au or 'da' m open no «014 as fer et -W e. wr yr-W, 011/P AIM: TO FRAR COD,TrELL î77 éf UT14D MAKE MOIVÉ y.PRC,8ETSP O 't iJbertyvïlle, Lake CountY. Illinois, Friday, May 25. 1894. ionad a We reflni~e4Ign.hegod haKnigtof the Globe.. I EARL V. HARVEY, SUBCRIPTION TEAMBIW NS.@ .a*.. 6W 3i.4 Uakhot Where *mt8h lu ad "FOU"INTMy five rooinm ttt lWoteffltyo»4 tjus" iaiInlld e teilea FrmiO- t, «aoel llltary anid niao no nofieover the P. 0 O Iieeabi dvne....... 0 curch lit. Miùs. IDA IlAmpm î =14 e lo.rajust tid liW one Year, If Dot paid wIthin 53niontha,. ...U.Oo Ir, YCW ATD groci pov4r il' the Bfaire , besip -- oniw bcetakea &rom the uPiea.ed harp ou i' in acci a (Alne tiemeIfDat sdVtppagô madmthe ..f.. M.09ortpln0r. of our nation rather thau so rnuch best classes of <-itzen-Physlcaljy, Wra&Ou. d An btOmiA tcPtemd ttem« fet ik rsrnosý "*boodie" and lte unionlsm o! moaey. ISoIry Itlleull n Mril.e - îînolaeO. .1 e Ye..R. W. StaffordLbrîvje Thera le no use talk ,tg it le a vaste Ite objectii and aima are: tiUrae and money to keep grading 1.i Fraternal assistance and en4py. YS LAKE. LAKE ZURICH. 25. bti)e a good Ge those dlrt roads.' Aflar every rainmetM" Give us good roadq. C adelolýjs the ru upandbec mtuddy. 2. Sociial and intellectual advance- wlJu ee atetinn Straw lisas are out. women anmd chlldrento rwwds> teru padbcment. APPlY tù. C. A. Apploy,, Gravaile the only remedy-put ou a.Ctvaino Oeen«É rnsttrs noi.a Chgabewte.----- c tim coats oftfour or flve Inches, let i ut aina' bdeêetn u. ra'Jliletetter&. Eauiyiî: a Chngabl wawr h eUean ta rplash ~ d~ esty and Loydlty.' îi nUîr ie ay Advert4se _xur business. TFIE SCI 1'TLLO It sotlfantherepe ha nee .Military disciplfina and cultiva- Eaa 1ýn rvev the dantibt now loy abéfit lurth of July? Nt(10tem). ive tan('o have lheiene t.tion of patrîotîsm. odi0.* naW ra.Tework aLîberîpyllIe Liv 5ai tabnftbaben The developinent of chlvairous . 1-. e 50 Ray is tedyo o home, Sundav..A.-»i)peyLbetyji The ID "PEN E T office b s be manbod and Knightly Hon r.H. JQ kSil uJ~tz vg e o e ud ) S U A E I h v p awbrded lte contract for printing -fr for aN ta relatives and friande Cheris lnty tis year. PSUAE~îhv p SM0 copias <Waout 60 pages each) ot STRONG FEATURES. liu Xowa iseek.8ub lit once. Pasture adioining the Vil the preoalum lest for lte Lake County à J.. . ... ard, lte merchalit, Pl- entlleofwere Illul Pair. In thls sot the Agrieulturni O H K .M B ., - Lit len of ait ndgond odnu oP . ~~m;WhiesliY front Rockefeller to Pittgnlze lte new colored barber. 2-4 C A Aply Board have endorsad the kâb l Wity siould I Ineure in te Knlgbt, iiplace titis week. l2r9m2bsCpt li.a sork0f dcks sentiment of a large inajorlty outhebaof the Globe Mulual Benet asitWhemo cGerHepiteas it in trknof cndey. O SLE RRET.4s flair xlnded people la central and ]inZOrl.d buildinj. My property N western Lakte county front vhence 1 Because it Is a safe organîzatlon, Wednesday eveuir.g aI 8:30 at lte $now, wlnd sud bail etorma luet foiler. À good business cornes tha largest patronoge and sup -itavlng been organlzed under *6 midefic of 4?l bride's Parents, nemi week. Puis depot. Addrees Chs port of thte Fair. It le their determ- Ilteurance Lave of Illinois, lte mosl Rollins, occurred the marrlage 0f Doyorrrai..a hnu, udsae lbrtvlJ. Il ADOa-ad llltanjWbilmorebndnJsinndomye Li"Rerivd _1 40atlon to make l a batter show andi1goirous and exactlug of au>'intlu lfe il=Wit o vaan JM n le Kctct a greator auccestitis year titan ever UI0f3tat oruarend cane apieCas iedoT4ated i ros atee.LT9mo Hu.s wao ora. _______osesnd______0114iatei alfor sale cbespei u>aa to an>' purpose wbstever othar titan The bride vas attired iu broya .11k Mirs &Amenda. Eseker basgalle to hOU». ionaeonid ho built. ana ' Thte veailier ltaePil week knooke the payment of death tolssas. and caa-ried bMde roses. The cere. Chicago. gr'd terme. A pply -to 1Msx ou i upaio yte oldeat. 