aaitbtul0fla. 1 ia the.. unité& y Mountains b. int, and both of tret on the Mis- fltJIf ast of Lte 3 Fiuthead river Surprise, avalS dgi to the MOUD- the Fltheal, ring of a m&an- nhe gexierai féat- tans, whewe Ne- ra, lakres, forese, poui a large sai ot beng a shal- wn the. motintata eam larger thau Paul. k Iathead dy of fresh water .an-d ia but one of lies of watar &est- i. Sltuatud upon i. continent, the interàs ud fine- nir-at vith th. ir-aliel on the. At- are no blizard@ )oral ralutall bias ne and Othiar tre.., aUx aidos, but in e timberr b.lng -li vîxxch give ce appt &rance re- ini of Michigan.. other ioeallies, id makei the besi ,nd when eed. "fi an a,'aze ou irere are thos. »o with reiuctace rt tht. kind of rioit Io tii val- ,ht, and the cern- ý the half hm. rat a (4ange, tee, trip tirrough the tire ratlwa, hu Ali andi Il0, 1,0 ,elul and àttrao- tir% aied fl& sud towaj witir hun- red in the pur- ko-seeking, viiere i a few Indiana aine and fiai. A nds mora white@ àer plenty indus- ail wîllilg te woo asurea of fild. rmed by the luti ca (4 7, à (X square larger than tire annlhode Islanxd t Northeru Rail- ,on In the. couaty on tire we'it nuit, i. The Fiathead es, vlth i îgglug ùmiles In 1ength, 1, ançi the. manau- d ahingies ii ba- t lndutry. The Il are thre edha, amarack,ý the rat, diameter of six a mere blgraph t makes fine f ur- Ici wero seau lai Il at the Worldm Is attractive trams ai,, andi i.p-rtin,, ion. Snow peaka ar round. and the. I d enoug h te close .tien. Lake MIe- comlng a noteA isilo.-. lait 5 îm- ippie, 0f Miniie- ent Welih, of the, Railroad. i akee iitb trout and the. ,) look aiung i* d grouse. Farza- are sald te build their gardenai te kins tulie seen ab r are etili t,3 b. 01 directions oea- se metan, nul ick the eeuuty large ceuma pr-I gi ex. rs ha've licn over n and ai-o on & ondle and Butte. ha maiing are le- 'ht tight as set- rom tire common lw.ry, wilh glv.. St J'nul, Mne nd. Mach of the r-aent lani, and aer and fa-ming under the home- nsi ago tire site of munt spot on the over ý', 5)0 people. ree r.ewspapers, ellectric lighta, louring mi, savw es and excellent aiong the. Great tit cotintry are usant Valie'y, Jen- by Creek, the let- ent plAt ln the brct. Tenalaga là r the Fort Stesle rtigh Columbia. seat and divibion Zrihiern Railway. k passenger deupoS The wrjter le un- E. Conr-ad, Prout- Il National Blanlc, rprlnted matte&- d«hW- AAVM lluband and Son impuroe 3100d, Bgoite, Carbun- çies, Rheumatlsm Shnaband wua aieed wth bele for eight Lant iprlng hMa nockw.« oeuriy coi- uMd wth lttie boll.. wblob grew ln nmbe Sand miae anti! tii. turned te carbunnies. £y- .rythiBa thé detri did ieemed te Aggravate the lsease. Se at Lait houht a bottie cf Hoedî arapa- rila. "m henb.bd akmn hait ot h hi. uock .wu Wei laMd ho.