Dot ~DISCOURUE ON 'bie the lN R E E N W O O D . ît U We Ar nis-b. "000d and bull n At s1111411 le.Mal Enrock! Tabernacle Sundaà 701 >11v. M Tairnage &ellvedabc sermon on u es n n hvi '~tae taxt halatatou fr0i a bne, iiAwvasilaMach-ha %1h vaU belon. Mafflne, ltaIey'7 lte cea viicit vasthanein, bas *0 trus ti een t he fiel l wl enula u allteborder@s e 510Uvoumaie aurae nte o t»il rsi emeteny aven lid ni& 1" WuabveulDame. Ilvas ate -- t beu viere te dot o!isal«" vus anddvih Gr &blgl,,tg bribe tlia lu o! tan- ma bpo~oeer,sas fer as yeslhle vi k thelb.ravages. Hobiatn ne y û ooirn tici iis reglen, M th 9eltiuah,bi ve bal ea »> bal omrble porion vWi et Pol of e ast o ern ta lt vitwo nev, alter shos hast w< injears, bail expîed-Abr- WI Sla uetellating for a tamil;, plot deý -'ber lusait mben. i bis oe d Iil rndea state,&ansi vs jebr lu mocn ypelhy for Abraham, oan j 91t taeanytine for h, nov cel ima bg price-400 shekels o! m Theo eterylol le palt for, vi ~tb raer madoe Ite P rO"eseue Ii AOsnpublic place, for the re Of m4eaand ne halls e! record Pa tb aealy limes. Thenlu a c4v-,i mfflitne no-k Abs-ham ffl iii sieuafew virsa&ter hîmaet! dl, gMeandth ion Isaac andi Rehatait, ai p euJacob andi Leai. Embowered, bi eand memorable Machphc- et -lLb tlo'5 are" dadicatesi b;ri hmlne a beau the mother of lu. ~he morluary nuservancsa. The U@ çofetevery cîvihized land bas ai gvithll s metropolis. nc moaisi beaubîful billq . Europe .te groat chtics a'-Y coveresi t eliat and lumerai vase, ansid lot eewe-sandi columns ansirb <In onnrof the inhumebed. h A vay o!iBorne vas bordenelhy tu brai commemersions. For ibis i Pisabas ls arcanes o! marble Il 1 i mie excellent bas-reliefstI, lifoaurei o! dear faces thai bcd. Genoe bas is borces j ~t0WDho. ansi Canstantiniople i tcypreas the sulent bah ta- r ssi aisbas lts Pere la Chaise. i buubeigitie iest iialzac ansiA aMd MarchaI Ney ansi Culvior ti Splace ansiMoicre ans irngbty VI e! verrionsansippeteasid peint- ai OSmuiciens lun ail forelgn ne-b wsl" eanius on ail sides lâecx-G ~J nltaé vert Otinterment,mum- Ouauand Intclueralioti-l o coutnry consent@ teha sc-b t» 10o uns- areapectitate le htlesI veu7 clly anS tew n ansi neîgb- 0 goboof amy Intellgence or vltue btmmy iles say. is sacreti vitere affectIon bas engazesi ejpesciisel anti ferlatis sp:&la andsi alumotels.Ounr own cil; basr Ite elarilgien s veli as 'iaart lu master vich it Iboldothe bc em- Oof thsewioihave paeS dfoere :uv0<ybylies Cvprem fiHuAs, ans i us1 UtWeon e la avary, and Hol; ýCens, amui rinds' cerncicr:es. ilteend tu kova e! auriCrecu- wod îit neOW about 2RtsOJ nhahi- Ï amoug bbc bille ibatc etnkoot lia Ba, ansi by lates cm-t bqsomed lu au Eden of tiowere, oun 'Mfunle.i._Westminster Abbey, au AaIropllaat mrotuary architecture, a Pantheonof mighty eues siecondeS, elegles in atone. fiede luinmarble, W (Loin 50siratlons lu poace vaiting fer other çésenauIens te sin thonL. No dormi. tory o! breathles alec p n ual the esenîs bas an many mighty demýi. t The hlutrioun. l)d. Among te irreaciers e! the gospel, Betittne andi Thomas DeWitt. ansi Bisbep Jane. and 'ly ng, ansi A bec-b, the rnbsiena nd Becuher ansi Buddlng- let niMcclintock euS Instîi. andi Bangs ansiChapin, and Noaht Scbenet adnSiamuel Hansen Coi. Among musiciens, te renowned Cotschalk Mnd lthe ly Thomas Hastings. Ameng hiropista, Peter Cooper ansi Isaac apeanti Lucrelia MOUi and Iseole Grabamn, andi Her; Bergb, lte sposîle of mency b ibhe brute cris- *W& -Amingthe hîtenai, the