Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 11 May 1894, p. 4

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M obeSiuiedthis lu, It len't fiee ta b. lbot o.nlbth e easfuxl Ônea, *nu1l atter tkee ooveutlop and evon Mo thien Party nomineeu Mal-not. asoptîre the mooet votes Loouk oti, fra necr Independent poliica Party'. Thie majorit>' of the ueople M ? netlier fools o cranks, tior yet We gre alil couvince tiltat thle ,tily s'emesl lmi ta giavel the roas, We .4"etit ffu>iîtU teear out our tesuis, cwagoîîsi, andi lamu and w ame tline ,mwplug along tbrough lthe mitd. IL ieroltihe ocuelipeber ta gravel the 4catis. 'If ce cea't Bnd gi-avel ini sitV 19 -dlie airronndlag bille, theu let- t-le * ~mmlsuuioaengage te R. R. to -#iliver it at the station and we wUuier lii cbsettliy îoiîaiet-he âary'lme of-ouraelveeand te-aimtet jfl sud eprenai iop te ruade. t lm - 41eni;tait caMseof tlime and mouey e* k.ep on plilnup theqte dirt roadm lot turu loto und cith evêr>' riuci -IVO ttis your eamdid judgmneît and - *t'e set seSrdlngly. A FARmEa. - Don* Make a Mistake. ; T.- Ttspaper ln sot a Bepublilesunor ~'~iîoettloorgaxi; inether does lu i'.P0& n a. îDe namne Indicaces lt-s ul~Ites. We are willi the people, but s'~aed to ring ruleu or machine tS.If <r ideas meet youtre, or t41nk I wiflip i ou ualvertlse - F P1lMniSbasueiéedit YXour 4orlaI uplOKt a Vau ,,Inh hu{eîfle l-M"tire or ueating an hnnest, fear- q4"%.pap)er that aima to gie uthl th- ww , ithont llas. -'Premlum tor Grasses. )&t thlut mameeting o! tLe1. Lute àty Agrcuitural Boaîrdiit- was ed o ffra-premium o! ONCfor lurgent and leat dîspisys or ot ntive grasse. Dispîsys tW *et op la 11W. bundie.3 af from >10opalxob xxdiaiuoter to bf 1~Xn*tv~grasses, u- !a n~~ ot be li sesoti ienI, il li ho uecessary to t thes dieu lu sea-ton auJ e teMa. Purbe will probtîbly 4ivldalatQ two or three preml ums clii 4ppearlu -the auii Somotlxlng Dlferent. -wr.sPt>1Airt at-o Not What We kmto O 011r This Time. C~OWMpoW« h a.grown tb lui. usgibtode. Il la a good Itdem bWM veadopteti It What wau ýV-offror reatiers laestunietluiux a ematie arrangemenit-. lth lbere -ot The Farîxxersuý çi pùbldiedat Roekford, IlI. » 0eaufraixtîxir paar t, uoebe» a clte year for t Xfi 11>aguaod âg0e@ver vt-ltiig rît- nmcbrawuh if îidustry i, t Mm to arked wlthlux theu ttry tian faruxing auud kluîdreil .17 bradit o!bujalutese ie VtÀvod,,Until nowadays tit.- puStd oIn bla partictular ittu- os verythiist 1-eît.iiîtitg i r.It Ilue iie thelii- eadiiu SOf 1w cnuùLa- Yofiflis clut ýtf speclar t -8 s il ils 21 iiryasîi Dnry, bu -paver fotr tihe roiu4 b;tl pies- W .perîuuiig. n "Mwt it l. If you ýj0ettpou anudt 4W il-cents ce twill W"utlly toie year. i ii gIseuî t-lt U île your kuclty. - famiiy> Who are on to the INDIC va 10 cents, the 9 eue year. Youî Coupon. qm and àmi. tl*t Mas ter, .and no *en, dmlted a4 as t, ONuu Of Volo, nW a ilsonary o S125. to S150 a Mon*t toWorte. eo nlcoeiyhewu, tgt lta Ittumble it Mtevirlu, IUrugnay, SOtith