=babttone piarpe sinoe. z ~srumaainder othteiniedicine 1 gave te my twî,re*y.ar.oid bey, Wiie .maaacy, who b.d been Kfoito wth hEbumatism train bis Lu- fa". Mafr b. b.d taken a hal botle of Heeda Bawapuiia tt aeeined to do hîni on matecù ed tual w. cenciuded te nive It a fair Hoods>CurU trW lla the .wrina. -y hbanqdi' rehAaafeu, bottinus. mi together they bave ben taklag for cm ra meatb.Now My bey. lntesd et Moupna ouud ma crytIng vltb paie tn bis SM ob.o u"idte. «n piow a&U day or runanmd P" VIvi a ay cildren. NMR& joug ALTATT, Owak. rkansaL Heo0du PIlla are band made. and perfect tU prOPOrtiOn a»d appearance. 25C a bex. Value Or Great Britaim'a Land. a Since the begioning of thet present Ïn valu ttli ia D,,) Do T ailow -oirFef tW reau a mo- ment ln any roclinine positit n, m s hU or in lied (j onl a sofa Tb« W,ride nu.,. i.polo Wlll te of value ta the world Lv lils- trattng the improcment ln the nme-j ecalaiartx, eudrd eiîîrnt hysi, ana villii Yen outhat thre progre84 ln [Il(rUe- tuai agen'is ab . 1,-rn f ecual impr- tance, t nd ak a 1tregttleli[g laXaie that i-vrui, orf1 igis l6far in advarr e of ail otieng. Wh-tt <;o'. o Maire Paper. Pape.r oa h -m-.loOui of almoAt n.x- thtng thal c Ln I.. 1,inrd-(ito >a p: l (JVar tf v kinds uf a-k a-,-emploieý whi!c oiJ tackirrg o:.-'riging irkes a good article. Faxe- i4n mad, o t b Ianarneklinir. from' bean st.rikm.. pa in -. cou, anut fiber. ciuo or ani 1trr:îrtli '.-hav, ti ai. Ire h weM8. -criseý-îi alid r l hr 100I d ferent kur ds oft grai-. ~~~~a 1'ae* ru i 'aina le tri ru hair-, fui- and vool. fr-r run az cAto-, chiu-h f r- nishes au article in !eoL iutiba liifirO, f; om hop plant-. fri mhu-lkS (;fany and e%-cry kini ut gain. li'aee- nmalle a gir d Br'ýng ae. vhiie tii inu ks andîl stem. rofndla!) 1- orn have hx en triel. and almost every mkind of inuit -an b nl uledo b ape'. T.ec eae apaten.ts for- mrkinrg lapc~r from iadt tanI nharin-s, fro in thii- t tics and th rt îdown , frionu tobaic) k taks a d t,n bar-k. It is nid thora are ü% a: .' iLix)jaterîts c % cring the manuractare of I alm-r. Il Do?&*t Cost ifueli, Only a dollar or two and a uifle faith. The case of Mrs. L-illie Mvr of Brooklyn, N. Y., is an exarujle. '~Some tîrne ago she bc- gan to fec) sharp pains in her abdo- mexn, with bearin - down feeling and pains in ber back. ULUFMYM, She tried doctors, and got no relief. At last, a friend told ber of L-dia E. Pt'ikkaiz's Vegeta b/e omo dand, after using it, the * pain left lier, and menstruation now comnds without suffering. Your druggist will tell you %what agreat medi*ci n Ibis is, and the prîce is only ne Ilar. You see, ît don't cost much to get well. It will expel tumnors f rom the uteruf ini an early stage of developnent. TeSprlung Tente *10 vi%"o*v) WU a tong. .. Grippe *0 btedi ahlieffeof et lii rtapegr- Sou-t «o mb soitvigor ant i ,taity. 0àmiitmlUman r ymj ~yion of aaattion Mma*aste. nitvoeoU, lreS luS liqm 4U»Mmgïlwa e tuan&34$1.00s. n. kU5O.