Cerys àlioo asd Pbob; James K. SPauldug en John G. Sexe. Amengejurnalibe, 8umua ansi Raymond anSdCnc oIe;. Àonfg scientiste, Ormshj Mitchell. :ýasdor as veil nsastnenotner, aud lov- ~gycaibesi b; bis sobsiers "lld il~s; Professr Procîsi' andi the = eu aplendid men. sas I veli now, 1etf item My teac ber, te other t; Amn <- i.Inventera, Eias flove, Who, rs~0ughl ewmving machines, diS vte4levate the teila o! voman- anl' man Ibai ever lvea, ,~ProOuSOrmorse. Who gave Us tej- -y tbgab he fermer dolng bts llhenoasla, the latter vitiutibe I.Among itysiolaus ansi Jeoph C. Jntcbiucou ansi adDr. Vaentino MOU, liefcilowlng eplteiibvbhhe eut i n on o!fChristian ra- i 'MY implicit fat ansi hope la 1 rcRu euleemre, vhole the -- ~ ý n tn h ielilfe. Amen andi -e* sosagla on the,l PUwte~ il am'~ amr";B Foulb b» aU but n e trom., pmarsWb th vsa netor. Me àput =tir abat ror îhay Voulu cil bavebloo asi iil. They areIhe gîivi idren o!fltae consarvatonias. But et ltha' le semSn andi through bbc mosi et fret 0 ear thé fHely Landste lail ablustb boa h floral opulence. You lins all the royal fat Iy of!flow- F there, semaisbai >'ou suppoeSlun- and enou@ te lte fer north and ethens gar iîgeneus teo the fan aoutb-the daieyÉami1 A hyaclnth, crocus ansi aneoneo v ip axd ater lly, igeraniurn ans I'u .uncuu, mîgnoete andsi syet bol rleram. In the collage ai Beirut a rn in rnay ses Dr. Pust's collection o! me )ut 1, 800 kinds o! Holy 1Lansi tiers, the hie emong trees ara the oaka e! Our zien climes. andi the tamanlet et the the opics, vainut andsi vihow, ivy ansiflac 1titorn, asb andi eider, p lue and Pal ,umona. If sucit fierai andi bobanîcal anc mui«esamethe viii grovîba o! the onâ M,tink of vht a garden muetih gr' Paleelîne! And' lu sucit a garsien bu' "us Chrstîefler, nte soldier's Y0 _a, eI htrop et bl= ed sioag- ha! îleS. ~ ~ ~ O Anittnsuio pproPri- ts te ltaI ai1our cometeries aboul ha th. oraUzeas andi inca shaded. In Juneac caenvoosi le Bneokbyn's garden. '.WeiI, hen," y oumse, ".xow can ou de uaioui thal uta nasurrection deàytht Ilheautify the cerneterles? Wel lmi înet beave them a ploed up tit, rond? On that day thare viii ha an cor rtitquaire, ansi vîli net ibis split the lb olisiesi Aberdeen granite s well athb eri plain slab that cen afford but bye vi ud-àOur Mary' or 'Our Cbarlay?'ît ps cIl, I wlh tell jeu bow nesurnectîen Ch ay will beautify al the cemeterios. bc tylh b; bringing up the faces that fa, rre te. us once ansi in Dur memonles bic re te us nov more heautiful titan auj i'h alla lily ansi the ferma thal ama le us Or aore graceful than amy willew b; the am stars. Ceny ou thint ot anythlng vI nre beautiful iban the reappearanca OY ,those f rom vhem vwe have beon unrtesi? h do net c*re wbleb va; ther W' ea fais lun the blast so! bbc judsgmeut di: k rleouca, or if tuec p,>w.-tb. -?- ay shall buidi. ender theldSt-s, id bbc aset china aster, If eut o! the yokcn cos shall cemo bbc hodies of la inr loveS one net damagesi, but il'- l adiatesi. hi The Voire of til. Dead. bu The idesa!ofbbceresurnection igots gi taler te undersiansi as I hear the pho. lu lîgraph unroll oome voire that taikesia' ho it e yoar ago. juet hafore our 'toend'sdecease. Yeuitoucb the lever, gi id thon corne foe-tb the very toues, xce ve ySong of the perban that u -ca thesie tit once, but Là nov de-_b Partesi. If a tan cen do thai, canut ri .lrnlgbby Ced, without baîf trviug, re- t wru bbc veine o! your dopanteS? Ansid ifHo cen returu the voice, vby uni rie lips, ansi bbc tonue, ansi thc rîroat. why net bbc brain that sog' f esteS bbe eerds? Ansi if the braîn, whv fot te nerves, of wbichcbretu e is thc headquarters? Ansi if He cen 14 returu tbc nerves, why net bhc O muscles, vhich are leesi ingenlous?.1 f And if the muscles. vhy net the boues.