood-dry. aMW sMn....... Ccet-tlau. ver ltsn.- -- Grousnd Fred....... amu.parSi...- Grneef.eîrrtlejuen.lOolb Bet atte eyor Ibo. dtom yoUicnli the »omàg d ye4 - DO

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