~ Umw bs-OiIiaU am&b MOU 0F UNEMPLOVED RAIDS THE FACTORIES. Emnployas Driven frein the'Bboeuasd thé machiaery Detroyed-Orer 7,000RgOfot- e--IMarea Condri twith the Police- Many Ar. injnrred. Ntilitl% Unîlr Amsa.. Thre diror-ders which began lu Clevo- tant, Ohio, with the May day clomon- stration ut tire anemployeI culminated in open r-loti. There wcra thrce e pa- rate and bloody conflicts betweeu the police and the îl5ters, and troops were pué uzider armu reaIJy te resiiond te call Iu ca-e of au emergency. The treubie began when a moli of à,1)1 O star-ted Io raid tire factorloin on thre flats and dr-ie from work tiretnen em- p.oyed ther-cin. Tiro fr-at attactu was male at tire Variety trori wurks. The windows of thre frctory wer-e smasired wjth stones and bricks and the work- men fie- inl a panic. A f irce of seve- ty-llve policemen war tVien caiied oui. There oter-s prc-ýeded, irowever, to tire Up3on boit works, where 1W) Inen ver-e indue e1 te quit wor-k hefore tire officet 9 arrived. When tihe IJlice came upon thre scene the mon maslŽ a stand aid iruried briclc and turnes at the oMfcers. Ch rg.d rrn the Riotmrs Orde.-s were gin-en te cirirge them vitir liq. Tire r-hunersran like sieep sit tire fir-t a-suait, bit tireir lea.eri saecece ed in , a lying them on the Ah.- ley srcet % laduct, a b idgo abý,it 1,(*,0 feet long. Squadm of police caming ap at lioth ends ut tire b.i1lige îrenn(i Inl tire crowl, and tireywv-cfor-ced te flgirt their way out. Tiey made a rush for tire ofilcer., but at leant a s-ore OF thexu ver-e ctrbbcd unmer-cifuliy te- fore they inally succeeded in gctting awa.y. 1)%;r g tua eorr-f.3ctt 'W arciissnir-o arr.,stod atter a territfie strerJYgle. Ont,04W - umioasMoore, an o1l canr" ras cluhbeu clt ibm- sion and arren to tire station flu a p trîri wsagon, crsrnz tire polea3 andri d- clared tirai it WIr. t're happiest day in hir ilife. (»tnbTh Tisn ill Th,.y 1174M Iu tire sontirend of tire city at the fmre limnea i n bo! >",49)men dr-ove aavytire vrkmn from tire United) States n aît nçir-ks, aIco r-e about te murke a na;d on tae Clceeand rollhnz Millt8. Thev vere met by iPolice Di-1 reitur- Hi-erert and a ɧqýuad of ten pojlice-r.eu, iviro cr-rhhed tir-ru unti iey ra~n. At terst ut. rîren 's-r-e l'rur-ed iir tiroun eb t tire ruob nas dii erz- d. In ttIc ait,-rnsion SiaYor- B'ce a- nuaîced iiat nu mure r-r tin,, uld 1h, perut- Ife lic ik rid a ip: rcamat ion c minu n n rgIne îo n t t -as-embl e on tir - st ebOs an 1 at tire sanie ti me ralled apcn tire ( Iciel.aid car.tire at!irng gin hater-3 a-ýi tire ne ideunt coMI- a n'es o! nhî. ,iiro National ('lirard tonas- îo:uhle i tleir arrnoi)ni- and acait iris caul. 'r er i 'sas a ready eulon-o te tire Cati. anrd rt rrgit rt le Sât --ni men wveo unlier antm; araiting any caier- geacy that might arir,.e. A.rr ;- Tr-.p. Ter-grarns ver-e i cii i at Dîiýti by nOeifl 5harrvey Ir-. m enerî mini g cent -r- ot tIhe 'ucL i rane. sta'i! g birri'n-trîk-ý-rî irad tril i l wîr-,<ai- eonr o-vrnie uan i ihat Vt c ,i:urtil n wirs eriti na'.