~ bat are boss vondet fui? Andsiliftbce oice, ansi the bralu, ansi the muscles, and tbe bouces. vby net the entiro ud v? 11 man can do th e pbenogrtp , God cen do bbc s esurrection. b Whli itlbhe thesame body ibat lu the Ist day &hall ha rennimabed? Yes, but lutinltely impievei. tOur bodies r bhange every se yen yca-9, ansi yel lu il ona sense, ibis the saine body. On MvY wrist ansi the second fiuger o! my igbt ha"u thora la a scar. I madie E thalat b2 jeara et age, viten, diagustesi 0 ait the presence of twe varte, h lotk a ( 'aS bot trou ansi burnesi them off ansi 1 burneS tbam ut. Since thonmrybody a bas changesi at loast e hait dozen limes, bt thoise secasprove il is tbc semes bod v. Wo ne ,-er buse our jdeutily. If Coul can andI Socs ,,oîuetimes rebuild amans five, six, Ion bitos in thie vorid, la ht nysterieus that Ho can nebuils i hm onca more ansi ihat in tbc rossrrcc-t tien? If Ho cen do il ton tinte, I thînt He cen do it ilubios. For seventecu yeers gone, ut bbe end o! seventeen eastney appear, ansi by rubhing bbce bnilg agaînst bbc ving itatathat raitie et wblch ait bbe bushanamen ansi vine' dressere tremble as the lu- sectilc hoët bekes up bbe merch of de- vastatien. Recurrection every sevon- been yeare, e vondserful facî. The . l piAlgebra. Anothor concideration makea the idea o! nesurreetion essier. Cosimade Adam. He vas nottashioneda fterany modeL Thero lieit neyer been a hu- man organisin, andsie8 there was noth- Ing te copy. Aitbthe i-el attempt Ced maSo a perfect tan. Ho made hlm out o! the Sust o! bbc carlh. If out o! ordinen; dus' et the earihhaeuS vithotîtI a mosici Ced roulsi mate a Perfect tan,1 muod; out et bbc exbraordinerv duel ot mortal boüy ans i wtb millions of modals, GoS enu mate each one of us e perfect bssing in the necurrection. Surol; the lest undertatiiîg youdnot ha greeter then te tiret. rq e the gee~iaigebre -erdinary dust minus a r9. equats a perfect man: extraordl- uer; dusi ansi plus a moulel equeis e nesunrection hady- Mysteries about it? Oh, yes. That la one neason vhy I halievo IL. lb ouisinet ha tuch o! a Ced wbo coulsi do uhînge ouly as fan as I cen undentensi Mysterios? Oh, yes; but ne more about tae resurncc- tien of jour bodiy than abotibe prcseni exisence. 1 yul aexplain bo you bbc hast mycter; e! the resurrectian ansi mate isplain tu you s that two andi bye matre four if you viii teIl me how jour mind, wblcb la eutrely independeut o! vour body, enui upon voun body se that et jour viii youn ce a pen, or your loot vaîke, on joui'baud le extended. So I fiud noiblng lu bbc Bible hste- me. nt oenina bbc resurretion thel «erat4iiy' aoMd msretu;ý 100X t M THE MA«ROR tou 'ixy tet l da usa»M yfi requlegSeeate the Jung ad oot, ______ b 40 feet lnn sue, a ce ______________ sthave not ha t*i minutes' rest i regttn cpita mn nthe fnt respirat5on and the flrt STARTSFROM MASSILLON OHIO lance wagon, with medical and sur Tbs a4,try f c~ ara.. ITH BOUT150MEN. aties for the accommodation of the Factoriee are apt to be rough placetam.febgciesln nt ithose who toit in %nom have their used for sleeping q uarters at night, and mente grimy and tbeir bande V111 CrusaIe Agniflat the National Capital for