2 Because by kaaplng one inertuar>'Y vsprumd- YOd~~f. i~tve &Z nofwt tsegrna th'1da"iift Ni- ùtýià6. u Iol pald as seea as approved by the Publsber dayîln May~ for îyenty years, but l Board of Direetors. M= tua-ted eold Titureday atternoon.1 *~mau. Frlday Il blaw a terrlfflc gala froint 13 Beeause at lenet twetity days kýtellmeting of the norlh east, ail day and a hm notice Is gli-en of ail assesmrents, and M~ N. 742, G. A- trost froze lte ground, nlppad aU i an additiolnal notice of fifteen ditys le Rockefllr, Fa-Ida>' tender vagetallon and dld incalulable seat OuItat members falling ta Su PhZPoO f C'"m- damnage ta fruit. Cold blusterlng respond t e ie t. b -May80storne and iteavy ramn prevslled 4 Bacausa asciteacit appilcant for ézW omander. several days. Il bas flnally cleared mambership le a-qulred to pais a Me 0up sud va hope for more sessonable strict tinedîcal exarninallon, subject weather. -ta the approval of ltae ChIe! Medical The epulicn SnatoialCouen-Exainer and lte Board o! Managers.9 me tlflts t e pulcnaaora ona- 5 Becausa l Insures vomen, sud fl,-ala lth en- iloitbas bean cslled ta rnel t tWood- statistics prove titat voren aie 8 par udm aî utr- stock, Moaday, li> 2, '94. We an- cent, botter risigts han men, because . . dorse the folioving fron thte Harvard o! thelr better habits. Cocut>' Sup. Rerald: If 100h. low "as If Bru. ~BcueIsrebrbp eet Keelar, of the Belvidere Nortbvestern, 6 Ba-<~teugeel an berst aset leu vlth leter vould hateeunanîrnous ohole o!fbs h ie dfothens, ad tan eoshait 1>' printed w»d couat>' for meinher of tee legislature oarienou, ofand irt-cse woe a its v lés you eu trom tissenatarlal district. odofé te-hmr8â la insKal ii va a, i th".a."~si,.io . i .il R 7 Because the rates establlah.aI h iu orl YBý 'ORE. Pist you can get NDENT and the r hr Ocean both one ýeo After that date for-h tw îo will in- want both of these d wish 10 save 35 ecuring them, you to avil yourself of before the ist of owing ncigh- exceedingly ner that wIWêvIla the asmimeehth1 teZlw mmbers." We vii add ltaIt we, agre. vlth Bro. Keeler 'tiat it woüid be-toolish for the Republicans to rua titrea candidates. The Dento- crate are onot aleep. unor dlamayed- te> nover change, and It bas long beau demons«kwtd that you ca't kili off -<at Purt>'. The>' aven ezul Inu defeat. W. vouid sooner banit on me. Independent candidate balng elected. _______ Prom Wedaeeday's Inter Ocean ire Infer thal Lakte Couat>' stands a f air show of caplurlng lte coagresemati for lte t district wviîcilascomposed of Lakte and the uortb portion of Cook Coùuty lncludlug a few yards la Chicago. Tite ocean speaks ln higter raof lte csndidacy of R. W. Coon, editor o!f te Gazette, praîses bis work as state senstar and says he wîlI go liet the republican convention vllb lite aolld backlng o! the Lake county delegatlon, while Cook county bas man>' candidates each epposing te others and seeklng te capture lte plunt themeelves. We hope or county wili carry lte longesI pole and be able ta knock off te persim- mon. Y- Dr. KalgitI and Rot. C. A. Partrldgecean ses what they