Arrerics.kWIliThf$U drs gatliored imuol mous. The molon- .lut m nri teidsinx Laike sud Cooki Cindereila Water Fltor Go., tlnued ta grow upon ft, and fté o «utitles ill lis glid to kîîow bis tbtiD.Lit.ii verdDeywas o rtmbig tat terepresent addresa and huw corciaiiy lie carney wes andsocfsin that therewas rocerved lu bis new file f labor. J. H. BRUBAKER, > cern ta t au redlnod~iPO li~ eur Brothers Raught: We have been velvet sottueqa. mon froin ail over the Oere about tlîree weekis; we sailett PHOTOGRAPHIER, town. Mien eventUme was corne aud front New York Dec. 23, IS8W,vi tîe stars their lester shed, there Bat Erigland where we remalîîed visiting il6 Gonose . . Waukogfan. lu admiration arouud the stonte, relatives sud triends about a mouith, ihîhvdcfsr J.. cotex les of men who sang the duleet Si6iliug from Liverii, for Southi rlielody whielî the steel eyed spider Aiineîica, ,aiîîuary 31, *94. Montevideo, Sati-,f.ct;on asaured t-, everyone whistled to the llagering fiy. In the la (ue of theleul; atciLles 1 have ever soleil; ail Lue stretsrun Iuortil ali midst of their revelry there dropped south, or enst and west; lit niglit tlîey crm tonoA the &ndsappaet-are igotel very profnseey by eltectriwty. carvesnilto.A aladaprn-Every few blocits there are wliat aie ly luignl&ant pec.jes o! vegetatian Called ]3iazas we would oaIl theieî commouly knowu as the beau. The squares or mitore pî-operly littie parka beau took roat and even by the rising whiclî are teautifully set out witlî a of the new su.i, t had burdt forth and helîi- variety of trees anud luwers twlued itsel! lu gracefulness over the îuakîîg la very lovely appeârilicea. New York siûirlani. When the men [i1 their Plazas are a lar-ge aijuier Iof of he ownagatuvlslted the storte, seats, for these people, believe litia o! te twu guiu ,reat amlouuit of reauing. eipeeîalîy tbe>' reacbed amid the tendrils of the sleeping twolve or thirteen )loirsaL viries nd pltxcked flowers theretfrom tuliglt adtwt or tie hnur -i i te »'ware thora as boutaunaires. In afternouit. luxagille a weBte; îl fiier the gigbt o! tîme the tendrlst grew of Hie states doing hils. 1 nilu- greatitund strong so that ont more thian lormedti hat it ta u»eleiss to îst f ont occasion t-bey were trauspianted Piastoral iclle between one arud fourî i into the gardon of au especial o dlock P. ni. as theâe are sleepinig favorite as là gift of the empire stone. liotira. The sidewaiksauad si reets are On seli ecalonsthebeanwaswell paveo at Lthe City boit g(nIl apoteosied âd tuthe !rea ofal) elevation, weilever see, aîiy riud apoîîeoize an lu he îea o!There have been two or three quille llilîrslst xForl i every toast, lu the rhythm of evcry henvy abowora silice we Carne but ini a,Vi 4o:«Be xx lu s-. sonnet, in the elist*r of ever>' bevy 'o! blai! hour tle litreet were as cle Il W; St!e lst, lat .I.chics wit, the beau was pre-eminent sud ud dry asetouglit llure hall , ot loetii _____________l_____ woru as a badge of! uitler-hood tliat aièy fur a mnoulu or moro.