the meetings en route, when the Resetios o! am EI.attes~ ...,- iutched. But who cares for ltat 4u ner wu&lg ici-reather la too inclcment for the open Wholesounns Vood for «r uhISi aen they iurn out for us boautlfui Bgi ~. ko~âIgCru-ar a h ,pom as.ItIfi tical instruments or ciqulsite e uîges Cowd» of Nç,rlatom Lion the air. Is wîl bhedmande to pss aod1'roftabiy ster? Wat ioug thegraa Rada-onos 10<am ut aoto.. two billq. Une provideifor the issuiug ugbplace, it id a resurrectionbedy of S5'0eO,0 OOin legal tender notes, te inufactory, and f rom i l shah cOoaComOon...l 5f.ts Forth. be expended by the Secretary of War Ja<ýb's Pr.vaiiaog Flruymr oradiant and resplendent forme of Coxey*â army o! the comrnonweal at the rata oi $20,000,W) a month in The lesson for Sunday, A!g il me rf riends on the brigbtest imorning tute't-aa nth aros o -n L en 2 -u oworla iuer saw. You put inte, a l Msillon, Oh1o, Sýunday forenooa, constutf'rasI h arosh on uCn States. Comm n labor la to ho paid îI-RnODUCTRoY. tory cotton, and it cornes out Q. an by niùbi had coverod the fIrA I S.50aday fore ght houro work. An- Jacobagain. We lefthlm&tflsi kreI. You p ut into a !actory lumber eigit miles of thc long boraldel march other bihlel to pravide that any State A score or more of yearn have i lieai, andtbey corne eut planas ad te, Washington. A Canton, 0hio, dis- or rnuniclpalîiy down to a village de- and ve find hlm returning tow"I- rans, And @o into the tactory of the patch sae hat ai the colnmn passait string te inake piblic imprevements old spot. He la an older am ia b -vis you put in pneumîonies and COU- tbrough tbe public s uare of the citi may depuit wit'i the iFecretary (f the man, but he hussomewhatose toi mptions, and they cerne out hflhth. of iti birth there wera just, 122 peo- Treasury non Interest bearing bonds as ibise lesesin disclo es. Ho I.tle . ou put in groons. andi they coma ou0p' on tot, lnwagons, or hortebacit. not exczseding ono-baîf the sseesa cover that derendence on Gnd la pw lielujahs. For us on lte final day Th ainlclrswr are tvalustion of ies prop3rty upon which with God. Yet hig face lesel l imcii attractive places Witt net h h ainlclr eecrda the Secretary of the Treasury @haHlul- right direction ai theouonsel. Trvu~!1 parsor hegaren, o t e ~t'ho heas of the cou lin by Sam John- f uî legal tender s ai 8per cent of their eldente ln the narrative 'et red ne u 1e cemeteries. 51,aYsilnfegro.Calr<nefc value. Jerry Simpson will ho our 1e. ngvehn ÈthsJe» IVe are flot told ln w bat season ihat came next,mounted on a splendId white aaked te introduee thos, 1k5 fleelng, Withtsomathîng ofh. al~ Sv yUl corne. If it ehoulsi ho winter, hborse weigb ing nearly 2,1 0) pounds. crafinoe, f rom Laban, his fatitor-lu. 1 e" wbo comle up will b. more Ha wore high t)p boots, corduroy FATAL TO THE FRUITS. law, overialten, ta brought to mah. trous titan the anew ibat coveresi îrosrs a buckskin jaket, a fur covenant with bis former meuter. Dm.L If in the aniumn, ihose wbe ovorcoat, and a big Country VW.ted hy Freaing Cold-fltop et They build a heap o! stones for a wtti- )ue up wlll be mo.eo gorgeois than s imbrero. Die }tirk- rf1117 1>er.s. fnoms. "And Laban called ItilJea& le woodq aiter the f reste bad penciled lard, o( Plttsburg. According le the proue di otes hadutha, strange outlandisiah .E lm. If ln the eprif, the bloom on1 wae close tehind bhe recent cold muap bas been 8 tiio 'bu Jacob callled it Galeesi" (31:47>. îlch ihey tread itt