miss- ed by lacklng courage to make the rae. Bro. Coon bas a long head and is a sWewd poltiolan-to the brave belongs the vîclor>'. :P US? 09 NO! îaklng up. only stimulated to $Orne Great Bargains to offer sonable Goods, among Bicycle Caps at 30 to Shoes, $1.30 to $1.75. etraw and Wool. tnderson's Litttle Red Weodai Flour. -4,per lb. ters for the KawgltsoWtba(~gj alng, titus offerng speciali lduce- rnenls to Young and middle sied men. b Becausa Ils rates uf asseesmants are unifomu. A Young Man vho la- sures aI 22 years utae ansd paye 35 cents amsssinnts on $1000, viii noyer psy mafét ian 35 cents sitould ha Uva ta ha 100 yeams ot age. 9 Because lterearsae acoortinlug> no "classes" coustanl> jumping up oin -ite-rata o! aiseesmeals, io Bacauseanoue ara lnsured vituse occupation le bazardous. il Becanse o!flte peccular plan of Its organization, good iteaitit, gooti habits, youag blood sud firt-clase risks, lte number o! mortuar>' assees- mente vîli atiays be as 10v if net !ewer titan taI o! an>'alter fraternal assessment lasurance socielY. 12 Because o! Its belng coaflnied le lte iteathera part o!flte United States, the itealtita l intaend for 1f e instaraîlce; and lte Kaigits tee Globe Mqutatal Beneft Association luas lte cioiceqt terrltory almost tieie over. 13 In Eugland te average number of deaths encla yesr le ene eut e! eve-y 43 inlaabit.ants; lu France ome ouat of every 32; lin lie Unitedi States eue "out every 81. In lte United States lte rate In lte Gui! States le ene out of 63; Southeru States, oue lu 70; Middle States, ona lu 83 andi ite Norîhiresteru States, oeeina120. 14 Becausa il is composad e! persons vito have altaînedth ie Rankt e! Sir Kulgit Inl ltaeOrder o!fltae Kuightî o!flte Globe, or Ihair vives, widoirs, tinarried eiders sud daugit- tors, and membere o!fltae Daugtiters o! lte Globe. Trust? Nol Psy as You 00. Many of our cuelomers, vito vauld toI telik o! asklng ue 10 lendti Iem moue>', olen aek us le "book" a job, ual linklug ltaI va have ta psy cash for oua- stock sud cash leotur met every- Salua-day nigitt. Wa sitade our prices for job vea-k on a ver>' emali margin and fmd Il rnuch casier le callecl Cash On Deiivray, tiata1 get il prempl>'aftea- yard. If You viii net have Lte moaey 10 psy for lte job wran Il le done, please say os vitan you giva lte ordar; liaau ie viii uadaa-slsndeasci thier, et leaBt. OLP paperg juat thte thlng for pac- las on lte Panir>'aboires, aylng ider crpeta or for doiug up. pacit ,.sIo aw<,cheap at the OMM. or ~ L4*Vu. Y 1UuW, ive "Mss e « 0& « k nean4sî relatives and most intîmale frianide vero pKesaul. Mr. tad Mre. Wluitmo-a have laoss f friands sund ail join in wlabiuag tlaean rany yeara of happlîtees8. They wiilraside aI lite Wmitumore o oestead near Hatineeville. WAUCONDA. L. C. Price veut ta Cisicago tiret ut th e ei.' C. L. Pa-att snd MatI Clark veut ta Wauitegsn racentl>'. Miss Kittie Mille le home tram Cbicagofor a fou-days. Mr-. Voite b as beau cary iii 'a-th Vt.phid foyer le coiavalesciug. The lhv. Pierce andi Sre. Johnson veutt laMcilau-y a few ditys sine. Elihu Hiubbard, af Nunda, vas vlsiing-yWilh 1*,soai G. W., tia-ât o!flthe A. C. Stobeâpid wifae eneraaledj relties iat ~Mfrann>. ;îî, eeme day in Waucontia reeently. Lev 11111 ad sistea- Grace sudMiesa Lulu Oake itsrn-d frowt a veea riafit un Chticago ftruI o! the veoit., Mm sAndmavakv1loChimag Titurada>' for a tva v ' v"ieil vth ber dauglthea, Sire. S. J. ammonti. Bible agent Wyna spent Stands>' la WauConda. Ha le voriting lalte mIsa-est cf lte Sundsy 8Soiol union. CbIlltreu's day service@ viii ho haiti at lte M. E. citurcit; proparations a-e ail read>' begun ty lite Epwomth League. Roy.lPiaerce anti vifs lefI liera lest Salu-day for hie father's home lia lie southeru part o! 111. Tue>' mli ha abseuntititut ltrea e ees. AI mats thatu cosl-200 laIs fa-cia 25 cents up. Children'e la-mmimed complete for oui>' 65 cents. Stock viii be closed ot quick. Ma-s. E. ba3. 