(Un t e era n 'a-n r-,m 1). ILB in. nof tir- M nrneta Ir-unr( iln- pariv wI o 'sa-n ait tire Ant)iln mine, and nirgol rimmeda'e ateon. lr S ýer-ittlat on i. tel-g amîied AiCO- Nein.ast n.; permissio-i to eai un the rurlitlrr. BURIED UNDER MILLIONS. A p( rtria of tire tr 0O tiet is s'or,ilda.%an in 'a mît i at tire Inrila do phii rnîhnt ianm %er-.v iroarroing a nairru o' dimai.toz- Ibu e,,cîi ee:kr who wrn-re cîrutting tire c, iu, We laesdlay afie.-no-n. 'l'ie c(-n ias u jiled up in brugs w a l e ght rfît teloi feet and a whrrth of crpht fie'. 'l'ho vault i da-uDI),aund threbazýS indirobcome ruuidy ar dfirai . As We I ingt n Morris, an employe. vus stairilirrg r n top o! tlre ile r-akiag la coino ru,,se shln-er-dolia s, ire so ppe int inaliag a-id tire liver dolars at unco begar t4i slidle out. Like a snawbali on a miritair ide 1otire ma-s (t cliver do lard groin mnsizo. Tireo asan omhnous n îrmbie, andi tire clerks rit tire fout o! tire ihe ICoke 1 apir lu rpr Go. Seoiair tineimreadir g dan--oi- a wiid bre-ak 'sas made for tire dooi-. Dr. CalebirWirite'itead, niho re-r resents tire Mini Bu.reuar, jurilled oner tire seules aitirhe monio-t viren tho dollars pomred dmmwi îni h a roar. F. A. Sinon aa ad i. A. lluSlry-llell, Whro are assistants la theroi ting. ser-arn- led omit in ire ni-k o trame Serions Injir e tMorris va-, fi-ael, but lho tac oeded la e.capi iri iniirt. 'l'ie impa&ct of trio dnllars nirirek tire mini hall ding as ii liy an r artirqi ai.-) andineii exciteruent îr -'aileri among tir emoiuîu etIt ir evtimaied ti tira amountiitefll ina-r alued at full-vn-',,1 ,0WOJand wreighli 11,u0 Sparlis fr.-s th. iire.. CONOxIESSfýM.&N IiNOR Of o!wona, La critiaiiy 111inlu Wa4-nagtoa. THE Coinucil ai Oskalooa,Iowahm fixcd tire salounta'c ai $1 01. .JoHN MuNpdOacaut iris tiroa ,in a barber shop in Nen York iiny. THE Sbate, of Tennessee liai com- pleted tire sale of bonds for $1,000,0)0J. EMPLOYaiS o! mi Kentiickî- coal mIn3s have eiruck. Ovor 1,000 rmon art eut. JOHN STUDENNHEViER. a c'garmaker, vas rebbed by tootmadr3 aI Duliquon Iova, of 8400. EimMA JuceH, tire opera singer, ls te marry Francis Weliman, a New Yorkt atto. nD'y. AT Wooîter. 0h1o, James Wiggini vas oonicted oft attùmpting te murdei W. A. Mackey. FRANK HIARI'EY, a Jeffer-sonviill (Ira.) convit, 0-capel lu bis under- lot heu, but vas rocaptured. THE Dlamon.1 Match Company viil bud an immense tachery la Englauti, 1itting il luLondon. 'MlE Wesleyan Mfethodlst Churcl and two ether~ buildings burned %t Mlddieteu, 0h1o. Los&, rt:,0 0. C. W. BUCKLEY, et Montgimery, Aie&, vas eleciel commander eft he £U-a edepau-txnt cf the G. A,. P. I lu tn he home, mevei a ith urger s"uai lite; and the more close .. intimgt.e the a ocation, the. greater the need of tht. thoughtfui- ne@8 in lîttie thlngs. Thore are few thîngs go trying ni the constant ueg- loct and forge tune is of trifle s. Miany a greater fault, many a serloui errer even, faits t,, give ai m rcli actual tr ouble, anl pr-odnc' se mach discord in goera., as thre habit ofut e'er re- tu rnlrg the th ng, lut is barrowed; ot undue delay in i nsweruno, ntcrý