lhbedesaicern- witb two aida. Thon the fruits. Thr,>ug,îout Illinois, Indi- That Je, ho gave it the Hebrew aseus. aresi with the rubicundi of iheir came Coxey in b«s ana, Iowa and 1%liibigal the tempera- He bail put the heathen languae» a books. Oh, the perfect reilurreciiofl phacton, wibh a turc bas been u-iuiually low for ibis life of bis father-in-law behlhil&.'y odff Almoot cv eryhbody basmoule de- ccachman driving a season. Il was a virtual deciaratien of judos Dtve spot in bis physical constitil- siieita.Nrs. At Auna, 1'l., tVie thermometer felI pendence. The other incident lia et U >n-a duit ear, or a dim eye. or a Cox ey, be little ita about 20 'deg .eo. The front did 1, 2: "Jacob weut on his way, a&M th. heumatic foot, or a neuralgie brow, son .Legal Tender, great damege to fi uit and vegetab«es tingels of Gcd met hlm, andi wboa, ýa twlsted muscle, et*a weak aide, or and ber sister, Miss tbrouhb ut the cection. The budin of Jacob saw tbem he saisi is le 0<4'. ninfiemied tensit, or corne point Il Jones, drive witb the er, hIes*aud early apples host; and ho calledl the naine of lhah' liih he iti wouor sSsei f &5.COZT. tuen t t the firet are trhouîhtit h3 i klie-1. Stt'asherries place Mahanalm," i. e., iwo hosti-- 'erwork asseults him. stop. A light running gear, having a are injures orne, andi there m il ha ne od oslt and bisown. Jacobs ovuea itthe resurre tien body shall bhaspeaker's platfoi m. waies tx i i te ach etrop wbatLvor, tiifi'ceze bey- oruetosee Goi. forhis face laetÛès ithout une week spot, and ail that the acommodele Carie,- Browne and bts rne fi&s;hed the ruin whieh the Janu- 3 : 13 ) to go hie way and do hie 1 octors aud nurses and apothecartes of pancranra- lîlu,-traling bis harangue ery co'd snap hbe-an.u . D1-7' INTE LaSO)!- __ -_ ~iW ere4tW hýve to do wil l t bbcnational banklng system Cairco. hlii.-The température hors Jacob lave a goSi foundaiontfor *P-. * 8n.->- s..' aibteinmnubter of tieâge. bas fallen e1varaI dtogreg low f reez. p'a'ote k L (1OC od i o yfat4h. he broken nights of their eartltly ex- Lew Smith, the greai unkuown, Inýg. Ttc darnage, te fruit growors &aid Abbraham,. 1. ., ~ho Ced 0f the promm slence. Net only wl i het day ha the headed tbbc ,octiou o! footmen. Haisa garen'ri in tbis vieinlty will reacb Ieo. IL Whicb raldai unto, me, B. eautitheatton of well kopi eemeterles, the sman wbo made such an incendiary many thousansi dolla-s. luAru,0 etc. The covoeantr-keepinif it someotofhecgra%,eyards thai hiave speech lnu',a:sillon that bie waa not a M aecou tah, IIll-In two davs thera God. The Gosi who calin us eut Îlei toen neglected ansi been the pasture lowed te speaw the second tinte. Pao- bas becu a di-op ln the temperaturso f bound to-leasi us oui. Trust hlm, for' ,round for cattle and rootiig places pie ln the crowd the tiretaiure lho frou fifteen t7 eighteen degrea,. his grate. l la what the old slietq or swine will for the tiret urne have spoke ibouglib he wai Fielden, the Chi- Pencifes, pea re andi plme are ruinesi. Iniant whett sho saisi, "I've bisecr Utractivene-s given thora. cgCnrhsi nic n oune. He Detroit, Mich.-Diil -hes f r'om va- for l, and l'm holding hlm te li.» Il was a sharne batin uâtba place un- repliesi: "I amntegetukonnu etosc ihgnrpr the But Jacob also soens te pleas big ,rateful gonerattone planted ne tireas, ani muet remain &o."