30-33 We sao a lsud bill recenil>'o! ait operi a l' p huit autouncati an euter- tiin u li given aIthe Oaklanîd Hall. lieseri nil seuils aI Fanon's Da-ug store. C;aiesï Ma-. F. uadtihe crowd for limaeouas pient>'o! amty 'seits aI ltae Oakland Ii al caulthe eveîaiîg menuiaaid GILMER. liev. Kai-teaî is alteaadiaîg coiifaretce li Cia icaigo. J. F. Clark wiii tarai iiii titis stale duaing the iaoiitli ot June fer lte ia-m o! Fairbanks, Moa-sa & Co. seiftitg vindwailis anad pumpe. IL. Gatabe, gratud-fatiiar of G. Pa-otit>' Jr., o! tiais place, died Metîdit>'att lis home tnar Flint Crekaita lte advancd age cf aigity> yeaa-s. Mi-S. Il. Morse in Company>' itll Miss Rose Allait, f Volo starleti for Vermont laveait mitwera lte viii spend.jia smtier w~ith relatives and fa-lande. Mas. Ollit Massniaitil, o! Lombard, sud Ma-s. %ViIi Sclairmatu, of Coviîug- ton, Ill.. are visiliîtg attII. Selivar- malt's it lile h litisubatnd8 arae atn- ng îlie LuthsautCoufaaencea lu Chicago. Hava you a friand or rotative b> viton you veuld like ta te held la pleaseal emembraaoe ever>' veaitfoi tite cemlng year? Malce that porzoq, P, praseat of a year's stibsoriptlon 50 lte INDEPMMElr. Look ai the a-ad tag ou yogi' pai>er. It shows lte date to a yitgen mb-- salption le pald. If you ove' Phue psy up sud vo vii tuznlh Ye« a bot- ber peper. Il rquirs moMusdg * o utbi"es leproduos a good -inu Pu«. Sunday. - tu bmg Ci Wna. Bicknu s eat present dnaliljg la boises. Thte filtes lina 0f Straw bals E. A. aI Pîckae. AI. R. Facke M'eut to Chicago, Waduesday. George Baker, of Fa-amont, cased in tovu, Moudav. Par lteeiteel machiatar>, cail]oi, Henry Lohminaît Jâmes Denlea, of liarringçOn, Was in lown Sunday. Fritz Fisier i e maodellng bis rms- dence aitete corners. Il wearalter quiet vitit Borae parties. afler lthe bail. Pumniture aI bard lime pricas at lthe Zurich furniture bouse.È B. . . xiite as put up a nevavuw- log %aa~~o s H. Kaedlng, o! Chticago, vielleti vite friands bore laut veai. Bill Kansalson bas ougag*d ta vote ou theeftanof Peter Mimait. Par oai) paper or magazine pubhlsbed lu lte vorld, exil ou AI. B. Pick.. Have& your wagons andi buggies paiuted t Ilte stop of J. C. Meyer. F. Kucitucit delivars te road planke tiisyear, lha baing lte iovesl bitder. Gig aud Ja>' are aI vomk itlciig tri in ltae big sieugit near te outltof o lte laite. Win. Ilillman and H1. Lobanan aI- teaded 1t uines attWankega titis week. Fred Ka-opp purcitased afne quariey of et prosperetîs agentl, Frank Schlnz. Hlenry Ilillniau'blieuse te now coin- pleleti sud lRank vilsoit lira oit Yard Aventue. Miss Lotisa Me3 er. accouapaniet b>' her taepltew, Fred, lias rettaruedta llulialey. D. F. Krutiger lias iectlved lis bockis, anud a.iti soca ctl tsseesyour paopety. Jake Waîaagara- ud Atîguel Waddel, o! Palatinte, irare ln urtaich, on business. Ait old citizeni, Ma-. Ga-uhitr, tiieti last Sulida>' aItuah residejîce of hie soit, naia-haie. Fresia autigond uteal I taeZuricht miaket ef Il. Shultz. Caili snd ha cottainced. Chicago cycliste have ruade us