* We haveI tias founidt-dupon tein New York trant cars (Street Cars) ruiiîiig i - stone. '1leflh ftr¾îtu e very diîrectioni, hie> go at a tI-tnti. T IIVs JW i1îs IL îlwaye (Les cveu wheù'. the ods dodnus rate, tu.LL~ee rî'i, toffu Most liberal. Titis býan flou- db oilo.luaUati~it i tiutxed to recuIt towards the sk 'anitt ouy 'nienîî tî î therg Camne tu it from thie village mnove anîd work lhke snaits. 'liue ;ie- .ectiou o!thie town, men wlio had $everal large auJ jute e niaiki-s ,Il wathered, mltch o! its llearings Anud tere lis ujo îeed t )go tii thelê 1,,rt- front other sections mili who huîd not everytliiug ta broinght t>oii iî gathered, but who cluîîg ta the beau, iti Buenosa Ayers a hideiîi:- auxione to gather wliether thbe gatiier (rouilîcre we are told titat c)is 'tir be lttie or muh. At last, anxiety cogt your wdevnor iiil eiyiilg gave tay tu despair in tliose who t a diryl cne ow 8m vied u yii gu rliad îiot gatlit-red and frontthe nr) cîit 'Vear osot erniil' tuJ west they vamne a mlghty host tlle ses wliiilh mallea the situationi and wth one fell awooîî the beau Ville very plAasalit aiul helthv. 'lher- ait- wblch bcd wound itself abuit the niany hut)ire(is of bath iiig mnchîici --sý moýsa cvreil und towerling forrno;ai l drould ite co)4t tej) ~iapcie&S the silope lronm Uic eternai bis ~ymei especially by tic ei,-- Mauy bad habits o.f horses hlave W&As 1uW-ed d ilcu auJ avîîped. >sciikiii# ppW ll t eCoîlahu.lais î been' caused from thtir teeth, ýSome o!f1the old hateliers Who sait MON li tâe £4dst of lits pe-siulr-iril 'that has been discovcued by 1 Prof ipon te Stone at its first -eioctiOn wie iiccing ig rent dr-dl T. D. Hinebaugh, V. S., re-dcný ipearancee leue, went down with the ben lat it ail thi , 4-inoîntîi o at- iii (f the vetinary coHulee t 1I a- v ine andl wraîîped lt-a dyuîîg leaves t-le tliiug la îîot 8pttltaî et 1, fayette, Indiana. Stici -à,; ier iroimd tlîelr forma faltlfiu to t-be army la thbe great force flore andiltic îý ng ,n',lwiig nmaugurs. x%% ciX ucs. mui. The stone daunted not at the e uple are oowed dowuî by it. Tlit- stopping suddenly, loi-i of fle-.h, toss o! lt-s vinle, soliglit the Cal, tain o! peuple of America would nut enlier driviig Ï nu ne 110e,haknî Le viet-orlo clan aud sald liere la for ()ue week t-le inîsultatsand tul itrie thrnwinig the bead and1haut bretk ine o! my magie heens, plant it snd titlis wiliclî tlese pooîr beuuîgs have blas becin tiaceil t4) liad teuth 1 wllnure i Ultilit rins frthendîured for Centuries. Gralims, ga, yyugdicshv ci I ah nuse t uît-l i. bing foth eareare quite corimoxi, grailesalire Mn ougdieshv te mut-h fruit andI the>' fello each raseetis eyuur own lion"a foilitug anctarly spoil h efore thu uiruci other'e nieeksansd weîît as brothers. klî !ro."eltue r iacoeiî iscoetl R-g Tite beau was plant"ed luithbe eaptaini's îecuiar kiimd the roui nbleing excebd- edges ani sharp corners L.c- rate village gardeu lnsteild o! utt-il$ uîgly large and Iigli. Tla-ue are ail the nnith, andl prndiîcec urvtîus- gcounutry fourmni. 