- Ho le baud- bomperature ai fa- halow tho freezlug own uuwortinoe si a grounsi fer id bwisted nogarlands, aud scipturesi s me, conimanding, and wohl dressesi point evcrywhere. The thermmeter boessln . "I amrn n wortiy cf 1he io marbie for thieir <bnriiau ancestry, andi malubains goosi disctpline. Seven- regiiters <0 degrees ai Seul Ste.Mai leti o! ail thy merdies "Ho 4u 3t on the day of wbicb I speek the 17-four foobinen followed 12 at Alpeuna, 1Mai Grand Hayon ans i unw.)rthiness constitute a cil- UCY taurrected alshat malte the p lace Of A coeresi wagon accompeulesi the lu Detrait. Th3 cold wave lu Mîchi- Cod.' Ih le net untitnes patre, ,eir feet glorious. l'nom under lte bandi of fort ,en members. Two wag- gan le Recompanbed hy northwest feli untitues. Therefora it la &à < §adow of the church. wbere they ons accompanieli the lents and a coin- wiuds and litbi suow lu corne portions. graie througb faith. Gosi bm umberesi amonz netibos and mulleli miaaary, and an ordinery fartm wagon Fruit-growe-s will suffer almosi uni- lea e help us in weakes andu~~. alka and thtbies and clabe »aant, loadesi with horse feesi brought up the vereelly. nec. througrh bbc meria cof te y@hall risc with a glory thai sali St. Louis, Mo.-The freeziniz weaiher, revealed in due lime. "AU - fus btbb windows o! the village -t hai now prevails throughoui ibis se- fitnes ho requirelb la te feol jour al church, and by thehall toworbthei u5e ts 3 lno b Subeispeeted o! bhJ m'--saved b grace. i caîl 1:1cm to worehio, and afaove the Va ý'ff for the mon h of Marcb, and is causing ltice the 1111 e word*"ferm " và ld spire heside whicb their praye_ *a consternaioinamorti fruit andi vegeta- 10. «For wih My staff I pai frmcrly asccnded. Wbai Irluniphal *4'q<I '* hie growcrs, who wlll ha heavy loesr, at. Itla eples, number 4. im procession nover sud for a street. what ttý> 7 therefrom. Ice an inch thick formed promise te the lattera; sooo,10 an oratorio never disi for an acadutiiy, lu ibis clty,and as fer seutb as San persouel. cati; third. Jamoob a ovut rhat an o: aor nover disi for a brilliant -Augelo, ex., il was a quartar o! an neaned nOw, fourth, God's prewo* auditory, s.hat ohalisk neyer disi for a i U nch bhick. blossin g. *ftherlo, ha ocmuld king, resurrection morn wîll do for a&II ~ jAl - ' Muncie, Ind.-Ti.e température heu "bath the Lord holpesi." Titaeoe, he cemeteries. drappesi ihirty degrece, sud Muncie the argument, hoe wlll ho p la 1- If W. Ama HLa. us visîtesi hy one of the severasi bliz- future hoe will belp te theend. ~ Th~sZestr tele u tha lu bnis~s A ~ 1r\zards of the seasn. One grower saysisîhU hs tingjyeu kn>w abzil O? resurreciion our resurrectionil I we ihat al lte fruit in tis section et the thefrr ksiaoliait87ou are bis, and thei resurrecion o! ail the county heu beau killed, wbich vwlU ho olsi, sIxty-iiva jeans on the way. toua deuid, le assuraid, for ho was "the ~ 9' a le,,. cf thonu ands o! dollars teomise," ve the anawer.'S Irel fruits ethem thatolopi.' Renan I' ' /\ i- farmers. kepl ibem ery oea, ami wM k"pb ý says ho sud net risc, but Wo witnesses, ..'L NU I'1Wahah, Ind.-It Io halleves the thomate the ens.* Ha vil sixty o! tbem Christ's enomieu, say hao ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fruit laeaiI killes. Wheai wblch hast RIT AND ILLUSRMATIOUB.. his rscfe ihy aw lmaflr e h u9i~ ~t~J<ll ~liJ ~irJi~fi grev a k le aise lujuresi. Prayor. What a ult*L e 'is n I h dsinet rise, how dd ixty Valpnriso, Ind--Wbeat le ihought 1buiî ugs ia-ul l armed soldiens loi hlm Icieway r_ Rund T oays t hve ee kfolk.