a-eall ou tai it eais, but sa), the roade ara A numbea- of Our y0unig people ex- peel to laite alte grantdbail aI Dia- initiLaite. Tr-amp& are lticit. Evea-> day bringa savaral tu oua- bacittdoro, begging for a bila 1u eat. Ma-s. E. C. Pagels anti son, taring, of Chicago, are visiling withu relatives at lte Zurich, tiieei. Il. Selp anti George Kintitri>' aI- leîîded the De tocraîtiecoîuivaatliui tat Liberty 'iile la uid., FrtIe rgo vii more f-u a tu Weston lte iee a-taa-tai irilcî Il le rutuoreti ha hougitt, lattai>. The parties vite vere ini sncb a rush ttakie down titeir stores last waeit, sot titan up again, anduti viiiti h tou previaus borea! Wr. There vili ho a fiag rastaatte. Cubasohool Saturday, Juis e . t. Sicko4s>, te tbsobu, IMMuea s edi invlUitaSc ooeand alltosfled@MAo IDM»u 1 vii be1.*touhdaO. fOR "ALE or vill TRADE A 15 Blocit> grey Mare 1400 ite, 'oue andi ail rlght. gooti voaker single or double, but tee iesvy for roa-vo.--0à Waneiia sledid roadste- veighlug abouit 1100 Ibs. No p lige. Cailet Lake Count>' Farm. FO 8LE OR EXCHAXG- Tr nov 8room boum", u1=_ furnishet Inlitity of W*ukopný 1, landi n Lakte county. WUIillMIlm '; cumbea-ance on landi. Alâo an eqqlB 't o! $800 for boa-sos, muet he gond h0ul, W ddoaW. G. Bita-oIt, 8m etmG ave., Waukegaa, fil. LOuIsE by BUIy Denton by HaMbletm" »e,% Dam--MSelio Tee b>' Alexander' Afr ý dallait; Sud dawt-Kate Crucitet Lulu 2:14J. AIso as 8-yeaHald -For sale or Excwoago .4pi W. tafford, Lmuortyvlle. CulYse Staekean ud 10 iae~etu uire, rua Ivo o s;a~Cag. Ha>' Pris. snd e itts1wý Englue sud Bolle-, ail]la pdý ordor. Liberai tersesmWWt - a parties on gaoîi «Mse apply tu lthe ovne4 -- Gurue., Ili., Cucunbrs'and On1on. Now is the lime to- con for Cucumbers, Pickles. PL. Stafford wiIl pay the highest=~ in cash. Contracts can be at at M. B. Colby & Cu's, Tri a Taylor's or F. C. Smntih& Cail on themat once, before 10W - 100 laIe. 21-3If Administrator'a Notice. Pueaac Novaccu ia hereby given thut the 1001: scribe,. Admintatrator of the Pitale of vW8111» B. Houghion decca8cd, wili attend the 00001W Court of Lake Cont> ut a term thereot t.t boiden uitthe Court Houffl lu WaukeoW.Msý;u said Cou nty. on the tirsi Monday of Ji finit. tIM4. when and where &au icrson ag- ci.uianî againît said Estate arc notificd anm le qucsted te prcetaut ihe -'c 10 tuaid Cours (la - adjudication. CLAHENCE N. Da-RAND. AduiuiBtrale. iraukealaxMay. -., lSm. 3. T oo bulltei Ocam onaTMa, Fms Until Julie 1, '94 everv subecribor tM lthe INDEPEN DENT catilhave lb. weekly Inter Oceaî sent free ta thuit adda-ess for cone yeaa-, If they visi t 1< Iel' w? pi>' gel you- leigihbor, - wlu is not nov a subc-ibe-, to a bad gem $1.50 for a yaa-s subecription to paper aud va viii gave you the.Iu Oceaafree for oee eai 10 o Oh yona- trouble, I111e eas§y. Trv IM ' Hcw a Chicago man wasb Cur*d*ýZ.. Rhuumatlsm. Ma-. John 11.11l'of 9235 CoMMerbè- j Ave., Chicago, uieM vîith a serla accident for v"ale h ued Chaîu«- latla Pain Balrelv.wlth lthe results. "But nov," siys Mr. * ",cores lthe hast parI of My stoe.' For many> years 1 bava basa qultie à suffarer tromriteumalisin, vite aiMr. neu o!flthejointe. Since lthe aspplls*- lionà o!f(haîuberlian's Pain BaIn, .1*.1 symptoma o! rieumnatisut hava d1. psared; lit tact 1 beieve that it 1 banishei evemy trace of mi cumtdW trot aMy systein." For sala b>'fj. a Lôýel1, Lbertyville and L. S. Pe*a0'>. Waucflada. Judîclous Advertd~- .~ j - 7:00 a 7:-50 s - jeS 8:60su 8:67 suà 9-12,mu 0.86 0:80i ?e,