of neglcctinng to 'form any and al of those "trifles I i.rht a, air' iu them- sur cîbut which,tu the a-,gregate,make up 0 great a s-am of hutinan ha ppines. In tact, tireoi-,noa more exa perat- lng trait than thougltlessne-ié in tri- fle;. It is e-en m tresou than in larger and more signiicant rnattcnr.. Thc im- por tant affair can m e lil bc spokea ot and recalied dnly to mnd. but tho un- important one is often difle rîlt 10 dis- eu' . one ferlâ disincllncd to ask an- ther te, do tire hing Ihat should iravi been donc %% itlout a1king. Careutulacra iiin tiiilthings will do more to promote, an aimao3phere of harmony in tire rou-urod tha r almost any ütirer onu hirig. 4 NO-TO-BAC MIRACLE PHYSICAL PERFECTION PRE- VENTED BY THE USE OF TO- BACCO. li ci in di di nt Au Oid-Tia.er of Twe.ty-tbrseeTeasV To. - baere Chewiag sud Saenking Cured, and Gaina Tv.atyFPumad* in Thirny Daye s LÂKE GENEVA,1 Wis, May !'l.Spe- 18 clL The ladies fouCrbea itifuxl litte town are making an bterestng and a excîtinj lime for uolace:a-uslnt mis- t: banda, since thirelaur-loru effects of ho-0 bacco and the, ea-e vith which It eau Il be cur-ed by a preparation ceih-id No- To-Bac have been se p!atniy demon- btra1dym . ee M.F .Wtè 9b writtéfr étaement he ays: -1I tirteye'~ vnuf ., yer t. case vas one of tire worst IlaItis part of tire countr-y. Enen after- 1 vent te U lied at nigirî. if 1 woke up I voald want te cirew or- smoke. Ih vs. not onlv killing- me bat my wlte van also ailing fr-om bire injur-lo s effectaý Two lboxe, of N-To-Bac car-rd me and 1 lie no more desire for- t bacco than I have te jqrnrmîut Af tire indow. I haie gained twent, pounde in tbir-ly dave. my wife is voli, and we ar-e in- ded botir happy to -ay tiraI No-To- Pac is truly 'vi. rthit-n weight in goid' te up. " Tire cure and lmpr %-nent tn Mr. Walte s a-e s lonîked upon ai a miracle- in tact, It I- tire taik o! tire towu and counnty. ad it la estimated tîat mýer a thousar.d tebacen u-en-s wil libe sing No-T,-B-Ihi' itinin a few weelis. Tir peculia:-itn about No-To- BLc au a patent mcdi mne is tirat tire mak,3r-s, tire St -rlrag Ilcmedy Cern- ranv. No. ý5 Landolpir street, Chicn- go,*ab-olutei ; guaaa ie tire use iiJ tbree lires te cure or refund the money, and tlire cost. *2.50 Is Bo tnri fin asm compared vu-*h tire ex1pansive ani unnecersar-v r'e o! teba-co tiret tebac- oo-uin.ngha bands have no gond excuse te offer viren tiriies inist apon their takrnr- No To-Bac eni pget- tiap r-o-ui n thre wav of pur-e. swct linnat1i. inondler-fin impr-uem--Dnt in tircir mental anAd phy-icat condition. wnitir a pract;cal treiitaulition o! tiroir nlcotized uer-vOs. Qtinin if.r rireMillion. ,uinir.c for tire million G bin cir- cuane in li-naa, tbrinks t n the Gîne- erument nchiiof ut pplyiag uruali, clreap packets o! the drug at viua-te peestoffi-e'. 