*etîiWith st ho PrU ute Surely sixty living soldiers ought tOo rar. The finsi stop was made ai Reas-i Bunlinglo% le. -Faster Sndy Ul ula Utl $tpryte able te keep oeedmman! Blessesiurban, ansihare, accorsing te the hammorabfth le Iha odatla. o theetiuWuglssom rl de ho Ced: Ho dia gel away. scripturatel isi chBrown intr>- mmr tteode naial b lta.iirayng Losson. p la After bis resurreclion Mary Mag- dusw rvrpoiheteewea mercury was near zera. Many floyers lesKo.Pa fo l tpl h lalnesawhlm Clopa sa hi fs i o! bves ansilehere w wlta b hie h the churches were deco- of the leseon and pray. Haurl daene displeslu a upepas aw hi. ecaunesofslon, san ishes-ry hread, ratesi wcre fros;esiduriug the night, makes bis miisionary conforeffl Tondicile i a upe romaiJe- anedsamo. ndoiedsardines. Fruit buie sufferesi severeiy. casIons of power (haosa thlby uselam saw hlm, On e mouniain the After an heurs nest bbe order tg fait Buffalo, Wy.-Last weok e blizzard, brnug te hlm surprises', 01aseo eleven saw hlm. Five bundncd a et in Bru as givenl. There wer cornte re- coutiuuiug ceveuty boar-, hba nover lnterapaces of davotional appea. Oo saw hlm. Professer Eruesi Renuan, crule hy ibhis timo a dozen more heen appreachesi lu ceverity by any lestime te Cali upan Go&. who duS net ceshlm, wil excuse us for borsemen--ans i pobahly 15) marchel other storm lu ibis ioceltty. Traffile Y Pray, bretbren. pray, taking the lesbîmony of the WItOwbo through the cty andi to Camp Lexing' cntireiy suspeudesi, and communication The. day la dylng; did soc hlmn. Yeces, bc Zut awaY. ton, jusiteletect.wcetowthtoututid wrl bs ray. tretbren. zmnay. Ansi that maltes mecoieelsure thatourniliht was @petit. Marchal Browne says n I C rsord So l rit ontlimet la fl thylngzchme departed loves onles. and wc ourseves halt tce naine, age, rosidence an] oc- ecilf rom tcn tg tweuty foot doop lu ev- YVesn urt en the dloofchmno ebaIl get away. Frced himcelf frotn clîpetion of evory member 13 on. olledW tn ~nlb d.e ie bbl sheîeo lsh entgigtit ehnwt aifceyreo o ry direction. The oss ofe!stock la EternIty le drawing oser.- th 8acls f ldhol nt ongtetgohe it atatsfeor raonfo er. ible. Et1erni1ty la d ra Wln£ 0<5V! leevoe us andi ours lu the lurcb. enlistiug. The list was not opien 1 al iu Tetmeeue Prvnmvstear !Gsbt1 Thore vii l Leno doorknob on the lu- public g a e, but VI ne indignntly rehSt.havl, in-hlo i e ees a- muet lier di es etthe. Uptof esl.bu side of aur liemily cepuichor. for -we denies ihai there le a cingle tramp lun1ecro, thevîch wae bbcsix osbrecord e- uest lioA, a n o aeanthe eub.«, caianot corneout o! ourselves, but thero the csmpauy. Hoeays that others will fowrconhc a h.oetrcr eý lv a h uente insa doorknob on tbc oulside, ansi Ihat loin lu camp ail alongibhe route. foOhconh t o!flîrayor for for t y jeans or Jesus shiahlay boîsi of, andl opeuinli (oxcy le elatesi uith the btrt ansi li.t the pieaees wene for tm nt will say: "Goosi moruing! You baye Fayi a g ed su-cisc le uow assurcd. DENOUNCE BRECKINRIDGE. o! a genoral li-detiulte mort; peolpl alopi long onouzb! Arise, arise...Ilofono e raving Camp tonoord at Mas- askîr.g that somctbing, scmeway Ansi then wbat tiultcr of wings, an'i sillon, a meeting was So-tal rurîty Loague of New York Wsots heasilo! that famlly, bish wbat tiesbing of rekindlosi cyce, and bcld. Cari Browno Congiress to Expel HMom. almost aIl lu the churcb, rnlgbt wbat glasisomo rushing acrose bbc dclix eresi his Ideas! ouhanil uiesmeaîg nto ttc kiuurdom. The other day fulylot with