'Ilieold clau de- kiîîs tim ftaiîlas-tic pain iligs itlie 1 , n n hill:in.(e uiotiiied their former caîttain as a walls sud ceiliig. Marlîle Il il'i and cl.ung.itu-d or-n incisor- itraltor and lu theur enemy's tcamp ai( plentiful is used a grent dealiiimf l'e peettepe ntciin0 just as flse vine was about tii corne Iousee, t-le hall anîd tairs are <of uark)le trhentoodlie rdpuri indiges;tin(i it laaleo freely used u tlitheiuruiîiiret h od rdO gi nhîes n inlt-o bearlug, fr-Il ulbon it- ud dicstroy- Now about nMy WOrk 1 ani glatitO iya nd gcnieral dubility. Decayed il d it titterly. The beau plarited lu that 1 like it iuiixeusely we htave betil rnol,îrs cause nl -crn-i-i of the borie, t-he gardon o! Lum la transplaxited lit- xeoivoed mut rîyally b>' thle people.'..nal glcct, fi>tula (,f tht. to Elde's edt-n now. The beau of 'rîey were ready to uieet u4 as our jaw, etc. 1 he,.u càiîî-e- -.huil hc -another favorite eUiged frontmt li ttle steanuer Caille juteothie littiar îgiiîligrumovcd. Decaxt-il teetb lhouidJ .bed tu the piifacle where stern ls a hearty reeeptttîu t-octu. 'ihe>'be uxtracti d, ..ltarptt)rtlers andt MJustice sways lier scales. t encircied piîued a formi l eceptuon n t t-leh he dgc-i shld(kl he suitc uIle îeck o! tue bllîd girl, andi sald tehideîiee tif ny aiiiteeîoi'. itlecîcatcl l csad 1 amn the beau; I wili shatlo ior eli ;go Whouiitht- taille il[ tige dwaderiýac il n utîtuihu re -ud ast uIy îel.un-Jus 1lut sso)rs cnit ff. TI'c comînoil bsu.Iilmke ur îtlIke ltltelegauit ii>'. Wefuel luit, ionat or fil(, beretofiru dcernît-d tubles. But thîe lund girl w"a agirl et boi ttie iheatiy %Nede Aeie -l aittîiti ;Ufrlci'-lt to lu ai. npl -lxth is ,w-il! uttleîeriod. and sIte sald "'lxes ii ue sikîIess, thie luuuîg flot sti c h- i t. '-cii i t ru NWil' éaîdwollnioule or ilts pu.ionsea J .turte>', change o! cit-lie etc irie the rment-i (ltiv il lt fr tl b uli Ii ,,arc oioisider. 'fie Ne-w York stolîr- is canie. Oui- suiinî-ir is jiiîst- îî.ssîîg, utc-iîx.Sn uitvDrui still Itîxurious inunm silow, anl 1, se exPeilit-e wettlit-r tor titi- tiXl>i -fitiI-. - 1rolllîîg arouindakiîg itseîf, îvhere tt-e iiîiills. %Ve iiiht i-tt g.jis bir'i-t- t-; "fro thu t c-ti cui I ttil une, o! ut>mgieulcbu-tut-t leriitm t ix ý. lielle:vt- iiie, 1Vu-jr-U,, ar te ttdî îo t lo C-ni Lib-rt> ville, Altril 20. A. B. C3. f i i ifyVillitîîî OQr.t-s". adrts Io: oi 1tu(thlb îî1euî 'uv-11 ru î'alkiug At-a5oiul e.-ih> t. bIttiitg How to Write for auîape:ist r ndtilt ro :(" etîtiqîiida-tîni was taked: Viuîy l li1, lave somiething ta Write albout. 211d Hastve n cî FIt e J, wilil blind?' (hie youutg 1l>i-tr Write plai:x, dot your 'a; cross-urticu an'i .ttIt io i ei iromîttl>. "'l'he wiic i sa a ; pointssutenes: begxi witl capa ; ii,.it i-t ti- a breeze ilaa zepiyi, a z,phy -,s a ts. rd Wrtshr;tthItit- t-ut! t1,xit it-lu yarnl, a yarltisa atale, a lait;Sal: tsi ils.3d rt hrt otepitt'oi , !' taclîmoit. ait attueiieill. 