'rhe i1uhnine i-n marie up in fine-greinuuavet-i, and over 200,(W t>a montir ae Ining roui. ai tire r-omedy ha tiras ithii tire r-ca h of peKple in tire moit out-of-tlre-cay dhstihctsr. Did You Eser MetaTenir <bei lise NaoSentt yen tiinI yen bave, btnwseli wager a dîme or suibe diS net bave thie rata- mnatievu. If ire diii, he swoee eceasonaiiy. aind ne mua cari tituiY goni vire wean. ocasaion- aur-. Ileaitir. ner-ve tranquility an mrnrity are apt te go bard In bann. Pinfula pBmodii diseases lits ibeurastlomsud nneuraligla min tire tereper, makte eue maroe, p3evIsh anti re- tierliluz. Thi, a i ad tact, tint 1i lennaetire iessu true. Drive avar- the Pain. malily thre temper, rentoe.tra 2qnilitY r emuind lu races et rireumatisu nir)neuruigia 'sith iietettersa Stuc B itrters. an s ane ad taule of cer-m preenive range sui effect. It heathtnrry sîinunii1.tes tee kurys. bladder. toateuBt, luer ail heuels ubea inactive. &ni tinmera leep sud .îietlte. A Very quietii ftect. nt anununatarar. .tnpefyiag ue Ist (at or an apiate. imnproedi by a'snegléaisui heture re- y( V u cant pay for a thing, don *tl bay it. If you uan't get paid for it, dont Bell t. SoNv.or i ii bhai e oaim days, drowsy nlirht,, aIl tire goori brrsness jou haie auw. endnno thtie bal- lnrtii-.and their sirecen, as a tirne for Uruds. ceagir-..Asthmi, anrd Rýehils lrias -A DYING Mal cai (Io nothing easy'" ver-e tire lest words o! our- immortai Frankln. A diseased man can do notiig vel', are vords equaliy as tr-ao. ___________ Tuic nreldy et music la dSine. but ru lm neonmera encbantbruî tian a 7e-ng girl* face umade supremely ieautifu Ph tire use o, ereon'. Soiphur So:,p EIL01H*8CONSiUrPTION CURS l, seld Onas gearanteea 1%cures Incipient osnrnp- ti on. hith e best, Coaah Cure. 26 cents. 60ecnta &BaltilS00. Highest of al ln lkavening strength.-Uat0.UL 4«. IIb41K qw affcSa- # W% AIBSOLUTEILY PURE Economy requires that in every receipt calling for bàking povder the Royal shall be used. It will go further and make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesorne. ROYAL SAKING POWDEA CO.. :06 WAL M,..NEW 'YORKi. T-ho Naine of cuîîrorna . IT 18 a bari plan for unprofessional Dr. Tiromas iE. Sievin, in a recent reople teorear medie-ri books; it liefogs lecture liefore the Geographicai ho- and thoen ietuoli. ____ iery of the P'acific, s, id: Electric Wlrea. '7J word i(alifornia" vas fir, uscd Seme vr-tter very aptly likens the in a work on spanisir chivalr'y lub- nerves te electric vires, ani tire gen- lsbhed mn 1510. Thris work Warr an al-i- eral vorking of tiroir èystemn te that of lged htatoryuoftire cdvenlures oft!.electrie cars. A man who "slips ii 'Amali-i f Gai and iris Êon Espian- tro'tey" like Mr. Jemrmiair Ena y, 1812 llam.' It vas of great length, and W. Lombard t., Baltimore, Md., vlU livided into a large num' er of short need somelbing botter than even a sterlet, one of viricir wai the mannie r gaivanlc brttery te set hlm, aIl right. n which 'Califia, lire qacon of theiisi- Mr nyfudtâtsmtigi h andof aliorna, contr inal)tedfollowlng way. "I suffered," ho Sa& a only1j by vomea. who lin-ed as amazous a long lima v;th neuralgia in and bal oeoid ii hýui endi,' saved Con- heati. 