cries of - Fathor, ei sa sermon. Ho reasi .anmd election o! ollicors of the ll<lI e or asstoigly movesi ta thet you?" "Mother, ic that you?' front the scriptures, W I Chisitibn 1 eague for bbcei'rotect'on of rayor lu bic case deflutito a -ld "M y darling, leinbai yoî?" "How volt selectlug coterai pas- ~S- cel Ptrity wai helsi in New York at e callesiltto c Ibte wlfe, au ail bhave changeS! Tbe cou g hgone, tsgcs 'trem Roi-ca bbc'hochadque'tere o! il-e lbague, 33 Chri6tian coul. "Have vou faltb 10 - the croup gone, the consom ption gone, tion. Ha took the Fut '-'d cîreet. One cause o! bbe, .lcve tbat 3o-ir hushansi mal, le à bbe paralysie ggoue,the wearinessegote.groundittail o!flthe I long coni:nuanceofo!tbbcmeeting vati verte I ai once?" 'Yes." WittI Corne let us escensi iogothcr' The prTphecies bai beeni the animated disco. Sion coucernln join wih bmc lu a direct, parsonale olden eues tiret, tbe younirer one nex ! fultiled. Ho ex, CÂSU BROWN£ Congresan Breekinrisige, in wbici t otprn bdu,,tuder en. b», e Quicie nov, gel into lino! The skv- peainaS the passage bbc ladies tomee nvolvcsi. They andiopn Seilon?'" e. lm wand procession bac alroedy staniesi! o! the haut witb soi-en heesis ansi ten finally dclled to senui a memorial 10 day whlo bbhe wlfe vas pnalngla1 Steer now by ihai embankunent o! bonus. New York, ho saisi, wag the Congrots prote ling ageinsi eilowiug ro 'o - b pasr, by aMe c'oud forntheafleurest galet" 'oe-sel, the saxon heeds f nancial con- Congresman Broclu luge te retein me-it errangosi byibÉisChrista - Andi as vo ascension oeelcde the spir-dces, sud the ton borne cuch gi-ast- bts ;st. he; aliso siccidedit te nd. a vas talking ansi preyiug vîit lb. cartb gebls staller uniShl le longerrli, grlndîng monopo'les as bbc Stand- communlcatieîî to Mn. Breekînnisige baud haow. La, lbe was ahilaJI than e mouiain, and atelIer unil itlb uni l Trust, the nailroasi truste, and calllug tîpon bor in bbc naineofo! oman- the decisluu stop. A few il$s~ le ne langer thau e palace, ansi cmaller tbe landi trust!. boosi t0 renounce ber husensi ansi te was beptizesi andsi t tho lest c»3 until lb le ne larger then a ship, and Purpoî. or th. March. nef uie ta live with b!m longer. In ad- lon te ývie e 8haPPY fmilY Bai atealier untîl lb la no langer titan a J. S. Cexey's "army" o! unemployeoliilon te thîs tbey voteSt) rail upon the 'iabla of bbe Lordl- y wbeel, ansi emaller unil it lasno larger vas orgenuzosi ta mat chbtoWashingtonthb presbyiory witb h os' Col. Breck. pu rp, se, pray- deftitltey, and let than easpeck. 1 ans inlu ersan siemend relie ff!rem luridge le connieciod, askinJ, te have andtvurlt go tegether. Farewel oii 10 ,.Cengrese. Mn. Coxey ussoclaeil wîtbttc Congroseman exelloci. Tbes And yet Charles ýspuîkeon v Farewell i, ljsoving earibI But on hlm sia-s isant Carie Browne, o! actions were taesi upen bbe motion of eue of triose tan wro wr-nid - bbc ciber aida as va risa Heaven et Californla. The work o! o"gaulzeîlon Mrs. Clarket Bell, Praldont o! the urne lu prnycr whlch ougtee tirsi appeae no langer tjau jour band. vas begun montbs ea,.Lob n unions,Wmne eat Prbcie .so-teok.1.otrptrel Ansd nearer Il loksIli chariot, ansi farinera' alliances andi sirnilar or- ablon. crigo when bhctri cai ceniaraà a. nearor it looksiike a itroenudueater gailzatloils we-e Invlted te îjoln Inta-i. Oerlos, haing a-ted-iy b tuhen look Ut a tar ani nare lblot AI orgnîztlois O cadyses ~Op5'. T bld o ofNewt. cr tbbîy had hatter bolsid ru