5 ove, love staP w en Yau have doue. ith, Write la iiaillul." SIàe g- Llr.- îvtue on ony one aide o! the lea!. tb tO !quipîer Ilai.tuigwlit taid fur mon Bead it over, abrldge and correct Ilý wauted ta Waik halie witli so renxark- util you getIt inta the short-,est space a OT E. a' Able a geliit8. oab. D.mooratic County Conventionai Hcw a CiloagO Man wss Curad af.I The ueutsaîîuu voteraut tuuke enîut-%,,Ili.,RhaumatlaM.t aS- ruquested to eid iîueg.iiw-to un en u. ~Mr. Johin lall, uo! 92làx (jumuercalli exatAc 'oayeotiluu tut4ut la-hid lttthe 1Tosu 1Ave., Chicago, met wltli a serîouu, I Haute, On L.tert-vihte, III., mtu Il. m. Satttt-d.ty. I têcient fo)r whiil hle tsed Chlamber- )hWr 19 5Im. for the pài»u.. r ttuuliiitlluu. '.îP-il xB81m, freel>' citit the bout tuîdidtu.fur ith .,u.u.ut touuty Julite. î,uiu.*lttui, sMr. hl Ciuuty <jit'uk. Sterif. t'auunt. y Teuu-rt eiuestIileu iurt-t!m tt unttult , i.'rila-ule i t t-Itîul. tir rltet intu cirhuiiim te blli ', . Iar t of uytlttte a Si-e tlii.ctutt- t)tutrepeeutuî iuke t'outil)> lu îF er l i tfl ei r. h avuîîutt i- It stil - t iti the > tât ( lueti- tu l blul i IJçtub . f-l iM . eigidt .do11'hleu' ti, u-u-ti-.utu tttte - u.t-3 uPttti lej uîi s Su- t ei' liîi: 'ut the touuu'um îîuîî uîeuiotimiwhril .'tî ii i tof 4'liuuetF îius 1 luu li lt. - '..t ie . buiîttsu. St. tt he-îu uilu, i l't~tt,. î,t, idti.h L t nii tîie.-il Il 'ituailtut - tili .,uera Uýl uw a le ai-i '--ii.,,lutitu i, ut1 li e1 lî e-ry vle it . N, ( l'-iuue - -Li -tfotii- ltet.itu r-u-tiei tioîl . îîi- î I è t- li tutul t - Ii, o.M I, *t-titi itttt)tt'r" <t ttt -tituu~tt'itr-Whte near srud Lake MInnetonk#t, T st et M. Sî- ri. tItiii e> 1> W < ~ ~utuî - . nti it, ., ~ ul - ei.' ;o . .f 4i liltuu ou t! . tlji ) Ta ai------------------. --t.... 7 , ls iutilur rulite firtu(lit.u!IWuW !dbeuý "t. -c 'tle ieobuuns'nduf en v _ ttteti.liutuuidt. te jiulîted iti 1itttst. Nimy14,i'utltt i ert titwt> tt-i, euxiie-ttqik tà0l4toe mit). 1 .,r . bmIil)T., Pt atlxie-i ipt aîeluuk el iîulC 1 iteu. S tl' NP tb MItt* lit- l. D"i ".t,ýati clo Wuflmt-t.Al o- 'tt -%VS = - ci go fa M 2LPRVI The whole of Lake County has n~ the Chance to Cet the Benefit of S6fý" Extraordinary Low Cash Purchaseal" Made by us Recently. \Ve donit 'uant- to inake )tî-u belicve that we cart sell you the goods for hiaif what they are worth, BUT \VE FEEL SURE thiat we are no'uv offering goods at 25 per cent. Iess than we hiave ever kniown them to be sold before. Note These Prices for ReIlabIo Merchandise. Meu'8 Stroiig. Weil Made Wttrkhtîg Pattg.----. ----------- lIt>« s hort l'auîtt Suiteî, agea 4 t-o 14, New Pattenusm, Weil niiio ...iae----------------l t30 S01tt) X'tuig Meufe Suite .. . . .. .. .. . . ..$4 #0 tof Ytintg Meis Stuits otf Iest quîality, ttupuxrtetl, al-sus,, Fretutlt Tricot, a regular 810.C4)i Suit at .. . . . .. ... . . Good Suit-s for M en . . . ... - - . ..