1 gave St. JacoeeOila fair trial stnt1uople f rom an attack liy the Per- oui a-n enttrely cared." ln lii, ay 8tans. This nt .rr-y, i.s'sell as othei-s, thre great remedy acta as a mot rman waa widely reari by tire people of cP.tif, to re i4nno lirnken vIres, and Eet the and by maay regarded as tact. Among systum te perfect action. ire stanch blelieve:rsverc tire meml ers of the (orlon o xpodition, vho, uaPou DECîsIto f ciraractervwiil often gi% e landing upon tire peniasula of Lover te an interior mind commanid over a 3a'lonta, lmagined they were on an superlor-W. Wirt. Island iici, owiag te, Its apparent richèn. tirey nameai after the. fab'ed MALUSB CATAIREU CURtE li a Ilninid and 10 a'iriCorbn~-<imeif ciied ire e ,ker intienai,"danest.diotly on bhe b!eod i9I1ý aàýCrf«ýjise1fcaled he ew nd Omoaue urfaces ni tire system. write for cotutry 'm iirrlia.' isinastrU1 emaulaturidb ____ ~' J.CXNVY & Co.,. 1ed. 0. IN ibis worid mmlii can 'sait. Sire la NOTHINO violent, oft have 1 heard u-ed to it. >onnglris Jt!rrold. teil, eau lbe permnanent. -Marlowe. Vuoea aa up la Bd"l Noreuthi Amoeio nomes l"e ollowtiiG gresting to Dr. RLV. Piece, Chief a ting Phbicin tec Invalida Hotu end lIniutst, at Buffalo, N. Y. Xm-s Alen aSharrard ef Hiartney, %Si krhCe, Manitotia, viome portrait, a eth" fha uttle boy, boa& hb arick'vrtes ai foflows: ..1çel» pesure nro MnigDr. the vomit'1I vustroubleS vit down ' and peanlam kwbee.r 1 vo ne on My test sny klethOf tr.. vas reeezene t nv Dr. Pairs.Favorite Pecoo,vWh" Iiaudvlth happy rmlta. 1iee a » ersuuaatter labng th-uo bo" ofet ht A va bave juot heard trorn thetrlgid Northl, vo viiinov latroduce àaletter reoeeid fromeinti. uny hlunthla. hefollow- tmg la tuoaa Mu-m J. T. Sentb, of Oakfudkc, Clebtarne c., Ala ia vu- wites :' I1vss sffictsd ws u sered uatold pain and rnlaeu-y, mch as<,Do eau derie feu- six )-eam 1 v = te lied mint loiMe time. I1 expectid tie cold bad efdeath aveu-y day. I vas affieted vitb IeoeuTb- viii extenuive fiowlag-f ln f lthe omb -bamg Soya euatioa-pein lath.ernli ef my back-aay hovue rtive-m«rarla, ttcilng and in nla atise vagins, ai-eP1- pitlin o ti. es-t. hn 1[bogan taklng yormedicine I coulti not ait np, ouly a tmv u aua i Ure, Ivas go weak.1I loek Dr. Pierce's Favorite Premoitn thyms limes peu-day, Ishotoek bis'(le n Mefil Dlovry - harem doses par day andS0"Ofse Dr. ploecea Pieant Pellets every niht. 1 have tabou heven bottles of tthe 1Dlacveu-y, unven hotties of he« Prscrpor' adflye betIleof heli. P~et Iteek theftme idi- cimes seven inontbs, reCulrY Wnveu- mie a dny. To e ufrau -- .JMe. I tel as vglaamh1 ver did n my Uft. Pour c4f lhe het declem a in IssdWireaâW MY cis fou cer .Tbey li av n qpas bopetem- &Id 1mi icuki tb. cu -a 0" nliot live. Trmb b i:ic r e. a yn moddinia. 1 hve ben rotu-ud to the hast ahbhok*Yeorsuuly, Mu-m W. O. Gunmk*, of Ne. 148180*&0si Seventia Street, Terr Hante, Indiana, vyltes: 1 baS beaun uffnfraaonb trouble for OIt veau-sbaving dctred viti lthe mont tiain- I vwsadvliSby a aadla mb Dr. Pieu-ce'.Favorite Pu-mcrption viicii 1 d15, a"i fourni, la aklug "six olei ofhei 'P mra eptim 1 ami ivo of lie 1Golden Medical Disovuu-y,'tisat bas eftacted a pcall*ve cure, for vilci verds èmwnt ex- pu-onMy graitude for- the reliet froux the gremt sufferiag tiist I se long enduro&." Youmariuly, As nnrul, P4ratUia'. rerative streergth of tii violi syctama. As ag anS stlx-egtii.ahag avnoe IlFavorite P. ucu-ipticaIl launequaleils&W in Invlableli ndsbu»nervous xdtMnIty. cirrm ty, Drvos ebaustion, awvm ptrioua, niMarli.bsalqm gCSOri"a Or St Vlsi Dne a l.dis tu-lang, nervons symptoxas eoamealy stin- dat upnuctlonal asud,eu- neius- oe tii.oa. Il indu.e -frua sipand relieves Mental maxlty anSdaqed.y Evminu.nty, viiendéendrsent upom on Suass, la cureS by if. Dr, Pieu-cs Favorite Pre§MPUM plon a peetalflcnMedicine, csre<nIU5 ceepounded by au experienced sS andOMlplctaanti puu-ey veg inlaifs Cam aliaanti oIbu- in laIltuen <aaayecdi- Of msi*s.For mraa lkor Dr. Pinrce's Bock (les P ge.lUnorabedi un S x ,ea aiser D.t sse.x4amb. fpm iobrpcuamg o -on icd* 01 Z, eufs HOP-SE POWEu-1 ýý3AW MI LL:,- SELF FEEDER. OR AN- A5 THEY-ARE THEý3T. ,RAB WAY98 READY RELIEFS CUREUS A-40 PREVEN"T ôm8s, Coids, Seom Thenat lalinissa, llrritig, Faeumab4 âvexxag er tic Jointe, Lumaibgo. ilamýUMatn RHEUMATISM, NEURAILCIA, IRedaebi. Teothe. Astbma. DIFFICULT UREATRONO. CtlltflTHE WofflTPAINS latr'om eoe t ll ty tornutex. Nu'r (14E ]SOUatmter r«adisgiieaê vertiseinent areesar aon. SVUFEB WITH PAlS. ALL INTERNAL P'AINS.-apsi b nomr i. mol a moinodri eent in tb. warid ths* viii cure Friser andAnus snà .11uOne.r nJre'. briionnsd other levers. aideS hi RLADWAI74 PîLLS, se rjurckiy " RsADWArYs RELIEF. Flifty cents par bottie. fld 1>1 Di gg118 Loveiy Complexion. Pure, Soft, WVhite 5kmn. soltelinallb cure,FR*B j»OPCOGZ'T te introduce it? Soethifn= wpare. il eudnd go banies.a cIud narer idrink h with perectmfsety. If se, a ycur full Po*t-office addreaate i H MAGOM e E. 1L qrh Wl aSt uj. CmraU, Ohim.1 Thia mbiue 19,rm ibad.btbbaieova an a&. Demi write u"seelnmhavi th. cah. Mérsu CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION, on ...eun 1.VI4* CWICAOO NEwSPAFEE 93 Uoth Juif inmstne. -,* A.-Pimp1es Are tell-tale syptems that your bleod ib not rigzht-full of im- uritisiasx g cugih and unaightly complexion. A few botties of S. S. S. wil remeve all foeign and impure matter, cleanse the blood thoreughly and give a clear and rosy com- plexion. It is most effectuai, and entirely harmless. Chas. Heston, 73 Laurel Sit. Pila., sys-II have liaS for yearM a humer li my blocS wblci m.ne dread te &bave, a u aitll ser pmmplea wenld baceul tucaiinz shavhlng to e bà agu-ai nnoysace. Afier takimg ibis. bottIn cof fyace o la slcear ailS ameoti as ti shoiaid bue-appuilts -~ splendid, leip viii and fiel lik. ruanimg a foot race, &il fio * u.cih3. S. S. a