- .. .. . .. Ali-sýool Suiteq for Meii, culur warrauîted not lu fade----------. Ail-wtsîl Scotchi Cheviot Suito for Men, regular 814.00 qualuty nt,1 Thîe ,iuteçthQutt>otf Eu.glihC la>' Wones.JSuit8 for Met), re- !«MMA. tKt 0) OUuik. ti6L a.............................. Stl8h Fsi etîtîa lliatsregulutr $1.50 q.ualîity, n .. ...h... Stvbi.1 i t,'-. sregutiar $2.00 tjuality, ah. -- 7 50> 6(0 0 tliti to.~i) IT PAYS JO 0TRADE AT-. Temperance Temple,- Waukegan. Paots!' a t!Paints! IN avWSay VAROITY 0F COLOR, SHÂDES AND TINTO. Prepared Paints, IMad miîd Oihs. Prices to Fit your Pocketbcok. ,At Lovlle's Drug store, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Standard Horse and Stock Book W" I M$We a u d o a ragmmte wu on M. un of *0 l.cpi*t of lrd. B& lapWenpolt matleste mappy su r re I1hb Tho Enlire Work at a flhnomenallu Low Gost.. ACOMPLETE Pictorlal Encyclopedia of i'ractlcal Reforonce for Hors. and Stock Ownors, mbraclng a Treatimo on Hors., CaUIo Sheoep. Swine, Poultry, Doge, Be, Birde, the growth and cars of Fruit Treo.. Insects injurions te Fruits, Graiting, etc. The Secrets of Taming, Controllîng and Edncatiug Unbrokeu sud Vicions Horses, with the details of bresking np &Il Bad Habite te whlch Horm are subjeet. The Abuse of Blinders, Fedng, Stabllng. Care of the Teeth, Intrne- tions on Shoeing, embodying New and Roliable Curea for Contraction, Weak Foot, Quarter Breaks, Corn, etc. Aiso the fulieut troatmonl in Slckneu. Injuries and LAmeneua, includlng many valuable receiple hitherto kepI lm great secrets. (5emprlalng over 1248 pagesanmd 17r»e llustrat6me.- The resuit of siglitoon yers of practical experlenco by Prof. D. Magner. The author of thia work in wideiy known as the moat suoceauftil Istructor in the Art of Tamlug and Fducating Hors. ever before the American public. He is endorsed by the mont eminent authoritios and hors. owners as abooilV- withou a peer In this opoclal field. la the department of the work dovoted te the Hors., as. wll ua that te- lating te the care of Stock in genoral, th author lbas ad the assistance of the mont onent veterinary asthoritiela the country, sud no pain» or oxpoa bias been sparod to make the work thoroughly roulble. ROBET DONNER,£BQ",PROPRIETOR or Tim o"1txw TORI LE9034ERHaN TM STO BIT or ME 1001: "I can conecentioualy my that it le by far the best work of dis klad tba4 se far arn I know, b. u erboo m uod from the prose. Rvry horwuusoi% McB land ough go have acpy of . in0w YUY OâA BTAiNtf vls$ VAlLWieW 1 . The entiro Sotie. will lie completa la 18 parte, isaud weoky. Ofnsosfpg 01 10 cents wwyl MaIlyou Part 1. Par te, l "tile amy eb ib liks -mmr, or on rocOs$ 0of SIaIwe wll .ond you th@ «tlr. Seé. « tho porta amelsued. Orne part,,to lI l.nd oaci w"s,'boglnsang the. ýWu In January. Oopy oreut, this out au4maille Lake County 1Independent, liber4yvi lie', if, i eçes.1e >'a M ess*r« fpart 1 oIa .M ' 'tr .fàrdtI fîrs iagd 'touiok or SUiS l or the ,Xrla esa Maa........ .... ......... ...... -te -s-i-i - s-- i.- lu-i. - ----t- - v 4 h~t 4

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